3630 Elrene Rd - Certificate of Occupancyp ; r? (gtr#if ira#t nf (Orrupanry ' ?Citp ?:; .?agan iprpwftett# n# smaing jwrrtiau nis Cern'ficate issued pursuaw to tlre requirements of SectioR 306 of the Urliform Building Code cenifyrng tlrat a1 the time of rssuance this smrcture was in co?npliance with 1he various ordinances of tlre Cr1y regulating building consiruclion or use. For the following: use cksawmuon SE' DWG/GAR ?. re?t rb. 18371 R ? ?? t?1EST P[J?.ISEIING ? ?Aftm 3773 HIdY. 19, E,AClV EUPlE $= ?? L, , WFST PUffi.I3? gl 3630 4/ 10/91 C POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PU1CE ??? ? ?