3247 Evergreen Dr - Certificate of Occupancy(Iextifirtt#e vf MrrupttnrB
(Citp uf (Eagan
-: Erpttrfmrnl rrf Building -huprrfinn _
7bir Catifiratc iraueA punrutnt to the requirrnuntl of Sertiars 306 of the Uniform Bailding
Code mtifying that at the timr n/ ircun+ur tbir ctrrutan wai in complianrr with the variout
ordinanrar o f the Cuy rrgu/oting building roititrunior+ or uii: For the fo!lowrng: =_-
?pcw",.,om " 1 of 6 Plex ?a4e??NO 8338
ouaw?7YaR3-7Ywc?uon V rmzo? NA z?rewtna R3 0,,,,,.fii.o4?, Brutge omnanies A? One Sunwood Dr, St_ Cloud
i ? By
?offl" w,,: November 28. 1983 °