1384 Interlachen Dr - Certificate of Occupancyp_ ? • ? (Itr#if iratit uf COrruvttnry titp of tEagan Drpgrtmmt af lu'ciamg Jnoprriion This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniforni Building Code certifytrtg Chal at tJte time of rssuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordirrurrces of the Ciiy regulating building carstruction or use. For the fo!lowing: Use Classifimoon Oocupancy Type 17895 Bldg. Fermit Ko. -?N HE1CH.5 OwntrofBuildingr?? A&Irm -.•.•.••• •••• ,•??•• ••?-a -..-- ---- Bwldio6 Addre$ 1384 MM.1qM DtIVE L 1, Bk, FAIlZWAY HIII.S 2M , Detr AUQIST 23, 1990 euflai?8 officiai" POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE