11/09/2010 - City Council SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2010 5:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA D II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD 1, I III. CANVAS BALLOTS - NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS V• 3 IV. FOLLOW UP ON ASSESSMENT OPTIONS FOR LAKEWOOD HILLS TRUNK WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. ADJOURN Agenda Information Memo November 9, 2010, Eagan City Council Meeting III. CANVAS BALLOTS — NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: FACTS: To certify the results of the November 2, 2010 Municipal Election (City of Eagan Offices). • Minnesota Statute 205.185 subd. 3 now states that between the third and tenth days after an election, the governing body of the city shall act as the canvassing board. • The previous law stated that the canvassing of ballots must have occurred within seven days after the election. ATTACHMENTS: • Enclosed on page is a copy of the results for the Mayor and City Council elections broken down by precinct and by election day and absentee voters. Total ballots cast is the total of election day and absentee voters. Note: This same information along with results of other races broken down in the same manner is included with the Friday, November 5, 2010 Additional Information memo. 1 UN ii MI UN UN N 0) 0 O CO m N 0) N Zir M O) 0 P r O tro 0) 0 N 0 h 0 • C N N N N M W N 0) N CI O CO N 0 N 0) N a M 0) 0) N v m r 0 OD 0) h Q 0 N 0 N CO CO r r LO ( 0) ( CO CO CO co co 0 CO CV n 0) 0 m M • 1- (0 0) 0) CI 0) CI CO 0 O Q Y N OD N a) W a) 0 0 N m N n • N < 0) r ac CD 0) 0) O N 0) 0- C CO 0) CO CO CO 01 u ) m O r ( (0 0 N N 0) m N v 0 r cos N m r 03 r 0 r 0 ti o 0 N m CO O N 0 m m O co m 0 A 0 N 04 0 N N N 0) 04 W O CO O LO N 0) (f) ( 04 N N CO R 0 ( N N O CO CO ( N CI N LO 0 N CO 0 04 CO m M 0) W 3 re m r w 0 I0 0) co I0 N N 04 N 0 0) N N CO CI 0 N N 0 OD N Oa N N 0) 0 co Vt r CV O (0 a N t- o N M CD f+ r- 01 0 LO 0 m m (0 (0 C 0 ) 0 co N )) 40 N 04 N CO CO N LO LO CV 0 m M a /0 04 N 0 0 N N 0 M N N 0) N (0 co co co N CO N M 0) 3 O 0) 0 co CO R 0 M 0) r CO r cn 0 0 A V 0) CO ( 0 0 ((0 Co CO ( r— YS LO LO 0 m CV 0 0) ) CI Y co CO U) I — o » H > 4! N W CO CO r O CO m a N r 0) M 0) 0 N 0 CO CI 0) 0 N r 0 N CO 04 0 0) 0 0 0 ) 1-- CO N 0 CO m m 0 CO r t0 N 0) N 0) CO O 0 0 m CI N- 00 OD r N 0) ( 0) 0) N N 0 0 04 0) 0) 0 r 1-- 0 0) 0 M O N r 0) m m N 0) m CO O N ( r 0) N 0 0 0 N O N r r CO 03 0) O I0 N co co 0) 0) CO 0) O C r M M N N co n 0 m OD m m CD CO CO CD co 0 N N co m 0 N 0 0) N N N N Or 0- 0- CO O LL) 0 N 0) 0 m O O CO O O LO CD CI to CD CD 0) CO to cn LO CI CO OA co CI CO CI CO CD co co co CO CO Special Council Workshop Agenda Memo November 9, 2010 IV. LAKEWOOD HILLS TRUNK AREA WATERMAIN ASSESSMENT OPTIONS DIRECTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Review the response to the Conservation Easement option and survey results and provide direction for further considerations, if any. FACTS: • At the September 4, 2010 Council Workshop, the Council reviewed the current special assessment policy and its application to the Cliff Rd Trunk Watermain project ( #1033) in response to concerns raised by the affected properties. After input from several property owners, the Council discussed various options, one of which was the possibility of modifying the current policy to provide area credits for the dedication of conservation easements, if there was an interest by the property owners. • The Council directed staff to calculate what the maximum area could be dedicated as a conservation easement for each parcel and then solicit feedback from the property owner to gauge their level of interest. • A survey was sent to every property owner for each parcel included in the preliminary assessment role. There are a total of 40 parcels owned by 28 separate property owners. Each survey solicitation included: o An aerial photo of their property showing the maximum potential area for dedication of a conservation easement as well as any ponding easement opportunities. o A sample easement dedication document showing what use restrictions are associated with a conservation easement. o A typical identification sign post that would be installed on the property, and o A simple 4 question survey of potential interest. • Of the 40 parcel notices mailed out to the 30 property owners, only 13 property owners (43 %) representing 18 parcels replied, with only one expressing an interest in dedicating a conservation easement (and only for a much smaller area to be determined so as not to infringe on her potential to subdivide and develop her property). Special Council Workshop Agenda Memo November 9, 2010 • There are other options that are in the current policy that could be considered for trunk area assessments on larger platted properties. The fee schedule states that the 2010 rate for trunk area water main oversizing assessments for single family properties are $2,770 /acre OR $1,325 /platted lot. Project 1033 proposed assessments at the per acre rate (with ponding credits applied). Of the 40 total parcels to be assessed, 31 properties are recorded platted lots within one of the following subdivisions: o Lakewood Hills (19 lots) o Rockwood's Woods Add (3 lots) o Lakewood Hills 2 " (2 lots) o Wilderness Retreat (1 lot) o Acorn Pond Addition (3 lots) o Noreen Addition (3 lots) and another 9 parcels are unplatted. Some of the platted lots are much larger than the typical single family platted lot and have the ability to further subdivide. Others are representative of typical single family property with frontages less than 150'. One of the tenants of special assessment law requires that all similar property be assessed similarly; hence the justification of using the area method. • Also, the Council could consider retroactively applying the same area credits (i.e. ponding areas without easements) from earlier assessment projects that are no longer provided for under the current policy. ATTACHMENTS • • • Letter with Survey to property owners, pa Sample Conservation Easement, pages' Easement boundary sign, page ) 0 • Survey response summary with comments • Sample aerial property surveys, pages es S through 1 7 through q . pages « through 7 though Page 2 of 2 October 15, 2010 Nor Re: Proj 1033 - Cliff Rd. Trunk Watermain (Trunk Area Assessments) - Survey of interest in possible Conservation Easement Credits Dear As you may recall from earlier communications and construction activity that is beginning to occur, the City Council approved Project 1033 on August 2 providing for the installation of a trunk watermain along Cliff Rd from Lexington Ave to Dodd Rd. As part of the project, your property is proposed to have a Trunk Area Assessment levied against it based on a rate of $2,770 /acre over your "net" assessable area. The net assessable area excludes all public right of way and dedicated ponding easements. Even though many properties may have ponds or wetlands, only those that are encumbered by a dedicated ponding/utility easement of record can be excluded from the assessment calculations. At the August 2 Public Hearing, several property owners expressed concerns regarding the proposed special assessments. The City Council acknowledged the property owners concerns and stated their interest to look further into options regarding special assessment policies for consideration with the Final Assessment Hearing scheduled for next summer. As a follow up to that commitment, the Council reviewed and discussed at their September 14 evening workshop the City's Special Assessment Policy for trunk area assessments and possible modifications that might be applied. One option that the Council discussed for possible consideration was to provide all property owners an opportunity to dedicate and convey a Conservation Easement over some portion of their property which would then be recognized as an eligible credit against the area based assessments. They directed staff to calculate the maximum area that could be incorporated into a conservation easement for each lot (excluding existing structures and driveways, of course). A graphic of your property with the various easement areas identified are enclosed with this letter. Please note that the green shaded area represents a concept of the "maximum" area that could possibly be dedicated as a Conservation Easement. Reducing this area or confining it to a certain location/configuration is an option for your consideration. Staff would be happy to work with you on defining the boundaries and location of any easement area that you might consider acceptable. Also enclosed is a copy of the typical sign that would be installed on your property to designate the easement boundaries. A Conservation Easement is a mechanism that allows a legally described area to be preserved in its current condition. It restricts certain uses and future improvements to help maintain its present character. I have also enclosed a standard template of this Easement document for your information. In addition to Conservation Easements, if your property incorporates a water body (lake, pond or wetland) that is part of the City's adopted Storm Drainage Plan but where a ponding easement has not been dedicated, you also have the opportunity to dedicate a Ponding & Utility Easement and receive an additional area credit against your assessments. The City Council would like to hear back from you regarding your potential interest in dedicating either a Conservation Easement or a Ponding Utility Easement (if applicable) in consideration of reducing your assessment obligation. We have enclosed a survey /comment form along with a self addressed stamped envelope for your requested response to be postmarked no later than October 29. The results of all responses will then be forwarded to the City Council for further consideration on how to respond to your assessment concerns. Thank you for taking the time to work with us on this matter. Sincerely, Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works Enc: Graphic of property and easements Sample Conservation Easement Form Easement sign CONSERVATION EASEMENT SURVEY RESPONSE Property Owner name(s): Property Owner Address: Property Identification Number (12 digit #): 10- 1. Are you interested in dedicating a Conservation Easement to the City of Eagan to reduce your assessable area? YES NO If YES, how much would you like to dedicate? The maximum amount Some smaller amount (please return the sketch with the approximate area identified) 2. Does your property have a lake, pond or wetland shown on the sketch as a "Proposed Pond Easement "? YES NO If YES, are you interested in dedicating this area as a Ponding and Utility Easement to the City of Eagan to reduce your assessable area? YES NO If you answered YES to either #1 or #2, please fill out the following contact information for ease in follow up communications. Contact Information: Telephone E -Mail NOTE: This is just a solicitation of interest. The results will be presented to the City Council at their November 9, 2010 workshop to see if there is interest and /or merit in amending the current Special Assessment Policy to allow for the dedication of Conservation Easements as a credit against the assessable area for your Trunk Area Watermain Assessment. If the concept is approved, staff will be in contact with those who have expressed an interest and will work with them in preparing and executing the appropriate documents. Thank you for your cooperation and response. 7 CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ( "Agreement ") is made this day of 2010, by , a (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Landowner "), in favor of the City of Eagan, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "City "). WITNESSETH: That the Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent conservation easement for the purpose of preserving and protecting the natural character of the easement area, over and across all of _(property's legal description)_, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to -wit: [LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREA] (hereinafter the "Easement Area "). See also Exhibit "A" (graphic of easement area) attached hereto and incorporated herein. CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS. Once Landowner has completed the necessary grading and planting of approved materials within the Easement Area, the Landowner, for itself, and its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that it shall not itself perform nor shall it give permission to any third party to perform any of the following activities within the Easement Area: A. Constructing, installing, storing or maintaining anything made by man, including but not limited to, buildings, structures, fences, walkways, clothes line poles, fire pits, patios and playground equipment; B. Parking of vehicles; C. Planting of gardens, trees, shrubs, bushes or other landscaping vegetation; D. Storage of firewood; or E. Clear- cutting or removal of native vegetation or trees; except the permitted activities listed as items 1, 2, 3 and 4 below. The Landowner, for itself and its successors and assigns, further covenants and agrees that the Easement Area shall be continued in its present condition, save and except as may be required to: 1. Control, manage and eliminate noxious weeds and prohibited invasive species. "Noxious Weeds," both "primary" and "secondary" as defined, adopted and listed by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District shall be removed, but only in accordance with recommended and accepted control methods. Vegetation that is considered to be a nuisance (e.g., overhanging, damaged or dead limbs or vegetation protruding through fences), or presents a real or potential hazard to personal property, may be trimmed in accordance with accepted standards; 2. Allow the City to use and exercise its easement rights to that portion of the Easement Area that may be encumbered by a drainage and utility easement; or 3. Allow any federal, state or local government agency, other than the Landowner, which may have jurisdiction over the Easement Area to enforce any rule, ordinance, statute or regulation. Landowner, its successors and assigns does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is the Landowner of the premises aforesaid and has good right to grant and convey the Conservation Easement to the City. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 2010, by , the of , a , on behalf of the APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney's Office Dated: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Works Department Dated: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432 -3136 (Easement No. ) By: Its: 9 Notary Public ED Conservation Easement Protected Environment No Alterations or Installations Permitted City of Eapil Ink \I Comments Portion to be determined at later time. This is NO solution. I am not sure my bank would even allow this. Its the same as selling my land for $1. Also, why is the pump easement not already factored in on my assessment? Does property have a "Proposed Pond Easement "? If YES, are you interested in dedicating this area to reduce assessable area? S3A ON x x x w r x x x 0 Z x x x Interested in dedicating a Conservation Easement to reduce assessable area? vi t' >_ o 4- a" E — co x c „I mxo E E c x Contact Information 651 -456 -0600 Pjabraham48@ gmail.com . 1 • . -I.Is Pjabraham48@ gmail.com 520 - 378 -2427 cell: 651 - 238 -6055 millicentmay @live. com 612 - 963 -9807 Mark_Peterson @Me.com OId T00Z000STS0T , SOT0009Z00T 100260001355 100260001455 9S0T0009Z00T T00£OOOSTSOT TOOTOOSZ0T0T TOOZOOSZ0T0T T00£OOSZOTOT TSOT0009ZOOT L TSOZ0009ZOOT T00T000STS0T ES0T0009Z00T L ESOZ0009ZOOT PROPERTY AND OWNER ADDRESS 1031 Cliff Road 1 995 Cliff Road 985 Cliff Road 985 Cliff Road 975 Cliff Road 1027 Cliff Road 965 Cliff Road 955 Cliff Road 925 Cliff Road 1055 Cliff Road 1055 Cliff Road peo)i SEOT 1007 Cliff Road 1015 Cliff Road PROPERTY OWNER James S. & Harriet J. Noreen Nancy L. Sweet Jo Ellen Abraham TSTE Jo Ellen Abraham TSTE Millicent M. Johnson Mark & Tonya Peterson Cortney White Margaret Lashmett Krypel Vladislav & Liliya Gokhberg Frank Q. Nuttall !Frank Q. & Barbara L.Nuttall Diane M. & Michael C. Chappuis 'Roger A. & Judith A Urban Harlan J. & Mary Doebber H Z W W tn a W 0 Z U1 0 Q W Z 0 11 Cliff Road Properties Comments Letter Attached 1 In my file for 896 Lakewood Hills Rd is a Utility Easement signed 11/24/86. Is that enough to save me the $ or do I need to sign another one? Does property have a "Proposed Pond Easement "? If YES, are you interested in dedicating this area to reduce assessable area? "A :weld X r ON X jUel4 x x x w x x x x x O z x x X x x x x Interested in dedicating a Conservation Easement to reduce assessable area? vi C >-` o N E — 10 ii c }W. m o — E E " m 0 z X x x X X x X x X X x X 651 -454 -7035 651 -454 -6521 651 -454 -6521 TZS9 651 -454 -8859 Boblane.lanesales @g mail.com UId 104435012000 104435011000 000TOOSE17170T 104435013000 0001700SEI*OT 00001OSEM'OT 104435014000 104435004100 000SOOS£tbOT 000600S£btOT 104435016000 000900SEM70I OOSS000£1780T 104435019000 0000ZOS£b7OT OOLS000£b80T 104435102001 104435101001 000LOOS£tI'OT 104435008100 104435018000 104435015100 104435017000 TOOTOOOSb90T 106450002101 106450002201 PROPERTY AND OWNER ADDRESS 870 Lakewood Hills Rd 888 Lakewood Hills Rd 865 Lakewood Hills Rd 865 Lakewood Hills Rd 1 885 Lakewood Hills Rd 894 Lakewood Hills Rd 894 Lakewood Hills Rd 1 894 Lakewood Hills Rd 896 Lakewood Hills Rd 896 Lakewood Hills Rd 878 Lakewood Hills Rd 915 Lakewood Hills Rd 935 Lakewood Hills Rd 904 Lakewood Hills Rd 906 Lakewood Hills Rd 906 Lakewood Hills Rd �10 Lakewood Hills Rd 912 Lakewood Hills Rd 901 Lakewood Hills Rd 901 Lakewood Hills Rd 890 Lakewood Hills Rd 874 Lakewood Hills Rd 882 Lakewood Hills Rd 859 Lakewood Hills Rd 861 Lakewood Hills Rd 861 Lakewood Hills Rd PROPERTY OWNER Elizabeth Undis L sll!M pitolll 'Gustav & Audrey Degler 1 'Gustav & Audrey Degler Robert Giefer Russell & Lois Agrimson 'Russell & Lois Agrimson 'Russell & Lois Agrimson Robert Lane auel el-ej �8 �ago2i' Mlcnael Kennon & Peggy Korsmo- Kennon 'Thomas & Gwen Hanlon Thomas Stienmueller yoew9 eo!ssaC 11441 'Keith & Elsie Olsen uas10 a!s13'9 44!a>1 l 'Donald & Patricia Oehrlein 1 'Phillips Family Trust 'Barbara Thies 'Barbara Thies 'Ronald & Diane Pavlak 1 3odi & Barton Ikens 'William Freeman 'Scott Rockwood 'Jane Rockwood 'Jane Rockwood October 28th, 2010 Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works, City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 -1897 Dear Mr. Colbert, Sincerely, Elizabeth . (Bette) K. Undis Re: PID 1044350129`EIVED QCT 2 9 2010 EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I would like to thank Mayor Maguire, the City Council and Staff, for the opportunity to express my concerns and to address the issue of Cliff Road Trunk Watermain Assessment. Specifically, I wish express my gratitude to Russ Matthys, who attended our Lakewood Hills Homeowners Association meeting and answered all our questions. ' I have carefully studied the material handed out at the public hearing and the material sent me. At this time, I am not interested in providing the city with a Conservation Easement for the following reasons: a. My lot is one of the smallest in the Lakewood Hills Addition. Part of the private road into my property would be on the proposed easement area. The main electric box for my all electric home also sits on the proposed easement, as does part of the drainage field for my septic system. b. A cement celtic cross, designed and built by a deceased friend, is on the proposed assessment area. c. Over the 37 years I have owned the property, many trees have been lost to oak wilt and dutch elm disease. I have responsibly removed the diseased trees and planted trees to replace those lost. Many of the new trees are now mature and shade my home. Since many of them are close to my home, I need to periodically trim them back to protect the house. I am slowly removing the buck thorn bushes. d. I believe the land and trees need to by actively managed to maintain the health of the area and the conservation restrictions would not allow for this management. e. Finally, I believe I have been a good steward of this wild area. The deer sleep in my back yard, wild birds feed at my feeder, wild turkeys daily visit and recently we have seen a pair of bald eagles flying low over the area. Though the decision on the special assessment will not be made until next spring, if I had to make a decision now, I would be inclined to contest the assessment. There is no benefit or increased value to my property and connecting to this water main would be prohibitive. If there was a fire, my property is still too far away from the hydrant and water would have to be trucked in. As stated in the Project 1033 Cliff Rd Trunk Watermain Special Assessment Options, dated August 1, 2010, "The amount of the special assessment cannot exceed the increase in value to the property." It also states, "the projects benefit or property owner's obligation can also be postponed until the time the connection." Please take this into consideration when setting the assessment. Legend miff Conservation Easement Area Mar 10,941 Sq. Ft. Parcel 0.44 Acres Building Pad Area - 8,357 Sq. Ft. Lakewood Hills Area Conservation Easement Illustration 0 870 Lakewood Hills Rd /2 / io444. 35 50 100 200 Fe Lakewood Hills Area Conservation Easement Illustration 0 1015 Cliff Rd o .1(0 DD JD 5:3 65 130 CLIpp fi3O40 yz Existing D & U Easement 55,054 Sq. Ft. Conservation Easement Area 74,740 Sq. Ft. Parcel 3.14 Acres Building Pad Area 10,310 Sq Ft rIfff Driveway Area 7,096 Sq. Ft. 1.16M2M17=12131116611Er 260 Feet Conservation Easement Area 27,229 Sq.Ft. Parcel 3.97 Acres Proposed Pond Easement 61,998 Sq.Ft. Lakewood Hills Area • Conservation Easement Illustration 104435004100 0 50 100 Lakewood Hills Area Conservation Easement Illustration 975 Cliff Rd ooabDOO 260 Feet /7 Conservation Easement Area 400,937 Sq. Ft. Parcel 9.94 Acres Building Pad Area 12,220 Sq. Ft. Driveway Area 6,806 Sq. Ft.