06/14/2010 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved July 19, 2010 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 14, 2010. Commission Members present: Rebecca Aanning, Phil Belfiori, Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson and Michael Palmer. Staff members present included Director, Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations, Cherryl Mesko; Recreation Program Manager, Paula Nowariak and Recreation Supervisor, Loudi Rivamonte. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Palmer moved, Member Dahlquist seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. There were no visitors to be heard. ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ,JUNE 14, 2010 MINUTES OF' MAY 17 Member Belfiori moved, Member Aanning seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of May 17, 2010. VISITORS TO BE HEARD DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson stated that today was the first day out of school for a lot of kids. Most of our summer programs started today including SIP (Summer In the Park) which kicked off in the rain but kids were still out having a great time in the parks. Cascade Bay is opened even though chilly. We will laugh when we watch the rebroadcast of this meeting remembering how cold it was these first couple of days and then we hit a heat wave for the rest of the summer Director Johnson reviewed some of the upcoming events this summer including the numerous inquiries on the Farmer's Market. Market Fest runs every Wednesday from June 30 — September 15, the Eagan Art Festival, which will be on Saturday, June 26 & Sunday, June 27 and the Eagan July 4 Fun Fest. For the viewing audience, Director Johnson stated that earlier in the evening the Commission Members had a chance to tour the Civic Arena and Cascade Bay. The Civic Arena project which is a new geo- thermal heating system is nearing completion and we will have ice on both sheets by the middle of July which is right on schedule. This three million dollar project has taken about three months and has included considerable amount of federal funding so we were able to spend that stimulus money as quickly as they wanted us to and make the project happen. The other thing happening is at Cascade Bay. We are installing a middle feature on our two drop slides. It will be fun and exciting, but Director Johnson was not able to tell what it is. The feature will be unveiled Thursday, June 24 and will change the entire look of Cascade Bay. On the Parks side, we are mowing like crazy especially with the rain and spring weather but they are able to keep up with that. The other project that Parks and Forestry staff is working on is Emerald Ash Bore. We have not found Emerald Ash Bore in Eagan, however, Forestry staff is working in anticipation of the spread of that insect so they are continuing the process of proactive treatment of ash trees located within open areas of the parks and parks landscape and they have also taken out a lot of high -risk ash trees and treating a number of others. So we are hitting this full force as best we can through Eagan. We won't know more until there is confirmation that it has spread a little bit further. But we are working towards it. Director Johnson mentioned that it is wedding season at the Eagan Community Center with three to four weddings a weekend often times outdoor ceremonies. During the days we have a lot of corporate meetings happening. It is a very busy facility. If you would like to come inside to exercise, we have a 90 day, $90 fitness pass going on during the summer It used to be a student pass only available to students home for the summer but now it is available to everyone. The puppet Advisory Parks Commission June 14, 2010 Page 2 wagon is a free event geared towards preschoolers that happens every week and travels to 7 different parks so you can look at the City of Eagan's website for locations near you. Director Johnson congratulated two staff members, Loudi Rivamonte and Lauren Whitaker who were awarded the Apple Award from the Dakota County Educators for their work in the after - school program at Dakota Hills Middle School. This is a program that uses CDBG funding to help low income individuals. CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda Items for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business Items for the Commission to review. NEW BU SINESS There were no New Business Items for the Commission to review. OTHER BUSINESS ;AND REPORTS Partner Group — July 4 Funfest Update Recreation Program Manager, Paula Nowariak introduced Ken Cooke who is one of the Funfest Directors. Ken, gave the History, Mission, Volunteer & Sponsorship behind the non - profit, multi -day celebration. Ken gave a rundown of the schedule of events and stated by buying a $2.00 button/coupon book that you will be supporting local businesses that help support the Eagan Funfest. Partner Group — Eagan Senior Advisory Board Recreation Program Manager, Loudi Rivamonte introduced Marilyn Dvorak who chairs the 7 personnel Advisory Board Members which helps to serve Eagan's 55 Plus /Senior community. Marilyn started by thanking the Parks & Recreation staff for all their help and the Eagan Community Center staff who sets up the Lone Oak Room per their needs. She continued telling Commission Members about weekly activities in the Lone Oak Room and Health & Wellness programs for 55 Plus /Seniors. Marilyn mentioned a few featured events such as the Volunteer Gala, Chili/Soup Cook -off, AARP Tax Preparation, and the Senior Expo. Director Johnson thanked the Senior Advisory Board for all that they give back to Parks & Recreation programs. COIMUNICATIONS Director Johnson stated that a letter was sent to Eagan Parks & Recreation thanking us for the Holz Farm Open House on May 16. ABLE Commission Member, Michael Palmer complimented Parks Maintenance staff on the great job they are doing on soccer and softball fields. Advisory Parks Commission June 14, 2010 Page 3 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Dahlquist moved, Member Palmer seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.