1602 Norwood Cir - No Show LtrMike Maguire Mayor Pau] Bakken Cyndee Fields Gary Hansen Meg Tilley Council Members Thomas Hedges City Administrator Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 -1810 651 675.5000 phone 651.675 5012 fax 651 454 8535 TDD Maintenance Facility 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651 675 5300 phone 651 675 5360 fax 651 454.8535 TDD The Lone Oak Tree The symbol of strength and growth in our community City of Evan NOTICE: Need to Reschedule Inspection Appt. Nicole Rosenberg 1602 Norwood Circle Eagan MN 55123 City of Eagan Public Works Department November 10, 2010 Sorry that we missed you! We stopped at your property at your scheduled time to perform an inspection of your sewer service under the City's Inflow and Inspection Program (I /1). However, no one was available to let us in or be present during the inspection We may have also left a door hanger requesting that you reschedule your appointment for another convenient time.. To schedule an appointment Contact SEH by phone at: 651 -470 -2788, or by e-mail at: tvannote @sehinc.com If you have already rescheduled your appointment by the time you receive this letter, thank you for your cooperation in working with our City representatives to complete this very important environmental management program. These inspections are necessary to find and eliminate the sources of these excessive storm water and ground water flows into the sewer system as mandated to Eagan by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES). Thank you for your continued cooperation and environmental stewardship www.cityofeagan.com