1486 Lake Park Cir - Certificate of Occupancy. ; . .0 O x 0.1tr#ifira#t nf (Or-rupanry 4Citp of (gagatt lopmh'ttpid of W1tnim lmwPi`ttDtr This Certifrcate issued pursuasnt to 1/re requirements of Section 306 of the Unifonx BuildiRg Code cei7ilYin8 tl4at at the time of issuance thirs7rtrcture wns in compliance wrth 1he warious ondinances ojthe City regulating building conslruction or use For the foUowing. ue Cbssffimfm SF DWG/GAR eiag. tamu rm 19960 OXW-W-7 7Ya- J. 'agD? "t?T$'A'VWlKlt1?- l"KJ{.! J.?V%.111Y\ LiC" ? L?v? s+?? uwaari ri?'"" 4 [,onjj(y / - ? , .,.!" a/614 f POST IN A OONSPlCUOUS PLACE