1489 Lake Park Cir - Certificate of Occupancy (ter#Mra#e of (Or.cuparcry Citp of Cagan Bpprhuitf d W11t[I-M. jawttWtt 7his CutiJccate issuedpursuant m[he rrquinanexu ojSeclion 306 ojthe Uniform Building Cale Ga•[ifyingthat at 1he [inte of issuanae lhiss&uctune was in compliance witlt !!re various ordinarwrs of rhe Cit}' negula[W9 buildin conmruclion or ust For the jo!lowin,g: ux a.aroaeod SF DW/GAR eA-, Pemi R. 19662 o-V.,7 Type R3/MI ZagDbwd RI T",C.K, VN ,. o.,Wore.jcrq i.TFF'SS'rfF. wWS 7'N[' A4d= 1195 SP(YNBIi?. ' Bacfwg.Addma 14$9 IARF, PAidK CM.E L=rq L 1. B 1. IlHM LANE , ? % 12/3 ? ! I , Budding official POST IN A CANSPICi10US PUCE ,