4558 Lake Park Ct - Certificate of Occupancy?rrti#irtttr nf (Orrupttnry
Citp of eagan
39rpttrhnrnt of Builaing -%sprrlimi
Tbu Certi ficatt irtucd purraant to the nqraremrntt of Sation 3U6 of the Uniform Building
Codt «rtifping thae at the iimc nf istrranrt tbit n+utturc wat in tompliance wirh the vanoar
ordinanas of the City ngudating baiilding rmutru[tion or ute. For eix following:
uwcwdr?m SF DWG/GAR 8509
OwnwnTra R-3 Tyacm?ew Vn z NA uft ? R-1
a,,,(&wdU6J.E. 4 Irma ParrantQâ. 1734 Colvin Avenue, St.
&?Mft)?_4558 Lake Park Ct. L,wity Lot 5, B3.2, Lake Park Sh
- Bwwnor? December 9, 1983
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