874 Lakewood Hills Rd N - Perc TestPE. EST ? _ Prepared for; Helen Undis . ??? ? ???-? ?? ?/ Prepared by; Gary Staber D_?? ate; April 25, 1997 s5F7 ?s- ???? PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET Percola;ion test readinzs made b? Z?'?? n /, o ? m o `? -zlj -`I'' % sranin? ar p m - ? S• L????s /-? ?1 ,m,., ? 9 .;: _ Test hole loca[ion Q 7 lymole number , Dare hole was prepared ?^ ? • Depth of hole bottom /---- Inches, Diameter of hole (0 inches 5oi1 data from tes[ hole: Depth,inch:s Soil texture Method of scratchine sidewail Z'? Depth ef eravel in borom of hole -'?_ "jnches Date and hour of initiai water fillina -?-3 , De th of init;al wate,- fillino inches above hole bottom Method used to maintzin a: least 12 inches oi water depth in hole for at ]e2st 4 hours , A4aximum water depth above hole bonom during tes, inchL Time Time interval, minutes Measurement, inches Drop in water level,inches , Percolation rate, minutes per inch Remuks ?` Y I?M. I I I• I? I\ ?? ? `. . ? Percolation race = ? ? *ninutes per inch. , ? ? I PERCOLATION'TESI' DATA SHEET Perce;z:ion iest rezcinc<_ m2de b% ctaninz at_? l?? ------- : Tesc hole ]ocation X 74 S /-41lPlole number P'?''? , Dace hole wzs prepa:e - ? ?. Depth of hole bottom ??- inches, Dizmeter of hole ? inches -.- - ? _ Soil datz from iecl hole: Depth, inches Soi1 texmre - - - -._Method of scratching cideN,zll Depin of z-,avel in bonom of ho)e ? nches -- Z.' Date 2nd hour of initi2l Water il:ir.? De th of init;z] wate; fiHine inches abo-ve hole bonom -- N4ethod used to rnaintain a: lezst 12 inches or w•aier dep?h in hele for at lezct 4 hours r _ , A4aximu;,i wzier dep:n above hole bonom durins tesl inchL<} _ Time - Time inte'n al, minutes Mezsurement, inches D; ep in water level, inches Perco]a;ion rzte. mineies per inch _.Remazks '7/8 4z:? g'.. I I I I _-- - I I I ? - I I I I I I _ I I I I _ I I I ? ? I I I I `-' Percolation rzu = L-L-minutes per inch. PERCOLATIOti TEST D.aTA SHEET /1 , Fer:olz;ion iesc rea?in?s made b? ?,C,e., S?'c??=,G. 11-Z1l-f'-`/ 3' - a.m. ? on star.ins a'. ° =„1 C=Tr ?j S Ln 4? ?/--? ? 1J? ? Tesi ho)e location- X7 1 ? 01: number , Da(e hole was preparel± 4 2_a?-9 Depth of hole botto*n ? a-- inches, Diameter of hoJe (,*:> inches Soil dacz;rom test hole: Depth, inches Soil texture Method of uratchir.g sidewa11_z- ^" z- Deotn of C,-2vel in bottom of holP ? nches Date and hou; of initi2i uater fi17;r.?_, De th of init;sl w21e7 ?i21i A4ethed used to ;,,2ir,izin a; ]ezst ]_2 inches oi w•zte; depih in hole ;or zt leact 4 . Mzximun water deF Time Time i,tenal, minutec Mezcurement, inches DropinN; level, ini 3`• ? ( ? o?.... ,?. ? ' t 4 ? 3( L 11I ? /` 1//? /1` ??]/l _ _ I I I I I I I ( I I I I I . I I I I I I I Percolation r2u =! ,Lminutes per inch. Loes of Soil Bo:ines l ? Location c: Project C c 9osings made b?, ?? - Date 4- /r7- -i Classificztien SY=ten: AASHO ; USDA-SCS Unified : other / Auzer use_d. (check two) : Y.and or Power _; ?li ght __, or Bucket `L : other / bYK Depth, Boring number ? Depth, Boring number ? Z-- i t Surface elevztion feet Sur:ace elevation ee o n _ 2 - 31? 3 - ? 4 - ?? -/ , ?. 5 - 6 - 7 - - 8 - =nd.cf boring st ? feet. 5taneiag water table: r''resent at `eet of depth, hours after boring. Not present in bcr:ng hole _-4- *iottled soil: Observed at :eet of depth. Not present in bor'.^.g hole 1- Obsc:rvatior.s and co=ents: lLr 12. 1 a ? ?- - 12 3 4 - -4 (3 5 - 6 7 - 8 - End of boring at 1 feet. Standing water table: Present at feet o` depth, hours after boring. Not ?resent in borino hole ?. Aiottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole ?_. Dbservations and comments: 'O££ C= SC1? ?C:=^££ i R_'I :.ecat_cn c_ . re jec: (LJ ?• p?l? ?. o rfz 1 I c ??? Be-_ngs -ace Date c7 r-?> C1asei=_cz.;ea 5.•=.e-: :AS2O ; USDA-SC5 Unified ct.`,er Auge: usec (check two): Eana or Fover Pii?ht or Rucicet other _ Depth, 5oring r.umbe.- 1`' :eet Surface elevation 0 1 - 3?Z ?F?-- 2 - 31? 3 - ? 4 - ?? u ???-l2„` L g. 5 - 6 - S - =nd of 3cr-:-g at `-h `eet. Stancing water tzble: ?-re=ent st rEEt of cept'r., 710L'IS ci :EI t?OI'i^€. ;;ot pre_=ent in 3cr-:ag hole --I_ "iottled scil: Observed at .`eet of cepth. Net r.reser.t 'n ber_^g ho:e ?- Dbs,rvations snd co--nents: Depth, boring nunber L in Su:race elevatioa fee: 0 ,- iL??wa 4 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - ?-! l3 End of borinF at L _ feet. Standir.g water table: Pre=_eat at feet o: depth, hours after ber_r.g. Not present in barinp hole ?. ?;ottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. ::ct present in boring hole ?_. Dbservations and comments: