906 Lakewood Hills Rd S - Certificate of Occupancy1 ' .
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(Iprfi#'tratit rf Mrrupttnry
Citp of eagan
Erpttrfmrnt u# luilding JWerfinn
Tieis Cenificate rssued pursuanl to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Buildrng
Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various
ordinances of the City regulating building construclion or use. For the following.•
Use Cla.aifauon S`F [3C?GA.R Bldg. Permit No. !
Occupancy Type ?/M1 Zoning District -i t 7ypc Conu VT!
Owner of Bwlding B??IiJN BITII?.RS naare? I;:iq00 .3L?S'TET? e P'lAH1LP'?I
L: flt E00s LA1?i?Y?;'Y.i H?TJ -
Bwlding Addre? Locdity
Dale: a0UQMEER 22f
Building OlCiciel ..'