906 Lakewood Hills Rd S - Soil Perculation Test . RUSSELL GRIMMER RESIDENCE SOIL PERCULATION TEST !. Three (3) bedroom house has a daily flowage of 450 gallons per day. 2. A 1250 gallon septic tank is required, installed 10' from dwelling. 3. The average Perc Rate is 15 M.P.I. per sq. ft. of trench area, 4. Using 3' wide trenches and 24" rock under the pipe will require 114 lineal ft. of trench area. 5. I suggest using 4 drop boxes and 4 trenches 7' on center line, 45' long, Due to the fact a possible 4th bedroom or den in walkout area is to be made. 6. No barriers or perching water to 6' depth. ISTS #00666 Dakota County #P-666 lhank you for selecting A-1 Perculation. C" &-e , 7 ?? 4,4x a • S i . ? .. ;' ? r ? i ?f ? 9I f ?e , I O -?'es+ QQ?M . .. FSe?7s0 I?'ny xe'c?l ?.k(A? 'fi a e K PNc- w Id • . .. B- 35 PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET Test hole location i,sc c I? ' r; uV.. ,n,,.cr Res'.Hole number JE # t Date test hole was prepared l,-7 - b't , Depth of hole bottom, inches. Diameter of hole, 10 inches. Soil data from test hole: Depth, inches Soil texture a -? B tAGk LnA vy% Clnv?- U?rc?JJeiqvu I$- 100 ne san? !?;„? C(Ay i- Srrewil QoGk Method of scratchinq sidewall ? A rd ? n faa ( Depth of pea-sized gravel in bottom of hole, G inches. Date and hour of initial water filling Depth of initial water filling, inches above hole bottom. Metho& used to maintain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 hours C;^ ls T u • Percolation test readings made by e, o v' U L u r,iK on (D- ie- s?8 starting at 5 m: . Maximum water depth above hole bottom (date) . during test, ? a inches. Time Time Interval, Minutes Measurement, inches Drop in water level, inches Percolation rate, minutes per inch Remarks ?;?s a ? ? .?o 0 ? 'V 'S 12. . D S a' op 'a- ?4s 5 Y o . , y Percolation rate = ) n minutes per inch. • . , B- 35 , PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET Test hole location ?ju SS e Il G i'rm w• @ Y' P, es`, xole number W# a" Date test hole was prepared (o - y_ Depth of hole bottom,1'4, inches. Diameter of hole, to inches. Soil data from test hole: Depth, inches Soil texture l A.k L o+1 wy. ?e?' C OO n 2 G 10. ?%cl ?rl'Y1 Fe--S+ . ?,r» n t 1 R. o c, ?-? --- - - - -- - Method of scratchinq s3dewa1l ,r d o_ m fa Q r Depth of pea-sized gravel in bottom of hole, inches. Date and hour of initial water f illing 6-?-$? $ Depth of initial water filling, )l?pl fnches above hole bottom. Method used to maintain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 hours Percolation test readings made by on starting at Maximum water depth above hole bottom (date) 'm' during test, 1';L- inches. Time Time Interval, Minutes Measurement, inches Drop in water level, inches Percolation rate, minutes per inch Remarks I? Y :55 l3i 0 5? % "0 • p i ` (!V1 U : OS ?L'. 0 5 1 ?l o Percolation rate = a Z? minutes per inch.