4130 Lantern Lane - Certificate of Occupancy? - l • ? b Trz#ifira#t of (Orrupanry (Litp of (Eagan lhparmurrd u# liald'mg inapprtaan This Cerlificate issued pursuant w the require?nents of Saclion 306af lhe Uniform Building Code cenify+n8 thae at 1he time ojissuancelhissuucrure x+as in cbmp!'wnce wilh the variaus ordinanoes of Ihe City regulatutg buWng aonstrtucAion or use For the following.umcilawckt„ SF DWG/GAR ? Fk:nm No. 17769 O„up.,9,Ty,C R3/L`il Zoning nwria R? 'l?ecnM ? omming .TIE M[LLIIt IiIES Add,on 18133 MkR AVE S. FAI3Q?U'iC]v 4130 LADT= LM L,CWdy I.20, B4. 00[IlTIitS( EYE1lk1 / n.,r- S212M 26, 1990 Building = - ?p P0.5T IN A CONSPICUOUS PUCE