4899 Brooklyn Lane - Agenda Info MemoCity of Evan Mike Maguire April 9, 2010 Mayor I Paul Bakken Cyndee Fields Gary Hansen Meg Tilley Council Members Thomas Hedges City Administrator Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 -1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012 fax 651.454.8535 TDD Maintenance Facility 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com The Lone Oak Tree The symbol of strength and growth in our community. Tom DePauw West End Hunting and Fishing Club 909 Montreal Circle St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Tom: A matter was brought to the city's attention by Bob Hosch relative to a discrepancy between the city's records regarding the special use permit for the days of shooting at the club property at 650 Gun Club Road. While we are aware that the long time practice of the club has been to operate on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, one of the documents in the city records indicated that the days of operation were Sunday, "Monday ", Wednesday and Thursday. It is clear from information provided by Mr. Hosch and other documentation in the file that the practice has been for shooting on Tuesdays and not Mondays. In response, in action taken at its meeting of April 6, 2010, the Eagan City Council approved a clarification of the Special Use Permit condition for operations at the club to align with the historic and current practice of Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The appropriate documentation is being placed in the city files to avoid confusion in the future. If you have any questions concerning the City Council action or this letter, please contact me. Sincerely, n Hohenstein Community Development Director Encl Cc: Jim MacDonald, Chief of Police Mary Granley, Senior Code Enforcement Technician Agenda Information Memo Eagan City Council Meeting Consent April 6, 2010 R. APPROVE CLARIFICATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITION REGARDING DAYS OF OPERATION FOR WEST END GUN CLUB ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a clarification of the condition regarding the days of operation for the West End Gun Club to be Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. FACTS: • The West End Gun Club has operated at 650 Gun Club Road since 1961, subject to a special use permit that originally permitted shooting on Sundays and two weekdays. The special use permits issued by the Town Board at the time are similar to conditional use permits under the current City Code and have the same effect as CUP's. • The special use permit was expanded in 1980 to permit the addition of a third weekday evening, specifically Thursday evening. Correspondence with regard to the 1980 action refers to shooting occurring on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, but it appears that was in error, as the practice for many years has been for shooting events at the Club to occur instead on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. • In addition to the past practice by the Club, when residential development came to the area, Club members, area developers and prospective residents expressed interest in having the days and hours of operation disclosed to create appropriate expectations for all parties. In response, the City Council included a condition in the Homestead Village approvals requiring the developer of the property to disclose the presence and days and hours of operation of the Gun Club to prospective buyers. The Homestead Village developer's disclosure notes the Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday expectation. • The Gun Club has conformed to the Special Use Permit by permitting operations on no more than four days of the week, but the discrepancy between the City's documentation of the days covered and the actual operations came to staff's attention recently as a result of a conversation with a member of the Gun Club. • The City Council may modify or clarify a condition of a CUP or SUP if appropriate. A public hearing is not necessary for this purpose. It does not appear that the Gun Club has exceeded the intended four days per week for shooting activities. The past practice and disclosures to the neighborhood have established an expectation of the Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday schedule. In consideration of those facts, it is suggested that action be taken to clarify the Special Use Permit documentation to conform to the historic and current practice at the Gun Club. ATTACHMENTS: (None) Mary Granley From: Jon Hohenstein Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:01 AM To: 'BHOSCH @hmcc.com' Cc: Jim McDonald; Mike Ridley; Mary Granley; Tom Hedges Subject: RE: Good morning! Bob, Yes, we'll have a copy of the action in the property file for the Gun Club and 1 send a letter confirming the clarification to the Club. Who should I address that to? Thank you for helping us get this cleared up. See you at noon. Jon Jon Hohenstein 1 Director of Community Development 1 City of Eagan City Hall 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan, MN 55122 1 651 - 675 -56531 651 - 675 -5694 (Fax) 1 jhohensteinna.cityofeagan.com From: BHOSCH @hmcc.com [mailto:BHOSCH @hmcc.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 8:58 AM To: Jon Hohenstein Subject: Good morning! Thank you for your help in making the Gun Club days of operation a non -issue at last nights Council meeting. Thanks again. This email is for the use of the intended recipient(s) only. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete all copies. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not keep, use, disclose, copy or distribute this email or the information it contains. 1 City of 6aian THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. Mac gave me a copy of the agenda item information sheet so I am aware of the formal wording of the action. Will there be some documentation that is created to memorialize the fact that the action suggested was approved? If there is I would appreciate a copy of that for the Club's files. See you at Rotary this afternoon, after missing so many meeting this winter it will be good to get back into the swing of things again. C E R T I F I C A T I O N I, E J Van Overbeke , Clerk or Acting Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota do hereby certify excerpts that the attached is a true and correct copy of minutes Eagan Board of Supervisors June of a regular 670313 . meeting of the City of held on the 19th day Cle or Acting Clerk City of Eagan ML4UTE;S OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD 0? SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP, JUNE 19th, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, was held on June 19th, 1962 at 8 :00 o' clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present except Supervisor Trapp. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. - Chairman Rahn appointed Herbert Polzin to act as Deputy Clerk during conduct of the meeting in the absence of the regular clerk. The following applications for building permits were presented: Virginia Pelvoski - Garage 16' x 22' to be situated at 1053 Keefe Street On Lot 4, Block 1, McKee Addition, Approx.Cost = $689.00 Marvin Rahn - House 26' x 48' on 3 acre parcel described as: The South 261.4' of the North 761' of the West 500' of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4, Section 11- 27 -23. Approx.Cost =321 Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the permit applications be approved. shoot on Thuraday of visor nded by use permit heretofore ise�ed the hers on ¶L The application of Mr. William 0' Neill, 2660 Dodd Road, St. Paul 18, Minnesota for preliminary plat approval was submitted. For lack of appear- ance of the applicant the matter was laid over until the July meeting of the Board of Supervisors. a