654 Lexie Ct - Vapor Retarder That Meets Building Code1 Terry Zelenka From: Paul Ellringer [paul @airtamarack.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11:49 AM To: Terry Zelenka; Jake Marshman Subject: RE: Vapor Retarders that Meet the Building Code Attachments: image002.gif; image001.gif; Building Contractor Postcard.pdf; AAAStucco Failures in Minnesota 2- 26- 2010.pdf; Woodbury Stucco Questions and Answers 6- 09.doc Categories: Red Category This is in regards to 65 ° `exie Court. If desired I would be glad to provide training to your staff on these issues free of charge. Early this year at the 54 Annual Institute for Building Officials I provided three hours of training on flashing and basic wall design including a discussion on vapor retarders to about 75 code officials. I would be willing to provide this training to your staff I also teach two courses to building contractors in Minnesota at Century College, see attached mailer. I would also be willing to provide this course to your staff free of charge. Eagan has many stucco houses and other types of construction that are failing due to inadequate flashing and improper use of air barriers /vapor retarders. Recently I have overseen the rebuild of two stucco houses (938 and 934 Wild Rose Court) in Eagan that when off without a problem. I presently have four more houses in Eagan that are in litigation and I expect many more. Litigation is a long drawn out process and can take years to settle. Manley brothers a common builder in Eagan, built over 200 houses in Eagan that likely are all failing (we have looked at 7 so far and plan to look at many more). Failing stucco house are very common in Minnesota, see attached paper I provided to the State code officials earlier this year. Many of these failed stucco houses have been rebuilt and failed a second and third time. In Woodbury alone 43 stucco houses that were rebuilt failed a second time (see attached paper) this has been documented over and over again. We have help oversee the third rebuild of three stucco houses this past two years. This is a major problem in Minnesota and has been a major problem for 20 years now. The 2009 IRC and IBC (I know this has not been adopted in Minnesota) have addressed this concern, see attachment in the second email to you. Best Regards, Paul Ellringer PE, CIH Air Tamarack, Inc. Full Service Mold Forensic Solutions www.airtamarack.com 651- 696 -0267 / A \ •'° o'., / A _A_ /\ A ''')"( " H 11 1 1 11 11 ± ± ±± From: Terry Zelenka [ mailto:TZelenka @cityofeagan.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:44 AM To: Paul Ellringer' Subject: RE: Vapor Retarders that Meet the Building Code 1 I still need to know if this is in regards to 654 lexie ct. I have a permit application to repair framing and the use of this type of construction . I have been asked by the building official to have this indicated as no documentation states this is for this address. This is beyond the scope of a siding permit. So if you could just let me know if this is the address you are talking about . then I would be able to issue this permit . so all the information could be put together and inspectors will be able to understand this design that meets code just is not normally seen today. Thanks terry Terry Zelenka 1 Building Inspector 1 City of Eagan City Hall 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan, MN 55122 1 (651) 675 -5679 1 (651) 675 -5694 (Fax) I tzelenkaAcityofeagan.com THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: Paul Ellringer [mailto:paul @airtamarack.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:31 AM To: Terry Zelenka; Jake Marshman Subject: RE: Vapor Retarders that Meet the Building Code This work has been underway for the past two weeks. The original permit was pulled about a month ago. For direct information on the project call Jake Marshman at Ecometrex, Inc. 651 - 770 -4811 Jake cell 952 - 484 -4864. Jeff Wheeler has been on site a couple of times inspecting this project. The information that was sent just supports the methods used to rebuild this failed house. This is not an alternate method. This fully complies with the building code. Some code officials sometime question this method of repair. Best Regards, Paul Ellringer PE, CIH Air Tamarack, Inc. Full Service Mold Forensic Solutions www.airtamarack.com 651- 696 -0267 / A \ •' °o'•,/ A_A A A ‘")..("' 11 11 1 1 H H ± + ±t From: Terry Zelenka [mailto:TZelenka @cityofeagan.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 9:03 AM To: 'paul @airtamarack.com' Cc: Dale Schoeppner; Jeffrey Wheeler Subject: FW: Vapor Retarders that Meet the Building Code Hello Paul, City of 6a an Hi I am terry with the city of Eagan inspections. I have been forwarded an e-mail in regards to( 2006 IRC chapter 2 vapor retarder) from Jeff wheeler and yourself. I need to know if you have sent this message in rega4ds to a project on 654 lexie ct . the contractor is ecometrex out of new Brighton . if so will you let me know then the contractor will need to follow your design and sealing requirement per this e -mail below. Thanks terry Terry Zelenka 1 Building Inspector 1 City of Eagan City Hall 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan, MN 55122 1 (651) 675-5679 1 (651) 675 -5694 (Fax) I tzelenkaecitvofeaoan.com THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. From: Jeffrey Wheeler Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 11:50 AM To: Dale Schoeppner Cc: Terry Zelenka; Craig Novaczyk; Mike Lence; Scott Peterson Subject: FW: Vapor Retarders that Meet the Building Code Dale: Mr Ellringer called this morning and wanted to pass along information for future permit applications that they will submit for stucco repairs in the city. Jeffrey T Wheeler 1 Building Inspector 1 City of Eagan Cit of pip of B a[ City Hall 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan, MN 55122 1 651 - 675 -56801 651 - 675 -5694 (Fax) I jwheelerta�citvofeagan.com THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. i From: Paul Ellringer [mailto:paul @airtamarack.com] Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 11:40 AM To: Jeffrey Wheeler; Jake Marshman; mindyamindy @comcast.net i Subject: Vapor Retarders that Meet the Building Code Hi Jeff: Attached are three documents. The first two deal with the use of Kraft paper faced insulation as a vapor retarder during the rebuild of a stucco house and any other type of house. In this rebuild the Kraft paper is installed from the outside or cold side of the wall and is tucked into the wall cavity with the Kraft paper next to the interior gypsum wallboard. The Kraft paper is the vapor retarder, which is not required to be continuous. The air barrier, which does need to be continuous, is the sealed gypsum wallboard in the wall. Electrical outlets and other openings in the gypsum wallboard are sealed with caulk. The third document deals with a new vapor retarder called Mem Brain, which is marketed by CertainTeed. We primarily require these two vapor retarders to be used during rebuilds. We do not use 4 or 6 mil poly in our stucco rebuilds when ever possible. Research has shown that especially with stucco that poly is too good at its job and it is better to have a weaker vapor retarder. 3 . ..Kraft paper and Mem Brain both meet the building code requirement of having a perm rating of 1 or less. Both of these materials allow more inward moisture flow than poly. Research has shown that stucco houses perform better with a Class 2 vapor retarder. I can sent this research if desired. Please call with any questions. Best Regards, Paul Ellringer PE, CIH Air Tamarack, Inc. Full Service Mold Forensic Solutions www.airtamarack.com 651- 696 -0267 / A \ • "° o'., / A /\ /\ A II I I II II ± ± ±t