Fall 2010
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Fall 2010
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www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Table of Contents
For Everyone Cascade Bay Welcome to fall in Eagan!
Community Partners ...............................1 2011 Season Passes 33
Eagan Art House .....................................3 General Information............................ 33 Fall is a wonderful time to add family fit-
E-TV Classes ............................................9 Monday Fun-days................................. 33 ness to your "back to school" routines.
The Eagan Community Center offers a
Halloween Hodgepodge .........................4
state-of-the-art fitness center and trained
Holz Farm ................................................2 Eagan Community Center staff can help you reach your fitness
Market Fest ...............................................1 Cake Decorating................................... 35 goals. Open gym times are available for
Skating Lessons (Fall & Winter) .......6-9 EA.N.tasfic Saturdays 34 volleyball or basketball. Kids can also
Volunteer Opportunities 10 Fitness Facility Hours 34 burn off some energy in The Blast indoor
Who Done It Hike ..................................5 Fitness Memberships........................... 36 playground. Discover the Value of the
Holiday Parties 101 35 Eagan Community Center, which has
something for all ages, during all weather,
Preschool (Ages 0-6) Indoor Walking Hours 36
almost every day. Find out more at
Eagan Art House Classes 16 Preschool Open Gym.......................... 34 www.eagancommunilycenter.com.
Fall Preschool Preview ........................12 The Blast Birthday Packages 35
Parent Child Classes 14-15
As a department, we strive to be innova-
Preschool Classes ............................11-15 Eagan Civic Arena five through new programs and services
Preschool Dance Classes .....................15 Birthday Party Information................ 37 Our entire staff would appreciate any
Preschool Open Gym 34 Skating Lessons.................................... 6-9 suggestions you may have to improve our
Preschool Open Play 12 General Information 37 value to the community. Please feel free
to call me at 651-675-5500 or e-mail
Skating Lessons (Fall & Winter) 6-9 webmaster@cityofeagan.com with your
Registration suggestions and recommendations.
Youth (Ages 6-12) Information ......................................38-39
Adapted Soccer 16 Recreation Hotline 39 S+~
Eagan Art House Classes 17 Registration Form................................. 40
Fishing Clinic 16
Jr Instructional Golf Series ................17
Skating Lessons (Fall & Winter) 6-9 Juli Seydell Johnson
Director of Parks and Recreation
Teens (Ages 12-19) City of EaEdn(In
Bring the Noise 18
Club Oasis 18
Eagan Art House Classes ...............18-22
Data Privacy Act
Adults In accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Parks & Recre-
Adult Sports 23 ation Department hereby informs you that the personal information we are requesting
Adult Trips 23 & 26 of you and/or your child or guardian on our registration form is now considered pi-
Cake Decorating 35 vate. Private data is available to you and to City staff who need to have this informa-
Eagan Art House Classes ...............19-22 tion to perform their duties, but not to the public. While you may choose to withhold
Holiday Parties 101 35 this data, the consequences could be that the City's recreation staff may not be able to
Skating Lessons (Fall & Winter) 6-9 complete your registration and/or you may not receive updated program information,
such as schedule changes.
Eagan Parks & Recreation periodically takes pictures of participants in our classes, dur-
Birthday Party Celebrations 24 Mg special events and in the parks. Please be aware that these photos may be used in
Defensive Driving 25 the City's brochures, pamphlets, or cable presentations. If you or your family members
Flu Shot Clinic 24 do not want to be photographed or published you must give us written notice.
Health & Wellness Classes .............27-32
South Metro Senior Expo 26
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Eagan Market Fest 2010
"An Award Winning Commun Eagan Women of Note -Eagan Women of
g Note is a community based women's choir.
You do not need to live in Eagan and no audi
FQatUPillg a farmers MaPl(et & Entertainment Wee tion is needed - only a love of singing. Con
tact Darlette at 651-683-0742 or visit www.
Wednesdays through September 15 eaganwomenofnote.org.
4:00 - 8:00 pm or DUS4( Eagan Mens Chorus - The Eagan Men's
Eagan Festival Grounds at the Eagan Community Cen Chorus is an active member of the Associated
per4aas'~~ag•nit rn _jf~an ~,,nri/Fnpirketfp t nr njf) c+ informs Male Choruses of America. There is no audi-
tion and you do not have to be a resident of
Eagan. Contact Jim Andrews at 651-451-7502
or Paul Carlton at 651-452-7557 or visit www
eVanmenschorus. org.
I- ISD 196 Community Education - Offers
~ ,ph • _ . x _ ~ ~ enrichment classes for all ages for School Dis-
trict 196 residents. Visit wwwdisttict196.org/ce
anytime to browse and register for enrichment
V0 opportunities or call 651-423-7920.
r7 -
i Northern Dakota County TriDistrict
Community Education - Serving Residents
of the South St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights and
West St. Paul-Mendota Heights-Eagan School
Market FQSt (oncert khed r Districts with enrichment classes. To view cur-
Market G( G 1 G rent classes, visit www.comed.isdl97.org or call
August 18 Classic Car Show & Elvis Tribute Concert
The Elvis Experience, 6:00 - 8:00 pm Caponi Art Park and Learning Center
August 25 ..............................................................................................Power of Twang, 5:00 - 7:45 pm Located on 60-acres of rolling wooded
hills in
September 1 ...............................................................................4 Degrees of Freedom, 5:00 - 7:00 pm Eagan. Caponi Art Park and Learning Center
is a distinctive cultural center offering free
September 8 ..............................................................The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
programs and educational. Current hours and
September 15 ......................................................................................The Blue Drifters, 5:00 7:00 pm events can be found at www.caponiartpark.org.
Friends of the Farm - The Friends of the
Thanks to our 2010 Eag_ Farm provide volunteer service at Eagan's His-
Market Fest Partners: toric 1940's Holz Farm. Contact Paula Nowar-
r iak with Eagan Parks & Recreation no owar-
ITY& ('OUNT iak&ci ofeagan.com for more information.
R1,I)1T ~NION + - Farmers Market
r~ Kid's Art Tent Youth Sports - Many youth sports opportuni-
Dakota Wuntp fibtme Free Concerts & Entertainment ties in Eagan are provided by the following
Games & Activities community sport associations:
e ll.~ t riY ti Concession Stand Eagan Athletic Association, www.eaasgorts.org
ThilSwe-ek Eastview Athletic Assoc, wwweastview-evaa.ore
Eagan Hockey Assoc, www.eaganhocke .c m
Eastview Hockey Assoc, wwweastviewhocL) net
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Saturday, September 25
and Friends of the FarrT - jnday, September 26
Take a nostalgic walk into the past at Holz Farm, a 1940's era family farm acquired by the City 1 "66 am - 4;60 r-
of Eagan in 1995 to actively preserve the rich farming history of the area. The farm is located in Visit Holz Farm on two beautiful fall days for
the southeast corner of Eagan, alongside Holz Lake, at 4665 Manor Drive. Currently, the eight some 1940's era fun! Hop onto the wagon for
acres owned by the City are used for educational, historical, and entertainment activities. In 1996, a hayride, milk a virtual cow, see the farm ani-
efforts began to preserve and protect the house, barn and outbuildings that are examples of the mals and ride a pony. Participate in the pie eat-
1940's era. A Master Plan for the site was completed in 2003. As of June 2007, the farmstead ing contest, listen to music, play old-fashioned
has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. games, and enjoy picnic style food over 2 fun
filled days.
Friends of the Farm, a non-profit land stewardship organization staffed by volunteers, is
dedicated to cultivating an appreciation of farm life. This group was formed to help Pre
serve and restore Holz Farm. Friends of the Farm plans and conducts a wide variety of 'activities and events that provide educational, entertaining, historical and cultural perspec-
fives appealing to a wide range of interests and ages. Help is needed in the areas of edu- 7
cation /teaching, farming knowledge, tour guides, grounds maintenance, painting, clean-up -+W_
days, interpretation of 1930's and 1940's farm implements and planning of special events.
If you are looking for a rewarding experience with other committed volunteers who
believe in preserving our heritage, educating students of all ages, connecting the past
with the present, building community pride, and providing a historical resource for the
ever-changing world around us, we would like to hear from you. For more information, _
contact Eagan Parks & Recreation at 651-675-5500, TTY 651-454-8535 or check out
There are various programs and events throughout the year at Holz Farm that need ener-
getic volunteers. If you are interested, call Eagan Parks & Recreation at 651-675-5500. J fashioned Holiday
mday, December 5
Celebrate the Christmas 2010 Partner:
Holiday at this old E f S
fashioned, 1940's era
1 event at Holz Farm. There is no admission
s - fee, all events are free. You'll enjoy experiences
such as hayrides, a bonfire, smores, organ
music, craft activities and live reindeer. Also,
j.'. 1
enjoy holiday cookies as they were prepared
on the farm with hot cider and a warm heart.
Santa is anxious to hear from those that are
naughty or nice, bring your camera! Most
activities are held outdoors and in the barn.
LM 2
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
Pottery & Art making Workshop
Saturday, November 20 ages 5+ Mtn an adult
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Spend time together to create your own hand
made books and journals to record your family
memories. Explore the history of bookmaking
Featuring pottery and artwork of Eagan Art House Instructors and Students. and learn about different styles of books. Spe-
cialpapers and embellishments give your books
an extra touch. All supplies provided. Chil-
dren 12 and under must be registered with an
adult. Class fee is for one adult and one child.
Come watch local potters throw bowls to benefit the Empty Bowls project. Learn about Additional fee per child is listed below Please
Empty Bowls and the Eagan Resource Center and how you can help end hunger in our register the child for the pair. To register addi-
community. -s tional children call, 651-675-5500.
CLASS # t68
Sunday October 24 n
Times 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ) Saturday ...........................................September 11
Location Eagan Art House Times....................................... ..9:30 - 11:30 am
3981 Lexington Avenue South cost .......................................$30/adult-child pair
' $10/add'1 child
Location Eagan Art House
Instructor .....................................Dina O'Sullivan
Register by .........................Monday, September 6
Celebrate Art at the
Eagan Art House Schedule your next Birthday
Party it tha Haim Art 1-InvP1 Clay Together.
Sunday, Aug
8+ with an adult
Fun, creative activities for girls and
boys ages 5 and up. Call 651-675- Adults and children work together to create
• Opening of Harvest of Art Exhibit
5504 for details. beautiful artwork out of clay. Discover a
• Raku Pottery Firing (fire your own pieces variety of techniques including slabs, coils and
available for purchase) more. Great for parents, grandparents and
• Pottery Sale Birthday Party Themes: special friends. All supplies and firing included.
• Eagan Art House Tours & Information • Flower Power Children 12 and under must be registered with
• Hands On Art Activities • Fairies & Princesses and an adult. Class fee is for one adult and one
• Entertainment Dragons, too! child. Additional fee per child is listed below
• Ring Mountain Creamery ' Please register the child for the pair. To register
• Eagan Art Festival Volunteer Appreciation Animal Adventures
additional children call, 651-675-5500.
• Fun for All Ages! • Young Artists
• Tie-Dye Fun (Ages 9 and up) CLASS # :':xx<
For more information, visit wwwci , ofeagan. • Beading Bonanza (Ages 10 & up) Saturday Sept 25 - Oct 16
com/eaganarthouse or call 651-686-9134.
• Or we'll custom design a party just Times ..............................................1:00 - 3:00 pm
for your child Cost .......................................$82/adult-child pair
This activity funded, in part, through agrant from the $25/add'1 child
McKnight Foundation and the Minnesota Arts and Location Eagan Art House
Cultural Heritage Fund as appropriated by the Minne- Instructor Brian Clark
sota State Legislature with money from the vote of the Register by Saturday, , Sept
people of Minnesota on November4, 2008.
Match for more holiday art classes in December. 6o to www~gan.comleaganarthouse.
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
Halloween Hodgepodge
All Ages
Sunday, October 24 from 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway
$3 per child (18 months & up) and one food donation item per person
Accompanying adults & children 0-I1 months are free with a food donation item ..odgepodge
Opportunities for Eagan
Method ? Payment: Cash or Cbpck only at Adnli
The community Halloween Hodgepodge
Children and adults dress up and take part in this Eagan Halloween tradition featuring: Event held at the Eagan Community Center
• Free trick-or-treat bags courtesy of Genisys Credit Union (while supplies last) draws hundreds of families to celebrate Hal-
• Genisys Credit Union activity booth loween. Last year more than 1,100 people
attended this community event. Don't miss
• Ghostly Carnival Games & Inflatables out on this opportunity for your local busi-
• Creepy Crafts ness or organization to participate and show
• Face Painting & Temporary Tattoos your community spirit! Download a Hallow-
• Free Blast! Indoor Playground Admission een Hodgepodge Registration Form at ww.
• Free 4" x 6" Halloween Family Photo station courtesy of Legacy Creative Images cityo fe agan. c om /special events.
• "Road Kill" Concession Cafe for snacks & beverages
Two options are available:
• New 2010 magic show & strolling magic featuring magician Star Michaelina
• Monster Mash Dance for all ages, 5-7 pm CLASS #
• Not So Spooky Fun for Preschoolers Room (games & activities for 18 months - 5 yrs) Trick or Treat Station - Cost is $30
Businesses receive one 8 ft. table and must
L' provide their family-friendly Halloween deco-
P ~ rations and two costumed workers. Kid's will
trick or treat around the room with adults and
receive a candy, trinket or logo promo item
L provided by the business. No selling allowed,
but you may promote your business with a
r small table top display and hand out coupons,
flyers or brochures about your business.
_ ~ Space is limited.
ir` & b►?~i, f"e: CLASS # „ .)t`
Adopt A Game Station - Cost is $30
Businesses may provide their own family-
friendly carinval type of game or we can assign
i iIfU,K, iv Oul Lid 1 v you to a game. Candy or treats provided for
game stations. Businesses must provide 2 or
more costumed staff. No selling allowed, but
you may promote your business with a small
G E N iS YS table top display and hand out coupons, flyers
or brochures about your business. Space is
*Some limitations app#.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
~'rrrr+u L~►iy~l~G it n`iri
Mother & Son Afternoon of Fun
All Ages - Bring the whole family went!
Hosted by South of the River Recreators (S.0.R. R) boys 10 & Under accompanied by the lady in their life
including the Eagan, Lakeville, Farmington, Rose-
mount, Savage, Apple Valley & Burnsville Park & Our first Mother-Son event will have a Super Hero theme. Kids attending are asked to
Rec Departments dress in a Super Hero costume or clothing. Moms, you will receive a special costume
accessory to match your little hero at the event
Come join in on the fun of the 20" Annual
Who Done It Hike! The twist to the Who Super Heroes and their mothers (or aunts, older sisters, grandmothers, caregivers, etc.) are
Done It Hike is that along the scenic 2 mile cordially invited to attend a fun-filled afternoon. Our afternoon will include music, danc-
route you will receive clues to solve the mys- ing, games, craft projects and more! A DJ will have everyone up and dancing to old and
tery at the end of the hike. Mystery clues will new favorites. Each couple will receive a special photo taken by a professional photog-
be given at the beginning of the hike, at two rapher and snacks/punch will be served. For more information or questions, call Eagan
check points and at the finish in the picnic Parks & Recreation at 651-675-5500.
area. Everyone will be given one guess and
prize winners will be drawn from the correct The S.O.R.R. communitities of Eagan, Apple Valley, Burnsville, Farmington, Lakeville,
responses. Again this year, bring your own Rosemount & Savage are excited to team up to offer a series of family oriented dances
picnic lunch and beverages to enjoy in the park and special events to celebrate togetherness (and strengthen the special bond between
following the hike. Join us and find out "WHO family members). Watch for further details on our father/daughter event this winter and
DONE IT"! Questions, call Eagan Parks & our family dance scheduled for the Spring of 2011.
Recreation at 651-675-5500.
Saturday .September 11 Times Registration: 9:30 - 9:50 am Saturday........................................... November 13
No need to preregister Times 4:00 - 6:00 pm o
Hike Starts.......... Trail guide will leave at 10 am Cost $30 per couple/$10 each add'l child
Hike Ends Hikers will be off trail by Location........... The Rosemount Steeple Center
11:15 am but are encouraged to stay for ,
(Former St. Joseph's Church) located at
prizes and bring-your-own picnic
Location Ritter Farm Park, 19300 Ritter 14375 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, 55068
Park Trail, Lakeville. For a map and directions Register by Friday, November 5
visit www.ci ofeagan.com/specialevents
Terrain ..................Natural dirt path, difficult for
strollers. Scenic trail with woodlands & wildlife.
Prizes & Refreshments Sponsored By:
Bruegger's Bagels and Westwood Sports
CheCk out the new slide feature at Cascade Bay Waterpark~ See page 33 for details.
Did you know The largest Eagan city park is Patrick Eagan Park, comprising 113.32 acres, the smallest is Wescott
Commons Park, comprising 1.01 acres.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Skating School Registration Information
Space will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis until class is full. We reserve the right to limit class size and
tih.Vl [tf.tif lI[1iYI.
enrollment Full payment must accompany the registration form. Classes with 1-2 skaters that have not been can-
celled will receive a 15-minute private/semi-private lesson with the remainder practice time. For more information on skating lessons,
please contact the Skating School Coordinator at 651-675-5453. Note: If you are new to the program, place your skater in a lower level
than you think, as each skater is evaluated the first day of lessons.
ISI Class Descriptions
Age 6 and under should sign up for Beginner Full ice is used for this class. Skaters are The first two family members (living at the
Level 1 unless they have passed into a higher grouped according to their ISI Freestyle level. same address) pay full price; each additional
level class. Each ISI Freestyle level has required elements family member (living at the same address)
that must be mastered & then skated to music. pays 1/2 price. The discount applies to only
ONE class fee if the additional family mem-
Skaters age 7 & up with no skating experience. ber is taking multiple classes. NO family dis-
Our adult classes are divided according to counts are available on ISI individual member-
et ability and needs. ships. Discount not available on-line.
Beginning skater ages 7 and up who can skate p
comfortably forwards unassisted or skaters that Refunds, Cancellations and Make-up
have passed the Beginner Level 4 class. Designed for the adult and the beginner child
to learn to skate. This class will focus on the
skating basics. No refunds are issued after classes begin.
Skaters who have passed Pre-Alpha level or Refunds will be considered on a case-by-case
who have mastered the skill of a one foot - basis for skaters ages 3 and under. There are
glide on each foot and are comfortable moving Helmet, shin pads and elbow pads are manda- NO make-up lessons. A $5 processing fee is
backwards. tory. Full hockey gear is suggested. Sticks and charged for cancelling out of a class.
pucks are not to be used as the focus is on
skating skills, speed and edge control. Skaters
Skaters who have passed Alpha level or who must have passed Beginner Level 3 to be eli-
have mastered the skill of forward crossovers gible for this class. Confirmations WILL NOT be sent. You
can assume that you are in the class(es) you
in both directions and can stop. Parents: If your skater is just starting he/she registered for unless you receive a call to the
needs to register for a Beginner skating class. contrary.
Particpants MUST be able to skate on their
Skaters who have passed Beta level or have own and have knowledge of gliding and stop- p
mastered the skill of backward crossovers in ping. No sticks or pucks will be used. Recommended Attire
both directions and can do t-stops.
Hockey Skills 1 & 2: Skaters must have We strongly suggest snowpants, helmets and
passed Beginner Level 3. gloves/mittens, especially for skaters ages 6 &
under. We also recommend that newer skaters
Skaters who have passed Gamma level or have
mastered the skill of forward outside three Hockey Skills 3 & 4: Skaters must have start in figure skates. The longer and flatter
turns on each foot and the 7 step mohawk passed Alpha or Hockey Skills Level 2. blade assists in learning to balance quicker.
combination. Hockey Skills 5: Skaters must have passed Skate & helmet rental is available at the Civic
Beta or Hockey Skills Level 4. Arena.
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
iALL Skating LeS OnS Sept 11
9:30-10:00 am $60/skater
(Registration begins August 24 - September _For skaters in levels Beta - Freestyle 1
1' CLASS # Intro Synchro Team
Tuesday classes will be held concurrently with a~ 10:15-10:55 am $36/skater
12:00-1:30 pm open skating session. Class par- Practice ice for figure skaters Alpha - Freestyle J
ticipants receive free admission before/after class CLASS # f65194 Contract Ice
when wearing their class name tag. The 30 min class
10:15-10:55 am $90/skater
includes a complimentary punch card for six addi-
t oval open skate sessions. 15 min private lesson & 25 min practice. a
CLASS # c =.~'S .......................Intro to Privates
12:45-1:15 pm $66/skater
A .1
CLASS # 165 Beginner 1 10:55-11:25 am $66/skater
CLASS # .............................Beginner 2 Includes 10 mm power & 20 min skill.
CLASS # Freestyle 1
CLASS # Beginner 3
HURSDAY CLASS # 16591,7 Freestyle 2
CLASS # 1,6366 .........................................Adults CLASS # 165.
r.~m* ~a~ e ~n~ Freestyle 3
1:15-1:45 pm $66/ skater 5:00-5:30 pm $66/skater CLASS # 1655°s Freestyle 4
CLASS # 166L~:................................... Freestyle 5
CLASS # 165,5,:i Beginner 1 CLASS # Beginner 1 CLASS # 166(k Freestyle 6
CLASS # Beginner 4 CLASS # > Beginner 2 CLASS # 1660 Freestyle 7
CLASS # i,,; ff68 Pre-Alpha CLASS # >9 Beginner 3 CLASS # 166(,,:'................................... Freestyle 8
0 Beginner 4 CLASS # 1666:; Freestyle 9
CLASS # 1657 2 ..........................................Alpha CLASS #
CLASS # ~79 ......Beginner 7 & Up CLASS # t Eft:,~ Freestyle 10
1:15-1:45 pm $99/pair, $66/add'1 child CLASS # 69 ....................Pre-Alpha
For the beginner adult & beginner child to learn to CLASS # ' Alpha 11:30 am - 12:00 pm $66/skater
skate together. Includes open skate punch card.
CLASS # Adult child pair 5:30-6:15 m $60/skater CLASS # ..................................Beginner 1
For skaters levels Delta & Freestyle 1-10. CLASS # 165(r~) Beginner 2
CLASS # ........................Additional child
CLASS # ....Team Compulsory CLASS # 1656' .................................Beginner 3
CLASS # 1656 Beginner 4
CLASS # 16582 ................................Beg 7 & Up
6:15-6:45 pm $66/skater CLASS # 165','3F Pre-Alpha
15 min power & 30 min skills instruction.
CLASS # 166('yr Hockey Skills 1-2
CLASS # :n ..................Freestyle 1 CLASS # 165T, .........................................Adults
CLASS # 3 .................Freestyle 2
CLASS # 4 .................Freestyle 3 12:00-12:30 pm $66/skater
CLASS # ' ..................Freestyle 4 Includes open skate punch card.
CLASS # 16565 Beginner 1
7:00-7:45 pm $72/skater CLASS # 16571 Pre-Alpha
CLASS # 165 < ...........................................Alpha
20 min power & 25 min freestyle with
CLASS # 16667 Beta
CLASS # Freestyle 5 CLASS # 1660: Gamma
CLASS # 166(,.= ...........................................Delta
CLASS # 87 ..................Freestyle 6 CLASS # 1661 Hockey Skills 3-5
CLASS # .................Freestyle 7
CLASS # ..................Freestyle 8 12-12:30 pm $99 pair/$66 add'1 child
w4V p,altllIw
_aYetlj=f1P" CLASS # . ...................Freestyle 9 For beg adult & beg child to learn to skate
CLASS # _ Freestyle 10 together. Includes open skate punch card.
CLASS # 1657; Adult-child pair
CLASS # 16,5,`8 ........................Additional Child
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
T _11 i~acanlbae 16
(Registration begins Oct 11-27)
.r is t ,C "`,~,9 ,w P:5 w m o~gr~
_ class l.. _o -
Tuesday classes will be held concurrently with a 12:00- 5'15-6'00 pm $60/Skater
6:15-6:45 pm $66/skater
1:30 pm open skating session. Class participants receive Must have been previously enrolled in Fall session
Includes open skate punch card.
free admission before/after class when wearing their CLASS # Team Compulsory
CLASS Beginner 1
CLASS # v class name tag. The 30 ruin class also includes a compli-
z Beginner 2
CLASS # " Beginner 3 mentary punch card for six add'1 open skate sessions. 6:00-6:45 pm $72/Skater
CLASS # Beginner 4 12:45-1:15 pm $66 skater Includes 20 min power & 25 min freestyle with
CLASS # ......................Beginner 7 & U instructor
p CLASS # 16619 Beginner 1
CLASS # 166S,r Freestyle 1
CLASS # Pre-Alpha CLASS # 16620 Beginner 2 CLASS # 1662.................................. Freestyle 2
CLASS # j." ;1 Hockey Skills 1-2 CLASS # Beginner 3 CLASS # 166`13.................................. Freestyle 3
CLASS # ......................................Adults CLASS # %643.. Freestyle 4
6:45-7:15 pm $66/skater
Includes open skate punch card. 1:15-1:45 pm $66/skater 6:45-7:30 pm $72/skater
CLASS # .................................Beginner 1 CLASS # 1. ..............................Beginner 1 Includes 15 min power & 30 min skills instruction
CLASS # . Beginner 2 CLASS # ! FE Beginner 4 CLASS # Freestyle 5
CLASS # ................................Beginner 3 CLASS # .ls Pre-Alpha CLASS # 16(N~ Freestyle 6
CLASS # z ' Pre-Alpha CLASS # .......................................Alpha CLASS # 166S Freestyle 7
CLASS # . . ..........................................Alpha CLASS # , Beta CLASS # 166i~S.................................. Freestyle 8
CLASS # Beta CLASS # 166 1?.................................. Freestyle 9
CLASS # Hockey Skills 3-5 1:15-1:45 pm $99/pair, $66/add'1 child
For the beg adult and the beg child together.
7:15-7:45 pm $66/skater CLASS # Adult-child pair SATURDAYS
Includes open skate punch card. CLASS # i .....................Additional child NOV 6 - De- 3 (No OSF,~ 127)
CLASS # , Pre-Alpha
CLASS # :..........................................Alpha 9:30-10:00 am $60/skater
CLASS # r Beta ='VEDNESDAY For skaters in levels Beta - Freestyle 1.
CLASS # s Gamma ~,°s 15, ~t` CLASS # Intro Synchro Team
CLASS # "3 ...........................................Delta 9:45-10:15 am $66/skater
CLASS # 1,61 ii5--! Adult 10:15-10:55 am $90/skater
Includes open skate punch card. Includes 15 min private lesson & 25 min
7:15-7:45 pm $99/pair, $66/add'1 child CLASS # x Beginner 1 practice.
For the beg adult & beg child together. Includes CLASS # .~t=s „ Beginner 2 CLASS # Intro to Privates
open skate punch card. CLASS # 26 .................................Beginner 3
CLASS # 16666 Adult-child pair 10:15-10:55 am $36/skater
CLASS # ',6667 .......................Additional Child 10:15-10:45 am $66/skater Practice for skaters Alpha- Freestyle levels.
Includes open skate punch card. CLASS Contract Ice
7:45-8:30 pm $90/skater CLASS # .................................Beginner 4
Includes 15 min of instruction and 30 min practice. CLASS # Pre Alpha
CLASS # 161 ..........Intro to Private Lesson CLASS # 71 ..............................Alpha
CLASS # z.> : Beta IF 7:45-8:30 pm $54/skater-
Practice ice for figure skaters Alpha-Freestyle levels. 10:15-10:45 am $99//pair, $66/add'1 child
CLASS # 1616"16 Contract Ice For the beg adult and the beg child together. Includes
open skate punch card for each participant.
CLASS Adult-child pair
CLASS # ,x:'1571 ........................Additional Child
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Skating Lessons -TV ,E Television
SATURDAYS continued Have you ever dreamed of producing your own TV show? Now is the time to learn
how at E-TV, Eagan's own television station. You'll learn how to take your vision and
11:00-11:30am $66/skater make it a reality, promote your cause or just have fun! We have classes on studio pro-
Includes 10 min power & 20 min skills instruction. duction, field production, non-linear editing, special effects and more. Best of all, once
CLASS # 16622 .................................Beginner 1 you learn how to produce your show, it will be broadcast on one of the E-TV channels
CLASS # 166:x'` ..................................Beginner 2 to the entire city! For more information on this and everything else E-TV has to offer,
CLASS # .................................Beginner 3 go to www.eagan-tv.com or call 651-848-4696. E-TV is located at 610 Opperman
CLASS # Beginner 4 Drive, DLL-S500, Eagan, MN 55123.
CLASS # ......................Beginner 7 & Up
CLASS # Pre-Alpha
CLASS # _i...................... Hockey Skills 1-2
Intro to E-TV Eagan Television E-TV Intro to Single Camera/field
11:30 am-12:00 pm $66/skater
.x roduction
Includes open skate punch card,
CLASS # 16633 ..................................Beginner 1 Want to have your own television show? Want es 14 - Add
CLASS # A634 Beginner 2 to promote your cause? Learn all about what
CLASS # '~~a-35 ..................................Beginner 3 you can do at E-TV in this 2-hour course that If you want h "On Locationo this class will to go CLASS #
E . Pre-Alpha introduces participants to all areas of television give you all the building blocks for successful
CLASS # ' i`-' ? ..........................................Alpha production with E-TV. This class is a pre videography. From lighting to composition,
CLASS # Beta requisite to all other E-TV courses. you'll learn what you need for professional
CLASS #'i~ f% Hockey Skills 3-5 looking videos.
Times 7:00 - 9:00 pm
12:00-12:30 pm $661skater Cost ...................................................................Free Times.............................................. 6:30 - 9:30
Includes open skate punch card, Location ...........................................E-TV Studios Cost...................................................... $30/person
CLASS # Adult Location E-TV Studios
CLASS # ..........................................Alpha
CLASS # Beta
Monday ............................................September 13 CLASS # ! 69.6.
CLASS # Beginner 7 & Up Register by Friday, September 10 Mon &Tue Sept 20 & 21
CLASS #i, ............................................Delta Register by..................................... Friday, Sept 17
12-12:30 pm $99/pair, $66/add'1 child --TV Studio Production
For the beg adult & the beg child together. Includes
F-TV Intro to Non-Linear Editing
open skate punch card for each participant.
CLASS # Adult-child pair Director Producer Cameraman and CLASS # "i~z7~" ..........................Additional child
more! You'll learn all the aspects of studio pro- Every video you shoot will need to be edited
12:30-1:15 pm $72/skater duction using E-TV's multi-camera HD studio. to tell the story you want to tell. This class will
Includes open skate punch card. teach you the basics of non-linear eding using
CLASS # ...............................Freestyle 1 Times.............................................. 6:30 - 9:30 pm Apple Final Cut Pro.
CLASS # Freestyle 2 Cost $30/person
CLASS # Freestyle 3 Location ...........................................E-TV Studios Times.............................................. 6:30 9:30 pm
CLASS #'i`1`-. Freestyle 4 Register by................... Friday before class starts Cost $30/person
CLASS Freestyle 5 Location E-TV Studios
CLASS # Freestyle 6 CLASS # Register b Friday before class starts
CLASS # ' Freestyle 7 Mon & Tue August 30 & 31
CLASS Freestyle 8 CLASS # G7 s 6
CLASS # 166j'S Freestyle 9 Mon & Tue ...........................September 27 & 28
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Volunteer Parks & Recreation Recreation Hotline
The Recreation Hotline is available 24
_ Consider giving your time and talents through volunteering with the Eagan Parks & hours a day. The following menu of
Recreation Department. Throughout the year, Eagan Parks & Recreation Depart- topics has been set up so that residents
ment hosts many community special events that require the assistance of volunteers. can quickly hear specific information:
Individuals, businesses and social groups are encouraged to call and find out how
_ you can take part. To volunteer or get information on voluntering, please contact #1 Today's Activities
Kerry Phillips, Recreation Supervisor at 651-675-5500 or send an e-mail to k hilli s Current day's scheduled activities,
ci ofeagan.com.
including adult sports, outdoor ice
Volunteer opportunities are open to: rinks & tubing hill, programs,
• Individuals (children under 14 with supervision of an adult chaperone) special events & trip bus schedule.
• Church groups #2 Upcoming Activities
• School clubs and school community service hour requirements Information about activities that
• Scout groups will happen in two or three weeks.
• Local businesses and employee groups
• Social clubs (mom's groups, single groups, etc.) #3 Cascade Bay
• Community organizations Information on today's activities,
upcoming events, daily fees,
Captain's Course, directions,
season pass and birthday & group
Adapted Youth Sports - Ongoing Sunday Lone Oak Days - September 25 & 26 #4 Civic Arena
Information on public skating,
nights for 5 - 7 weeks at a time. Volunteer at the 1940's era Holz Farm Park adult open hockey, directions,
Enthusiastic volunteers needed to encourage celebrating the fall season. Volunteers needed skate school, upcoming events,
and work with youth ages 6-12 with disabili- to work at stations showcasing old fashioned and adult leagues.
ties as they participate in a sports-focused farm fun, help with pony rides, tractor rides,
program. Committed volunteers needed to children's activities, greeters and ticket takers. #5 Community Center
encourage participants, assist with sports Information on fitness member-
drills and make a great experience for the ships and classes, birthday parties,
youth in the program. Training is provided. Halloween Hodgepodge - October 24 group reservations, rental spaces
Trained staff lead the program with help A community favorite, the Halloween event and holiday hours & directions.
from volunteers. Sports include soccer, features carnival games, youth dance, crafts,
floor hockey, basketball, softball /t-ball, fish- face painting and much more. More than 75 #6 Registration Information
ing and bowling. volunteers are needed to support this "spook- Current status of recreation
tacular" community event. A great option program registration and quarterly
for groups and local businesses to volunteer brochure delivery.
Market Fest 2010 - June 30 - September 15 together.
Wednesday nights #7 Shelter Building and Facility
Be part of the summers hottest Eagan event.,. Information
Information on how to reserve a
This not to miss weekly community event facility
requires many volunteers to work the wel-
come/information booth, assist kids on free #8 Youth Athletic Association
art projects, run family and kid games and Information
k4 A IWA
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
The City of Eagan Parks & Recreation Department welcomes you and your preschooler - -
to a wide selection of quality preschool programs. Eagan Preschool Program's focus is
on the social development of children ages two through five years old. Participants will
benefit by developing their social skills through play, art projects, stories, songs, games,==- - = _
and outside play. Participants also have the opportunity to develop their independence,
self-help and sharing skills and learn to follow directions. Teachers are experienced
instructors committed to offering your preschooler a positive experience and providing die Ridge Park Shelter Building
support for your child's first school years. The program has been serving the community'
since 1978 and continues to provide quality programs and new opportunities for all East on Wescott Road to Elrene Road, south on
participants. Each year new classes begin in January, March, June and September. Elrene. The park entrance is on left, directly across
from Northview Park Road.
• Due to the popularity of our preschool program, classes tend to fill up quickly. Wait lists will Pilot Knob Road, north of Yankee Doodle Road to
be maintained in a manner that accommodates participants new to the program. Central Parkway. Left on Central Parkway. Follow
• A scholarship fund is available for participants under age 18 to provide financial assistance for road to Community Center entrance on the right
Eagan residents to participate in Eagan Parks & Recreation sponsored programs. The scholar-
ship covers 50% of the program fees with a maximum of $200 per year per participant. A
scholarship form must be completed at the time of registration and submitted to Eagan Parks gat Hill Park Shelter Building
& Recreation, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. In addition, time payments are also available to pay for
any youth programs offered by Eagan Parks & Recreation. A staff member will work with you
Lexington Avenue south past Lexington-Diffley
to set-up a payment schedule that fits your needs. For additional information, please contact
Athletic Fields and Kensington Trail. Turn right
Eagan Parks & Recreation at 651-675-5500 or www.cityofeagan.com and search scholarships.
at wood sign at entrance for Goat Hill Park, follow
• Equal Access Policy: The City of Eagan is committed to providing equal access to its pro
driveway up to parking lot. The shelter building
grams, facilities and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin or
is at the far end of the parking lot. (On west side
of Lexington Avenue between Diffley Road and
• Participants enrolled in more than one preschool class per session may experience program-
ming duplication between classes. Wilderness Run Road.)
Eagan Parka & Recreation uses these guidelines to defi
Diffley Road to Rahn Road, south on Rahn to Shale
• Children who are the appropriate age stated in the class description by the first day of Lane. Right on Shale Lane, left on Sandstone Drive.
class. The park is on the right side of Sandstone, across
from Rahn Elementary School. The shelter building
• Children who are completely toilet trained and able to use the bathroom is adjacent to hockey rinks.
independently. Children are required to wear underwear; pull-up type diapers are
not allowed.
• Bright Beginnings, Wiggles & Giggles and Let's Play! Music Together classes are for
children who are the age stated in the class description and accompanied by an adult
Between Wescott Road and Diffley Road on
Toilet training is not required for the parent/child classes and additional siblings are Lexington Avenue.
welcome, see each class fee structure for details.
• Just for 5's (and some Ts, too!) class is for children that are eligible to attend
kindergarten in the fall of 2011.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Fun with 3's
Find out what activities are available for you and your preschooler this fall! A special preview of
Preschool Open Gym, Preschool Open Play, The Blast, Eagan Art House, and Eagan Parks and Fun with 3's is a class designed to
Recreation's Preschool classes will all be showcased. Special treats, activities and the jumper will meet the needs of three year olds and
be available for participants and their parents, free for the whole morning! Registration for fall introduce them to preschool. Having
programs will be available for you on site during the preview morning. fun and learning through play! Activi-
ties will be centered around our theme
Wednesday September 8 based curriculum, the children will
Times ....................................................................................................................................9:30 - 11:30 am work on following directions,
Location ............................................................................................................Eagan Community Center to the preschool environment and suc-
cessful separation from parents. This is
our most basic introductory class, low
teacher to child ratios and lots of TLC
will be provided! Free-play time, art
projects, singing songs, snack time and
We would like to invite you to an Open House for your child's upcoming fall preschool a short group time with a story will be
class. The purpose of this Open House is to introduce your child to their teachers and part of the daily schedule. New 3 year
familiarize them with the building where they will attend class. The Open House is olds welcome... this is the class for you!
for children enrolled in just for 5's, Fun with 3's, Tiny Tots, Friday Friends, and Wacky
~l Wednesdays and will be held on Thursday, September 9, where your child is registered for
their class. A letter will be mailed to registered participants by August 31. Thursdays Sept 16 Dec 16
(skip Oct 21, Nov 11 & 25)
Times .............................9:30 - 11:30 am
Cost .................................$162 child OR
3 installment payments of $54/each.
Preschool eschool 0tw Plasee Time Payments Schedule on pg 12)
Location ECC Kids Kare
Drop in and spend the morning playing together in our Kids Kare Preschool Classroom, Open Register by Thur, Sept 9
Gym and the Blast! Activities are ongoing, so come and go as you choose. Activities and toys
are geared for children of varying ages, come ready to help your child adapt and engage at their
level. Parent participation, engagement and interaction makes each visit a success. Babies under
age 1 are welcome, free of charge. V"W
Mondays - Fridays ........................................................................Sept 13 - Dec 20 (skip Nov 12 & 26)
Times ...................................................................................................................................9:30 - 11:30 am `
Cost $3/per participant, payable weekly at the ECC Front Counter
Time Payments Schedule A
Fall Time Payments Schedule for Fun with 3's, Tiny Tots, Wacky Wednesdays, Friday-
Friends & Just for 5's: 3 installment payments (see class for amount). The 1" payment is due
at registration, 2" payment is due by October 15, and 3`d payment is due November 12. Avail-
able through mail or in person registration only. If paying by check, post date 2" and 3`d check
and include with original registration. If paying by credit card, the 2" and third payment will be
charged according to the dates listed.
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
Tiny Tc } } Wacky
In our traditional preschool class, Tiny 1, s ,
Tots class participants will experience
the benefits of multi-age groupings. At An excellent addition to your current
our preschool, children participate in a - preschool schedule or a great way to
theme based curriculum that incorpo- enhance your preschooler's week with
rates daily calendar and weather time,
a 1 day preschool class! Many of
singing songs, creating art projects, us need a one day a week preschool
listening to stories, and large and small 1 aav F 1 en option because of our busy schedules
group activities. Your preschooler will and tight budgets! In our one day a
also enjoy free-play time, meet and play week traditional preschool class, with friends, eat a snack, participate TG.LF! Many of us need a one day a week par-
ticipants will have fun while learning
in show and tell time and play actively preschool option because of our busy sched- through play! Activities will be centered
outside. Bring weather appropriate out- ules and tight budgets. In our one day a week around our theme based curriculum,
door clothes and foot wear daily traditional preschool class, participants will with components like free-play time,
have the opportunity to have fun while learn- calendar and weather activities, art
CLASS # ing through play! Friday Friends will enjoy free- projects, stories and songs, playing with
Mon & Wed Sept 13 - Dec 15 play time, calendar and weather activities, art friends, eating a snack, and participat-
Times 9:30 am - 12:00 pm projects, play with friends, eat a snack, partici- ing in "sharing bags". Children will
Cost ................................$345/child OR pate in "sharing bags", play outside and have play outside everyday, so bring weather
3 installment payments of $115/each a turn with take home book boxes all focused appropriate outdoor clothes.
(see Time Payments schedule on pg 12) around our theme based curriculum. Children
Location Bridle Ridge Park will play outside everyday and need to bring CLASS #
Register by....... Thursday, September 9 outdoor weather appropriate clothes. Wednesdays Sept 15 - Dec 15
Times ......................9:30 am - 12:00 pm
CLASS # CLASS #=i 0 ...................9:30 am - 12:00 pm Cost $192/child OR
Tue & Thur Sept 14 - Dec 16 CLASS # y .......................1:00 - 3:30 pm 3 installment payments of $64/each
(skip Oct 21, Nov 11 & 25) Fridays Sept 17 - Dec 17 (see Time Payments Schedule on pg 12)
Times ......................9:30 am - 12:00 pm (skip Oct 22, Nov 12 & 26) Location......................... Goat Hill Park
Cost ................................$345/child OR Cost............................................... $165/child OR Register by Thursday, Sept 9
3 installment payments of $115/each 3 installment payments of $55/each
(see Time Payments Schedule on pg 12) (see Time Payments Schedule on pg 12)
Location Bridle Ridge Park Location......................................... Goat Hill Park
Register by....... Thursday, September 9 Register by Thursday, September 9
I.P%.11.WJLB, J4LU1UUJJ LLL LIIL "6"11 6a 111111U111LI ~Lll it,l•
Check out page 34 for details!
Did you know Thresher Fields athletic park was once a popular site for a large grain threshing operation.
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
Just for 5s
(and some 4's, too!)' Begin your preschool experience with us! Each week explore a fun filled theme with your child
A pre-kindergarten cl ,-~s through art projects, painting, sensory activities, playdough and open playtime. A snack and
short group/lap time with stories, songs, fingerplays will be included in the last part of the class
time. Activities are geared for children of varying ages, come ready to help your child adapt and
Is your child eligible to attend kin- engage at their level. Parent participation, engagement and interaction makes each class a success!
dergarten next fall 2011? Just for Babies under age 1 by class start date are welcome free of charge. Please register all children
5's class prepares children for that attending.
transition into Kindergarten. The
children will learn through a theme Times ...........................................10:00 - 11:30 am
based curriculum and incorporate a Cost $90/child CLASS #
new letter each week, learn about the $20 each additional child living at same address Tuesdays Sept 14 - Dec 14
calendar and weather, create art proj- Register by Thursday, September 9 Location....................................... ECC Kids Kare
ects, sing songs, participate in small
and large group activities and share CLASS # CLASS # ; ~ t
with classmates during show and tell Mondays Sept 13 - Dec 13 Wednesdays............................... Sept 15 - Dec 15
time. Each child enjoys a turn as the Location .................................................Rahn Park Location ECC Kids Kare
class UP (very important person). i
Music Barb visits the class every Let's Play! Music Together
other week to provide the students
with musical learning experiences!
Children will play actively outside Did you know that all children are musical? Did you know that children learn best through play?
every day, so bring weather appropri- Have you ever wondered what you can do to nurture the musical growth of your child, regardless
ate outdoor clothes and footwear. of your own musical ability? Experience Music Together® with Let's Play! Music Together and
find out how important--and how fun--your role can be! Our Music Together classes build on
CLASS # your child's natural enthusiasm for music and movement. Teacher Cheryl Hornstein will help you
Mon, Tue, Thur........ Sept 13 - Dec 17 provide your child with the basic musical skills needed to enjoy school and social musical activi-
(skip Oct 21, Nov 11, Nov 25) ties. All in an informal atmosphere of play! Each Let's Play! class includes 10, 45 minute classes,
Times 9:30 am -12:00 pm 2 CDs, songbook, and activity suggestions for parents. For more information on Let's Play!
Cost ................................$435/child OR Music Together visit Cheryl's website at www.lpmusictogether.com. Let's Play! Music Together is
3 installment payments of $145/each licensed by Music Together LLC - www.musictogether.com.
(see Time Payments Schedule
on page 12) Cost $162/child
Location Goat Hill Park $90 first add'l child in family living at same address. Third sibling or more attend free
Register by Thursday, Sept 9 as well as siblings under 8 months (by first class start date) & over 6 years old
(with a paid first child). Please register all children attending class.
Online registration is not available for families with multiple children attending.
Location ............................................................................................................Eagan Community Center
Register by Friday, Sept 17
Preschool Open Gym! Tue..... Sept 21- Dec 7 (skip Oct 19, Nov 23) Fri Sept 24 - Dec 10 (skip Oct 22, Nov 26)
CLASS # 5:15 - 6:00 pm CLASS # I _ 1..........................9:30 - 10:15 am
See page 34 for details, CLASS # z 6:15 - 7:00 pm CLASS # ........................10:30 - 11:15 am
Thur.. Sept 23 - Dec 9 (skip Oct 21, Nov 25) Sat..... Sept 25 - Dec 11 (skip Oct 23, Nov 27)
CLASS # ......................9:30 - 10:15 am CLASS # 1.. ~3 . 9:00 - 9:45 am
CLASS # S' ....................10:30 - 11:15 am CLASS # 167"2........................10:00 - 10:45 am
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Start Smart Preschool
Soccer = Dance
Arfes 3-5 with qn
Start Smart Soccer is an introductory Your child will enjoy dancing while
soccer program for children 3-5 years working on balance, posture and grace.
old. The program prepares children for Little Sporties Leapers will be introduced to ballet,
organized soccer in a fun, non-threat- jazz and creative movement dance tech-
niques while improving their rhythm and
ening environment. Age appropriate p p coordination. Participants should wear
soccer equipment from Kwik Goal® _ leotards and dance/ballets shoes or slip-
and Koosh® is used to teach kicking pers. This class is not an "observation"
Participants will have the opportunity to get
dribbling, trapping, throw ins and agil- class, it is an opportunity for your child
ity, and particpants will receive a bag of moving ttt Participation, fun, team work and to learn and follow instruction from our
their own equipment on the last class! exercise will be the focus of this class. Ten- talented staff, while in our care. Parents
Children should wear tennis shoes and nis shoes and socks must be worn to class. are welcome to leave the building or wait
A variety of skills that teach introduction to in the lobby. Parents will be invited to
comfortable clothes, soccer shoes are sports, and large movement activities will be a mini recital on the last day of class, at
not needed. All equipment and cur- part of this class. All participants will receive a which time you will be able to observe
riculum is developed by The National little sporties t-shirt, please indicate size when your little dancer!
Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) registering. This is not an "observation" class
America's leading advocate for positive parents are welcome to leave the building or Saturdays ....................Sept 25 - Nov 13 _
and safe sports for children. This is wait in the lobby during class time. Cost $85/child~~
not an "observation" class, only the Location...... ECC Performance Studio
participant and the participating parent FOOTBALL SAMPLER Register by Friday, Sept 17
need to attend. All will be invited for Wednesdays ................................Sept 22 - Oct 20
the big "game" and award ceremony at Cost $50/child LEAPERS Ages 3 & 4
the end of the session. Location ECC South 2 Gym CLASS #
Register by ..................................Thursday, Sept 9 Times 11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Parent Meeting Tue, Sept 14
Times ...............................6:00 - 7:00 pm CLASS Ages 3 & 4 TWIRLERS ..................Ages 4 & 5
..........................9:30 - 10:15 am CLASS #
Location Eagan City Hall, Times..................
Parks & Recreation Dept, Times .............................12:45 - 1:30 pm
3830 Pilot Knob Road CLASS # "1611'i,1'1.. .................................Ages 4 & 5
Times ...........................................10:30 - 11:15 am DAZZLERS Ages 5 & 6
Tuesdays Sept 21 - Oct 26 SOCCER SAMPLER Times 1:45 - 2:30 pm
(Rain make up Nov 2) Wednesdays ................................Oct 27 - Nov 24
Cost $50/child TWIRLERS ..................Ages 4 & 5
Times ...............................6:30 - 7:30 pm
Location ECC South 2 Gym CLASS #
Cost $120/child
Register by Thursday, Nov 18 Wednesdays Sept 29 - Dec 1
Location ........................Clearwater Park
Times ...............................1:30 2:30 pm
Register by Thur, Sept 9
CLASS # ...........................Ages 3 & 4 Cost....................................... $115/child
Times .............................................9:30 - 10:15 am Location...... ECC Performance Studio
Register by Friday, Sept 17
CLASS # ',N') .................................Ages 4 & 5
Times ...........................................10:30 - 11:15 am
www,ci,yofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Adapted Soccer
& Sculpture
Ages 6-13
Ages 4-6 'J, r •
Explore clay and a variety of materials to cre-
ate artwork in 3-D. Preschoolers will learn Soccer skills develop large motor skills and what's even better is the kids will have a great
about different sculptural artists, tools and time learning the basics of soccer. Fun skill-developing games with trained staff and
techniques. All supplied provided. Kindergar- volunteers will encourage youth with disabilities to develop physical and social skills in a
teners welcome. safe environment. Team t-shirt is included in the cost and will be handed out the
2nd week of class. Provide size when registering. Sizes available: youth small, medium,
Thursdays ..........Sept 16 Oct 2.. (skip Oct 21) large and adult size small, medium, large. The last week, participants will receive an award
Cost ...................$88/person
certificate of participation. This class has a
Location Eagan Art House
Instructor Kan Wray minimum number in order for the class to
- • , .
Register by Friday, September 10 be held, so don't wait to sign up. , _ _
Parents/PCAs are encouraged to participate.
CLASS # i(1'-7P,',
Times ..........................9:30 - 11:30 am CLASS # w.. "
: awl
Sundays...... ..........Sept 12 - Oct 17
Times ...............................4:00 4:45 pm r
Times 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Cost ..........$45/person Jr
• ,a
(includes team t-shirt) _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
• Location Bridle Ridge Park
Instructor.... Adapted Recreation Staffer
Register by....... Thursday, September 9
A creq
Young artists explore color through
paint, paper, collage and more. Your '17ree Youth Fishing Clinic
child will learn the basics of color mix-
ing to make new colors as they try out Ph
fun techniques in making their own
artwork. All supplies provided. Kin- Youth who enjoy the outdoors and want to learn more about fishing will enjoy this free fishing
dergarteners welcome. clinic lead by Eagan's own water resource staff. Our enthusiastic and experienced staff will teach
children how to fish, types of bait to use, how to cast a line and remove a hook. All equipment
Thur..... Nov 4 - Dec 16 (skip Nov 25) and bait is provided. Parents and grandparents are invited to stay and help. Call the recreation
Cost ......................................$88/person hotline at 651-675-5511 in case of inclement weather for a class update one hour prior to the
Location Eagan Art House class.
Instructor Kari Wray
Register by Friday, October 29
Thursday ..........................................September 16
Times .............................9:30 11:30 am Times.............................................. 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Cost .Free
CLASS # Location ..................................Thomas Lake Park`
Times ...............................1:30 - 3:30 pm Register bY.................................. Monday, Sept 13 _Mmmm~
WWW.Cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
A!~P_s 7-11 Back by popular demand! Create a variety Discovery
- of 3-D projects from clay, paper machie and
more. Dress for messy activities.
- Discover how different drawing medi-
CLASS # +1? ums get different results as you explore
Thursday .......................................Sept 16 - Oct 7 a variety of techniques and subject
Times 6:00 - 8:00 pm matter. Draw with pencil, charcoal
Cost ......................................................$78/person and pastel. Learn about composition,
Junin, f
Location Eagan Art House perspective and more.
Instrf lil~i Instructor ...........................................Amy Rhone
Register by ..................................Thursday, Sept 9 CLASS #
Series Saturday ...................Oct 30, Nov 6, 13
Times 9:30 - 11:30 am
at Pa rivw Cost ......................................$56/person
{ Location Eagan Art House
Golf Club, Instructor ................................Jill Powell
. • - - Register by Saturday, Oct 23
Meet at the driving range for lessons
and play some golf two days per week.
This program is for juniors that have,
played the game and want to improve
basics and scoring. This includes 8 Kids
classes with instruction, Fall Junior VIP 1outh Painting
card and range balls. For weather relat- Holiday Gi~f.
ed information, please call Parkview ,J
Golf Club at 651-994-8000 x1• Mix colors, layer colors, paint with brushes and , Alit S~
without brushes. Explore the many aspects
CLASS # of painting in this fun, expressive class. Bring
ws ~m
Tue & Thur Sept 14 - Oct 7 your imagination!
Times ...............................4:00 - 5:15 pm This workshop is a great way for kids to make
Cost $90/person CLASS # their own gifts for their family and friends.
Location ................Parkview Golf Club Saturday Oct 2 - 16 The instructor will guide the children through
projects that the
Register by Friday, Sept 3 Times 9:30 - 11:30 am 2 or 3 I Y can wrap and then
Cost ......................................................$56/person give as gifts. Shhh! Some details are secret!°
Location Eagan Art House All supplies provided.
Instructor Shelley Shelton
Register b Friday, Sept 24 CLASS # ~~s"s"-
by Saturday December 4
Times ..............................................1:00 - 3:00 pm
Cost $20 /person
Find L1> Orh Location ....................................Eagan Art House
91 Facebook ® Instructor ......................................Holly Landauer
Discover Eagan Parks & Reza _ W Register by ..................................Monday, Nov 29
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Club Oasis
7- 1+%s
Learn to throw pots on the wheel as you gain confidence as an emerging potter. Wear old clothes.
All supplies and firing included. New longer class! All classes are held at the Eagan Art House. Club Oasis, our middle school dance, is
the place to win prizes, hang with your
CLASS # 167', CLASS # 2, friends, and show your dance moves!
Mondays .....................................Sept 13 - Oct 18 Mondays Nov 1 - Dec 6
Times 4:00 - 6:00 pm Times.............................................. 4:00 - 6:00 pm Fridays Select Dates
Cost ....................................................$130/person Cost $130/person Times 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Instructor Siiri Doan Instructor............................................... Siiri Doan Cost $5/person
Register by .........................Tuesday, September 7 Register by........................... Monday, October 25 Location ECC/Civic Arena
School ID required to enter
CLASS # 15719 CLASS #
Tuesdays .....................................Sept 14 - Oct 19 Tuesdays Nov 2 - Dec 7 Upcoming Dates:
Times 4:00 - 6:00 pm Times.............................................. 4:00 - 6:00 pm Friday, October 1 ...............Civic Arena
Cost ....................................................$130/person Cost $130/person Friday, November 5........... Civic Arena
Instructor Peter Jadoonath Instructor..................................... Peter Jadoonath Friday, December 3........................ ECC
Register by Wednesday, September 8 Register by........................... Tuesday, October 26
Schedule your scout troop for a class at the Eagan Art House. Pricing and times vary.
Call 651-686-9134 for more information. ~j
Available Classes:
* Webelos Artist Activity Badge
* Boy Scout Art Merit Badge
grind th t
* Boy Scout Sculpture Badge
* Brownies Colors & Shapes Try-It
y. For Performers: Looking for a venue where
* Jr. Girl Scout jewelry - you can get performance experience? Bring
* Jr. Girl Scout Visual Arts the Noise at the Oasis is a place to showcase
* Jr. Girl Scout Drawing & Painting your music /performance in front of a live
* Jr. Girl Scout Ceramics & Clay r audience. To book your gig, call 651-675-5515
for contract information.
For Audiences: All ages welcome (Grades 4
and under require adult supervision)
Celebrate Art at the Eagan Art Fridays .................................................Select Dates
t it Times 7:00 - 9:30 pm
see page ,4 Y
Cost ........................................................$5/person
Location ECC Oasis
Did you know Park staff maintains nearly 4000 irrigation heads located on City athletic fields and properties.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
r~r~~~ ~~~f~ Ceramics
Lleloilt To,%g~na
Adults & Teens 14+ Beginning and experiences potters are welcome! Use wheel thrown and hand-built tech-
Connect with other artists, work on your own niques to make sculptural and functional pieces. Enjoy getting idas from other students in
artwork and share ideas. Use the Eagan Art this relaxed and encouraging class. All supplies and firing included. Classes are held at the
House studio space to spread out and relax. Eagan Art House.
It's the perfect monthly retreat for artists in all
2-D mediums. Bring your own supplies. No CLASS # " CLASS #
instructor, just the space to work. Call Julie at Tuesdays .....................Sept 14 - Oct 19 Tuesdays .........................Nov 2 - Dec 7
the Eagan Art House to reserve your space, Times ...............................6:30 - 9:00 pm Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm
651-686-9134. Open Studio is generally held Cost ....................................$145/person Cost $145/person
the first Friday of the month. Some excep- Instuctor Peter Jadoonath Instuctor...................... Peter Jadoonath
tions apply. Register by ..........................Tues, Sept 7 Register by.................... Tuesday, Sept 7
Fridays ..................Sept 10, Oct 1, Nov 5, Dec 3 CLASS # CLASS #
Times ......................................9:30 am - 12:30 pm Fridays......................... Sept 10 - Oct 29 Fridays............... Nov 5 - December 17
Cost $5/person, payable at the door (skip Sept 24 & Oct 1) (skip Nov 26)
Times 9:00 - 11:30 am Times............................. 9:00 - 11:30 am
Volunteer Studio Monitor needed, call 651- Cost ....................................$145/person Cost $145/person 3
686-9134 for more information. Instructor Peter Jadoonath Instructor..................... Peter Jadoonath
Register by Friday, Sept 3 Register by...................... Friday, Oct 29
Raku Potte Saturdays .....................Sept 11 - Oct 16 Saturdays.......... Oct 30 - December 18
fr fr Times 9:00 - 11:30 am (skip Nov 20 & 27)
Cost ....................................$145/person Times 9:00 - 11:30 am
Explore the beautiful techniques of Instructors PeterJadoonath Cost $145/person
Raku pottery. You'll create your pieces, Brian Clark Instructor Peter Jadoonath
either hand built or thrown on the Register by Monday, Sept 6 Register by...................... Friday, Oct 22
wheel from Raku clay. Outdoor firing CLASS # _
on the last day of class. All supplies -
Mondays .........................Nov 1 -Dec 6
and firing included. All skill levels
Times ...............................6:30 - 9:00 pm
welcome. No previous experience r
Cost $145/person -
necessary. t
Instructor Siiri Doan
CLASS # Register by ...................Monday, Oct 25
Mondays Sept 13 - October 18
Times ...............................6:30 - 9:00 pm 11
Cost $145 /person
Instructor Siiri Doan
Register by Monday, Sept 6
Sign up for Holiday Parties 101 offered
at the Eagan Community Center, see page 35 for details.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
i,QnsQ Drawing Basics
Explore the wonder and techniques of watercolor as you create your own unique artwork. Open & Beyond
to all skill levels. Supplies will be discussed at the first class. Visit the web site for a complete
supply list at www.cityofeagan.com/eaganarthouse.
Good drawing skills are the building
Cost ...........................................................................................................................................$115/person block for any artist.
Learn techniques
Location Eagan Art House that will build your confidence and
Instructor .............................................................................................................................Holly Landauer improve your artwork.
Explore shading,
perpspective, layout as well as differ-
f ent drawing mediums. All skill levels
Mondays .......................Sept 20 - Oct 25 S,
Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm welcome. Check www.cityofeagan.com/
Register b Monday, Sept 13 eaganarthouse for a supply list.
E 4.
Wednesdays Sept 15 - Oct 20
Thursdays ...................................Sept 23 - Oct 28 Cost
Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm Times 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Register by Thursday, Sept 16 ` ....................................$105/person
Instructor .....................Eric Menzhuber
CLASS # 41 Location Eagan Art House
Mondays Nov 1 - Dec 6 _ Register by.......................... Wed, Sept 8
Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Register by ...................................Monday, Oct 25
CLASS # 16 7313 Thursdays.......... Nov 4 Dec 16 (skip Nov 25) 40
Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Register by Friday, Oct 29 Tea Pots ador
Adults & Teens 1
Portrait Drawing Oil Painting Learn to make beautiful and functional tea
pots. Learn wheel thrown and hand built
A,omd Ten n k~ techniques that will help you create tea pots
that really work. All supplies and firing includ-
Learn to draw and paint portraits by through observing values, sight-size compara- ed. Experience in wheel throwing and/or
tive drawing, and anatomical construction. Some painting experience helpful. Check handbuilding recommended.
www.cityofeagan.com/eaganarthouse for a supply list.
Wednesdays ....................Nov 3 - Dec 8 Saturdays.................................. . Oct 30 - Dec 4
Times ...............................6:30 - 9:00 pm (skip Nov 20 & 27)
Cost ....................................$115/person Times 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Instructor .....................Eric Menzhuber Cost $120/person
Location Eagan Art House Instructors............ Peter Jadoonath/Brian Clark
Register by Wed, Oct 27 Location.................................... Eagan Art House
Register by Friday, Oct 22
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Mosaic Workshop
Allp0+e, R, Ca na 1d-,
Create your own mosaic using old glass or china. Bring 1-2 items from home to mosaic
and any old glass or china. Learn about color, texture and other design elements that make
an exquisite mosaic. Use your imagination! All other supplies provided.
Saturdays ................September 11 & 18
Printmaking Times ...............................1:00 - 4:00 pm
Cost ......................................$73/person
V e
forth . Location ..................Eagan Art Housl
Holi. Register by Friday, Sept 3
Create your own holiday cards and gift
bags with your own unique printed
designs. You'll carve your own easy
cut blocks then use ink create your Painting ion Acrylics, Pastels & oils
final design. Learn about monoptints,
layering colors, and what makes a good
Adults & Teens
design. No exerience necessary. All
supplies provided for 20 cards and Choose your painting medium and enjoy this encouraging, self-paced class with individualized
evelopes. attention. Whether you are a beginning or advancing painter, you'll learn techniques to improve
your artwork. Check the web site for a supply list, www.cityofeagan.com/eaganarthouse. Supplies
CLASS # for beginning painters will be discussed during the first class session. Instructor, Laurie Toth, is
Saturdays Oct 30 & Nov 6 an award winning artist with a keen eye for color and composition. All classes take place at the
Times ...............................1:30 - 3:30 pm Eagan Art House.
Cost $62/person
Instructor ............................Amy Rhone CLASS # i~:`f CLASS # 1h>~~tp
Art House Tuesdays .....................................Sept 14 - Oct 19 Tuesdays Nov 2 - Dec 7
Location Register .b................... Friday, Eagan n Art House Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm Times.............................................. 6:30 - 9:00 pm
22 Cost ....................................................$115/person Cost $115/person
Register by ....................................Tuesday, Sept 7 Register by................................... Tuesday, Oct 26
CLASS # )')741 CLASS # 1074-'!
Wednesdays ........................Sept 15 - October 20 Wednesdays................................... Nov 3 - Dec 8
Times ..................................10:00 am - 12:30 pm Times ................................10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Cost ....................................................$115/person Cost $115/person
~e4r`r:ti~edb~S4~ iVic;etiJ l1Vi~
at the Eagan Community Center Register by ...............................Wednesday, Sept 8 Register by............................. Wednesday, Oct 27
see page 36 for details! Find us on
91 Facebook
Discover Eagan Parks &
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
{f - Painting Fall Leaves in Watercolor
Paint the beautiful color of Fall in watercolor. Learn about color mixing, paint application
i while improving your observational skills. All supplies included. A great way to try out
watercolor without the investment in supplies. Beginning painters welcome.
CLASS Saturday .....................October 9
Times ...............................1:30 - 4:30 pm _
Cost .....................................$43/person Y Y:.
Location Eagan Art House
Instructor ......................Holly Landauer
Register by Friday, Oct 1
a~1 ■ f~~~yy¢Paper
& Texture -
Explore the collage technique of layer-
ing paper and fabric as your under- Morse Hair Ft red
painting. Use paint and handmade Fused Glass
stencils to tie it all together into a 3ottery
beautiful painting full of texture, layers, Ornaments
paper and paint. For more information
call the Eagan Art House at 651-686- This alternative firing technique is inspired by
9134. Supply list available at ~v Native American artwork. You'll create pot- Create one of a kind glass ornaments
cityofeagan.com/eaganarthouse. tery, either wheel thrown or hand built, that for gifts or for your own home. Sup-
will then be fired with horse hair that will cre- plies provided for 5 ornaments. Your
CLASS # ate beautiful and unique lines on the pot. As projects will be assembled during this
Saturdays Oct 2 & 16 the hair is consumed in the firing process, it class, then fired on-site. Final projects
Times ...............................1:30 - 3:30 pm twists and turns, each piece becoming an origi- will be available for pickup within 14
Cost ......................................$60/person nal never to be duplicated again. All supplies days.
Instructor .......................Shelley Shelton and firing included.
Location Eagan Art House CLASS #
Register by Friday, Sept 24 CLASS Saturday November 13
Thursdays Oct 28 - Dec 9 Times 1:30 - 3:00 pm
(skip Nov 25) Cost ......................................$38/person
Times 6:30 - 9:00 pm Instructor Jill Powell
Do cake crumbs get mixed a Cost ....................................................$145/person Location.................... Eagan Art House
when ou ice a cake? Instructor Brian Clark Register by....................... Friday, Nov 5
Y Location Eagan Art House
Check out Cake Decoratiri- l Register by Thursday, Oct 21
offererd on page 35!
Did you know A fine fescue ("no-mow") lawn has up to a 9" root system, while typical lawns' roots are only 1-3".
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Explore & Wine Thursday, October 28
Tasty m
Jeeves in Bloom follows the uproarious mis
Enjoy the fall colors as we arrive at the Great haps and misadventures of the loveable, loopy
Rivers Road Visitor Center for a tour, coffee, Bertie Wooster, who manages time and again
tea and baked good in Prescott, Wisconsin. to put himself in socially precarious situa-
Then it is on to the charming town of Cannon lions, only to be rescued by his brainy butler,
Falls, Minnesota. Shop and lunch at a great Jeeves. Now Bertie finds himself dodging
cafe and complete the day with a tour and tase romantic entanglements with a starry-eyed
of the Cannon River Winery. Trip fee includes young woman, eluding an enraged chef wield-
coach bus, group tour of visitor center and ing a meat cleaver, and begrudgingly helping
Adult Spo group wine tasting. Lunch is on your own. his Aunt Dahlia to commit a burglary. . Thank
heaven Jeeves is there to save the day. Trip
t~~ CLASS # 1,6117 includes motor coach transportation, lunch
Thursday ..........................................September 30 and the show Registration is limited to 23 as
The South of the River Recreators the trip is a combined with the City of Apple
Times ........................................9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(S.O.R.R.) Group, which consists of Valley.
the cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Cost $38 /person
Location Meet Upper Level of ECC
Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville, Rose- Thursday .............................................October 28
Register by Friday, Sept 24
mount and Savage sponsors the fol- Times ......................................10:50 am - 4:00 pm
lowing leagues. Teams interested in~ ~O Cost $pp/person
playing in the following league should - A Location ECC Upper Level
Register by Wed, Oct 20
contact the appropriate Parks & Recre- ~ 1~ A I
ation Department. -
CLASS # xt ~ . Smoked Pork Chop
1 t 7 CLASS # 167 Walleye Pike
League offering: T' E s i~
" CLASS # 1671 ...........................Chicken Breast
, a 4
Tuesday .................Dodgeball (8+ wks)
CLASS # 167, . Vegetarian Lasagna
Cost $105/team
Register .............................August 13-27
Contact Lakeville Parks & Recreation
at 952-985-4615 for more information. Ew an Adult Sports Opportunities
Teams interested in playing in leagues offered by Eagan Parks & Recreation can visit
www.cityofeagan.com/adultsports for detailed information. Leagues have varying
eligibility and age requirements. In order to register a team, you must complete a reg-
istration/roster form and submit full payment to Eagan Parks & Recreation during the
for Adult Trips offered by appropriate registration dates.
Heartland Tours & Travel, Interested in participating in a particular league, but don't have a team? Contact Eagan
Parks & Recreation and we can put you on an available players list with your name,
see page 26! phone number, email address and league interest. Your information is distributed to the
managers at their league meeting. Although we will distribute your contact information,
this does not guarantee that a team will contact you. You can contact Eagan Parks &
Recreation at 651-675-5500 or email Jonathan Moore at jmoore&ci ofeagan.com.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Eagan 55 pluslSeniors
Programs, activities and events are offered for the 55 plus/Seniors at several locations throughout the City of Eagan. In the Lone Oak
Room of the Eagan Community Center, a variety of activities and health & wellness programs are offered aimed at keeping adults, 55 plus
active, challenged and independent. Whether you are seeking mind stimulating games, new friendships through many social exchanges or
classes to improve or maintain strength, balance and energy, there is something for everyone. Other program sites are listed in the Off-Site
Health & Wellness section.
55 plus Eagan Senior Program Advisory
Become a member of the Board (ESPAB)
While you don't have to be a member The ESPAB develops, coordinates and spon-
to participate with the Eagan 55 plus/ sors events and activities for 55 plus/Seniors
Seniors, membership definitely has its at the Eagan Community Center. This seven
benefits! From member only events member board partners with the City of Eagan
such as our annual ice cream social and Parks & Recreation to advocate for program-
annual free pizza party to voting on ming that benefits Eagan 55 plus/Seniors.
issues that effect 55 plus/Senior pro-
gramming, there are numerous reasons
to join and support the Eagan 55 plus/ `
Listed are some of the activities that go on
Seniors. Stop in the Lone Oak Room
in in the Eagan Community Center for the Lone Oak Room. The Eagan 55 plus/
Seniors are always looking for new people to
a membership form. Your $10 annual join them so check out our newsletter or visit Ice rea]
membership fee does a lot to support
www.ciiyofeagan.com for more information:
the Eagan 55 plus/Seniors, so join Each month birthday celebrations
today! • Art Classes include a catered lunch. For the current
• Arts & Crafts member of the Eagan 55 plus/Seniors
Please Note: Only members will • Book Clubs who has a birthday in that month, the
receive the 55 plus/Senior newsletter • Nordic Walking birthday lunch is free. For everyone
by mad. • Bingo else, lunches will cost $8/person. (You
• Monthly Potlucks don't have to be a member to Ioin the
• Birthday Lunches celebration). All participants must reg-
• • Day Trips ister using the class numbers below To
• Cribbage Tournaments receive their free lunch, birthday people
• Strength/Balance/Yoga must attach their birthday invitation to
• Euchre & 500 Card Games a registration form.
To find out more information about programs . Fit for Life
and activities that focus on 55 plus/Seniors, • Elegant Eaganites Times ......................................11:00 am
you may download a copy of the News from • Quilt Group Cost $8/person
the Front Porch publication from the City of • Court Whist Card Games Location........... ECC Lone Oak Room
Eagan website www.ciiyofeagan.com and go • Dominoes Register by...... One week prior to date
to Parks & Recreation, scroll down to the 55 • Bridge
CLASS # Sept 8
plus/Seniors and click on News from the Front • Hand & Foot Card Games CLASS # Oct 13
Porch. Or you can pick up a copy in person at • Monthly Speakers CLASS # ..r Nov 10
the Eagan Municipal Building or at the Eagan • Qigong CLASS # $v ..........................Dec 8
Community Center. • Defensive Driving Courses
• Mahjong
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
Corn Feed enorq
plus/Seniors Eagan Parks & Recreation will be hosting 55+
55 Driver Improvement Courses from the MN
Sunshine and fresh corn on the cob... isn't that Highway Safety & Research Center. The Driv-
what summer is all about? Besides MN grown er Improvement course is open to the public;
corn on the cob, we will have grilled natural - however, pre-registration is requested. A certi-
brats and hotdogs, watermelon and desserts. In fied instructor teaches driver safety, confidence
addition to the picnic, enjoy a tour and tractor and comfort by utilizing the most up-to-date
ride of the historic Holz Farm. Please note research in the field, including the latest visual
that the Community Center will be closed the scanning and steering techniques, anti-lock
flu Shot C,
last week in August so this celebration will take braking (ABS) skills, airbag information, driver
the place of our August potluck and will be or Senior distraction, road rage, traffic laws and new
vehicle technology.
held at Holz Farm. Pre-registration is neces-
sary so sign up today! Please note that all registrations and pay-
Eagan Parks & Recreation will be ments for the driver improvement claseses are
CLASS # %s-',123 hosting their annual Flu Shot Clinic handled through the MN Highway Safety &
Wednesday .........................................September 1 for Seniors on Thursday, October 4, Research Center. Persons age 55 and older
Times ......................................11:00 am - 1:00 pm from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Eagan who complete the course qualify for a ten
Cost $6/person Community Center. To reserve your percent discount on their auto insurance pre-
Location ................................................Holz Farm spot please call Parks & Recreation at miums. First time participants must complete
651675-5500. No charge if Medicare two four hour sessions. Repeat persons are
4665 Manor Drive, Eagan Card (with Medicare Part B) or other
required to take a four hour refresher course.
Register by .............................Monday, August 23 accepted insurances: BCBS, HealthPart
For more information or to register please call
e ners, Medica, Preferred ONe, MCHA,
Toll Free 1-888-234-1294.
MHP, MN Health Care, Aetna, Cigna,
Humana, UCare or Unicare' 4 Hour Courses Dates
• • Monday, Nov 23 ................8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Vaccination .....................................Price Eagan Community Center, Lone Oak Room,
s ► Flu Shot $26.00 1501 Central Parkway
*F1uMist $32.00 • Wednesday, Oct 6......................... 5:30-9:30 pm
- HD Flu Zone $50.00
Gramercy Park Cooperative, 1669 Yankee
Pneumonia ...................................$57.00 Doodle Road
*Nurse will bring F1uMIst and F1uMist • Thursday, Dec 9 5:30-9:30 pm
consent forms, while supplies last.
Gramercy Park Cooperative, 1669 Yankee
1 Doodle Road
8 Hour Courses Dates
• Monday, Oct 18 ...........................8:30- 4:30 pm
Firid us a,n Eagan Community Center, Lone Oak Room
Faceboo k ® • Monday, Dec 6 8:30 - 4:30 pm
Eagan Community Center, Lone Oak Room
~ISCOVer Eagan Parks 8C • Wed & Thur, Nov 10 & 11 5:30-9:30 pm
www.facebOOk.com/eaganparksandrecreation Gramercy Park Cooperative, 1669 Yankee
Doodle Road
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
South Metri:)
r 1 :010 I
55 plus/Senior Expo
living and Loving the SS plus Life in 2W
Our 6' Annual 55 plus/Senior Expo plans to be
bigger and better in 2010 with more businesses leniOr EXPO
and organizations available to share their goods
and services with you so be sure you mark i. 7D Eagan 55 plus/Seniors
Tuesday, October 12 on your calendar for this
free, fun and informative event! M p m h p rh i n 7010
If you are interested in being an exhibitor at our Expo please contact Parks & Why Should I become a member
Recreation at 651- 675-5500 for more information on registration information. or renew my membership?
Each membership dollar goes to the
Eagan 55 plus/Seniors to support
a wide variety of activities that take
place in the Lone Oak Room of the
Heartland Tnur lrrmv Eagan Community Center. From paper
products, to craft and game supplies, to
room supplies and supporting special
The Eagan 55 plus/Seniors program is partnering with Heartland Tours & Travel and excited to events. Membership dollars make a
host travel shows to showcase the upcoming trips and tours or develop more customized trips great impact.
for you every third Wednesday of every month at 11:15 am in the Lone Oak Room of the Eagan
Community Center. What privileges do I receive for
Mackinac Island & Agawa Canyon South Dakota Buffalo being a member?
Your member designation entitles
you to vote, be on the Eagan Senior
What could be more magnificent than a canyon Each fall the Wild West returns to Custer State Program Advisory Board (ESPAB),
train trip through breathtaking, rugged wilder- Park during the 45" Annual Buffalo Roundup. and participate in any member-only
ness, rushing rivers, and lakes in spectacular It's a crisp September morning and the dew activities such as the Member Only Ice
fall scenery? Top it off with more brilliant glistens on the grasses. A low rumble gets Cream Social and Pizza Party. In addi-
scenery as we step back in time on a ferry ride louder and louder, and suddenly hundreds of lion, the 55 plus/Seniors news publica-
to Mackinac Island, almost untouched with bison stamped over a hilltop with cowboy/ lion, News from the Front Porch, will be
the fast pace of the mainland. Kick back, relax cowgirl wranglers moving the park's 1500 mailed to your home.
and enjoy this fun, scenic and exciting tour. bison. Fee includes visit to historical Dead-
Fee includes 7days/7 meals, Gangster Theme wood, Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse How do I sign up?
Overnight, Locks Cruise, Horse Drawn Island Memorial, up close and personal. Cost $649/ Pick up a membership form in the
Tour, Hydro Jet SS Badger Lake Michigan person. Departure & Return Location TBA. Lone Oak Room and return it with $10
Crossing. Double $999/person. Departure & Contact Art Meier 651-777-7170 for more per person to the Eagan Seniors via
Return Location TBA. Contact Art Meier 651- information & registration. mail or in person at the Eagan Com-
777-7170 for more information & registration.
munity Center or City Hall.
for local day trips, see page 73.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Zumba Gold Health Insurance
Zumba, pronounced zoom-bah, has women and men toning up, trimming down, and
whittling their waists. It is a fusion of Latin and international music that creates a fun,
dynamic, and effective fitness system. Zumba Gold is specifically designed for the active The Minnesota Board on Aging offers
older adult and/or true beginner. Zumba is like being at a dance party with the great Latin health insurance counseling services to
styles of music and dance. Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and
their caregivers. Counseling is avail-
able at no fee at this site. To make an
Times ...............................5:30 6:30 pm - appointment, please call 651-675-5500.
Cost ......................................$10/person For more information contact the
Location ECC Meeting Rooms Senior LinkAge Line at 1-800-333-
Register ................1 week prior to class _ 2433.
CLASS # Dates .........4" Tuesday of each month
Thursdays Sept 16 - Nov 4 ` Times ......................8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location........... ECC Lone Oak Room
Thursdays Nov 11 - Dec 23$
(skip Nov 25) L 0 h s
Nordic Walking Club dew eVe~"~~Q~a~S~on. 14Cflon! It -TV
Vol ~
',15 pills/ eniom 61
Learn the proper technique of Nordic Walking while have fun and socializing with others. $10.00 No previous experience needed! Interested in
annual fee includes: helping the Eagan 55 plus/Seniors produce a
- TV show under guidance of E-TV staff? Par-
ticipants will learn and put into practice studio
• First time Nordic Walking instruction on the first Wednesday of
every month or the first Tuesday evening of every month production, field production, non linear edit-
(mandatory for all first time participants) ing special effects and more. The outcome
will be to produce a show that will broadcast
• Use of equipment at any time year round.
Fi #r
on E-TV. All levels of learners are welcome.
• 6 Eagan Community Center indoor walking track passes
~ If you are interested in any way, please contact
• Instructor guidance at each Wednesday and Tuesday club times
Loudi Rivamonte at 651-675-5515.
• Expanded core conditioning and stretches with an instructor at every club time
CLASS # 86 -
Wednesdays .....................................................................................................................................10:30 am
Tuesdays 5:30 pm
Cost ...........................................................................................................................$10/per calendar year ~r; ,6*
Location .......................................................................................................................................ECC Foyer r
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
Spring Forest t WJ" Spring Forest
Q►gong ; . s Q►gong Level
Practice Two
This class offers participants any Students must have completed Level
opportunity to practice Spring Forest 1 in order to attend this class. Level 2
Qigong under the guidance of a certi- b pr►ng Fores i, is an in-depth continuation of learn-
fied Qigong instructor, Deanne Kroll. ing from level one. Participants will
►gong gain further knowledge of how energy
Ms. Kroll is a Certified Level 2 Master
blockages in certain areas of the body
Healer and has worked as a teacher
and healer at the Spring Forest Qigong might manifest into specific illnesses.
Spring Forest Qigong (chee going) is a simple Participants will develop skills to help
Center since 2005. Additionally, Ms. improve the health of oneself and oth-
Kroll also has a private healing prat- but effective method for helping you expert-
ence optitmal health and wellness. This method ers and increase energy for health and
lice. Participants must have completed the reduction of stress. Participants
is simple and easy to learn regardless of age or are currently attending Spring Forest or ablity. It is comprised of four parts that all will also learn the techniques
of sword
Qigong Level 1. work together; breathing, gentle movements, fingers and thunder palms to transform
mental focus and sound. Studying Qigong and balance those energy blockages to
CLASS # since 1997, Deanne Kroll is a Certified Level 2 help improve health. These techniques
Mondays Sept 13 - Nov 1 Master Healer and has worked as a teacher and can help cold/flu, blood sugar, blood
Times ...............................7:00 - 8:00 pm healer at the Spring Forest Qigong Center since pressure, chronic pain, etc. Studying
Cost ......................................$10/person 2005. Additionally, Ms. Kroll also has a private Qigong since 1997, Deanne Kroll is
Location........... ECC Lone Oak Room healing practice. a Certified Level 2 Master Healer and
Register b Monday, Sept 6 has worked as a teacher and healer at
CLASS # _'63 the Spring Forest Qigong Center since
Fridays .........................................Sept 17 - Oct 22 2005. Additionally, Ms. Kroll also has a
Times .............................................9:30 - 11:00 am private healing practice
Cost $15 /person
Location ECC Oasis CLASS #
Register by Friday, Sept 10 Fridays......................... Oct 29 - Dec 17
• (skip Nov 26)
Times .............................9:30 - 11:45 am
Cost $18/person
tt j~ Location ...........................................ECC
pagan Art House Pottery Art t or in the Eagan Room at City Hall
Register by .................Thursday, Oct 21
check out page 3 for details!
Did you know An average American uses the equivalent of one 100 foot tall, 16 inch diameter, tree every year
for thier paper and wood product needs.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
014 yak ktJuai Ar
55 plus/Seniors
Garden Art m'!
Create artistic holiday ornaments to decorate
Be inspired by the outdoors as you create a your home or to give as gifts. All supplies
unique piece of artwork to place in your gar- provided.
den or in your home. A great way to celebrate
summer. All supplies provided. CLASS # a -4
Thursday ..........................................November 18
CLASS # Times ....................................10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday ................................................August 19 Cost........................................................ $6/person
Times ....................................10:00 am - 12:00 pm Instructor Wanda Borman
Cost .
~ .............$6 person Register by..................................... Thurs, Nov 11
It or L~ Instructor Eagan Art House staff
55 olus./Senior " Register by ...........................Thursday, August 12
Exercise is an essential part of an active
lifestyle. Fit for Life classes include light
cardio, strength and balance training Create unique, one-of-a-kind books for trea-
sured memories. Beautiful art paper and
embellishments turn the ordinary into extraor-
ends with a short stretching period to
dinary. All supplies provided. rya
help maintain your flexibility. Please 77
wear comfortable clothing and gym CLASS # 6.
shoes. Instructor: Kate Marsland. Thursday ..........................................September 16
Times ....................................10:00 am - 12:00 pmi
CLASS # Cost ........................................................$6/person
Instructor .....................................Dina O'Sullivan ~I !b i esI n rr g Ment
Mondays ...............Sept 13 - Nov 1
Register by ..................................Thursday, Sept 9
Times ...........................11:00 - 11:45 am Floral design is the art of using plant materi-
Cost $10/person als and flowers to create a pleasing and bal-
Location ................................ECC Oasis nhancing Your Energy Witp li anced composition. Participants will learn and
Register by Monday,Sept 6 wtones in lewelr experiment with a few styles of floral design
Styles may include: Ikebana, an Asian style of
Participants will learn to match stones to their floral design and features simplicity and purity
CLASS # own energy to enhance their bodies energy-
MondaYs Nov 8 -Dec 20 of lines and cloros. Or European style which
Next, participants will make a piece of jewelry emphasizes color and variety in mass gather-
Times ...........................11:00 - 11:45 am such as a necklace or bracelet from the stone.
Cost ......................................$10/person All materials including stones and silver and ings of multiple flowers. Supplies including
clasps are built into the class fee. This is a two flowers are included in fee.
Location ................................ECC Oasis
Register b Monday, Nov 1 part session with instructor Deanne Kroll.
by y CLASS #
CLASS # Friday December 10
Fridays ................................................Oct 15 & 22 Times.............................................. 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Times 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cost...................................................... $12/person
Cost ......................................................$20/person Location ECC Meeting Rooms
Location ECC Oasis Instructor Deanne Kroll
Instructor .........................................Deanne Kroll Register by........................................ Friday, Dec 3
Register by .....................................Monday, Oct 4
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Off-Site Health & Wellness Classes
We are pleased to offer off-site classes at the following locations. Anyone 55 plus may attend any of the following programs held at any of
the Eagan locations:
• O'Leary Manor Community Room, 1220 Town Centre Drive
• Gramercy Park Cooperative Senior Living, 1669 Yankee Doodle Road
• Eagan Art House, 3981 Lexington Avenue
• Quarry Park, 3340 Coachman Road
• Eagan Civic Arena, 3870 Pilot Knob Road
Tai Chi
Strength/ 55 jai"s/Se0r,
BalancelYn~l Health benefits of Tai Chi include increased flexibility, muscular strength, improved balance and
enhanced concentration. This class is geared towards older adults and welcomes all ability levels.
Instructor: Donna Simmons
Strength, balance, and yoga exercises CLASS #
will be incorporated to increase stabil- CLASS #
il y, range of motion, and Mondays Sept 13 - Nov 1 Thursdays Nov 11 - Dec 23 (skip Nov 25)
ity, flexibility, it daily living. This class will Times 1:30 - 2:30 pm Times............................................ 12:00 - 1:00 pm
also allow time for purposeful breath- Cost ......................................................$10/person Cost $10/person
ing ls which is a great way to reduce Location Gramercy Park Location Eagan Civic Arena Mezzanine
stress and promote the mind-body Register by ....................................Monday, Sept 6 Register by Thursday, Sept 9
CLASS # Mondays Nov 8 - Dec 27
Fridays ..........................Sept 17 - Nov 5 Times 1:30 - 2:30 pm - '
Times ...........................11:00 - 11:45 am Cost $10/person
Cost ......................................$10/person Location Gramercy Park
Register by ....................................Monday, Sept 6 t~~s 01
Location..... Eagan Community Center
Lone Oak Room
_ Instructor Linda Scheller CLASS # 4
Register by Friday, Frida , Sept 10 Thursdays ....................................Sept 16 - Nov 4 `
Times ............................................12:00 - 1:00 pm
CLASS # Cost ......................................................$10/person _
Fridays Nov 12 - Dec 17 Location Eagan Civic Arena Mezzanine
Times ...........................11:00 - 11:45 am Register by.................................. Thursday, Sept 9
Cost $10/person
Location..... Eagan Community Center
Lone Oak Room
Instructor Linda Scheller Find i i> oio
Register by Friday, Nov 5 Faceboo k
Discover Eagan Parks & Recreation on Facebook!
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
to to
Strength, Balance & Structural
Strength, Balance & Structural Movement Jewelry Club
This class is geared towards older adult and Bring your jewelry and beading projects
This class is geared towards older welcomes all ability levels. Strength, balance, to the Eagan Art House for a time of
g and friendship. Instructor,
adults and welcomes all ability levels. and joint activation muscle stimulation exec- creating
Wray, will assist with techniques,
Strength, balance, and joint activa- cises will be incorporated to increase stability, Kar
use and design. Tools and some
lion muscle stimulation exercises will flexibility, range of motion, and core restruc- tool
be incorporated to increase stability, tune. Emphasis placed on form with proper beads and sup pplies will be provided.
flexibility, range of motion, and core guidance towards movement patterning. Class Please pre-register, space is limited.
Call the Eagan Art House with ques-
restructure. Emphasis placed on form intention is to leave you feeling toned, taller, with proper guidance towards move- and functionally fit bons, 651-686 9134.
ment patterning. Class intention is
Times ...............................1:00 - 3:00 pm
to leave you feeling toned, taller, and Cost ......................................................$10/person
Cost $5/person
functionally fit. Location Gramercy Park
Location Eagan Art House
Instructor ...........................................Denise King
CLASS # " Instructor Karl Wray
Wednesdays .................Sept 15 - Nov 3 CLASS '
Times ...........................11:00 - 11:45 am Wednesdays Sept 15 - Nov 3
Friday Sept 17
Cost ......................................$10/person Times 9:00 - 9:45 am
Register by Friday, Sept 10
Location ........................O'Leary Manor Register by..................................... Friday, Sept 10
Instructor Denise King CLASS #
Register by Wed, Sept 8 CLASS #
Friday Oct 15
Wednesdays ...............................Nov 10 - Dec 29
Register by Friday, Oct 8
CLASS # Times ...............................................9:00 - 9:45 am
Wednesdays Nov 10 - Dec 29 Register by....................................... Friday, Nov 5 CLASS #
Times ...........................11:00 - 11:45 am
Friday Nov 12
Cost ......................................$10/person CLASS #_77
Register by Friday, 12
Location ........................O'Leary Manor Wednesdays Sept 15 - Nov 3
Instructor Denise King Times 10:00 - 10:45 am CLASS #
Register by Wed, Oct 27 Register by..................................... Friday, Sept 10
Friday ...........................................Dec 17
CLASS # Register by Friday, Dec 10
Wednesdays ...............................Nov 10 - Dec 29
Times ...........................................10:00 - 10:45 am
Register by Friday, Nov 5
Mark your calendar for the Eagan Market lest on Wednesdays at the Eagan Community Center,
see page I for details!
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Watercolor at the Eagan Art House
1,/senior Watercolor at Quarry Park
Enjoy a weekly creative experience in water-
1 color. All skill levels are welcome in this relax- Enjoy a weekly creative experience in
ing and encouraging environment. Various watercolor. All skill levels are welcome
locations and times are available to accommo- in this relaxing and encouraging envi-
date your schedule. Register early. Classes fill ronment. Various locations and times
quickly. Instructor: Holly Landauer are available to accommodate your
schedule. Register early, as classes fill
CLASS # quickly!
$ Mondays .....................................Sept 20 - Oct 25
Times .............................................9:00 - 11:30 am CLASS #
Cost ......................................................$10/person Thursdays Sept 23 - Oct 28
Location Eagan Art House Times 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Enjoy a weekly creative experience in
watercolor. All skill levels are welcome Register by ..................................Monday, Sept 13 Cost...................................... $10/person
in this relaxing and encouraging envi- Location ..............................Quarry Park
CLASS # Instructor ......................Holly Landauer
ronment. Various locations and times
are available to accommodate your Mondays .....................................Sept 20 - Oct 25 Register by Thursday, Sept 16
schedule. Register early, as classes fill Times ..............................................1:00 - 3:30 pm
quickly! Instructor: Amy Rhone. Cost .....................................................$10/person CLASS #
Location Eagan Art House Thursdays Nov 4 - Dec 16
CLASS # Register by ..................................Monday, Sept 13 (skip Nov 25)
Thursdays Sept 16 - Oct 28 Times 1:00 - 3:30 pm
(skip Oct 21) CLASS # _ F Cost ......................................$10/person
Mondays Nov 1 - Dec 6 Location Quarry Park
Times 9:00 - 11:30 am
Times .............................................9:00 - 11:30 am Instructor ....................Holly Landauer
Cost $10/person
Location ........................O'Leary Manor Cost $10/person Register by................. Thursday, Oct 28
Register by Thur, Sept 9 Location Eagan Art House
,Oct 25
Register by Monday
..4,: I , Thursdays Nov 4 -Dec 16 CLASS # ~
• (skip Nov 25) Mondays Nov 1 - Dec 6
Times ..............................................1:00 - 3:30 pm r`}~
Times .............................9:00 - 11:30 am
Cost $10/person t,
Cost ......................................$10/person
Location Eagan Art House°t
Location O'Leary Manor n
Register b Thu Oct 28 Register by ...................................Monday, Oct 25
by r,
Did you know To minimize storm water runoff from some of our facilities city staff installed new rain gardens
at Moonshine Retreat Center, Rahn Park, and Patrick Eagan Park, and participated in the rain garden improvements along
Denmark Avenue.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
iiC~'~icau, ` ra~y~, I~efliat"s pe dito ugh at a luay
Extended Season: August 30 - September 6
Hours: Daily, 11:00 am - 5:00 pm (no morning activities)
Monday Fun-days
SPisnn Piss Punch (:aKds -
at Cascade Bay
Cascade Bay now offers 10-visit
Visit Cascade Bay on a Monday and enjoy one punch cards, exclusively to season
of our family activities! Activities are free of pass holders. The cost is $50 and
charge, and begin at the 5:30 pm safety break! valid for 10 admissions during the
Join us for one of our August activities: 2010 season. Guests must accompany
a season pass holder when using the
2011 Season Passes August 2 ............................................Lawn Games card at Cascade Bay.
Season passes for the 1 August 9 Chalk Artist Extraordinaire
August 16 Cascade Bay BINGO
season will be available just in time August 23 Duck Scavenger Hunt
~ I
holidays. Passes are the f % des € m yr. ,~r,t
holiday perfect gift! Plenty of fun in the sun remain this summer. Visit Casade Bay and try out Captain C. Breeze's 2
new slides!
2011 will be a photo year, so L
all pass holders will need to
- in for a new picture.
Watch for more information 411OZOW
to be released in our winter 1
1360 Civic Center Drive 651-675-5577
Morning Activities Lap Swim Birthday Parties
*Last day for Morning Activities is Sun- 7:30 - 8:30 am Celebrate your special day at Cascade Bay!
day, August 29. Everyday, except Wednesdays Pool and miniature golf party packages
$2/visit, FREE to Pass Holders are available. Call 651-675-5504 to
Water Walking reserve your party today!
9:30 - 10:30 am Water Aerobics
Everyday, except Wednesdays. Additional 8:30 - 9:30 am
time on Fridays & Saturdays, 8-9:00 am Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
$3 /visit $5 /visit
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Eagan r muni
y mer
www.eagancommunitycenter.com • 1501 Central Parkway • 651-675-5550
FP Ggtrrn FPr,,M+v "n
Monday - Friday 5:45 am - 9:45 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm r '
Sunday ...........................................................................................................10:00 am - 8:00 pm r
Thursday, November 25 ...................................................................................................Closed
Friday, Nit
Novemeber 26 8:00 am - 9:45 Pm Friday, December 24 8:00 am - 2:00 pm i
Saturday, December 25 .....................................................................................................Closed F■A ■ N■} {.as} f.tC
Friday, December 31 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday, January 1, 2011 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturdays
The Eagan Community Center will be closed August 30 - September 6. The building "~~~"'I ,gll,.
_ will reopen at 5:45 am on Tuesday, September 7. Bring the gang to the ECC on Saturday nights
for a F.A.N.tastic night filled with activities,
movies, games and playtime with your family.
Play in the gym or Blast indoor playground,
compete at board games or enjoy a movie Gyl'T planned for the night. Discover all the fun you
Preschool can have by becoming a FAN of F.A.N.tastic
Saturdays! Find us on Facebook, or if you
Preschool Open Gym includes time in the North Gym where kids can run, tumble, scoot and don't have a Facebook account, visit us at
play, as well as time in The Blast indoor playground. www.facebook.com/eagancommunitycenter.
Monday - Friday 9:30 - 11:30 am
Times 5:00 - 9:00 pm
Cost $3/child (children under the age of 1 are not charged)
Cost $2/person with a $10 family max
This program will not be offered the week of Aug. 30 - Labor Day. Due to a private rental Sept. Admission starts at age 1
14-17 and Sept. 24, the preschool equipment will be in the meeting rooms adjacent to The Blast. (Children must be accomanied by an adult)
Location .....................Eagan Community Center
Due to a private rental, there will be no
join us for fall Preschool Preview day on Wednesday, September Novem .N.tas is Saturdays on September 18 and
ber 13.
from 9:30 - 11:30 am at the Eagan Community Cen ,I`
*Please check the website, wwweagancom-
Visit with pres(hool tea(hers and art instructors from the Eagan Art Hour=, munit center.com for feature movies and open
ac urQll ac nlaw at nrach~snlon rtu fnr frpalir4~,k rlra a~ I~~rpnarlo "xPactivities. There are times when the gymnasi-
ums are unavailable.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
The Blast is now offering two
different birthday party packages:
_ Rocket Ship Package: $125
%4 Admission to The Blast for the b-day child and 9 guests
• 1 'z hours in a private party room
~1 Decorated birthday cake, candles and ice cream
cake Decorating • 2 pitchers of pop r~
• T-shirt for the birthday child i
Do cake crumbs get mixed in when you ice a
• Invitations, paper products and utensils
cake? Do you buy pre-decorated cakes for all
• Additional guests charged $12.50/child
of your parties? In this two hour class learn
to ice a cake, make balloons, drop flowers, and
Reservation Times
borders and how to write your message clearly. Friday .....................................................................................................................5:30
- 7:00 pm
Participants will be provided with a Student Saturday ..............................10:00 - 11:30 am, 12:30 - 2:00, 3:00 - 4:30, & 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Kit, including practice pallet and all equipment
Sunday ....................................................................12:30 - 2:00, 3:00 - 4:30 & 5:30 - 7:00 pm
($25 retail value!).
CLASS # 07,'~ Moon Buggy Package: $75
• Admission to The Blast for the b-day child and 9 guests
Wednesday.... ................................October 20 . 1 hour in a private party room
Times 6:30 - 8:30 pm
• Decorated birthday cake, candles and ice cream R
Cost $30 /person
2 pitchers of pop
Location .....................Eagan Community Center Additional guests charged $5.00/child
Register by ...........................Monday, October 18 . Party must bring own paper products and utensils
Lor- tJ i
Reservation Times
Holt d a.., This package is ONLY available Monday - Thursday
TO T after 5:00 pm. The Blast is open until 8:00 pm, but the Moon Buggy package includes
only 1-hour in a private party room.
Put the dazzle back in your party this holiday
season. Impress your friends and family with Food Options:
creative presentation, sumptuous menus and . Hot dog package includes an all beef hot dog, a bag of chips and a special prize
stunning decor. Sit with a professional event for $3/child.
planner as they unveil some tricks of the trade, . Pizza package includes a one-topping, 15" pizza for $12/pizza.
talk about rising trends and offer advice on
inexpensive ways to spice up your party. This For more information or to book your Blast birthday party, please contact the birthday
two-hour class is a hands-on learning experi- party coordinator at 651-675-5504.
ence you won't want to miss.
CLASS # 1_617S54
Thursday ..........................................November 11
FirlcluS vrp
Times 7:00 - 9:00 pm 91 Facebook
Cost ......................................................$12/person
Location ECC Lone Oak Room 'arks & Recr
Register by .........................Monday, November 8 www.facebook.com/eaganparksandrecreation
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Eagan Community Center (ECC)
rMl& A's 110
Member Primary Each Additional
Enrollment Fee* $69 $10 each
Resident/Corporate $35/month $30 each/month
Non-resident $40/month $40 each/month
All memberships are based on a month-to-month agreement through automatic withdrawal of a credit
card, checking or savings account. *To receive the discounted enrollment fee of $10 for additional
household members, you must add the members to the primary account within one week of initial Pass is valid any time except 4:00 - 7:00 pm
enrollment. Monday -Friday.
A variety of HMO Discount programs are available at the ECC. You can earn money Rates: Daily Pass: $2/day
while getting fit! Check to see if you are eligible. 7 Day Pass: $5
30 Day Pass: $20
60 Day Pass: $40
90 Day Pass: $60
Kett►ebe►1 Body Composition Analysis: $5
Classes Spe~ia~~,~
Using a clinical grade biolectrical impedence
at the ECC at Lh scale, this is a non-intrusive & accurate way to
measure your lean to fat ratio. A printout and
• Take an Intro to Kettlebell the ablity to track your progress over time is
class at the ECC this Fall to provided.
experience the numerous fitness benefits of The ECC offers specialty classes at the
this old form of Russian training. Visit the beginning of each month, such as:
ECC website for registration details.eSS Assessment: $20
• P.LT. (Pull It Together)
• Beginning Strength Training A comprehensive assessment that will put
Heart Healthy IMP • Introduction to Yoga more meaning into your fitness plan and pro-
" ~ vide you with baseline measurements to evalu-
A medically supervised exercise class for • Small Group Personal Training
those who have experienced a cardiac event or ate the effectiveness of your program over
time. Using top industry software, you will
who have been told by their doctor to begin Check the website for more details or recieve detailed reports indicating your fitness
exercise to reduce your risk for heart disease. better yet, visit the ECC and discuss scores compared to population norms.
Class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a fitness staff member.
from 10:45 am - 12:00 pm. Contact Lorene
Brown MS, RN, CNS at 612-242-1878 for
more information. "A.Mernher Group fitness Pun(h Cards
Are available at the ECC. $75 for 10 classes
Did you know The Eagan Community Center offers three options for outdoor wedding ceremonies. Outdoor
chair rental is also available.
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
Rent the mezzanine for meetings and
t events, call Mark 651-675-5592 for 4,dave your school calf
more information. about Field Trips,
Showcase your business at a great rate! Call isit Our
Eagan 651-675-5528 for more information on the
advertising program we offer. Over 320,000 Pro hor:
3870 Pilot Knob Road visitors per year!
1 The Civic Arena Pro Shop offers a
variety of products of services
■ including:
JL 1- 04 r% E AM
Visit our Whether you want to throw a birthday parry Skate Sharpening, $3.50/pair
web site l the for 10, 20 or more the Eagan Civic Arena is Skate Rental, $2/pair
the lace for our event! Parties are available Broken Composite Sticks -bring
following information: p y them to us and we'll fix them.
during public skating times or you can rent the
ice for a private party. Let us make planning a ' Equipment Washing - drop off your
Skating • Public birthday parry a breeze. We offer three pack- gear and it will be ready in as little as
• Adult Hockey Leagues ages with great upgrades so every party can 24 hours!
be as unique as the guest of honor. For more
• Skating Lessons information call 651-675-5590.
Birthday • Skating Schedules
Upcoming Events
• Equipment Washing
Stick Wizard
r 1
• Arena Softball
• Room Rental
Open Watin : Day, evening and weekend times are available for ubli( skat Adult hockey leagues are being formed
g 1 g p for the fall. Contact Mark at 651-675-
Admission is $3/adult, $2/student and $2/skate rer.-` 5592 or email mvaughan&ci ofeagan.
com for more information.
Visit www.eagancivicarena.com for updated timer.
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
• Our department is committed to excellence. Your input in the form of suggestions or comments is valued and welcomed. It is our intent to provide
services that meetyour expectations. If you are not completely satisfied nith any of our services, please let us know. Wl'e n ill listen and attempt to
rectify any concerns you may have.
Registration bur"IF Program
Registration for each session opens when the Registration deadlines are established for each Eagan Parks & Recreation reserves the right
brochure is distributed to the public, unless program to help provide a positive experience to cancel, postpone or combine programs
otherwise noted. Please fill out the registea- for recreation program participants by ensur- and change instructors. Registration fees for
lion form completely. Payment can be made ing appropriate staffing, supplies and facilities programs cancelled by Parks & Recreation will
' by cash, check (payable to the City of Eagan), to meet the registration needs. Please refer to be fully refunded. All participants in cancelled
Visa, MasterCard or Discover. program descriptions for each program's regis- programs will be notified by Parks & Rec-
tration deadline. reation staff. Programs may be cancelled by
Please call Eagan Parks & Recreation at 651- Eagan Parks & Recreation if enrollment is not
675-5500, TTY 651-454-8535 if you have any sufficient to provide an appropriate program
questions. experience to participants or if enrollment fees
are not enough to cover program expenses.
1. eConnect On-line Due to facility space and staff limitations, Once a program is cancelled, every attempt
• Call Parks & Recreation at 651-675-5500 many classes have registration limits. When will be made to give at least 48 hours notice
to obtain your Login ID and PIN classes have reached their maximum registra- to participants and a full refund/credit will be
numbers. These numbers will enable you lion, a wait list will be started. provided. If it is a Monday program, notifica-
to register on-line at any time. lion will be made no later than 4:30 pm on
• Access eConnect On-line Registration You will remain on the wait list until the class Thursday.
• Once you have identified the class you begins. If an opening becomes available due
wish to register for, add the class to your to a cancellation, it will be offered to the first/
shopping basket and provide the next person on the wait list until the opening
appropriate credit card information to is filled.
complete your transaction. Letters of confirmation are not sent You can
Every effort will be made to create additional assume that you are in the class you registered
2. Mail your registration form & payment to: class sections, and you will be contacted if for unless you receive a call to the contrary.
City of Eagan your registration is able to be accommodated.
Parks & Recreation Once the class begins, if we have been unable
3830 Pilot Knob Road to accommodate you, we will return the fee(s) PI6fPPS
Eagan, MN 55122
Tranfers will be made on a space available
3. You may choose to deposit your registea- basis generally only before the registration
lion in the Drop Box located on the south WIJA deadline.
circular driveway near the Municipal Center If a participant cancels a registration before the
main entrance. registration deadline, the registration fee minus
7~iio€jlnM for Programs
a $5 processing fee will be refunded. Refunds C'
4. Registrations may also be delivered in- Participants must be the age stated in the
will only be made due to prolonged illness or
person to the Parks & Recreation office. family emergencies after the registration dead- Program description on the day the program
Office hours are: Monday through Friday, line minus a $5 processing fee. begins.
8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
5. Registrations may be phoned in to Parks &
Recreation at 651-675-5500. Office hours
~w~u~:~sauu•ies~WW~~y"°~~~W~ itYi~~+~
are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to
4:30 pm. > _ww.cityofeagan.corn and search subscriptions!
www.cityofeagan.com • 651-675-5500
A scholarship fund is available for participants ~ ecreation Hotline
under age 18 to provide financial assistance for
Eagan residents to participate in Eagan Parks 651-675-5
& Recreation sponsored programs. The schol- The Recreation Hotline is available 24 hours a day. The following menu of topics has
arship covers 50% of the program fees with been set up so that residents can quickly hear specific information:
a maximum of $200 per year per participant.
A scholarship form must be completed at the #1 Today's Activities a-
time of registration and submitted to Eagan Current day's scheduled activities, including adult sports, outdoor ice rinks & tubing
Parks & Recreation, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. hill, programs, special events & trip bus schedule.
#2 Upcoming Activities L
In addition, time payments are also available to Information about activities that will happen in two or three weeks.
pay for any youth programs offered by Eagan
Parks & Recreation. A staff member will work #3 Cascade Bay
with you to set-up a payment schedule that fits Information on today's activities, upcoming events, daily fees, Captain's Course,
your needs. For additional information, please directions, season pass and birthday & group reservations.
contact Eagan Parks & Recreation at 651-675-
5500. #4 Civic Arena
Information on public skating, adult open hockey, directions, skate school, upcoming
events, and adult leagues.
tqual. k,,is #5 Community Center
The City of Eagan is committed to provid- Information on fitness memberships and classes, birthday parties, group
ing equal access to its programs, facilities and reservations, rental spaces and holiday hours & directions.
employment without regard to race, creed,
color, sex, national origin or disability. #6 Registration Information
Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities Current status of recreation program registration and quarterly brochure delivery.
wishing to attend or participate in the City
of Eagan recreation programs are available #7 Shelter Building and Facility Reservation Information
upon request at least 96 hours in advance of Information on how to reserve a facility.
the event. If a notice of less than 96 hours is
received, the City will make every attempt to #8 Youth Athletic Association Information
provide reasonable accommodations.
Photo/Video Release
city Use of Ima 4, Data Privacy Acs;
It is recommended that a release be obtained In accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Parks & Recre-
when photographing or videotaping a minor ation Department hereby informs you that the personal information we are requesting
(under 18). Parent or guardian signatures are of you and/or your child or guardian on our registration form is now considered pri-
required; signatures of minors are not suf- vate. Private data is available to you and to City staff who need to have this informa-
ficient. When images are published, the City lion to perform their duties, but not to the public. While you may choose to withhold
will take cautionary steps to provide minimum this data, the consequences could be that the City's staff may not be able to complete
identifying information and will not use a spe- your registration and/or the participant may not receive updated program information,
cific street or mailing address, e-mail addresses such as schedule changes.
or phone numbers. While signed release forms
are generally not needed when photographing Eagan Parks & Recreation periodically takes pictures of participants in our classes, Bur-
in public places, such as parks, this extra step ing special events and in the parks. Please be aware that these photos may be used in
is being taken because the images taken are the City's brochures, pamphlets, or cable presentations. If you or your family members
intended for use in City publications and com- do not want to be photographed or published you must give us written notice.
www.cityofeagan.com 651-675-5500
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Eagan Parks & Recreation is Advisory Park
Parks & Recreation Staff
dedicated to providing awide range Commission Members
of recreational opportunities to
meet the diverse interests of its Rebecca Aanning Juli Seydell Johnson
residents. In addition, the safety Phil Belfiori Director of Parks and Recreation
and maintenance of each park's Jennifer Dahlquist
infrastructure and amenities remains Laurie Halverson Cherryl Mesko
a high priority. Under the guidance Michael Palmer Superintendent of Operations
of the City Council, Advisory Parks Paul Olson
Commission and dedicated staff, The Eagan Advisory Parks Superintendent of Parks
Eagan's park system has become a Commission is a five member citizen's
benchmark for excellence for other commission appointed by the City Sonya Rippe
communities. Council. The Commission reviews Recreation Facility Manager
all residential development proposals
for park dedication, trail dedication, Paula Nowariak
forestry and water quality/wedands Recreation Program Manager
requirements, reviews recreational
Holly Champlin
programs and activities and deter- Recreation Supervisor
City of • mines long-range planning objectives
for park acquisition and development. Loudi Rivamonte
Municipal Center The Commission meets monthly Recreation Supervisor
3830 Pilot Knob Road the Monday prior to the second City
• Council meeting, at 7:00 pm in the Julie Andersen
Recreation Supervisor
Council Chambers. If you have an
Parks & Recreation: item that should appear before the Kerry Phillips
Commission, you may contact Parks Recreation Supervisor
651-675-5500 & Recreation at 651-675-5500 to
651-454-8535 (TTY) coordinate. Steve Taylor
Parks Maintenance Supervisor
www.cit~ofeagan.com Graham
Parks Operations Supervisor
Gregg Hove
Mayor Forestry Supervisor
Mike Maguire Mark Vaughan
This official city publication is Campus Facilities Manager
distributed four times a year as a (Civic Arena & Cascade Bay)
public service by the Eagan City Council Members
Council and is prepared under the Paul Bakken
direction of the Director of Parks & Cyndee Fields
Gary Hansen rj rA,
Your comments and suggestions Meg Tilley
are important and can be shared in
person or by calling 651-675-5500 or City Ol EaRd
TTY 651-454-8535 for the hearing
U.S. Postage
City of Eayn PAID
St. Paul, MN
3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit No.
Eagan, Minnesota 55122 4902
Residential Postal Customer
150t" Celebration
and Food Drive
=.J w' Enter Home Stretch M,NNES°Tq
Party Break! We're more than half way through Eagan's Sesquicentennial Year, and what fun
it has been!
party Imagine just showing up with the
The food drive honoring Eagan's 150' Anniversary has raised over 225,000 pounds,
the details are taken care of for you! which means we have just a few short months to reach our goal of 300,000 pounds
Let us make that a reality for your of food. You can help us by donating food or cash to the Eagan Resource Center
next birthday party. or 360 Communities (formerly the Community Action Council). Donations can also
be made at drop sites around town, including at the Eagan Community Center, City
Recreation Eagan Parks & Hall, and the Recycling Zone. For more information on how you can get involved
different options for kids of all ages. in the food drive or other 150' activities, visit www.eaganl50.com.
Year round the budding
host a party at the Eagan Art House Also, be sure to stay tuned for more information about the 150' year-end com-
or kids can get the
munity celebration event that will take place on Thursday, October 14 at the Eagan
The Blast indoor playground, com-
Community Center. This fun, family event will be the culmination to a fantastic year.
Cascade skating arena. Even Bay Mark your calendars as you won't want to miss it!
and Captain's Course ggolf course
tember Find us on
There is an activity or event for any 91 age, and price ranges that will fit Discover Eagan Parks & Recreation on Facebook!
any budget. Call 651-675-5500 and www.facebook.com/eaganparksandrecreation
Discover the Value of a stress free