3771 Linden Lane - Certificate of Occupancyr ?.? s"ta. Mt t?,`ertificate of cccupanc4 cc" of ftgan meoulatut oi eumd" 3notdift Tlus Cenificate issred pursuant to the sequirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the tiree of issuance this stnrctune was in compliance with the various osdinances of the City regulating building constnrction or use. For tke following: SF DWG 1350 Uae CLafinuw: BMIg. Pamit No. ??, .?,W R3 M I ?g a? R 1 .? ? VN o? orammft T:rRqSTViF. HIES DC Ad&= 1- 4PARK CME, &Y'ATi BuAdmg Add? 3771 I.INDIEN LAM L=arayL 17, B 1, '1H8 WOOtEM 3ED , ? -- o 11/16/Q2 - m: eowmgoirral POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE