3778 Linden Lane - Certificate of Occupancy _ ,- : (gtrtifirate uf (Orrupanry titp of eagan iorpattetd af Iniding jwertimt This Cerlificate issued pursuant m!he requirenre?us ojSecdon 306 of the Uxifonn Building Code certilJ'f1+8 ehal at lhe pme of issuance thir srruclure ??ns irt rnmpllance with the inrious ordinartcet of 1he Cily regulaling building rnn.mrection or usz For the joUowing: ur a..maw SEUar,/cau 84 ,,,k N, 90190 pwspancy 77x R3/M 1 Zovog Diwin R I '[ype ca••? VN p,,,?ofvwu;dg T.THFSTYfF. FYUIFS Add,,, 14f39 TAKF: PARK ('TR? RAl'.AN %aft Ad&= 3778 T.TNm tANF twa;y12$- BI, IW WOOL,APIDS 3FL 5/26/92 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PUCE