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4357 Livingston Dr - Certificate of Occupancy . ;? r r ??er#ifir?te u# (?rru?ttnr? ; titp of eagan 19P}ubltPttf Df IliDUtif Jtt6}iP[tliltt Thi.r Ceniftcate rssued pursuant w the requirements of Seclion 306 of the Uniform Buildrng Code cenifying that at !he time of rssuance thrs structure was in complrance with !he various ordinances of the City regulating building constmction or use. For the followrng.• ue a.:ficaon SF I7WG/GAR ewg. Pavxit rb. 17508 0-mo•-r TYve R3 1 DWrict PD/R l Tra ? VN o? ?e?ad SEA9QdAL BITII.I?LS A? 1060 IiVID? I7ft. , F•l?AN ?? ??i357 &IVI1 _ CN DRIVE Loca„ry L8, B 1t IF.MUInN Y'MM 41H - uak: MAY 149 1990 ?uilding POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE