732 Saddle Wood Dr - Certificate of Occupancy . .a. > ~ . - f~~x#if ir~fp pf (~rru~~cnr~ ~itp of ~agan ~r~r~rt~et n# ~uiiD'mg .~n~rrtinti This Certificate rssued pursuant to the requirentenls of Secdon 306 of the Uniform Buildrng Code certifying that at the tirne ojissuance this structure was in compliance wrth the various ordinances of the Crty regulating building construct~on or use. For the jollawing.• Ux Cle~s6ntion . C ' ~r' : / l~ i% 1ltmit No. 1 ~ ~ ~ u oa~,o.ttr~ x-3 ~g~ F~/R-;. ~cone~!r'N o,,,,,~,~~,un~~i~;e ;;o»s: -uc 2122 Cliff Dr., ~2~4 B„~,~~ 7~.-. ~~z-!dl~ ~~ood !)r. ~ty L12,B7,Bridle Ridge isc a~. .1uly 25, 198:', ea~im,~ ar,~ . POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PUCE