3870 Pilot Knob Rd - Interior Renovations Eagan Civic Arena MemoA PROJECT: AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. EAGAN CIVIC ARENA INTERIOR RENOVATION 3870 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA REPORT OF PROJECT TESTING SERVICES AET PROJECT NO.: 20 -10518 REPORTED TO: INTRODUCTION CONSULTANTS • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS • FORENSICS MORCON CONTRUCTION, INC. 5905 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55422 ATTN: MR. STAN THOM DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2010 Purpose Interior renovations to the Eagan Civic Arena were constructed at 3870 Pilot Knob Road in Eagan, Minnesota. This final report summarizes the results of the observations and construction testing services we performed during construction. To protect you, American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET), and the public, we authorize the use of this report only by you and your project team for this specific project. Contact us if other uses are intended. Scope of Services On October 29, 2010, we were authorized by Mr. Stan Thom of Morcon Construction to perform observations and construction testing services for the project. Our services were provided on a part- time basis as requested by Mr. Kurt Heideman, site superintendent with Morcon Construction. The general scope of services we were authorized to perform during this project included the following items: • Performing testing of plastic concrete during placement of mezzanine topping. • Performing compressive strength testing of concrete test cylinders. • Performing testing of plastic masonry grout during placement of precast plank corefill. • Performing compressive strength testing of grout prisms. • Observing and testing the field welded and bolted connections for the structural steel frame and mezzanine decking. • Presenting the results of our observations and testing in formal reports. 550 Cleveland Avenue North 1St. Paul, MN 55114 Phone 651 - 659 -9001 Noll Free 800- 972 -6364 Fax 651 -659 -1379 Iwww.amengtest.com IAA /EEO This document shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval from American Engineering Testing, Inc. PROJECT INFORMATION The construction recently completed includes interior renovation to the Eagan Civic Arena for new training and office areas, with a new mezzanine space. We further understand the mezzanine: • Has a finished floor elevation of 904.5 feet. • Has structural steel columns, beams and masonry walls to support the mezzanine precast plank and metal deck with concrete topping floor. • Is supported by conventional spread footings designed using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot. • Is able to tolerate total settlements of up to 1 inch, and differential settlements of up to 1/2 inch. • Is designed and constructed according to applicable building code requirements. Deviations from the above design information could necessitate altering our conclusions and recommendations. Contact us if the information stated is different from the actual project design. CONCRETE TESTING AET Project No. 20- 10518 Page 2 of 10 On - Site Testing of Plastic Concrete Personnel from our firm performed testing of the plastic concrete placed for the mezzanine topping on November 19 and 22, 2010. The sampling and testing was conducted in accordance with the procedures described by ASTM, and included the following items: • Reviewing the delivery tickets to confirm that the correct mix was delivered. • Measuring the slump of the concrete mixture. • Measuring the percentage of entrained and entrapped air within the concrete mixture. • Measuring the temperature of the concrete mixture. • Casting 4 inch by 8 inch concrete test cylinders for compressive strength testing. The results of our field testing of concrete were presented previously in our Reports of Plastic Concrete Testing. The test results indicated that the concrete delivered to the site was generally within the requirements of the project specifications for slump, air content, and temperature. MASONRY GROUT TESTING • Measure the slump of the plastic grout. • Measure the temperature of the plastic grout. • Cast grout prisms for compressive strength testing. AET Job No. 20 -10518 - Page 3 of 4 Compressive Strength Testing of Concrete During concrete placements at the project site, AET technicians cast 4 inch by 8 inch concrete test cylinders. The test cylinders were temporarily stored at the jobsite and then returned to our laboratory for moist curing before compressive strength testing. The compressive strength testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM: C39. On November 19 and 22, 2010, a total of 2 sets of concrete test cylinders were cast and tested for concrete placed for the project (set nos. 1 and 2). The results of the compressive strength testing were presented previously in our Reports of Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. Our test results indicate the specified compressive strength values for set nos. 1 and 2 have been achieved. We performed testing of the plastic grout as it was being placed in the precast concrete plank as corefill. Our services included the following: All testing was performed in accordance with current ASTM procedures. The results of the on -site testing were presented in our Reports of Plastic Grout Testing, which were issued under separate cover. We performed compressive strength testing of 1 set of grout prisms. The results of these tests were presented in our Report of Compressive Strength of Grout Specimens. Copies of these reports were ' previously submitted under separate cover. The test results for this set exceeded the 28 -day design compressive strength. OBSERVATIONS OF WELDED AND BOLTED CONNECTIONS An ICC Certified Welding Inspector from AET observed the field welded and bolted connections for the mezzanine framing and metal decking on November 2 and 18, 2010. Our services were provided on an on -call basis. Visual weld observations were performed in accordance with the requirements of the AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code, Section 6. Individual welds were visually observed for quality, size and length. Visual observations were also made for the welds fastening the metal decking. The welds were also observed for spacing, pattern, size and quality. Based on our observations and testing, it is our judgment that the welded connections which our technician observed satisfied the requirements of the referenced codes and project specifications or were accepted by the structural engineer of record, Mr. Kesh Ramdular with Larson Engineering. On November 2, 2010 our Certified Welding Inspector observed the welding of the plate to angle connections on grid line 2. The angle was butted to the plate and could not be fillet welded as specified. The plates were beveled and groove welded full length. We contacted the structural engineer, Mr. Ramdular who indicated the groove welds are acceptable. On November 2, 2010, our Certified Welding Inspector also observed the edge angle to edge HSS tube welds on grid line B. The angle was welded to the tube with 3/16 inch fillet welds, 2 inches long at 12 inches on- center. The drawings specified 4 inches on- center. Mr. Ramdular was contacted and accepted the weld spacing at 12 inches on- center. The high strength bolted connections were observed for compliance with Section 9a of the "Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM: A325 or ASTM: A490 Bolts" approved by the Research Council on Structural Connections. We observed that the tension - controlled bolts tension indicators were fractured, indicating properly tightened bolts. STANDARD OF CARE Our services for your project have been conducted to those standards considered normal for services of this type at this time and location. Other than this, no warranty, either express or implied, is intended. This report was prepared by: Ryan F. Schmidt; PE Senior Engineer MN License No. 40501 SIGNATURES This report was reviewed by: American Engineering Testing, Inc. American Engineering Testing, Inc. AET Job No. 20 -10518 - Page 4 of 4 Jay PLrkkke, PE Project Engineer P 0.4.1