3575 Pilot Knob Rd - Ltr 2004-08-25 MPCA re Petroleum Tank ReleaseMinnesota Pollution Control Agency
August 25, 2004
Mr. Andrew Stow
Conoco Phillips
PO Box 2197
Houston, TX 77252
RE: Petroleum Tank Release/No Corrective Action Required
Site: Phillips 66, 3575 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan
Site ID#: LEAK00015548
Dear Mr. Stow:
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff has reviewed the report, dated
July 7, 2004, for the above - referenced site.
The report provides documentation on petroleum contamination detected during the performance of soil
borings conducted near the site tanks and pump islands. Based on the levels of contamination reported,
MPCA staff will not require an additional investigation or corrective action at this time for the petroleum
contamination described above. MPCA staff reserves the right to reopen this file and require additional
work if in the future more work is determined by MPCA staff to be necessary. If you, or other parties
later come upon any evidence of contamination other than what was previously reported, you are required
by Minnesota law to notify the MPCA immediately.
The contents of this letter only refer to information reported to MPCA staff for the activities described
above. This letter does not address other types of contamination that may be present at the subject
property. This letter does not release any party from liability for the petroleum contamination under
Minn. Stat. § 115C. (2002), or any other applicable state or federal law.
If you have any questions the regarding the contents of this letter, please call me at 651/297 -8580.
Chris McLain
Project Manager
Petroleum Remediation Unit
Petroleum and Landfill Remediation Section
Majors and Remediation Division
cc: Maria Petersen, Eagan City Clerk
Steve Weishair, Eagan Fire Chief
Sheila Wiegman, Dakota County Solid Waste Officer
Cindy Demers, Delta Environmental
520 Lafayette Rd. N.; Saint Paul, MN 55155 -4194; (651) 296 -6300 (Voice); (651) 282 -5332 (TTY); www.pca.state.mn.us
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