3830 Sibley Memorial Hwy - Petroleum Tank Release 2009-02-26Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
February 26, 2009
Mr. Dassil Dyab
2030 Garland Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55447
520 Lafayette Road North 1 St. Paul, MN 55155 -4194 1 651- 296 -6300 1 800- 657 -3864 1 651 - 282 -5332 TTY 1 www.pca.state.mn.us
RE: Petroleum Tank Release Site File Closure
Site: Former Cedar Grove Shell, 3830 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, MN 55122
Site ID#: Leak 00017056
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Dear Mr. Dyab:
We are pleased to let you know that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff has
determined that your investigation and /or cleanup has adequately addressed the petroleum tank
release at the site listed above. Based on the information provided, the MPCA staff has closed
the release site file.
Closure of the file means that the MPCA staff does not require any additional investigation
and /or cleanup work at this time or in the foreseeable future. Please be aware that file closure
does not necessarily mean that all petroleum contamination has been removed from this site.
However, the MPCA staff has concluded that any remaining contamination, if present, does not
appear to pose a threat to public health or the environment under current conditions. If future site
development is initiated, a Development Response Action Plan (DRAP) should be submitted by
the property owner to the MPCA Petroleum Brownfield Program for review and approval, due to
the remaining petroleum contamination on site. This is necessary to assure that petroleum
contaminated soils, if encountered, are handled correctly and to ensure that plans for proposed
structures, etc. will take into account potential risks to human heath and the environment.
The MPCA reserves the right to reopen this file and to require additional investigation and /or
cleanup work if new information, changing regulatory requirements or changed land use make
additional work necessary. If you or other parties discover additional contamination (either
petroleum or nonpetroleum) that was not previously reported to the MPCA, Minnesota law
requires that the MPCA be immediately notified.
You should understand that this letter does not release any party from liability for the petroleum
contamination under Minn. Stat. ch. 115C or any other applicable state or federal law. In
addition, this letter does not release any party from liability for nonpetroleum contamination, if
present, under Minn. Stat. ch. 115B, the Minnesota Superfund Law.
St.Paul 1 Brainerd 1 Detroit Lakes 1 Duluth 1 Mankato 1 Marshall 1 Rochester 1 Willmar
1858 2008
Mr. Dassil Dyab
Page 2
February 26, 2009
Please note that as a result of performing the requested work you may be eligible to apply to the
Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund (Petrofund) for partial reimbursement of the costs
you have incurred in investigating and cleaning up this petroleum tank release. The Petrofund is
administered by the Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board (Petro Board) and the
Minnesota Department of Commerce. To learn more about who is eligible for reimbursement,
the type of work that is eligible for reimbursement, and the amount of reimbursement available,
please contact Petrofund staff at 651- 297 -1119 or 1- 800 -638 -0418.
If future development of this property or the surrounding area is planned, it should be assumed
that petroleum contamination may still be present. If petroleum contamination is encountered
during future development work, the MPCA staff should be notified immediately.
For specific information regarding petroleum contamination that may remain at this leak site,
please call the Petroleum Remediation Program File Request Program at 651- 757 -2309. The
MPCA fact sheet Request to. Bill for Services Performed must be completed prior to arranging a
time for file review.
Thank you for your response to this petroleum tank release and for your cooperation with the
MPCA to protect public health and the environment. If you have any questions regarding this
letter, please call me at 651- 757 -2838 or the site hydrogeologist Rebecca Bourdon at 651- 757 - 2240.
If you are calling long distance, you may reach the MPCA by calling 800 - 657 -3864.
Gary Zarling
Project Manager
Petroleum and Closed Landfill Section
Remediation Division
GWZ /RB:ais
Rebecca Bourdon
Petroleum and Closed Landfill Section
Remediation Division
cc: Maria Petersen, City Clerk, Eagan
Mike Scott, Fire Chief, Eagan
Sheila Wiegman, Dakota County Solid Waste Officer
Jennifer Force, Braun Intertec Corporation, Bloomington
Minnesota Department of Commerce Petrofund Staff