02/09/2010 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2010 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM – EAGAN MUNICIPAL CAMPUS City Council members present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Chief Financial Officer Pepper, Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth, Superintendent of Parks Olson, and Parks and Recreation Director Johnson. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve the agenda. Aye: 5; Nay: 0 Mayor Maguire noted that the last of the service men and women from the 34th infantry (Red Bulls) is returning home tonight. II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. II. MEETING WITH METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Mayor Maguire welcomed Metropolitan Council Representative Dan Wolter (District 15) and Representative Wendy Wulff (District 16). The Metropolitan Council representatives introduced themselves and the members of the Metropolitan Council staff who were also in attendance. Mayor Maguire summarized the priorities and issues of the City for the Met Council representatives, and City Administrator Hedges provided additional background on the priorities. The City Council and Metropolitan Council representatives discussed the timeline for the completion of the Comprehensive Guide Plan reviews, inflow and infiltration, livable communities demonstration grants, regional roadway priorities and regional transit priorities. Mr. Pat Bollen, staff from the Metropolitan Council, noted that the City’s Comprehensive Guide submittal appears complete pending formal approval in April. Mayor Maguire noted the importance of the timing for the Comprehensive Guide Plan approval given the efforts underway to build the new Fire Safety Campus. Special City Council Minutes February 9, 2010 Page 2 The City Council and the Metropolitan Council representatives also discussed the current status of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. Representatives Wulff and Wolter noted that there is no effort underway on the part of the Metropolitan Council to absorb the work of the MVTA; rather, the MVTA provides a needed and viable service to the south metro area. Mayor Maguire thanked Representatives Wolter and Wulff for attending the meeting. IV. CONSIDERATION OF ENERGY BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in late 2009, the City received notice of $657,100 in stimulus funding available to the City through the Federal DOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Program. Mayor Maguire welcomed consultants from the consulting firm of McKinstry, who were hired to conduct a preliminary energy audit of City buildings and to assist in the preparation and submission of the application required to procure the grant. The consultants from McKinstry provided background on the grant as well as the proposed project scope. The City Council discussed the proposed projects to be funded via the grant. The Council also discussed projects that were determined not to be used with the grant funding. Parks and Recreation Director Johnson noted that those projects identified as improvements, but were not selected to be funded via grant dollars, would continue to be considered as part of the renewal and replacement and capital improvement budget processes. The City Council provided direction to proceed with the formal approval of the project at a future City Council meeting. V. COMPREHENSIVE UTILITY RATE STUDY UPDATE City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in June 2009 the Council authorized staff to engage Springsted, Inc. to complete a rate study for all public utilities. Hedges added that the purpose of the study is to assist the City in adopting a water rate structure that encourages water conservation, as required by state law, as well as to review all utility rates in relation to long-term operating and capital financing requirements, and recommend changes as appropriate. Mr. Hedges noted that this item was before the Council at the October 13 Council workshop at which time the Council directed the matter for further consideration to the Finance Committee, who have since met with Springsted representatives and staff to provide additional input on tiered water rates and on the timing of implementation of the new rates. Mayor Maguire welcomed Patty Kettles of Springsted, Inc., who presented a report of Springsted’s rate recommendations for all utilities. The City Council discussed the proposed rate study and structure. Special City Council Minutes February 9, 2010 Page 3 The City Council expressed their support for the rate structure being suggested and directed that the proposed rates be included on an upcoming City Council meeting agenda for formal consideration. VI. ELECTION JUDGE PRECINCT AND TASK ASSIGNMENTS City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in August 2008 the Council directed staff to review the City’s ordinance pertaining to the approval of election judges. Hedges noted that since that time, through both meetings of the City Council as well as the Ad Hoc Election Judge Appointment Committee directed by the Council, it was determined that no changes to the election judge screening/qualifications for eligibility included in the approval process are appropriate and necessary; however, the City Council has expressed an interest in further exploring a process for additional City Council vetting of election judge precinct placement and task assignments. City Administrator Hedges noted that the Ad Hoc Election Committee has recommended that the Council further discuss whether the Council as a body would like to provide additional feedback to staff on the list of precinct placement and tasks of candidate judges presented for appointments. The City Council discussed the current system in place with regard to the appointment of election judges. Upon further discussion, the City Council directed staff to prepare a list of election judge candidates to be sent out to the City Council two weeks in advance of a regularly scheduled City Council meeting in order that the Council could consider the specific precinct assignments as an item on the Administrative Agenda. The Council noted that any feedback that individual City Councilmembers have regarding the proposed election judges should be provided directly to the City Clerk, Director of Administrative Services, and City Administrator in order that the feedback can be compiled and reported to the City Council in preparation for the formal consideration of the election judge precinct assignments under the Administrative Agenda. The City Council also directed staff to prepare a letter to the legislative delegation requesting that should the legislature wish to change the 2010 primary date from September 14 to August 10, then they should do so early in the session to allow cities proper time to conduct the necessary steps to carry out an election. VII. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF COMPLETE STREETS City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the January 12 Special City Council meeting, during the joint meeting with the Eagan legislative delegation, the Council discussed the concept of Complete Streets, which promotes streets that are safe and convenient for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motor vehicle drivers of all ages and abilities. Mayor Maguire noted that Complete Streets legislation is being proposed by Representative Obermueller. Special City Council Minutes February 9, 2010 Page 4 The City Council discussed the Complete Streets program and its impact on Eagan. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to approve the resolution expressing support of a statewide Complete Streets Policy. Aye: 5; Nay: 0 VIII. FURTHER DISCUSSION OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT TASK FORCE City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the 2009 Goals retreat, the Council discussed their interest in dialoguing further about the formation of a task force and/or advisory commissions to address the issues of civic engagement and energy & environment. Mr. Hedges added that the Council previously discussed the two possible commissions/task forces at the November 10, 2009 Special City Council meeting, and directed at that time that the proposals be refined to suggest that an Energy and Environment Commission would serve as an advisory commission of the Council, while the topic of civic engagement would be better suited for a task force with a defined timeline and deliverables. The City Council discussed the proposed Energy and Environment Advisory Commission and a Civic Engagement Task Force. The City Council expressed their support for the Energy and Environment Commission to meet on a bi-monthly basis, alternating with the Airport Relations Commission meeting. The Council suggested that the Commission prepare a recommended work plan, in order to identify focus areas of the Commission. The Council also suggested a joint meeting with the City Council early in the Commission’s schedule. The Council expressed their interest in having Assistant to the City Administrator Miller staff the Commission as it is being created, with a review after one year by the City Administator as to whether it would be appropriate for a different staff person to continue with its operations. The Council expressed an interest in reviewing the scope and work of the Commission after its first two years to determine whether the Commission is appropriate to continue on as an advisory commission. It was suggested that the Commission focus on items that have a financial payback and/or a potential funding opportunity. The Council directed advertising for the commission to begin in February, with appointments to be made with the other advisory commissions in April. The City Council discussed the formation of a Civic Engagement Task Force. The Council noted their desire to have up to 13 people on the task force and provided consensus with the proposed 6 month timeline. It was the Council’s consensus that the task force would have a deliverable of identifying and cataloging civic organizations and community volunteering opportunities within the community to promote involvement and identify gaps in service areas not currently being met. The Council noted that recommendations of the task force could include a resource that could serve as a clearing house/access point to get information on volunteer opportunities across the City. The Council noted they would also seek recommendations as to tactics, programs, and resources that could be disseminated to the public to promote civic engagement. It was suggested that two Councilmembers serve on the task force. The Council directed staff to revive the task force description per the input at tonight’s meeting and present the revised description to the City Council for further review at a future City Council workshop. Special City Council Minutes February 9, 2010 Page 5 IX. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. X. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Aye: 5; Nay: 0