08/13/2013 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 13, 2013 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Communications Director Garrison, Finance Director Pepper, Finance Intern Zuke, Parks and Recreation Director Johnson, Superintendent of Parks Olson, Public Works Director Matthys, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Police Chief McDonald and Fire Chief Scott. I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Tilley was not present) II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. UPDATE FROM THE EAGAN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson introduced the item noting the Eagan Athletic Association (EAA) has been a long -time partner with the City for the provision of youth sports for Eagan residents. Ken LaChance, EAA President, and Jim Howe, EAA President Elect provided an overview of the non - profit organization. The Council commended the Eagan Athletic Association for the quality and professionalism of the organization. IV. JOINT MEETING WITH THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (APrC) • 2013 -2014 APrC Work Plan Mayor Maguire welcomed the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission (APrC) members to the meeting. Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson introduced the item and gave a brief summary of the Commission's purpose and introduced Chair, Mike Palmer. Each of the Commissioners introduced themselves to the City Council. Chair Palmer gave an overview of the proposed work plan and goals for 2013 -14. The Council and the members of the APrC discussed the work plan and goals adopted at the July 15, 2013 APrC meeting. The Council discussed the Art Vision process. Councilmember Bakken suggested when the APrC is preparing the comments and recommendations to gear those comments to the intended audience for better understanding of public art. The City Council gave direction to add the 2013 -2014 Advisory Parks Commission Work Plan and Goals to a future consent agenda for formal consideration. • 2014 -2018 Parks Capital Improvement Program Special City Council Minutes August 13, 2013 Page 2 Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson introduced the 2014 -2018 Capital Improvement Plan for Parks and Recreation noting the funding for the CIP has historically come from the Park Site Fund, and beginning with the 2012 budget, the City Council designated a $400,000 tax levy allocation to the Park Systems Development and Renewal and Replacement Fund. Johnson introduced Superintendent Olson who provided a presentation of the specific CIP projects proposed for 2014. The Council discussed the CIP projects. Mayor Maguire thanked the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission members. The City Council gave direction to add the 2014 Parks and Recreation Capital Improvements Program to a future consent agenda for formal consideration. V. UPDATE FROM THE GREEN RIBBON INITIATIVES LEADERSHIP TEAM City Administrator Osberg introduced Jim Borgschatz, a retired pastor of Easter Lutheran Church. Mr. Borgschatz gave an overview of the Green Ribbon Initiatives Leadership Team noting their purpose is to identify and celebrate significant Eagan Community Engagement initiatives and partnerships. VI. 2013 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND TAX LEVY City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting Council will be reviewing the preliminary 2014 General Fund operating budget, the proposed property tax levy and public policy questions. Any modifications to the proposed levy and budget will be presented to the Council at the September 3, 2013 regular City Council meeting. Osberg noted the City Council is required to certify a proposed payable 2014 Property Tax Levy to the County Treasurer - Auditor on or before September 16, 2013. Formal action on the levy and the preliminary 2014 General Fund Budget are scheduled for the regular City Council meeting on September 3. The final levy certification and budget action is scheduled for the December 17, 2013 regular City Council meeting. Osberg added the final Property Tax Levy that is due at the County no later than December 27, 2013 can be decreased but cannot be increased from the preliminary certification. Finance Director Pepper provided additional background pertaining to the general fund balance, market value, total tax capacity and local tax capacity trends. Osberg added the proposed General Fund Budget reflects an increase of 3.7 percent over the 2013 budget. Osberg provided an overview of the proposed General Fund Budget as it relates to specific departments and operations, and also summarized the public policy issues for the City Council's consideration. The City Council discussed the proposed 2014 budget and the proposed payable 2014 Property Tax Levy. There was Council consensus that the budget level at a 3.7 percent increase was appropriate. The Council would like to see flexibility and options for the tax levy, to be presented at the September 3rd regular City Council meeting. There was Council consensus that the proposed department budget items were appropriate. There was Council consensus to not hold a budget open house. The Council liked the idea of a virtual open house. Special City Council Minutes August 13, 2013 Page 3 There was no other business to be heard. VII. OTHER BUSINESS VIII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Aye :5 Nay:O `I-3-12L Date R Mayor r (4JLr. ill -9 9Mf City Clerk