05/02/1967 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUN'lY, MINNESOTA May 2, 1967 A reguler meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the toWtt hall on May 2, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock p.. M, at which a 11 members were present except Supervisor Rahn. Chairman Klein presided. The minutes of the previOUS meeting were unanimously apprQVed as read. The following applications for building permits Were submitted: 1. John Schneider d/b/a John's Beauty Shop 20' x 54' addition, estimated cost $12,000.00. Plans to be submitted to the town engineer. 2. James Parks, Cinnibar Drive, for separate garage building 16 t x 24', estimated cost $1.~50.00, and application for 1~5 foot side yard set-back variance. 3. Preston Wielte, for a pole shed garage 24' x 26' off King Road, estimated cost $400.00. Upon motion duly made by Chalrman Klein, seconded by Supervisot' Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the foregoing permit applications be, and het'eby are, approved and the clerk directed to issue the permits upon payment of tbe requisit fe~s. ther.efor. Mr. Clarence Sinderman and Mr. Jean Parranto, representing Mr. Slndetmiil1, appeared on behalf of an application ~or building permit to construct a portable minbture golf course between Beau de Ru~ Drive and Highway 113 , n~~t to the'A & W Root Beer stand and also for a special use permit therfor for a period of six months. The estimated cost of land improvement was set at $2,000.00. Parking was represented to be available for 26 cars. Upon motion duly made by Superv~sor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein it was · I - RESOLVED that the building permit and special use permit be granf;ed to applicant provided that the act~vity would be limited to a period of six months from date and that no further activity of the miniature gC'li course would be conducted after t~at time unless further approval be granted by the town board. The application of Egan Realty Company for reaoning from A, Agricultural to I-I light Industrial of certaln property situated to the 5rT 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and the SE l/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 12-27-23 was presented. It w~s noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that a public hearing on the rezoning applicatiou be, and hereby is~ set for May 16, 1967, at the town hall at 8:00 o'clock p. M. and the clerk directed to publish notice therefor accord~~8 to law. Miss Wilkenson appeared in ragari to her complaint of the storing of heavy construction equipment on land adjacent to the Van Dyke Estate property in which she is interested as an heir. Mr. Fuller appe~red being the party who had placed the equipment on the McCree Property. It appea.ce.d the pari:ies had resolved their differences and no formal action waf: taken by the bos I'd" The to'{...~ attorney reported to the Board that ther was no legal \ au~hority for. the clerk and treasurer to set up a petty cash fund to pay bountie 8~cl other items but that it would not appear to be contrary to lal~ ans as a pr~ctical matter was advisable. Upon moti~n duly made by Chairma~ Kle~n, seco!lded by Supervisor Schtmnz it was RESOLVED that a petty cash fund estabHshed by appropriate records for the township be, and hereby is, established with a maximum limit of funds to be placed therein tlt any given time to be the sum of $100.00. .. 2 - Certain residents presented to the Board a petition for the i:r,ste.ll!!lt10n of sewer and water in the McKee Addition. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the p~tition be, and hereby is, accepted and the clerk directed to file same and publish notice according to law for a public hearing on such petition to be set for May 23, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the town hall. The application of Mr. Donald Christenson for a v8riance under the zoning ordinance fl6 to construct a single family dwelling on unplatted property less than the minimum acreage was submitted. The Board noted that the Advisory Planning Committee had considered the matter in connection with a preliminary plat previously submitted by Mr. Christenson. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED to grant the variance to Mr. Christenson and issue a b...tildillg permit for a single family dwelling in the proposed area for platting provided that a revised prel~inary plat be ~uhmitted to the town engineer within two weeks of date and that a final ha:cdshell plat be submitted for filing within six months from the date hereof; and further provided that no further building permit would be iGsued to the applicant for any structures in the proposed platted area untill such fiU8l plat be filed according to law. Upon motion duly made by SuperJisor Schwanz, seconded by Ch3irman Klein, it ",as RESOLVED to award the bid on Sewer Project 4/11 to Peter l.a!Tlf.!tt~. Construction Company. The town engineer presented a form of contract w:i.th Hark Ht~:r.d Aerial photographers for execution in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board at it' s last meeting. Upon motion duly made by Chlli!'man Klein, - 3 - seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the contract as r~c$~~t~d be, and hereby is, duly approved and ordered executed. The request of DCR Company for an extension of Rahn Road was submitted and Chairman Klein referred the matter to the town engineer for further study and report. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that the Board of Equalization meet on June 28, 1967, between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 P. M. Chairman Klein then presented a resolution received from the County Board as to the take over of Yankee Doodle Road between Highway #31 and #13 and directed the clerk to spread the same on the minutes of this meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that all bills as presented be approved and ordered paid. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the public. h3f.'!'ing on the application of Vernon'R. Colon to rezone certain property in S~ction 10 be and it hereby is rescheduled to Tuesday, May 23, 1967, at 7:30 p. M. at the town ball. Upon motion tbe meeting adjourned. Dated: May 2, 1967 d7 ~'" (/.~~ Clerk - 4 -