05/12/2015 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 12, 2015 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, and Hansen. Councilmember Tilley arrived at 5:45 p.m. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Public Works Director Matthys, Transportation Operations Engineer Plath, City Engineer Gorder, Water Resources Manager Macbeth, Director of Finance Pepper, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, City Planner Ridley. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye:4 Nay:0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. PARAGON — SCREEN WALL AT TWIN CITIES PREMIUM OUTLETS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting the City Council considered the application and the APC recommendation at the March 17, 2015 Council meeting. Following discussion between the City Council and the applicant there was consensus that the item be tabled and brought to the May 12 Council Work Session. Osberg noted the Council gave direction that the applicant work to provide a more substantial and decorative finish to the existing screen walls that would more closely resemble the original approvals. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Paul Reed, representing Paragon Outlets, was available for questions. The Council discussed the proposed screen wall materials. The Council directed staff to place the Paragon - Screen Wall at Twin Cities Premium Outlets on the May 19, 2015 City Council consent agenda for formal consideration. WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Requests for Additions/Changes Director of Public Works Matthys introduced the item noting the City Council adopted a Winter Trail Maintenance Plan that allows the Council to annually review and consider modifications to the extent of the trail system that is designated for maintenance during the winter months. Matthys noted there are one (1) Citizen Petition, one (1) New Trail segment, and one (1) Staff Recommendation to be reviewed. Matthys summarized the citizen petition received. The petitioner, Paula Clark, gave a brief summary of the request and was available for questions. Special City Council Minutes May 12, 2015 Page 2 The City Council discussed Citizen Petition #1, requesting that a new trail segment be plowed on the west side of Murphy Parkway from Deerwood Drive to the Blackhawk Park parking lot. It was the consensus of the Council to deny the request as it does not meet any of the established criteria for inclusion in the Winter Trail Maintenance Plan. The Council directed staff to provide an analysis of what it would cost to plow all City transportation (non -parks) trails and the impact that would have on service levels, bringing that information back to the August 11, 2015 Council Workshop. The City Council discussed New Trail #1, an 8 -foot wide bituminous trail to be constructed on the west side of Thomas Lake Road, from the Highline Trail to Diffley Road. The City Council concurred to deny the new segment of trail, noting there is no need to plow with the existing sidewalk on the east side of Thomas Lake Road being maintained from Cliff Road to Diffley Road per the Winter Trail Maintenance Plan. The City Council discussed Staff Recommendation #1, to add the existing trail segment on the south side of Red Pine Lane, from TH 3 to Biscayne Avenue, to the Winter Trail Maintenance Program. It was the consensus of the Council to deny the request. Snow and Ice Control Policy for City Streets - Additions/Changes Public Works Directory Matthys noted there are two considerations for the Council on the Snow & Ice Control Policy; 1) establishing a cutoff date of June 1 for City repairs to turf damage by snow plowing operations and 2) requiring new development streets to be paved with the final bituminous course by November 1, if it is to be plowed by the City. The Council discussed the additions. Councilmember Fields stated the new date of June 15` for repairs to turf damage by snow plowing operations should be included in the next City's newsletter. It was the consensus of the Council to add the new additions/revisions to the Winter Trail Maintenance Program and Snow and Ice Control Policy on the agenda of the June 2, 2015 regular City Council meeting for formal action. STRATEGIC HIGHWAY SAFETY PLAN & LOCAL APPLICATION Public Works Director Matthys introduced the item noting MnDOT has a Strategic Highway Safety Plan and have gone beyond their own borders and expanded the funding for that program to local agencies both including the county and cities. MnDOT has worked with 87 counties within the state and have helped the counties establish their own safety plans and are now continuing the effort on the local agency level with cities. Matthys noted a pilot project has been started with the cities of St. Paul and Eagan with technical assistance provided for: analysis of Metro wide crash data for city streets, identification of the characteristics associated with the locations with severe crashes, a systemic assessment of Eagan's streets and the identification of potential safety projects. Howard Preston, CH2M Hill, Inc., the state's consultant for this project, provided a summary of the project. The Council discussed the summary of the local street safety assessment project. The Council was supportive of the incorporation of the project data to continue addressing safety issues in Eagan, Special City Council Minutes May 12, 2015 Page 3 including the removal of unwarranted stop signs and warning signs, and efforts to periodically review, update, and expand documentation of city practices. The Council suggested that staff ask business representatives and residents to identify neighborhood signs for consideration of removal. The City Council took a 10 minute recess. CEDAR GROVE REDEVELOPMENT AREA LANDSCAPE / ENTRANCE MONUMENTS ASSESSMENT Public Works Director Matthys introduced the item noting on August 20, 2002, the City Council awarded a contract providing for the installation of various streetscaping elements, including entrance monuments, fencing, lighting, irrigation, and plantings, within the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area. A visual assessment of the contract improvements was recently competed. Matthys noted the findings of the assessment are being presented tonight for Council's consideration of whether enhancements or upgrades are warranted. Jeff Feulner, Landscape Architect with WSB & Associates Inc., gave a presentation on the existing conditions at the Silver Bell Road/Nicols Road/Cedar Grove Parkway intersection and provided alternative design elements for the Cedar Grove Parkway Corridor and was available for questions. The Council discussed the assessment and provided the following feedback: Silver Bell Intersection: step out of the current design for the area in front of The Flats; work with the scale of the apartment building Plantings: would like to see blending of both traditional/formal with some native plants; include bushes Monuments - Brick: like the decorative caps on the brick columns — current columns should be refurbished with cost effective long term rehabilitation; would like to see options on lower brick walls, versus higher walls, to replace centerpiece of fencing Monuments —Additional Elements: like the pergola for pedestrian gathering areas Signage: thought maybe a fountain or water element would be nice Lighting: addition of banners/baskets should be on all light poles or concentrated at every corner: be consistent throughout area Pavers/Sidewalks: like the idea of color and shape patterns for clay or concrete pavers, but cost is important Planting Areas: like the flat oval planters — could see them in front of the City's parking garage area Redevelopment Area: needs to be a district "feel" to all of the improvements; ROI should include marketing Cost: split up options for cost estimates and consideration WATER QUALITY — NEIGHBORHOOD LAKES MANAGEMENT PLAN Director of Public Works Matthys introduced the item noting Eagan is celebrating 25 -years of a very successful Water Resources program. Proof of this success was demonstrated in the City Council's approval of the 2007 Water Quality & Wetland Management Plan anticipating a 10 -year course that would continue developing programs to engage residents, while focusing on conducting studies and developing management plans for its priority lakes. The City has a good understanding, with Water Resources Manager Macbeth's guidance, of what it takes to properly address the water in our lakes, ponds and wetlands. Matthys noted the City is fully prepared for its biggest effort to date to move Special City Council Minutes May 12, 2015 Page 4 forward addressing MS4 permit requirements and reduce phosphorus pollution to lakes. Staff shared proposed future directions for managing priority lakes, including the need for CIP improvements. Macbeth gave a presentation and was available for questions. The Council discussed the neighborhood lakes management plan. 2016-2020 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (PART III — INFRASTRUCTURE) Director of Public Works Matthys introduced the item noting that each year the City Council adopts a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the community, which includes Part III -Infrastructure (Public Works). Matthys provided an overview of the proposed Public Works Infrastructure projects for 2016- 2020 noting the modification of the existing Storm Water Utility Fee rate to address the proposed Water Quality CIP program. The Council discussed the CIP and the revisions to the Storm Water Utility Fee rates. It was the consensus of the Council to go with fee rate Option 3 - 2016: increase 114%; 2017-2034: increase at 5%. Council also directed staff to ensure that the business community and residents are made aware of this change through educational outreach. The City Council directed the CIP to the June 2, 2015, City Council meeting for formal consideration. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:09 p.m. Aye:S Nay:O cc—a-15 Date (I�w— Ar City Clerk Clerk