05/17/2005 - City Council Finance CommitteeCITY COUNCIL FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING NOTES MAY 17, 2005 Attendance: Mayor Geagan, Councilmember Carlson, .City Administrator Hedges, Community Development Director Hohenstein, City Planner Ridley, Manley Land Company Representative Frank Blundetto, and five representatives of Revestors Development Company. Community Development Director Jon Hohenstein provided an overview of recent meetings and the purpose of today's meeting. Mayor Geagan added that the City Council is concerned with development in the southeast part of Eagan occurring in a piecemeal fashion. Councilmember Carlson stated that a moratorium was really the only opportunity the City had to control development of the area so the end result would be a product that would be beneficial to both developers and the City. It is her belief that a phased overall development plan is important in this area of the City. Revestors Representative Quinn Hutson stated that he believes there is an excellent opportunity to plan for the redevelopment of not only the Oberg parcel, but all parcels on either side of Biscayne Avenue. Frank Blundetto stated that Manley was prepared to move forward with the two -acre parcel they recently acquired at the corner of Red Pine Lane and Biscayne Avenue. Member Carlson spoke to the importance of an overall plan to determine access points, utility issues, etc. and that it is the Council's intention that redevelopment provide a mixed-use up and down Biscayne Avenue. She further stated concern new development in the area without a master plan would increase the incompatibility of existing and new uses being pursued by Manley and Revestors. City Administrator Hedges spoke generally about the Council's desire to not hold up redevelopment of the area, but rather to insure that redevelopment is compatible between properties in the immediate area and this general area of the City. Frank Blundetto commented on the need for enforcement of certain existing uses in the area that, in his mind, are clearly in violation of City codes. Mayor Geagan responded that there have been code enforcement issues in the area that the City has dealt with in the recent past and will continue to do so. Jon Hohenstein provided a brief summary of enforcement on a particular property in the southeast area and the result of that enforcement. He further explained future activities that the City will be engaging in to hopefully put the City in the best light from an enforcement standpoint should this item need to be litigated. Mr. Blundetto reiterated Manley's position that they are opposed to a moratorium. The principal of Revestors stated he is not opposed to master planning of the area, but needs a firm answer as to whether or not their project will be able to move forward in 2006. If not, he needs to get out of the land deal Revestors has struck with Mr. Oberg. Mr. Blundetto also commented that they need to develop, if not later this year, then the first half of 2006 for sure. Direction from Mayor Geagan was for Revestors and Manley to work with Jon Hohenstein and City Planner Mike Ridley on a master plan for the southeast area that would ultimately be brought forward at a future date for review by the City Council Finance Subcommittee. Councilmember Carlson stated the City is not interested in acquiring property in the area, but will provide that assistance if there is no other alterative. However, such activity by the City can only happen once a master plan for the entire area is in place. A meeting was set for 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 1st, with City staff and the developers. A meeting between the developers would occur sometime prior to that.