05/09/2017 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 9, 2017 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Maguire, Bakken, Fields and Hansen. Councilmember Tilley arrived at 5:36 p.m. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Community Development Director Hutmacher, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Director of Public Works Matthys, City Engineer Gorder, Transportation Operations Engineer Plath, Superintendent of Utilities Eaton, and Water Resource Manager Macbeth. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye:• 4 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DAKOTA COUNTY UPDATE — COMMISSIONER JOE ATKINS As a new Dakota County Commissioner, Joe Atkins asked to meet with the City Council and respond to any questions the Council may have with regard to Dakota County. Atkins provided an update on current topics happenings within Dakota County. WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE Requests for Additions/Changes Director of Public Works Matthys introduced the item noting currently the program consists of 78.0 maintained miles out of a total of 124.8 in -system miles and is maintained completely with City staff and equipment. The City Council adopted a Winter Trail Maintenance Plan that allows the Council to annually review and consider modifications to the extent of the trail system that is designated for maintenance during the winter months. Matthys noted there are three (3) Citizen Petitions, and one (1) New Trail segment to be reviewed. Matthys summarized the citizen petitions received. It was noted there were residents present for Citizen Petition #2 and Citizen Petition #3. Citizen Petition #2 The City Council discussed Citizen Petition #2, requesting that the boulevard trail on the west side of Wescott Woodlands and the north side of Duckwood Drive from Station Trail to Springwood Path, as well as some neighborhood (non -boulevard) trails within the Stonehaven Development be maintained during winter months. Special City Council Minutes May 9, 2017 Page 2 The Council discussed the request. It was the consensus of the Council to include the boulevard trail on the west side of Wescott Woodlands and the north side of Duckwood Drive to Lexington Avenue for inclusion in the Winter Trail Maintenance Plan as a Priority Level 4 route. The petitioner gave a brief summary of the request and asked the Council to reconsider maintaining the neighborhood (non -boulevard) trails within the Stonehaven Developments. There was Council consensus to deny the requested neighborhood, non -boulevard trails. Citizen Petition #3 The City Council discussed Citizen Petition #3, requesting that the boulevard trail along Thomas Center Drive from Thomas Lake Road to Cliff Road be maintained during winter months. The Council discussed the request. The petitioner gave a brief summary of why they are requesting the trail to be plowed. The Council discussed the request. It was the consensus of the Council to deny the request as it does not meet the established criteria for inclusion in the Winter Trail Maintenance Plan. Citizen Petition #1 The City Council discussed Citizen Petition #1, requesting that a trail segment be plowed on the west side of Dakota Path from Cliff Road to Prairie Dunes Way. The Council discussed the request. It was the consensus of the Council to deny the request as it does not meet the established criteria for inclusion in the Winter Trail Maintenance Plan. New Trail #1 The City Council discussed New Trail #1, an 8 -foot wide concrete sidewalk planned to be constructed in 2017 on the north side of Vikings Parkway from Lone Oak Parkway to Ames Crossing Road, and an 8 -foot wide bituminous trail on the south side of Vikings Parkway from Lone Oak Parkway to Ames Crossing Road. The Council concurred and directed staff to add the new trail segment on the north side of Vikings Parkway from Lone Oak Parkway to Ames Crossing Road to be plowed as a Priority Level 4 route. The Council concurred to wait until there is a need due to development for plowing of an 8 -foot wide bituminous trail on the south side of Vikings Parkway from Lone Oak Parkway to Ames Crossing Road. PUBLIC WORKS 5 -YEAR CIP (2018-2022) PART III - INFRASTRUCTURE Director of Public Works Matthys shared a new CIP Web application, a tool used to view the CIP and ultimately replace the 3 -ring binder information about each of the various components of the Public Works Department's CIP. Superintendent Eaton provided a demonstration of the use of this application as part of the presentation. Special City Council Minutes May 9, 2017 Page 3 Director of Public Works Matthys introduced the item noting that each year the City Council adopts a Capital Improvement Program for the community, which includes Part III -Infrastructure (Public Works). Matthys provided an overview of the proposed Public Works Infrastructure projects for 2018-2022. The Council discussed the CIP. After further discussion the City Council directed the CIP to the June 6, 2017, City Council meeting for formal consideration. The Council took a 10 minute break. STREETSCAPE & ENTRANCE MONUMENT GUIDELINES / CEDAR GROVE PROJECT Public Works Director Matthys introduced the item noting on February 14, 2017, the Council reviewed considerations for revisions to the Streetscape and Entrance Monument Guidelines, as well as proposed 2017 improvements in the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area, and provided direction to staff for the guidelines and proposed Cedar Grove improvements, including associated maintenance requirements. City staff has prepared visual examples that are representative of updated standards to be incorporated in the Streetscape and Entrance Monument Guidelines and is looking for Council direction to prepare and present the guidelines for future Council approval. Jeff Feulner, Landscape Architect with WSB & Associates Inc., presented the preliminary design of the proposed streetscape and entrance monument improvements (Project 1189), including cost estimates and funding, at the existing intersection of Cedar Grove Parkway, Nicols Road and Silver Bell Road near Trunk Highway 13 and was available for questions. The Council discussed the preliminary design. Matthys provided the maintenance cost for the five planting beds located at Silver Bell/Nichols Road/Cedar Grove Parkway. The Council agreed bi-weekly maintenance of the five flower beds would be necessary at first with the potential to go monthly once plants are established. Council agreed to use a contractual maintenance service. The Council would like to get maintenance cost participation from local businesses/properties in the area. Matthys proposed pursuing a landscape maintenance agreement with developers/businesses. It was the consensus of the Council to approve the project, authorize staff to coordinate landscape maintenance service agreements, and to authorize preparation of plans and specifications by WSB. CEDAR AVENUE STATION AREA PLANNING Community Development Director Hutmacher introduced the item noting the City of Eagan and Dakota County are collaborating on Cedar Avenue Transitway Planning with the intent of developing a vision and recommendations for station area improvements and investments near the Cedar Grove and Cliff Road Metro Red Line Bus Rapid Tranist (BRT) Stations. Because the Cedar Grove District is nearing full redevelopment, the primary focus of planning efforts is on the Cliff Road BRT Station which is proposed to be constructed in 2021 according to the current Dakota County CIP. Hutmacher noted the City and Dakota County are at the halfway point of the study, and wanted to provide the City Council with an update on the planning process and draft vision for the Cedar Grove and Cliff Road Station Areas. The planning study is expected to be complete in Summer 2017, and the conclusions will be reflected in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update. Special City Council Minutes May 9, 2017 Page 4 Hutmacher gave a presentation on the Cedar Avenue Transitway Station Area Planning Update. The Council discussed the Cedar Avenue Station Area Planning. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Aye:S Nay:O ')un Ce, aol-+ Date A 4u�k— Mayor City Clerk