01/09/2018 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 9, 2018 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Public Works Director Matthys, Community Development Director Hutmacher, City Planner Ridley, Communications Director Garrison, Strategic & Digital Communications Coordinator King, and Parks & Recreation Director Pimental. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay:0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. JOINT MEETING WITH EAGAN'S LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION Mayor Maguire welcomed State Representatives Halverson and Masin. State Senators Carlson and Klein, and Representative Barr were unable to attend. Also present was Gary Carlson, Intergovernmental Relations Director at the League of Minnesota Cities; Katie Sen, Lobbyist, Messerli & Kramer, representing the Municipal Legislative Commission; and Patricia Nauman, Metro Cities Executive Director. City Administrator Osberg noted it is the tradition of the City Council to meet with the legislative delegation at the first Council workshop in January. Each member of the Legislative delegation introduced themselves, and spoke about the committees they will be serving on in the 2018 session. Each representative from the LMC, MLC, and Metro Cities gave an update on several primary issues being addressed in the coming legislative session. The Council, representatives from the lobbying organizations and the legislative delegation discussed what they see coming out of the legislature this year. Mayor Maguire thanked the legislative delegation and representatives from LMC, MLC, and Metro Cities for attending the meeting. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN UPDATE Community Development Director Hutmacher introduced the item noting about a year ago staff was in front of the Council to talk about the Community Engagement Plan. She noted the different ways the City has been reaching out to the community to get input on the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Hutmacher noted some of the major changes in the draft plan and walked through the next steps. Mark Koegler, Hoisington Koegler Group, walked through the changes in the Land Use, Housing and Economic Development chapters. Mr. Koegler, City staff, and the. City Council discussed the chapter changes. Special City Council Minutes January 9, 2018 Page 2 Hutmacher reiterated the next steps in the Comprehensive Guide Plan update will be posting for public comment, potentially scheduling small group meetings and addressing some of the changes/questions the Council had prior to the public review period. Public Works Director Matthys gave a summary of the changes to the Stormwater Management Plan, Sewer Plan, Water Supply and Distribution Plan, Water Quality and Wetland Management Plan and Transportation Plan, as well as introduced the Integrated Water Plan. The Council directed staff to schedule the official Public Hearing for the 2040 Comprehensive Guide Plan Update at the March 27, 2018 Advisory Planning Commission meeting. The City Council took a 10 minute break. BUSINESS SURVEY RESULTS Communications Director Garrison introduced the item noting last fall the City contracted with National Research Center to conduct the National Business Survey. For the first time, this allows benchmarking with a small but growing number of cities. The National Business Survey is an assessment tool to gather opinions of businesses on a range of community issues, services and amenities giving Eagan decision makers first-ever feedback on how businesses think the City is doing on everything from the delivery of public safety services to transportation. Garrison noted the results are meant to offer the City Council and staff a snapshot of the business viewpoint about community quality and government services. Communications Director Garrison and Strategic & Digital Communications Coordinator King provided a presentation highlighting the survey results and were available for questions. The City Council offered their observations and feedback with regard to the survey results. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Aye:S Nay:O Date J�64 Aff City Clerk