10/10/2006 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2006 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire, and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Director of Public Works Colbert, Chief of Police McDonald, Director of Communications Garrison, City Engineer Matthys, City Planner Ridley, Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth, and Administrative Intern Ziemer. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Geagan called the meeting to order. Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 5; Nay: 0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. RECEIVE ORFIELD NOISE MONITORING ANALYSIS City Administrator Hedges introduced this item and provided background on the City?s efforts to determine community noise impacts and changes related to the operation of the new north-south 17/35 Runway. City Administrator Hedges introduced Administrative Intern Ziemer who provided additional background regarding the purpose of the study, the results at the various monitoring sites, and introduced Elliot Dick of Orfield Laboratories. Mr. Dick presented the raw data collected from the Phase II study and a detailed analysis of the comparison of the Phase I and Phase II studies. He sited numerous factors including a change in the number of total flights between the two phases, the mix of arrivals and departures, and location within Eagan that make definitive conclusions difficult. In general, the use of noise averaging which is the official methodology in place at this time and is used for compliance studies, results in very little difference in noise levels between the two Eagan studies. In response to City Council suggestions that that conclusion does not match community experiences, Mr. Dick and Steve Orfield explained in more detail how the methodology used generates a measurement of noise averages over time while noise to citizens is an event. They also noted that a noise event may have an annoyance factor much higher than what would be expected from an average noise level and that the earlier Wyle Laboratories work was a compliance study. After considerable discussion about the effectiveness of the information that was gathered, its potential limitations in explaining noise events to the community, and whether or not more useful data could be extrapolated from the report, the City Council accepted the report. Further, the City Council directed the Airport Relations Commission to: 1) study the noise impacts on various sites in more detail; 2) to determine whether or not better compliance standards could be promoted through legislation; 3) to determine other ways to influence the collection of more useful data; and 4) to review the options available to Eagan to gather and/or extrapolate data to distribute information that would be meaningful to the community. IV. RECEIVE UPDATE ON PRELIMINARY PREPLANNING EFFORTS TO ENSURE CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS ? MANAGE THE PANDEMIC EVENT City Administrator Hedges introduced this item and presented background on the staff planning that is underway for a possible Avian Influenza Pandemic. Chief of Police McDonald provided an overview to the City Council including a brief history of Avian Flu, the assumptions as developed by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety being used as a basis for City planning efforts, and a synopsis of City actions to date. In response to a question from Mayor Geagan Chief McDonald reported that the plan being developed for the potential Avian Flu Pandemic would not replace the City?s existing Emergency Preparedness Plan but would be a mini-plan to augment it. V. REVIEW PROPOSED BURNSVILLE / EAGAN COMMUNITY TELEVISION (BECT) 2007 OPERATING BUDGET City Administrator Hedges presented the background information on the development of the Burnsville/Eagan Community Television 2007 Operating Budget and the requested action for the meeting. Director of Communications Garrison outlined specifics of the budget including the assumption that activities would continue as usual and the potential for Federal Government action that would potentially disrupt that assumption. He also pointed out the present need for capital spending to maintain a functional system and the progress on the one year lease for the facility as previously directed by the two cities. Director Garrison pointed out the fund balance projections and the future need for more revenue to include additional partnerships. Development of additional revenue sources remains a priority in the 2007 work plan. The City Council directed staff to place the proposed 2007 Burnsville/Eagan Community Television Budget on a future regular City Council meeting consent agenda for formal ratification. VI. RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE City Administrator Hedges provided background on the status of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update and outlined a process for a review of the update as developed to date and presented in the packet. City Administrator Hedges noted that staff did not plan to make a formal presentation and would primarily respond to questions, although a more detailed presentation was contemplated for the surface water management element of the Plan. The City Council recessed at 6:44 p.m. and reconvened at 6:53 p.m. Director of Community Development Hohenstein stated that the presentation at this meeting was expected to serve as a checkpoint for the City Council and that the Plan would be brought back in the spring after additional work had been completed and any additional suggestions incorporated into the document. He noted there are two overarching themes included in the nine sections of the report; those being the aging demographics of the Eagan population and the aging of both public and private facilities and the need to reuse, revitalize or redevelop certain properties. He further noted that the sections on emerging issues and trends help frame the public policy issues for the City Council. The following nine sections were presented for discussion by the City Council: 1.LAND USE ? In response to a question City Planner Ridley stated that approximately 96% of the land in the City was built on or designated as open space. The 4% balance is guided primarily (approximately 75%) for commercial/industrial uses. 2.TRANSPORTATION ? In addition to the on-going studies emerging issues include a growing desire for walkability, improved transit service, and the need to identify additional funding sources for future transportation improvements. 3.AVIATION/AIRPORTS ? The evolution of the use of the new north-south runway and related noise impacts is an important issue in this section of the Plan. 4.PUBLIC UTILITIES (SANITARY SEWER) ? A key component of this Plan section is the determination of the sources and potential remediation efforts related to inflow and infiltration of ground water into the sanitary sewer system. PUBLIC UTILITIES (STORM SEWER) ? There is crossover between this section with surface water management to be discussed later in the Plan. A major component of this section relates to the managed conveyance of storm water flows into, through, and from Lebanon Hills Regional Park. PUBLIC UTILITIES (WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION) ? It was noted that the future of the Sperry Water Tower would be studied and that additional water conservation measures would be studied. Director Hohenstein pointed out that the various systems in Public Utilities have had numerous comprehensive plans prepared over the years to provide for the necessary infrastructure. 5.PARKS & RECREATION ? This section incorporates the work of the 20/20 Vision planning process and adds it into the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The results of the Patrick Eagan Park Master Plan will also provide potential land acquisition criteria that will be helpful in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. City Councilmember Carlson asked staff to investigate the Apple Valley Guide example to see whether to differentiate between active park space and passive park space. 6. NATURAL RESOURCES (WATER QUALITY) -- Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth presented the work that has been completed over the past year on the new 2007 City of Eagan Water Quality Management Plan. He explained the proposed vision, the mission, the process used by the Water Quality Task Force, the Federal and State Regulatory impact, operating goals and policies, public participation, and emerging issues and trends. He noted the upcoming open house on November 13, 2006 and the public hearing tentatively scheduled for February 6, 2007. Mr. Macbeth stressed the transition to this future plan becoming more a local product with resulting responsibility at the local level. It was noted in the discussion that the City can go beyond the State and Federal regulations and may very likely decide to do that. City Administrator Hedges noted that action to receive the Draft Water Quality Management Plan and to authorize the public comment period is scheduled on the October 17, 2006 regular City Council Agenda. 7. HOUSING PLAN ? This section of the Plan will place an emphasis on life cycle housing in response to the aging demographics of the community. It was noted that it has not been permissible to use a land use designation to preserve land for future senior housing sites. 8.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ? The development of this section will take place primarily in early 2007 through coordination with the Economic Development Authority. 9.COMMUNITY FACIITIES ? The availability of high quality, redundant, high speed internet service is emerging as a key in economic development and quality of life with more services moving online. This section of the Plan will incorporate the work of the Technology Task Force and the Technology Working Group. The recent work of the Communications Committee was noted and City Administrator called the City Council?s attention to the notes included in the Additional Information Packet distributed on Friday October 13, 2006. That material is also being forwarded to the Technology Working Group for consideration at its next meeting. Director Hohenstein again reminded the City Council that the next check on the draft Comprehensive Guide Plan 2008 Update is scheduled for early to mid-spring of 2007 and asked that any additional response or input to this presentation and to the material as written to date be forwarded to staff for research and potential inclusion in the Plan. VII. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Maguire moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. Aye: 5; Nay: 0