11/21/2006 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 2006 4:00 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Acting Mayor Carlson, Councilmembers Fields, Maguire, and Tilley. Mayor Geagan was absent due to being hospitalized for scheduled surgery. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Director of Public Works Colbert, Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson, and Fire Chief Scott. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Acting Mayor Carlson called the meeting to order. Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the agenda reversing the order of Agenda item III, Yankee Doodle Road Access Management Study ? Options and Preferred Alternative Presentation, and Agenda item IV, Community Development Block Grant Allocation for 2007. Aye: 4; Nay: 0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ALLOCATION FOR 2007 City Administrator Hedges introduced this item and provided background on the City?s participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program with other cities through the Dakota County CDA. Director of Community Development Hohenstein explained the staff information noting that the CDBG application is due in mid-December for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007. He reported a tightening of the reporting obligations for HUD regarding eligibility criteria and the potentially onerous requirements related to certain uses. Director Hohenstein noted that seniors have an assumed eligibility so dollars used for senior programming are not subject to the same onerous reporting requirements regarding proof of eligibility. He outlined the staff recommended uses of the available funding of $214,500 as contained in the background material including $35,000 for senior programming and three line items related to the Cedar Grove Redevelopment; $102,000 for property acquisition, $27,500 for relocation, and $50,000 for demolition. Director Hohenstein informed the City Council about the relative ease of later transferring dollars among budgeted accounts as minor amendments compared to the more difficult process of a major amendment if dollars are shifted to new activities. He also explained how certain of the requirements and cash flow mechanics related to low and moderate income eligibility would be addressed as redevelopment proceeds in Cedar Grove. The City Council questioned and discussed budgeting the use of $35,000 to provide additional services/programming to seniors at the Eagan Community Center. Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson noted that the proposal is an expansion of senior programming beyond what is currently in place in an attempt to meet the needs of a specific senior demographic that is currently not able to take advantage of the Community Center and today?s available programming. The expanded service to seniors is also an element of the recently completed 20/20 Vision. This budget allocation would help provide start up dollars e.g. marketing and subsidize required break even pricing for class offerings until the specific programs became successful or were discontinued because they did not become self sufficient. CDBG dollars cannot be used as replacement funding for existing programs. The City Council expressed concerns about subsidized start up programs that raise expectations and make subsequent elimination very problematic. The City Council reached a consensus to leave the CDBG budget proposal as presented by staff. The allocation to the senior programming is to be looked at as a pilot program, monitored and reported quarterly to the City Council, advertised with appropriate disclaimers noting the requirement of self sufficiency or it will be eliminated. Formal consideration of the CDBG budget is to be scheduled for action on the December 4, 2006 City Council Agenda. IV. YANKEE DOODLE ROAD ACCESS MANAGEMENT STUDY ? OPTIONS AND PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE PRESENTATIONONS City Administrator Hedges introduced this item and presented background information regarding the purpose of the study, steps that have taken place to date, and future activities that will ultimately result in County and City capital improvement programming to implement the necessary improvements. Director of Public Works Colbert outlined four items that were specific drivers in undertaking the study including: 1) projected traffic volumes on County Road 28, 2) increased crash rates, 3) potential additional development along the corridor; and 4) the required coordination of the County and City CIP programming. Director Colbert introduced Kristi Sebastian, Dakota County Traffic Engineer and Frank Loetterle of SRF Consulting Group Inc. as participants in the study and noted that they would present additional information. He further explained the three key principles of safety, mobility and accessibility behind the study recommendations and how they must be balanced to arrive at mutually acceptable solutions. Ms. Sebastian provided additional background and stated that the study group is preparing for the rd 3 public open house showing on December 7 at which time they will display the preferred alternatives for each of the three segments of the roadway. The segments are defined as: Denmark Avenue to Lexington Avenue (West Segment), Lexington Avenue to Mike Collins/Ivy Lane (Middle Segment) and Mike Collins/Ivy Lane to Dodd Road (East Segment). Mr. Loetterle explained the issues being experienced or likely to be experienced by the traveling public, options considered as potential solutions by the study team in each of the segments along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. He further explained the preferred alternate for each segment as arrived at by the project study team. West Segment between Denmark Avenue and Lexington Avenue All alternatives include the following: ? No access changes to intersection of Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road ? Widening of Yankee Doodle Road to 6-lanes throughout entire segment ? Signal phasing and intersection improvements at the intersection of Denmark Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road The study team preferred alternate is 2-W which includes the following: ? At Yankee Place: No left turns from Yankee Place to Yankee Doodle Road o Right turns in and out are allowed o ? At Promenade Avenue: New two-phase traffic signal to control left turns on eastbound Yankee Doodle Road o Eastbound traffic does not stop at intersection o Westbound traffic must stop to allow eastbound left turns o Left turns from Yankee Doodle Road onto Promenade allowed, but left turns from o Promenade onto Yankee Doodle Road restricted ? At O?Leary Lane: Right turns in and out only allowed o ? At Denmark Avenue and Town Center Drive: Left turns restricted from southbound Denmark to eastbound Town Center Drove o Middle Segment between Lexington Avenue and Mike Collins/Ivy Lane All alternatives include the following: ? No access changes at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road ? Widening of Yankee Doodle Road to 6-lanes through the intersection of Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road ? No access changes at Wescott Square The study team preferred alternate is 2-M which includes the following: ? At Discovery/Golfview Drive: No left turns from Discovery or Golfview to Yankee Doodle Road o No crossing Yankee Doodle Road between Discovery and Golfview o Right turns in and out are allowed o ? At Columbia/Wescott Woodlands: New traffic signal o New roadway constructed to connect Discovery Drive and Columbia Drive o New driveway access to industrial site o * This alternative assumes a public road connection between Discovery Road and Columbia Drive. No specific alignment has been selected. Additional engineering studies are required to determine the exact location. East Segment between Mike Collins/Ivy Lane and Dodd Road All alternatives include the following: ? The intersection of TH 149 (Dodd Road) and Yankee Doodle Road will remain as a full access signalized intersection for each alternative The study team preferred alternate is a modified 2-E which now includes the following: ? At Mike Collins/Ivy Lane: Right turns in and out from Ivy Lane and Mike Collins only are allowed o ? An extension of Borchert Lane from Mike Collins Drive to TH 149 ? At Elrene Road: New traffic signal to accommodate full turning movements o ? At existing Gopher Resources and Commons (LoNidy Addition) entrances: Right turns in and out are allowed at north entrance o South entrance closed o Full access will be provided by a new road connecting south Gopher Commons o (LoNidy Addition) to the new intersection at Elrene Road The City Council expressed concerns about traffic issues in the Promenade area where the private road accesses Denmark. Mr. Loetterle suggested that a site circulation study may be necessary to determine potential solutions, although intersection modifications and changes to the signal sequencing at Denmark and Yankee Doodle Road should help the current situation. rd Director Colbert noted future steps include the 3 open house, discussion by the Dakota County Physical Development Committee, the City Council again on December 19, 2006 and the Dakota County Board next January. Any City comments should go to the Dakota County Physical Development Committee for their consideration. The desired outcome is for the City and County to agree on preferred alternatives for adoption and incorporation into future improvements. The City Council asked that future materials include larger graphics for only the preferred alternatives along with the key to define the map markings. It was explained that most public comments concern having less direct access to Yankee Doodle Road and a decrease in mobility on the roadway. The comments are all being considered in light of balancing the three parameters of safety, mobility, and accessibility. The assumptions used in the study project growth over a 20 year time horizon and incorporate the assumption that the ring road will be built. The Northwood Parkway Bridge over 35E is a key component of this planning and would also help the Denmark concerns discussed earlier. When Director Colbert asked if the City Council had any comments to forward to the County Board, the Council indicated an informal concurrence with the recommended alternatives (#2) for the Middle and East Segments and wanted to give more thought to the West Segment. Director Colbert explained that all exhibits are available on the Dakota County Website for public viewing. V. DIFFLEY PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL City Administrator Hedges presented the background information and the request to add the item to the agenda for this meeting. He also noted the additional material that had been sent out on Monday providing additional information on consideration of this request by the APrC in the fall of 2005. The City Council discussed the changes in operation of the property and Art Park since the time of the original tunnel agreement and today. After additional discussion including comments from Tony Caponi and Cary Felbab, Chairman of the Caponi Art Park Learning Center Board of Directors, further review of the request was directed to the City Council?s Public Works Committee to develop costs/alternatives and recommendations for the full City Council. The City Council acknowledged certain problems and challenges with current operations, but expressed an interest in maintaining the public purpose aspects of the tunnel and access to the total park. The City Council also requested an aerial view of the site to help define existing trails and access. VI. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. VII. ADJOURNMENT At 5:38 p.m.Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adjourn. Aye: 4; Nay: 0