03/14/2005 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2005 5:30 P.M. EAGAN CITY HALL ? EAGAN ROOM A Special City Council meeting was held on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. to meet with the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission to receive an update on the 2020 Vision Plan lead by the City?s consulting team, which included Bill Bechner, Anne Meier and Jerry Meier. Those present were Mayor and City Councilmembers. Meg Tilley was absent due to a family illness. Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission include Margo Danner, Dorothy Peterson, Terry Davis, Mark Filipi, Joe Bari, Richard Pletcher and Duane Hansen. Staff included Cherryl Mesko, Jeff Asfahl, Gregg Hove, Eric Macbeth and Tom Hedges. PARKS AND OPEN SPACE STANDARDS The consultant shared parks, recreation and open space classification and standards stating that the City of Eagan shows an open space supply of 71.6 acres per thousand of population which is compared to the national standard for all types of open space of 30 acres per thousand of population. The consultant facilitated a classification discussion presenting comments on neighborhood commons, neighborhood parks, community athletic fields, linear parks, conservancy areas, cultural historical sites and provided a recommendation that the City eliminate neighborhood commons, linear park and conservancy area classifications from the 1994 Parks Systems Plan. TRAILS UPDATE The Consultant Ann Meier presented a number of documents relative to the preliminary trail development plan. She reviewed a map that addresses the City of Eagan bikeway network concepts, type of bikeways, and applications and guidelines for bikeway facility design. There were comments and interaction about the use of bikeway trails as a connection to transit sites. NORTHEAST EAGAN The consultant also provided an evaluation of the Northeast Eagan Study Area. He stated that if the property should be reclassified for residential use, there would need to be a direct ratio between density and natural resources and stated further than the best residential use would be low density for that purpose. He further commented that Northeast Eagan is void of parkland dedication; however, there are certainly opportunities for the developer and large corporations, such as Ecolab and Northwest Airlines, to create a unique park-like development. He further stated that a cluster of homes would allow for a smaller footprint which preserves the natural resources. THRESHER FIELDS The consultant stated that their study group has one suggested use for Thresher Fields, which is a demonstration reclamation plat. He stated that a demonstration reclamation plat would be a new concept to the community and allow residents to use Thresher Fields for a learning opportunity. There were a number of questions/comments made by members of the City Council and Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission regarding the data that was presented by the consulting team. In summary, the consultant Bill Bechner stated that one page issue statements will be presented to the City Council and APrC in April for review before a final report is prepared for consideration. OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business, the Special City Council meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. with Mayor Geagan thanking members of the APrC for their commitment to the Parks System Plan Update.