05/10/2005 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MAY 10, 2005 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire and Tilley. Staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Public Works Director Colbert, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Street Superintendent Struve, City Engineer Matthys and City Transportation Engineer Plath. I. AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Bob Acton, member of the Eagan Open Space Coalition and resident near Carriage Hills Golf Course, offered the help of the Coalition to the City. He also recommended that the City proceed with an appeal with regard to the Carriage Hills lawsuit. Mr. Acton sited open space and school capacity as reasons to appeal. III. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CLARIFICATION ? CENTRAL PARKWAY STREETSCAPING City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that Project 813 provided for the installation of streetscape improvements along Central Parkway, from Yankee Doodle Road to Pilot Knob Road. Public Works Director Colbert provided ahistory of the special assessments proposed against Lockheed Martin with regard to Project 813. The City Council discussed whether Lockheed Martin should be included in the assessment roll. There was City Council consensus to include Lockheed Martin in the final assessment roll. IV. WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE PLAN REVIEW City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in 1998 the City Council adopted a winter trail maintenance plan that allows the Council to annually review and reconsider the extent of the trail system that is maintained during the winter months. Public Works Director Colbert noted that, although there were no citizen requests this year, there is one segment that staff has identified that needs to be addressed by the Council for the coming winter season (2005-2006). Public Works Director Colbert asked for the Council?s input on the proposed consideration to add winter trail maintenance on the extension of the new alignment of County Road 28 (Yankee Doodle Road) from TH 149 to TH 55. Colbert noted that adding this new segment, plus the existing segment on the south side of Yankee Doodle from Elrene Road to TH 149, would cost an average of $1,227 per year. The City Council discussed the merit of adding the new segment to the winter trail maintenance program. There was City Council consensus not to include the proposed new segment at this time but reconsider it when the new trail is built along TH 149. V. SIGNAGE FOR CUL-DE-SACS City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that currently there are 42 separate locations within the City where a street ends and a temporary cul-de-sac or stub street condition exists as a result of pending or future development. Public Works Director Colbert noted that several years ago, the Council directed the installation of notification signs (?Development Pending?) on land where an application for development had been received. Colbert added that in an effort to provide similar notification to the public for the future phasing plans after development, staff recently began requiring developers to install similar signage (?Future through Street?) at the end of stub streets and/or temporary cul-de-sacs. Colbert recommended to the City Council that, in an effort to provide consistency throughout the City, staff can install similar notification signage at all needed locations. The City Council discussed the notification efforts. There was City Council consensus that before installing any of the signs, a newsletter article in Experience Eagan should be provided. Furthermore, the Council requested that City staff contact the local media before installing the signs. The Council requested that the newsletter article communicate the pro- activity of the City Council as well as the need to first educate the public before installing such signage. VI. TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS ANALYSIS (TINA) City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the Council?s January 21- 22, 2005 goals retreat, one of the primary goals of the City Council was to secure funding sources to expand the transportation infrastructure to meet the transportation needs of the community. Public Works Director Colbert noted, in response to the City Council?s goal, staff retained the services of its transportation consultant, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and has completed a working draft report that identifies the 20-year projected needs for both system preservation and expansion. Colbert added that the report also reviewed the current source of revenue, identified other potential sources and compared their project capabilities to the estimated system needs. Colbert stated that the results of the analysis indicate that there will be a gap or shortfall of approximately $57.6 million (average of $2.88 million per year) of local City funding required to meet the anticipated 20-year needs for the transportation system within Eagan. Public Works Director Colbert introduced Dave Montebello and Brian Shorten from SRF Consulting Group, Inc., who presented a summary of the Transportation Infrastructure Needs Analysis (TINA). Upon receiving the presentation, the City Council was complimentary of the work that had been completed. The Council suggested that staff further look into the City?s current assessment policy and development agreements, as well as stay active at the legislative level on transportation issues. The Council requested that staff come back with a timeline as to how the study can be implemented. The Council also requested that staff prioritize the transportation projects needed in the City and bring back any recommendations to the City Council. The City Council recessed for a brief break at 7:00 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 7:15 p.m. VII. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ? 5 YEAR CIP (PART III) City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that each year the City adopts a capital improvement program (CIP) for the community that becomes the planning guide for initiating and programming various capital improvements. Hedges added that the CIP is compromised of three parts: (I.) Community Facilities, (II.) Major Equipment, and (III.) Infrastructure (Parks and Public Works). Hedges added that the Public Works Department has completed the preparation of a draft CIP for 2006-2010. Hedges asked that the City Council review the draft CIP so that staff can incorporate and make comments and/or revisions before presenting it for formal consideration and adoption at a regular Council meeting. Public Works Director Colbert reviewed the more significant projects identified in the CIP and noted that the draft incorrectly included the TH 149 improvements for 2006 which was approved at a public hearing on April 5 this year and should no longer be listed as a future project for consideration. He also noted that this draft CIP inadvertently does not include a section for Trails beyond those already included as part of a major street improvement. With the recent completion of the Comprehensive Trail Policy, a priority ranking of uncompleted trial segments will be proposed with the CIP to be presented for consideration next year. The City Council discussed the various projects included in the draft CIP and inquired about the intersection of Highway 149 and Chapel Lane. Staff noted that the intersection does not meet a warrant for a traffic signal at this time; however, the intersection will be re-evaluated after completion of upcoming road improvements. Upon receiving City Council feedback, Public Works Director Colbert noted that the CIP would be brought forward for formal consideration at the June 7 City Council meeting. VIII. APPOINTMENTS / CEDAR CORRIDOR TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT GROUP AND TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City of Eagan along with the other Dakota County cities impacted by the Cedar Corridor have joined together to form the Cedar Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Group, which will be referred to as the Cedar Group, to oversee the Cedar busway developments as well as focus on highway improvements to Cedar Avenue. Hedges added the City has been asked to appoint one City Councilmember to serve as the member of the Cedar Group and one Councilmember to serve as the alternate. Hedges also noted that per the Council?s direction at the May 3, 2005 regular City Council meeting, he was in contact with Gene Franchett, Cedar Busway Project Manager, to get clarification on the role of the MVTA on the Cedar Group. Hedges noted that Mr. Franchett stated that the recommendation going before the Committee on May 11 provides for the MVTA as a voting member of the Committee. Councilmembers Maguire and Tilley both expressed their interest in serving on the Committee. Councilmember Fields moved, Mayor Geagan seconded a motion to nominate Mike Maguire as the member of the Cedar Group. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Carlson, Tilley) Councilmember Fields moved, Mayor Geagan seconded a motion to appoint Councilmember Tilley as the alternate to the Cedar Group. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to appoint Public Works Director Colbert and Director of Community Development Hohenstein as staff members to the Cedar Avenue Technical Advisory Committee, with City Planner Ridley serving as the alternate. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to appoint Ruthie Batulis, Executive Director of the NDC Chamber of Commerce, as the Eagan business representative on the Cedar Group until such time as a member of the business community can take over the position on the committee. IX. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. X. CLOSED SESSION The City Council met in closed session to discuss matters of pending litigation including the Rahn/Wensmann lawsuit. XI. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Maguire moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn the Special City Council Workshop at 9:50 p.m.