08/10/2021 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 10, 2021 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Supina. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Community Development Director Hutmacher, Finance Director Feldman, Assistant Finance Director Foiles, City Engineer Gorder, Communications and Engagement Director Ellickson, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Fire Chief Searle, and Police Chief New. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DAKOTA COUNTY WESCOTT LIBRARY UPDATE City Administrator Osberg noted every year Dakota County Library provides an update to the Council. Osberg introduced Dakota County Library Branch Manager Amanda Feist. Amanda Feist, Branch Manager for Dakota County’s Wescott Library, provided an update on the library, including service changes in response to the COVID -19 pandemic. Mayor Maguire thanked Ms. Feist for the update. RACIAL EQUITY AND INCLUSION PLAN ASSESSMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL City Administrator Osberg noted the inclusion of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Council to consider that would allow for a consultant to prepare an assessment of the City’s current racial equity and inclusion systems and efforts. The Council discussed the option of an RFP versus an RFQ and agreed to start with an RFQ using components from the draft RFP. The Council was in favor of keeping the focus of this RFQ and RFP effort specifically on race equity The Council provided feedback regarding changes to the RFQ and agreed on the projected schedule. City Administrator Osberg noted the potential need for the Communications Committee to help with the process. The Council agreed. Osberg noted the RFQ would be brought back to a Council workshop for review in October. Special City Council Minutes August 10, 2021 Page 2 PROPOSED SUSTAINABILITY EFFORTS City Administrator Osberg noted the Council discussed the topic of creating a sustainability fund, that would in part, fund a full time Sustainability Coordinator, with the establishment of a franchise fee to provide a revenue source for both staffing and other sustainability related projects. The Council directed staff to provide more information on how a franchise fee ordinance process would work and projects that might be needed and funded by the franchise fee. Osberg noted results of the study by WSB, illustrating the projected franchise fee rates and projected revenue that could be generated through the implementation of a franchise fee, will be shared with the Council at their October 12 workshop. Parks and Recreation Director Pimental provided additional information regarding the proposed sustainability efforts. He explained sustainable features that could be funded through the sustainability fund, including solar, insulation, walkability efforts, tree preservation, and native prairie management. The Council gave the following feedback regarding the policy questions: 1.) Does the City Council continue to support the concept of the creation of a sustainability program, future hiring of a sustainability coordinator, through the implementation of a franchise fee ordinance? Yes 2.) Is the City Council supportive of the sustainability plan components as identified in the 10-year plan prepared by staff? The Council offered caution about the rebate and recycling programs, noting electric utilities already offer rebates. There was discussion that any recycling effort be verified to make sure actual recycling is occurring. Mayor Maguire suggested annual vs recurring expenditures line items be separated out. 3.) The Parks Development Fund and Tree Mitigation Fund are both declining. Sustainability program funds might be a resource for replenishing each of these funds. Would the City Council be supportive of allocating a certain amount of the sustainability funds (franchise fees) to the Parks Development and/or Tree Mitigation Funds. The Council was supportive of allocating funds to the Tree Mitigation Funds. The Council added there must be a sustainability nexus to use the funds for park development. The Council took a 10-minute break. PROPOSED 2022-2023 GENERAL FUND BUDGET City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting preparation of the 2022 and 2023 preliminary General Fund budget has been ongoing since April. Formal action on the levy and preliminary 2022 General Fund budget is scheduled for the regular meeting on September 7, 2021. The Truth-in-Taxation hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 7, 2021. Osberg noted should the Council wish to further discuss the budget; the final budget and levy approval could occur at the regular Council meeting on December 21, 2021. City Administrator Osberg gave a presentation and walked through the budget memo. Finance Director Feldman provided an overview on the 2022 and 2023 General Fund Budget and Fund Balance, Market Value, and Tax Capacity and the levy. Special City CouncilMinutes August 10, 2021 Page 3 The Council discussed the proposed 2022-2023 budgets and the proposed payable 2022-2023 Property Tax levy. The Council provided the following feedbackon the Public Policy issues: Is the City Council supportive of the proposed 3.6% increase in the 2022 Budgetand the 3.9% increase in the 2022 Property Tax levy adjustment?Yes Recognizing that the City Council will review and approve 2022, generally, is the City Council supportive of the proposed 4.1% increase in the 2023 General Fund Budget and 5.1% increase in the 2023 Property Tax levy adjustment?Yes o Mayor Maguire suggested to maximize the CARES or ARPA dollars to try andbring down the levy further. Are there concerns or objections to any of the proposed staffing additions or additional information needed?None Recognizing that the current City Council does not bind future City Council decisions, does the three-year plan forthephased-in taxed levy approach and the use of fund balance in the General Fund acceptable?Yes There was Council consensus to proceed with the adoption of a preliminary levy and budgets at the September 7, 2021Council meeting. OTHER BUSINESS There was noother businessto beheard. ADJOURNMENT CouncilmemberHansenmoved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion toadjourn at 7:40p.m. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 09/07/2021 Date Mayor City Clerk