10/11/2022 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota October 11, 2022 A Special City Council Meeting was held at 5:30pm on Tuesday, October 11, 2022. City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Fields, Supina, and Hansen. Councilmember Bakken joined via teleconference. City staff present: City Administrator Miller, Assistant City Administrator Alig, Parks & Recreation Director Pimental, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Flewellen, Finance Director Feldman, and City Attorney Bauer. I.ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 II.VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III.JOINT MEETING WITH ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION (EEAC) A.SUSTAINABILITY PLAN UPDATE Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation Flewellen invited members of the EEAC to introduce themselves. Members of the Commission present were Vice Chair Ian Ziese, Sara Patrick, Rebecca Oldenburg, Seth Swanlund, Don Vasatka, and Iqra Ismail. Dan Robicheaux and Chair Peter Dugan were unable to join. Assistant City Administrator Alig introduced a presentation and discussed the timeline for the City’s implementation of sustainability initiatives. She then facilitated a discussion with the EEAC members and Council focused on community values around sustainability. B.PROPOSED 2023 WORK PLAN Assistant Director Flewellen invited Chair Ziese to introduce the 2023 work plan. The Council discussed goals and thanked the EEAC members for their work and attendance. IV.2023 CIP PRESENTATION AND CAPITAL LEVY REVIEW Administrator Miller introduced the item and invited Finance Director Feldman to present more information. Finance Director Feldman gave a presentation on the long-term review of capital funds. The Equipment Revolving Fund, Facilities Renewal and Replacement Fund, Fire Apparatus Fund, and the Parks Development Fund are the four funds, and all four are supported by the tax levy. Director Feldman asked the Council to comment on policy questions: Is the Council supportive of the use of fund balance Special City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 to fund the short-term needs of the Equipment Revolving and Parks Development Funds? Is the Council supportive of the tax levy increases in the Equipment Revolving and Parks Development Fund to provide cash needs, fund depreciation and inflationary increases? Director Feldman noted the projections included in the presentation assumed current budget conditions and were subject to additional future conversations on funding of projects and additional personnel. These conversations would happen at a future meeting. V.OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. VI.ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Aye: 5, Nay: 0. _______________________ Date _______________________ Mayor _______________________ City Clerk November 1, 2022