02/20/1973 - City Council Regular,~~ aeasure~rent of a co~nunitq is its concern One outh. The need for gouth activities beco~es for q more and more acute as Eagan ~-tures. recreation program is off to a good start Our ed s orts. Parks ~ as completed, will with organiZ P provide additional activities. ro ems and facil,~.ties are needed? What other p gz' to this question could be the establish- Rhe ans~rex' of ~ Dale programs and priorities in this ing g ~ vital area. fast la11. while tampai~~ for the village i A it I bad the apportunftq ~4 discuss this COUnC , 4 4" xith man concerned parents. To meet this issue g d I se a youth Advis~- C~omissfon be nee , Pa's d either be under t~ pa~esent established. his void d or fu~3.q independent. The c~3,ssion park hoar , ~ s$d of p~~g p~Ple repreaentin8 should be mpv s of Eagan and lrc~ a~ possible gvuth " all area could be repre~nted by a member grogpa. Adults as CAA ~tendeagan, WCAO, Eagan from such groups ~ cation JCf s, etc and other concerned Civiv Assoc ~ citi$~e• take the initi~-tive in pr©viding ~ole- w~ ome and constru-ctiv® programs • ~! u+e don ~ t, s no One wills MINUTES OF R1r~IJLAR FETING OF EAGAN CQUNCI~, VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINI~S4TA February 20, 1973 ,, ~~~~~ A regular meeting of the Council, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at 7;40 P,M., February 20, 1973, at the Village HB11. All Council members were present. The Council met with Representative Fray ICe~npe and Brad Pieper. Mr. Kempe and Mr. Pieper briefly reviewed the bill submitted ,jointly by them in the Minr~egota House of'~t9entatives directing that the Commissioner of Highways take i~omedfate action to ce,~~ruct the Cedar Avenue Bridge. The Eagan V111age Council was requested to adapt a resolution supporting the bill and to request that an enviroa- t~ot~l. ~S,aring be a~ehaduled at tb~e aar~,ieat possible time Co determ~,ae the f~rpact of the propose bridge on the envitionme~~t and t~-~-fir rhst Eagan Vi118ge Council would Qee no ,~v~~ae e~viamental. impact, Upon motion by Cou~ix,~n Wachter, seconded bar ~+oupcilman Hydrych, all aaember~ voting in favor, it was ~SOLVBD that such a resolution be and is hereby adopted and that the environmental ~opact hoaxing I?e speeded op so. as :~to~ permit construction of the bridge at the earliast possible t irate R Upon mgtipn by Coan~cilewn Rahn, seconded by all sa~oabers voting aye, the ~ainutes of the ti~eet~.ng of February 6, 1973 were approved with the follawi~ng excepti,ans: on Page 2 relating to the McKee Park dimensions should read 205 #eet by 419 feet; an Page 5 the minutes should be amet~ed t4 provide that those i.n favor were mayor Yolzin~ Councilmen Rah~1~ ~,ydrych and ~lacbter; against, councilmaa SmiCh. Police Chief Irtartin DesLsuriers appeared relating to police department affairs, Ike submitted a proposed Joint Lair Er~arcnt Cuu~tci,l Agreement involving all municipalities fn Dakote County relating to crime problem and problem: of law euf ~orca+aent for review by the Council. ,~~,« Mr. Dasr.z~xr~ers rcc:vmmended that Mr. Lewis Jeska be hired as apart time police officer. Mr. Jest:a is currently an inspector for the Village of Eden Prairie. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded ~y G~ouncilman Rydrych, it was RESOLVED Chat Mr. Jeska be hied as a police officer on a part time basis. A11 members voted in favor. It was determined that the policy on placing signs on village roads be reviewed at the next council meeting on March Cth. I~~~r. DesLauriers further requested action an the proposed dispatct~~~ ~y~r~, for the police and fire department as reviewed by the council at several earlier meet~...~~,, ~pur~ „~,,.~,4„ by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the dispatching system as proposed for the Police and Fire Depar t ments, ~e and hereby is ordered to be squired and implemented. Mr. Bi11 Branch appeared and discussed the possible requirement that in the event that a home owner has problems with a well that a permit be required by the Village and further a possible requirement that if there is access to a water main or lateral that such property owner be required to hook up to the municipal system, No action was taken on the matter. Mrs. Jan Calenius appe8red on behalf of the Park Committee and discussed the following matters: (a) Mrs. Calenius presented three bills on behalf of Urban Planning and Design the first two which,. were to be paid from the Park Ilond Yssue and the third from the Park I~'undy Upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting aye, it ryas RESOLVED that the bills be ordered paid. (b) The Southeast corner of County Road 34 and Cedar Avenue proposed park facilities was discussed. It was the recommendation of the Park Committee that the area not be developed at the present time. (c) The request to rent the Burow homestead on Rahn Road froar the Village of Eagan, was discussed including the need to lceep liability insurance on the home. The Council had no objection to renting the home in the event that T~Irs. Buraw decided not to stay in -2- the home but the suggestion was spade that a release for Mrs. Burow be acquired if III possible if she moves out. (d) A special meeting of the Park Committee will be held on Monday, February 26, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Hall. Mrs. Medoff appeared on behalf of Recie's Sample Shop on Highway 13 requesting a permit to put a light on the sign concerning the sign permit granted ' by the Council on February 6th. It was noted the permit was granted until July 1st only. After considerable discussion, upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the request for a light on the sign be:,granted with the understanding that it would be . temporary until July 1, 1973 only. Mr, Bill Dietrich appeared on behalf of the Palomino Development Corp- oration application for a sign permit at the Southeast corner of Silver Bell Road and Cider Avenue for Lakeside Lakeside HiSidoes. it was named that 6 permit had been granted III to the applicant for that location *Pug y azn *V. There was no objection to renewing the application but discussion centered around the need for a policy concerning the location of signs on Highway 13 and Cedar Avenue. Upon motion by Councilmen Rahn, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the application of Reed, Inc. for a sign on the Baskin.Robbins store in Cedarvale Shopping Center be ind hereby is approved. The Chairman then announced the opening of the hearing on the preliminary report relating to the street improvements in Harvey "Addition and surrounding areas. Mrs, Judity Miller, 1358 Highsite Drive, Apartment 110, Eagan, Minnesota, requested a continuance of the hearing for thirty (30) days to attempt to straighten out a probelm that has arisen concerning the payment of pending assessments on the home that was sold approXimately December 1., 1972, located at 3209 Random Road in, the sum of $1,293.15. The Engineer indicated that the contract IIIon the project had been s dOd last summer and that the work was not complete. The present owner. of 3209 Random Road requested that the hearing proceed and that a3 . the project be ordered~in. After considerable discussion, upon motion by CouncilM man Smith, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the hearing be closed but that~the decision on the hearing be continued until March 20, 1973 at 7;30 P,M. at the Village Hall. The Chairman then announced the conveying of the continued hearing concerning utility improvements for Project ~~104 relating to the bulk-mail fac~~lity on Lexington Avenue, No one appeared on behalf of the Corps of Engineera,~ ~~on motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all me~aber voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the hearing be continued until March b, 1973 at 7:30 P.M# at the Village Hall. A representative of the Rauenhorst Corporation appeared on betaatf of its application for Don Harley and ~ Aseocia~es fvr a buil.di~~ p©rmit for a« yffi.ce warehouse ~issembly area on La#~ :14, Block 7, Eagandale Center Industrial perk ado. 1; The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. The building consisting ©f 3,800 square feet coating an e~~imated $300,000,00 was upon motion by Councilman Rahn; seconded by Mayor Polzin, approved subject to the Engineer's and Building Inspector's approval, Those voting in favor were Councilman Re~nn, Mayor Polzin, Counciltiaen Smith and, Rydrych. Member Councilman ti~lachter disqualified himself on the vote of the matter. The Council members,aext reviewed proposed procedures relating to the issuance of liquor licenses in the Village. A set of procedures submitted by Councilman Rydrych was reviewed including the suggestion that the procedures be reviewed annually by the Council. A number of current licensees were present and discussion ceptered around such issues as the 407. food and 60x liquor ratio, upon motion by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman~Wac~ter, it was RESOLVED that the procedures submitted by Councilman Rydrych, a copy of which are attached to these minutes, be acxl Chey hereby ate approved with the following revisions to the original proposed procedures; A, The ratio of food sales ox liquor salsa to M4~ be changed from 50% for each to 407. food. to~ 60% liquor, B. Under Nate 1, P~~~ 2 would read as follows; "4n~sale establishments existing on date of incorporation of Eagan as a Village are exempt from this requirement." All other woxdiag in that paragraph would be strikers. All ntirembers voted in favor, Councilman Smith then review~td his proposals submitted on February b, 1973 for a proposed Youth Activities Commission. He recommended the Commission be separate from the Park Committee and that representatives from va~rrous existing organizations, youth groups, etc. be asked to participate in the fa~tation of tht Commission. The Council discussed i~n detaiisthe relation of the Commiss~.on to the Council, possible future budgeting, relation to the Park Committee, etc, It was determined that Councilman Smith consult with groups including youth and adult groups and. report back to the Counc#1 at a latex tirne~ The Council then determined that an Mardi 20, 1973, the regular meeting of the Council, they would discuss suggester~~"priorities for County highway construction iri the Village and further review the proposed ma,~or street program, Members of the audience stressed the: ne~e~` for the•~uacant lot, at the Southeast c©rner of Highway 30 and Cedar .~~~~se~"~e proved due to the fact that Large boulders, weeds and general unsightliness exists° It was suggested that the area be cleaned up, leveled, grass be planted and black dirt hauled in and landscaping done.., arbd possibly a fence be installed separating Cedar Avenue ar.;l the lot to arroid danger to children using the open area. Upon motion by Council man Smith, seconded by Councilman Wachter, a~I members voting in fa~ior, i~ was.. RESOLVED that thQ Clerk be directed to write to Cedar Grove Construction Company requesting that such improvements. be made on the lot in the event that the ~•~eveloper does not plan to develop the• property im~aediately. The Council then discussed again the proposed method of distributing ~~ederal Revenue Sharing funds and discussion centered around the money to be used for a signal light at Cedar Avenue and Coutn~p-Road 30 and at Cedar Avenue .and w ~ w Cliff Road and the,. acquisition of land of 20 to 40 acres in the area of the Village Hall for civic center purposes. The possibility of using the money for comprehen- sive plan costs was further discussed. After co~eiderable discusaioa, upon motion by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman ~~lachter, all members voting fn favor, it was RESOLVED that the Revenue Sharing Funds accruing to the Village of Eagan be used to defray the Village's cost of traffic signals at County Road 30 and Cedar Avenue and at Cliff dad and Cedar Avenue and further to be used toward the acquisition of Zanct for future municipal uses of from 20 to 40 acres in the general area of the present Village Hall'. Upon motion by.Councila-an Rahn, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that Change Order No. l consisting of water and sewer improvements in Project No. 54 be approved as follows; Part 1 » $481,00; Part 2 » $1,104.95. The Clerk read a Resolution of the Apple Valley Village Council opposing the Minneapolis dame stadium because of the det~imentsl effect it may have on diverting highway funds from the Dakota County area, Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Wachtex, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Village Council of the Village of Eagan go on record opposing the proposed Minneapolis dome stadium because of the potential detrimental effect in diverting highway funds for new construction of highways in the Eagan arse.. Upon xecoaanendation of the Village Engineer and upon aaotion by CouncilM man Wachter, seco~ed by. Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the balance of the gas tax money to be distributed from Dakota County be used for Johnny Cake Ridge Road from Cliff Road to Highway 30, Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that final payment to Erickson Brothers, Inc. covering Cedar Grove No. 8 Improvements in the sum of $20,03.50 be, and it hereby is, approved and the toed" be accepted. 6. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the First National Bank of St. Paul, be and it hereby is designated as the paying agent for the Improvement Bonds dated April 1, 1969. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting in favor, the #~ollowing bills according to t~errant No's: lb through 19; 1000 through 1041; and 10220 through 1427b were ordered paid. Upoa motion the meeting adjourned, Dated: February 20, 1973 ~'~-' Alyce Bolke, Village Clerk • ~ M