07/03/1973 - City Council RegularT~It~1~ES 8~' S~ULAk MBETING nP COUNCIL VILLAGE 0~' EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINI~SOTA July 3, 1973 At 6:3a P,Ii, Mayor Polzia an~aouaced a review of the Vixlage Engi.aeer;e Proposal oa Water Treatment Facilities fox Eagan for 1973. Mr. Tom Noyes of the Bonestroo, Rosene & Anderlik office reviewed the report with the Council. No action was takes. The regu~.ar meeting of the Council, V~.llage of Bagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at 7:00 P.M., on July 3, 19)3 et the Vi~,lage Hail. Ali Council members were present. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Alleg~.au~, upon ~tioa by Councilman Ulachter, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting yes, it was RF5 OLVED that the minutes of the last regular meeting be and they hereby axe approved, A list of new proposed dispatchers for the police and fire coumzunfcatione system was submitted. t3pon motion by Councilman Rydrych, secozs~ed by Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the persons accord iug to the letter of July 3, ],973 consisting of the six part time dispatchers be aad they hereby are approved according to the list attached to the miAUtes. Barbara Schmidt of the Perk Committee, appeared and indicated that the perk improvements is the first six parks is nearly completed and an inspection town would be held shortly. After discussion and upon motion by Councilmen wachtex, seconded by Councilman Rydxych, ail members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that members of the Brooklyn Park Maintenance Deoartstent be and they hereby are authorized end directed to install playground equipment in the sum of $1,204.00. The Village Attorney indicated that title to the balance of the Job O'Toole park property had sow been cleared by Mr. O'Toole and euggestad that the -lam closing of the property be held soot,. Upon oration by Council~aan R~hti, seconded by Councf Haan S~tth, all members voting yes, it waa RESOLi1F~ that coaapletion of the acquisition of the O~Toale Park property be oxdered, Aa application for six free•stardiag algae for ~tilderness Run, to be erected by Western Sign Co., was submitted, One sign eras requested to be placed on land arvasd by the Village of Ragan, West of Pilot I{nob Road acd North of Thomas Lake, The Council indicated it trould mot pera~t sigma to be plac+ad oa V~,llage 18ad. Upon motion by Covacilma~a Rahn, eecorded by Councilman Smith, e11 ambers votittg yes, it way RBSt~'V'~! Chet the applicatioq for a~ sigma as design y r ~. ~1~.v1 Hated in- the application, one ~ to be removed from Village perk land bf3 a roved. ~ ~ 7~/ ~ /7 ~~ ~~-->~-- c.d~ ~p ~ ,~ ~~ A represeatetive of Antler Carporatioa;appeared sad requested that a sign be permitted at Xa~cee Doodle Road sad Uigbway 13 es authori~ced at an earlier ameti~tg bnt to vary frost the b~ foot spacing pro~v3,sioa of the Sign ordinance. it eras toted two other signs were located asst the intereectlon, 'the Council requested Chat the applicant attempt to find a suitable alt~eruate Xocatfoa sad return to the Couacii for approval, At abaat 8:~o P.I~t„ tba i~-or a~ouaced the opening of the public hearing for ravement Pro,~ct Ro! 113 consisting of utility ia~rov~eats in the Letiay Lake area. The Village Ragineer sxpl,~i~d the project. tQu~tous residents Spl!@~red 8skiog que8tioaer There was discwcsioa concerning the seed for addi~ tional street eaee~nt• for the project. After ttusre sere ao fvrtb~er qu~stioaa, the hearing was closed. ~paa motion b'Y Couacilmam Rydryoh, seconded by Couacilmea Wachter, all ~aeraQbers voting year, it Mao RBSOLVBD .that the project be orderer is and the Engineer be authorized to prepare h~-s platn8 aid epecif ieatioas. The public heeriag for pr®lisriAary plat approval for Metropolitae Indus trial Park is Section 12 Bast ai Htgta+ay 49 was next convened. 1Kt. Keith Wehraa, M 2 N p3.annar for Egan Realty the ot~tner and developer of the project appeared, After discussion, upon motion by Councilman: Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all me~abers voting yes, it was I',ESQLVED that the application be and it hereby fa approved subject to an adequate turn around at the East end of the proposed road in the subdivision. The continued public hearing concerning Improvement Project No. 1C5 consisting of street improvements on Beau d'Rue Drive and the Cedarvale area was next convened. The Village Engineer indicated that he had had an informational meeting wi~ch neighboring owners on Tuesday, June 2~th, The general consensus was that Beau d'Rue Drive not be upgraded at the present time and residents on Gold Trail also requested thaC it not be upgraded. After considerable discussion and review it was noted there were no further objections to the proposal or from DCR Compaay by Mr. Striker who appeared and agreed with the present plan. Upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman Rahn, alb. members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the project be ordered in consisting of eliminating the Beau d'Rue Drive and Gold Trail street improvements but the balance of the project be ordered in according to the recorrmerdations; further that the Village Engineer be authorized to prepare his specifications a~ p~,ans far the project. Mr. William IZlug appeared an behalf of the application of Roadway Express fora special use permit for a trucking ter~ainal on Lots 3 and ~S, Eagan- dale Inclustr~.al Park consisting of the REA property, Mr. James Bergsehneider of the EXp~.•essway Properties, Inc,, the owner of the property was also present. The planning Commission recommended approval. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application be and it hereby is appro~red. Upa:~ motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Smith, ell members voting yes, it was RRSOLVED that the public hearing concerning the w ~ w 1 application of New Horizon Homes, Inc. to rezone part of the SW quarter of the SW quarter of Section 23 at the Nort`~east corner of Johnny Cake Ridgy Road and Cliff Road from A, Agricultural to R~4, Residential, for preliminary plat approval and for PUD approval be scheduled for July 17, 1973 at 7;30 P.Y. MrM Richard I~olladay appeared on behalf of his application for a building perr~it for a recreational trailer repair shop in a 4,400 square foot building at approximately $30,000.00 on a part of Lot 3, Block 2, Sibley Terminal .. Industrial Park, The APC recommended approval, subject to certain conditions. It was noted that a twenty (20'y foot private drive Would connect the property to Terminal Drive. Mr. Holladay indicated there would be only one or ~c~cr~ storage vehicles outside the property at any one time, Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the Planning Commission's recommendations, further subject to landscaping including trees between the building and Highway l3 and on the North side of the build ing, Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members opting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the following public hearings be scheduled for July l7, 1973 at 7;30 P.M, at the Village Hall; A. Application of Arnold Troff for rezoning from A, Agr~.cultural to R-1, Residential and for preliminary plat approval of Maroni Addition, Section 3b consisting of the former Mary's Addition property on Dodd Road. B. Application of Timberland Development Corporation for prelim inary plat approval of Oak Chase Third Addition. The village Engineer submitted a proposed layout for street lighting for Wilderness Run Fourth Addition submitted by Dakota County Electric Assn. Upon motion by Councilman ~,~achter, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members w ~ w voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the appraisal be and it hereby is approved and that the develoger be directed to pay the installation cost and that maintenance and operation cost be billed to the homeowners by the Village Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members voting yea, it was BgSOLVED that the plans for utilities in Surrey Heights Fourth and Fifth Additions consisting of Project No. 121 be and they hereby are approved and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened on July 24th at x:00 P.M, at the Village Hall. The Counc~,l then took up the recommendation of the Planaing Commission to adopt an ordinance controlling motorised vehicles in parks and private property in the Village. Many persons interested is snow~nobiling particularly appeared including representatives of the Eagan Va11ey Rangers Snowmobile Club. After considerable discussion, the Mayor appointed a Committee of three persons consisting of James Smith, fra~m the Council; Faye Cooper, from the Eagan Valley Rangers; and one other person to be designated by those two members to meet with representatives of the Eagan Park Committee to review proposals for a snowmobile ordinance.. The V111age Engineer indicated that a letter signed by the Corps of gngineers resident engineer that the proposed provisions of the contract for installation and payment for utilities in the bulk mail facility area had been agreed upon but that a contract had not been submitted as yet. Also, a letter from the Corpe of Engineers, Omaha District, grantimg the Village of Eagan immew diate right•of~entry for installation of utilities was reviewed and another letter to Dakota County for right•of•entry for street improvements on Lexington Avenue was discussed, The Council then discussed the proposed Lexington Avenue street and utility improvements. It was noted that the County has now advertised for bids •5• to be opened early in Augcast for the street grading, Upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that Improvement Project No. 144 consisting of utility improvements near Lexington Avenue be and they hereby are ordered that the low bid of A. J. Chromy in the amount of $254,851,00 be awarded and the contractor be ordered to commence construction at the earliest possible time, The Village Engineer then submitted a preliminary report for water main improvements for Univac, Phase II consisting of Project No. 123. It was noted that Univac had waived the hearing for the project. Upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the report be accepted and approved and that a public hearing be scheduled for August 7th at 7:30 P.i~. at the Village Hall; that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be consolidated with Project No, 110aA and that the Village Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications, The preliminary report for Improvement Project No. 122 consisting of Wescott Hills Drive street improvements was next submitted, Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the preliminary report be and it hereby is approved and accepted and that a public hearing be scheduled for August 7th at 7;30 P,M. at the Village Hall. All members voted aye. The Village Engineer next submitted the plans for street improvements iu ~~escott Hi11s Addition consisting of Improvement Project No. 107. Upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be and they hereby are approved and that the bids be authorized to be published and opened on August 6, 1973 at 3;00 P,M, at the Viilage~Hall, A building permit application to remodel the Su~Su-Ling Restaurant for w 6 a Lee's Restaurant on Cedar Avenue and I~~ghcaay #13 in the amount of $4,000,00 was next submitted, Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Sm#,th, all members votirg aye, it was RESOLVED the applicata.or:~ae approved subject to $uiiding Inspector's approval, fine following sign permits, upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, were approved: A.Eagan On the Green, a 12'x8' on~site sign on Rahn Road. B.Townview Addition, a 6'x10' sign with a change of name to Manitou on the development property. A letter from Cedar Grove Construction Co, requesting curb and gutter of a surttountable type for Deerwood Drive near Blackhawk Road was submitted. The Village Engineer was requested to review the matter and report at the next Council meeting. A petition from seven of the nine homeowners of Highview Avenue opposing bituminous surfacing of Highview was submitted for consideration A request from Mr. Luther Stalland of Beure' Co. requesting storm and sanitary sewer lateral assessments for the undeveloped portion of Hilla~ale be respread from a 3~year to 1S~year assessment and requested Chat the penalty on the real estate taxes that were not permitted to be paid for the first half of 1973, be recommended for abatement. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, with Councilman Rahn abstaining and other members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the request be approved. The Council next discussed the building permit and heating and ventilating permit fees of fibs Village. It was noted that the Building Inspector had rev~,ewed the rates of surrounding co~mnunities and found that Eagan's rates were generally lower for all permit fees. No action was taken on the matter. The Clerk recommended that because of the fluctuating interest rates • , w on deposits at the present time that a second. depository other than Valley National Bank be named where deposits could be placed if necessary on an interim basis to receive higher interest rates. After disckssi^n, upon motion by Council man Smith, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that First National Rank of St. Paul be named an alternate depository for Village funds where appropriate to be determined at the d iscretioa of the C lerk•Treastsrer. A request from Mr. Lou~a Jeska a part time policesttan that he be covered under the police retirement program as a part time police officer was submitted, Upon motion by Councilman Rahri,.seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, ~.t was RESOLVED that his request be granted. The V~,llage Attorney indicated that the operators of Jane's Sauna had commenced an action in the Dakota County District Court to require the Village Council to permit the sauna to be reopened. A hearing was held on the Sauna's motion on July 2nd and no decision had .been reached bit the time of the meeting. Discussion was had concerning a possible sauna ordinance for the Village, After discussion, upon motion.by Councilman Smith, seconded by Council» man, Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that X285.55 as the employer port~.on of Clerk's PERA benefits.. be and it hereby is approved due to the change in the PERA statutes. Upon m©tion by`Councilman Smith, seconded~by Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it~was RESOLVED that the-bills according to the following schedule be ordered paid ; 53 and 5d, 1345 ~ 1385; 10816 - 1088b. Upoh ~aotion the meeting ad Mourned. Dated; July 3, 1913. ~~ ~~;~ Alyce B lke, Village Clerk, Village of Eagan, Dakate County, Minnesota. .t 8 M