08/14/1973 - City Council Special,r ~r,~UT.ES OF SPECI~~i, N~~'ItNG ~P Vxl.7~~G~ GCs+~~::~:L ~-'iL~,GF Q~ ~G~+~~, P. ~.~~?~ COUi~7'~', I~Tr'~;3t~'.i~. A.gus;: ~.~ , x.913 A 8`~~r.,~aZ mee;Mi.ng o~ the Cot~nc i, ViliagQ of Eagan, ~~.i~~o~a ~~o~nty, ~~i~.rl;i.~'.' :ova way neid are August 14, 1973 a~: 6:30 P,,I~1~ at thn '~~.~.~.~:v ~all~ ,AII ~~~~~+t~r~~s ~a"erE: present., '~1e mee~Cin~ *,~a~ co~.~enced wi~i:h the p:~.e~~•p c A~.ieg.~anc`:. is 6 ~ ~o FEM. the Council mat with. Jams O~.se~~. ~ .~.'.sc~'. ~.t~ns:~Ita~~; Rz;x~.~=~r :~-y~ne ~ ~~~,i .age Engineez acid Ro~~~ I~atzEnmeier ~- ~r{l~.ag~ .~-ccou~:t~!i~t, ~~::~~::~,~: ~.;,~ ~:~,~: proposed water treatmpn~: p~.an•t ~a~:i~.ity co~~cerning fi::~e propRser: ~i~?a~l~yine fb~ the treatment pla~.tn A p~~apos~ed ~~~ate~ tr~?~~?.en~: ~:=~-:~.~,aty pi.a+~ for ~t~e V:.:~:~.ag:: nor 197 was submitted b~~ ~:~? ~ Vil~agc. ung~.Rz~{°., ~.~~~'~.~-., ~;rt;~.~;;q~~,~h.e. ,d~.sc~=.ss~.on a~ rev~ew9 upon mo~;~.on by Counci.~ir~a~: t~~act~~:er, secor~:~=.. ~~~ ~^oun~i~.~an ~~u3 wii, ail t,~sbers vot~,ng yes, i i~ gas kES~L.VFL th,~~; the Vi~.lag~^ :F~~a.~.ri.~ ~~~.rce S~perva nor together w~.th the ~ti~3.~. s ~3;~;~~ i~': ~..t~.:Pr prepare s quest~.o4u~a;+.~p~~ to be ma.:leek ~o a? ~. ~a~inieipal water t~~exz agi~a.r~g ~r~iether They r,~c~u~.c~ b.~ ~-;A;?~"~ s?-:^~. K ~~ ~ wate~.• t~:e~tment plant and eater sartex?~.~.~g ~'~c~.l:~ty a:~d for tr-e n~~.~~}awe r~i ~ ~ 1 ~ X •t ~~ ~ q . c;-~`-:~:~.ng ~~::~eir ~.~P.A~t~.on i:o i;he cost ~:o thM corat~c:r of such tac.....~.~F.~~ %~3" p~if~c t~hp Viil,a~ge Coun~;.~i met wiCh poger ~'~aL~en~-~eti,er: 3~{~ rd~~r~..~-:t-'err. •~~~e 1'72 t1i13.age Audit ins dF~.aili Mrs i~atzenmeiar discussad ~:;~: need ~~~s,• ~; taee~:+.ng ~o cQVer other issues as such computari~ing procedu=~~~~ 1?•a~t r~r ..~ a~;ti u~l via ~ +:akE~r,r ~~~~ $:QJ ;~oT~. the Council together with the P~.an~aing Co~~aittee mer~i~e:•. a~x~ other i.ti'~~~'~:~~, ci persons revie*jed a:~d ~.~~-e~: ~rit'r~ John Vosa o:ti ~:~ba~~ ~'~.a~~~;~.r~g, a~a3 i;~~p~-n., "'~x.'~':•~Y?.'~, to trP proposed deveZop~nent gu:~deA It S~aE decided tr~~t . ~..u ~,t~ ~. ~~ ::~~~i~a~,~ l~.tr '.'~,3`- i~.~,, deve?opers in ttt~ ~I~.~.age kTo;~:~c~ be ~,~~•r-r.t ,~,' ,~ ~,-, p~-eSeat ~ -~.~~ ~:+~. '.'F? v ~.~7 an~3 corameur upon tre pronosEd co~;prchpnsi,~~a r~.an of t; ~t5: ,~ a ~ ae~ ~r~ ~±~~~~~~~ ~ ~ 9th ax1 interested citizens wo~~?: ~ be ~.r~=rx~~:-~~ ~~o ~~a~f_~:r.~;~.~;~~e ra ~ ar ~P Coc.~.;~c~.l then later ~:on~~ener~ as a special ~.ee*~.n accordi!~g r~ thQ rc~rxc:a that was snaxle~~ to the Cvu:~i.l rae~ers prior to the maetir~g, A letter f;~o~t thQ Vi? lags L~gi.~ieer concars~irg ~.~ecommendations basc,d on a request of the T~~innesuta Hign~.a~r Department for xeaiew of the highway bridge at ?n~erstate ~r494 s.~n ;~~.ghway X13 was read. Upon motion by Councilman Smit`~P sor..r.-~,ad ny Councilma~i ~iacht~:r, 811 memb~:rs votirxg yes, it was RRSO~VI~ Chat the recot~ar.~j~ations i~ the ~.ettar be appro~~ed and that the Clezk be a~athorixed to prepare : resoltxti.c~ ~~.~.~ a^ :~~~;;:~•:~rded to the hxg~~ay department ac~.Apting the recommendat~.ona~ Upan mot~,on by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Couacilau~n smith, all r~e~abers voting in fever, it was R;~SC~~ ~'D that the low bid Qf Austin B. ReZ~.er C~On6LrL'L~~.on CC,, for Project ~llO~A co~,cerning hater and st;c~~•m ,~ti:~ti'~~;~ ~,~,r~.©~r~ments ire r~,e stem of fi 152, 551.00 bo and it hece~ry ;Cs approved. All me~~:ers voted yn ~cavcr A schedule of bids is attached to those minutes, 'lie Council then discussed tae proposed purchase o Z3 acres from the F,~gan 500 deve~.opers Month and east of the Village Hall fox ttie r,agara CiviM Canter funds had earlier been set as~,de from Federal Revenue Sh~x~ing Funds for :t,is F~axpose~ A#tzr discussion, upon oration by Councilman Sr~ith, seconded by Cour_cil~r.a~. ~~~ach~:er, all members voting in favor it was R~SOLVEn that tl~e Vi~,l,s~e ~,t#~a~.°na~ ~,e authorised to make an offer to the developer through Mr. ~jron t~at.aci~ke on an acreage basis for the acquisition of the property sub,~ect Co survey and accord3.ng to the proposed area drawn by the Village En~;it~eer fo~~ t're a;:~~ covP~ec~~ T'n~ C©unci.l then reviewed the proposed tree ordinance submitted bye Cauncilmar~ 'Grac~~te~• t~~~ich had been coatinued at an oarl~.er m~eeti,ng. TYce Park Cur.~it~:ee rec~n~uaended that each developer be requzred to subta~.~4 a plan pos,si.;~c.-., at the Crime of ttiP pre~.~.~ainary plat is submitted covering existing a~ props aed. p~.ant~.ng fox the ~!xea. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded a~ CUUncilma:~ ~Jar~~r~x, A~,1 tt1em+~er8 votiing in favor, It was RL~gOLV$D th8~: an ardxriance ~e t1 ~ N drafted with the pzov-iaions su'~oc~tted including the ~-vgge~etion by the park ~asmc~.ttee mentivuecl above. The Counc~,l then :reviewed the prapoaed saga, ordina~c+s au'~Caitted by ~auncil~aaa Rydrych at an earl~,er meeCing. The village Attor~teq ware requested to acquire ~aore information concerning height ~,imirations for siga~a in tip Village. Dpon motion by ~Iapor polzia, seconded 6y Couaci?~an Rahn, all membe~r~ vot3~ng area, it was RESOLVI~ th$t the b3~lls prese~Ced bq the pa:ctic~tpante in the s~a~aaer recreation program be and Chey hezeby are appxavsd and ardexed paid. a discussion was then held concexnipg tho mett:od of disposing of special assessments covering lagd that was acquired fox park purposes and where 8$seea~ n~nte are sti11 outstanding. Several euggestion$ were made including acquiring the f under from current acquisition Evade for park purposes inc~.uding fus:da freer developezs-, or park budget faads acquired from general tax revenue or farads acquired from t1~e proceeds of the paxk bond isst:e, Anathe~c alterc~ativ~e :eight b® to shift xhe burdon of the asses teat over to the general tax levy. The matter ass held over to the next meeting, The council sled infor~mall~r discussed restrictions relating to sauna opereCivns in the Village. Several proposed ordinances were xeviewed aryl no action was taken. At 11:l~ P,M. ~ upon a~at~,on made anct secoadocl, the tfang adjourned, Dated; Au;ust 14~ x,973. Alyce 8olk , V~,ilage C er , Vi ngg of Eagan, Da~Cata Countq, ~~,nneaota M ~ M