10/01/1974 - City Council Regularr1I1~TITES OF A REGT ~I~It MEE'T~PIU Gr ifiE CITY ~,C:'13C~L EAGAt1, P1TbTIdESO'rA October 1, 1974 A regular nesting of the City Council was held on October 1, 1974 at 6:30 p.r~. at the Eagan City Ball. All mec~bers were presen*_. i`iI?~?"JTES. After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous mectirg be ~.nnroved with the exceEtions that on Page 4 regarding Minnesota Federal, tY,e first motion that died included Mayor Polzin, Rahm, and Rydrych in favor and t•lachter and Smith against; on page 4 the motion relating to Mr. D':3;Pizza, Polzin, Rydrych, t~Jachter and:,Rat~n voted.in~ favor, and Smith voted agains+~; on page 7 the motion regarding Perkins Cake and Steak sign permit, all members voted in favor except 6aachter who voted against. CIVII~ DEFENSE Mr. Earl Lee, the Eagan Civil Defense Director and the Dakota County Civil Defense Director appeared and expl&ined the proposed ecw~on erT+~ac.j.zwtior. for civil defense directors in Dakota County. After discussion, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all m~mbars voted yes, it was RESOLVED that the City of Eagan join the Bakota County Common Civil Defense Organization. POLICE. Mar*_in DesLa~triers, Chief of Police appeared and requested that the Eagan tars~et range rear ~'ar~I:ee Doodle Road be permitted to be used for gun safet: ~ trainir~~:, course particf.pan*.s. Upon notion by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RE3CL~~D that such permission be granted. F?RE DFPARTNff'.P1T Fire Chief Schultz presented a proposed agreemer..t with Knch F.efin, ng C~arY providi-:zg 3.nstruction,personnei and equipment for the use of the Eagan Volunteer. Fire Department training at the Koch Refining Company property. Upon motion by ~?3ch:e~:, ,e~_Gnde:L' k.-~~~1:}.y ~.1. IllF?l7?6i5 ~tCe`.~r`. ~ j'`'•t39 ._°t. 'fi.`::, ~CiS~~~T~,u~a ~~;.ui, tai3 ZQ:~.r';i'.!::n!. be approre:l and or.e:e.d ;;iaied, BUILI3IZG r~ ~'D Sx~?~ PEKMIT. C,P'PI~l:~t1'i Y:~2~~i5. A. Upon ~iofi-i:.t~ by SL-?.0. .z, s::co. 4ou is ^, ai3 members voting yes, it was IIt.S41 r.:.' tE;..t F~eu3.es :~3:.,;~1.e..,S~a~ be E;ra_n'-c~cl a s~±gn permit for a one year psr3.:,~1 rear =ts shop on Hip;:~way ~f13, li. T::e Council also d3.scussed Saxrle Simon's sign request fox a loc:=tio.~ a~i iiigh~,aa;7 r`13 a;.d Seneca £coad co7sis~:iag of a free standing 4' x 6' sign. U;, r~ mot_on by T•dar_hrer, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, i* wus RSOi,L'~;~! *_.o deny i ,~:e a~p_lic:~r_ion purs~ianL- to the earlier resolution tha*_ *_;~c Coc.~c.3. ~3eliy per-n3_ts c~;: I-Ii~;Ir;r,«yirl~ except where another sign is removed. C„ Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, it was RESOLt'ED Gl~xi: the appliratior. o~• ~=at:~~_C'n W tc r::..tc~~~: the present construction sign from the fi ~.:i1a.~:i,:J e Tirc:pe;: ty to I3i11srrlale Ito. 2 be approved. All members voted in favor except £.a'a11 vrho aLstuined. 3v&C~IF.RT..INGERSOLL P;.AT The riayor then convened the Fub.lic hearing; concern:tng t:~e aL~p 1:± cation ai' F.orrl.ert-I~,Le-rso?l, Ino,> and Rauenhorst Corporation for Irreliml~~.ai•~,r_~3t ar;.~~~•.~a]. to;. Barcherr: Iag?rsoll, First Addition in Section l2 w'osi: er" Ixif;I~way So, 55 arcl ir4a. Ptir. Bc~-r.~hert appas;:ea and indicated that the street and the bond woald be de4i~.a:.v~d to the C:~ty. P.ahn moved and Smith seconded a motion to approve the prelimix~~~_~ rlst subject to the above dedications. All members voted in favor except tT<~~itsx w?~~o ab;,ta•:.ned. B'~I;a:~:i~?.i:...1:\FFSvi.L UTII~TIES 'floc r°z;~33c_f'.E~wr~i~x, ragardi.ig Imp. Project ~~153 sewer and water improvFnet~~i., to yc:x:.,-~or.t-~I~~.~,srsc7.~. 1st Addition was next convened. The project was exgla.Crted by tb.~a ri1~ i1L~r a.A3 :here were no objections. It was further recommended to :i.r;s*ra3?_ the nY_a; ec?- as a ci~a:fie order to the National Building Cenfier util it;r proj ect~ Lper~ mn:.ts~n b;, B.a-ar., s~coii;l~3 Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was ?~ESnI,~~~, tl~s.t. ~.:ha project be insta.I3.ad as a change order as described above and that. tl:e Ens~nea-r ~be authorizel to prepare plans and snecifications_ T T s 's T � I,�r- e \.t Y.r�li L�i,�JJ.. , -[ n"1reI�L.4.�.IJ`Vr U���.LX.�S.. The :J 111c heneIte regardieg Ii.e, rr^ ect #1466 sewer, water and street im- provements to R1.'_Ta?•, Hill a 9%b Addi t-. on Was next convened. There were no object 1-e Upon motion by Wachter, seec_ ded Rydreeh. all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the project be approved and or creed in and that the engineer be authorized to yr n are the plea_and. ecific .tions, A representative of Pemtom was present and requested that Pemtom be permitted to escrow funds for the storm sewer for the Southeast portion of River Hills 9txe Addition for the area draining into Eagan. Polzin moved and Smith seconded a motion that the Engineer be authorized to prepare a cost estimate for a storm sewer I scal'ation as described to be presented to the Council. All members voted in favor. There was el so a request by the representative to escrow feeds for two st Ls for a street in the plat but no action was taken. III LAKESIDE ESTATES ADDITION Mr, Tom Waite appeared at the request of the City Council regarding the grant of bel1ding permits in Lakeside Estates Addition. The matter had been continued from an earlier meeting. Mr. Waite requested that the number of lots for building purposes be reduced from 50 to 38 lots and the Council had discussed the possibility of one residence for every two lots. The Council noted the heavy clay soil conc_i.- tiens in the area. The developer indicated that buyers of lots will be specifically notified in writing of potential septic tank problems and future assessments in the area. The Council also discussed possible testing of septic tanks each yeer around the lake and further the need for an application to be processed through the APC and board of Adjuc',tments and Appeals regarding set-backs for residences 1.oeete e over present lot nes. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in fs:vor, it was RESOLVED to approve the revised lay out of the plat as submitted IIIand further that the developer be required to notify in writing all b uyers of the septic tank and assese ent issues discussed above. AIEFMI} WICEi,-SPECIAL J USE PERMIT M?, Alfred Wiser appeared on behalf of his application for sue'ecial ure ee mit •+ri iOr perm"~;i" J_:Jri ~O j;''aCt'fC:: ~`.;%OU7 ±CLEY3?y ~Lt TijV 1~i11G C~1L~`..1%1 I'_',`;t~, Tilt,' AFB re':OLl1- _ _~_. .s.a._ . v. ~ _ m~r~~~d ayli,O~tal. ~± W tS T.U=:~.d '.:~t~.t t:2P -.x~id G73S 20ried npI''.cui:'Lral an3 that ~:?':Y!W nically re<.o inp c,*ou3d bo ro~ui-ra:: if. i*, tva•; intsnded as a businzss use. Fo3.zj.n moved anti itah:~ s^c:Jnded :, lac cisz t~~ gr~~~l~ tY.a special use permit accerdin.g to tiac~ ti4C recommcllcatioiz for a one year p^.r3.a:i ~aitit tho ~.:ndtrstandir_g that th~~ appi~.car_~.: ~•rill r~tt:.nr_a~?.rl 3ye;j~ate off~st.rect p~L~.ing. ~`,1I members voted in favor et:cept ~?ar_her ~aho voted n~~, P;J~'~~?'C i~L~'tR?:P?G;~ F~~R OCi'OBR~t 15a 197:. I1pen rnctio-~ by tti'ac';iter, secc*_Lded Smith, all members votin¢ yes, it tans r::;`i~'.:E'F; tiia'~ A~zt~1.7.e hoarinps cencerninb tb.e following applications be schec~.led f;,r ile'.)-•~~ {=~g ~_,~.: Oct;.,Le-r 15, 1974 at 7tOG o'clock p.m. fortune Realty Try^, for ap;~~:or~,l of Faaa~ly ?2!i FU?; in the ,,outh half of Section 32 directly North of fire zoo proi:e~-~:y; t'~_: aFr l`;.r~.a`ion cx M:,r~ rioth ~r of ::ro Crutch to rezone 1.92 acre;; t'o :~ -• i't:?~ -~c faci?:ities frc.~ ~ - B.gricultural 1n Sac;.ion 31; the application of P~~,~. Cci~~;~~ly for pYe].ir~i~a.ry plot approval of Cedarvale East in Section 19 all in the ear~z ,~~°~:.3rar;i T'DO -- S.P. COT~~RCI~T. CEtv'Tr,R .i.. Jva:l Pa._~:rs.r_i~o appeared on behalf c;f the applicatj.on for a b°~ii.i-s, g pc:!^.n ~.;- foi an add•I_tion fer tl..e S, P. Commercia_?. center on Beau d' F:ae Drive anc; ~Ii~llsriy ~f13 udj~cenL to .ire Dc~nllt. The APC reco:,l-nended approval witn co;l ~t-l~~rs, ~i~•. Par.'+.•anto .i.~.scitssed tre possible berming on the Beau c?' Prue side of file prcperry and Lh~ Ccn*LCi7. o,~ s concerned about land3caping of the area. Tlza bui]_dxr,g ~~~ou:icl ?,0 42' x 62' for a PDO. lipan motion by Rahn, se:.onded Rydryctl, all me~lbers v:J~:i;,. is ft~*'i>~, it 4J3s itI:>4LVi~,D that the application be approved subject to sublas,s..,cl an'? ~~~,prov?1 ~f a, t rc~pria.te 7.ar_dacape plans znd determination in the Cprin~ ci 1915 w:l~ch~ ~ ~ e:.'[!t_~rr'~ s~:ou.!.d be installed. The Council discussed wheth~:r ~.~J x'~~:cE.i^. the r:~op~~:cty r.o C-3_ .n .:zat the industrial set=backs are not be3.n~ ccmpliEd ,-:~~': ~r. ~'he c~sx•rer.t plat. T~~::Jr C.~~?~S EUI'aL'x?1G PERMIT ~~,-, Cra•.~g U~herlander appeared on behalf of the application of BIu~ Cra:,s anu' s:-.r1t3 ~.:iule Gf i~i:_n??%asot:z for a building pErmit fo;: an addition to tre eXis>i.inn f~.cility oa i1:i_gt'-w~~7 "='13. ~!1Li:er clisc~.iss~~n u~~on mo_icn byr roi~:aa, seconded I,~acrttr, a3.1 mc-.nbe~-., voting i:z fat;ar~ it a°~,s tcF~Ol.i'?D that irhe a.pniicat.ion be approved gursuani: to .*.he recommend~;.ticn of t:he liPv and subject to E:~g3.neer's and Building Inspector's aaproJal. FiL01' KN013 HEIGHTS 4th ADDITIO.l FI,~T I~ir. ?iaget:.ni.sr_er and P2r~ 4J;a`ilers appaare3 on behalf of the api~lication of~3?;,t._ 'Cr,o.~ He3.~ht.s!+th F:ddition. The APC reconurandad approval. Upon motion by ;with, seconded tilachter, a1.1 members voting J_n favor, it Gras RESOLVED that the agplica°1c~~ be approved subject to the execution of a development contract and grant of a1J. racr:soary e3.senents. The Engineer recommended that adequate right-of-t,~ay for '.:he pr:;Posed e.aension to Wescott Road through the proposed two commercial lot: ?~e grac~tad and Ue acquired from the developer. 'r:~iTSE ~?'J;:'~3F?,IDTG CRDIN~.~?CE l.:evieur oy: the House Numbering Ordinance was continued until a ~;ui>cv:~~::~~,~~. :neet~_nG. CC~`lT~:n.CTS - FROJ. 147A and 1.50 and Beau d' Rue Drive Lrpon motion by tidachter, secordea Re.l:n, all members voting in f~:~~ar, it Er._s F'~ S~JL~J'r'D that t.~i. following contracts b? approved and ordered e?-2ct~~:^3; a. Ir.±~7. ~~150, street imprcveu~ents to Blacl~hawk Hills ~'.dditica. Ii: ~:SsJ r~otecl tl,a" r.?;e Bia.:i:.nawtc fi11.s hddition for strszt improvements would '~a iasia'.1~^:i accordi:~g to the ori~~inal plan in that the residents ne~,~ requested curb and Q~ztter. b. Imp. 4y~~.?4_i, c:~.~L'::r, SE~,7E?.' and storm sewer i*~provement to ti~7oodgat~ ~~2 and Beau a " R~ie B~ ive. c. Ir...:p. ~'iFS.~.:'' 1~~-i~J=~-~01, Beau d' Rue Street improvement. C~^T~It~?~~.~e^,~' ~!`_~~__~~~NFt Ljghti~. TL: Co,,:,~.c~l tt.~r~ cc~rsidered Ordinance 155, Street Lighting and an a~-cend:^~enr ~::: Ord ~t<ance X10, Subdiv";_on Ordinance regs~iriag street lighting i*i sL:bdl'Ji51GS1.^; ,, T're Cos c1, cletarmired t*iat 'it would not adopt the provision of Ordinar~co ;~""! 0 iii -5- teat it wo~~::.d ;iat require developers to :i:~sta11 streQ.t Zigs.L';ng ir. new subdivi: iorz~:. unless r~.q~a?st^_d by rh:~ c',o:;rc?.o;,e~_ . tTpon moti:,n by Smith, Gaccnded P.ydrych, al:c m~~rbers vct~ing in. favor, it was RH.SOL~'Pl that Ordinance ~~55 be adopted wi;d ordered published. ORDINf,NCt; ~~20 - I~Jater tZeters The Courril then reviewed pro~~osed amendment to Grdinance ~r20, submitted by the Ci;.~= Attor_~Fy regardin; the requirement fo-s water meters to be purch2.ed from the C{ty us requested by the uti13_tiQs supervisor. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Po7.zia, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that ti'le ordinar..ce be 3prroved ?nd ordered published. C.'LIcF 1'QAD - ~~32 Tre GoLrc:z1 Bien discussed the recommendation of the APC cunce;_ning the up- grading cf D-~.icota Cosi~ty ~i~32 consisting of Cliff Road. Upon motz~n try Gio.cj;tcr, seconded ~ydij=Ch, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to npprL~rG ,';~ recu*.n;~endatton of ttie APC that Cliff Road be upgraded to county arteria?. ss:a:z,a?r3s c,ith no ricre than 150' right-of-way and that the road not be upgraded to Mi. nesoi_a tzigtiw%ty DeFartmeat freeway standards. PZLOT RP10B RO~.D TJcora mu'..ta l:y Smith, seconded Raha, all members voting yes, j.t w~~s RESJL;V' that t:hA G'rC recom+nardat:ion that Pilot I'.nob Road through Eagan no's be ~~.;agra.teri ;;~:, freeway standards and not to b~ in excess of 150' right-of-way be apnroved~ ;:n~i that a le~.:te:r be ser...t to the County Board indicating this recommendation. UiT.LTT~' TKi?::K. I.rpcn wor_iun by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all mea:bers voting yea, it wa:a FcF:St`:.~,rLr thai: the icw '~ici cf F,;.dg~aa.le Ford for 197 utility 3/4 ton pictc-up truclc ff~r t~n~ t;tilit~y De~,a:~-~_~r.~r..i :t.~ tP:~ sum of $B, 157.00 less trade in be approve:t. It c•.^s n:;te~ ;:h,~*_. this was ti:a only bid submitted pursuant to the request for bids. rlrJr::T 1140 I"pcx~ ;~:~ric:! t:y i~~.:t.~z, seconded Wachter, all members voting yea, it was Ri:SJL~iFr -G- that change order to Project 4140 in trio num c~~ 51,727.95 for tcao lanfi house ssrvices be approved. T~?ILLAI~`iaLE °~1R'.: DONATION. rir. Luther Stalland, tY:e develop~:r of :3i11andale, submitted a request to reconsider the X40.00 donatio:~ per unit for Phase II of Hallandale. No action wvs taken on the matter. iJpon motion by Rydrich seconded t-~achter, it was RESOLVED tha*_ due to t?ie c~igh ini:erest requirements the required date of developers in Eagan to pay the full amoL::at of t}.e park donation be extended from October 1974 through June 30~, i975, payable ir. cash at the rate then in existence at the time of t;rart of the cert:~iric:a of occupancy. The Ccunc~sl then discussed the request by Mrs. Horne, 1766 TJr_q~ioisa, for z permit use of her .some for foster c1-fildren. No action was taken. POL~ICI~J S~,ilA:.:IFS OF 1975 The council thin discussed r_he police salary proposal of the Cit~.y Cou,.~c~'~ and upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it. was E:r,SOL'JED that it be submitted to the Police Employees Association for ravi°w aafi 3pp;~ ~ Jal . TJpon mc`tio*~ 'oy Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting in fatror, j.t was F.rSOLGED that the bills as presented as follows be ordered paid: ~~273 through ~'f2;5~ f~:.94 thrct.gh ~~640; 413170 through 3113234, *Jpan motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. --