10/08/1974 - City Council SpecialM'iNU'.~5 OF A PUvLIC DARING 0 T.h'F EAGAN CIT'~ CCUNCI?~ October F, 197 A pc:bla..c hear;n; was held at the City Ha11 on October 8, 1974 at 7;00 p.Ye. with all council m~^rbers present. Also present were the City Clerk, AlyQe Bolke; John ~,lceea, City Planner and Paul Hauge, City Attorney, Tlie Mayor convened the hearing br announcing that published notice regarding a proposed Ordinance No. 52 relatin; to zoning had been published in the newspaper together with a r+ubli~hed notice c~ncerr~ing a hearing on a revised zoning map far tl-.e city, T.3rxsus property owners and developers were present at the hearing; and the Mayor first convened the heaY-ing regarding Ordinance ~~52. The background of the Land Use Guide program was reviewed by John Voss. There were objections to the n~~nccnforming use Section 52,06, Subd. 3 and so~te property owners suggested that a variance be granted for all nan-contoimi.ng uses in existence, There were other objections regarding required off-s::reet parkin; under Subdivision 1.3 of Section 52.06. It was also suggested that a proWision in the ordinance be adopted to provide that all nonco~~forming uses under the c~rdin.ancc would become conxocming. There was considerable discussicn concerning structure within zoned categories as to whet:~.er a pyramiding effect should be permitted in the new oxdinarcL. Permitted uses under e.g. coanmercial categories to be used in all commercial classifications a:~d in addition industrial classifications. I~fter cons:LdFr?ble discussion, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, it was RF50I,V'r~ that the hearing be continued until November 12, 1974 at tre City Hall at 7:00 p.mo raga*•ding Ordinance ,~52. The T~a;~or Lher. convened the hearing regarding the proposed revisaa zoning; i~iap, There c;ebP questio~xa au;~ut revisions particularly relating to certain commercially zoned property in that the number of zoning cluss:t_fications under Ordinance ~fb provided for two co~erc:al zoning classifications whereas Ordinance ~R52 will provide fe3' 6 ccm-~erri~,l zoning cai:e;cries. The Council members e~pressLd the objective t:h..t in reclassifying ce~~tain parcels of propeLty a?ready zoned co~~uercial t'~aat the purpose was to seslc out s:he intent of tine ori.giral zoning according t;o the p?an and objective of developer and of the city at the time of the zon3.ng. The possibility of designating certain areas FUD by the Ci~y Council coos di,ilcussed which would offer a greater degree of flexibility particularly within larger parcels zoned commercial currenntly. It was determined that the City Planner vr3.13. meet individually with developers 2t the City Hall before November 12th s4 Chit recommendations can be returned to the City Council on that date. There was also discussion concerning the possibility of individual agreement's regarding specific parcels of land currently zoned commercial or industrial in effect operating outside the proposed orc'.inarce or special consideration under t?ze proposed ordinance ~~52. The City Cler?c was instruct~:d to publish a copy of the revised zo±:ing moo in local newspapers. L'pon motion by T.ydrych, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was P-.ESOLVID to continue the redr.ing concerning the pxopo3ed revised zoning map to November 12th, 1974 at 7;00 p.,m. Upon motion the hearing adjourned at 10:30 p,m, .'L ..