10/29/1974 - City Council RegularT'+it ~~~1°.:°. i.+ _ ;,~ r ^- • - .r T'{'.__~ T~ -R~ r F; ~ ~T••r ~...,~. ,-t 9. P~{i pi:~~~t Fi~:':~I'.`J ~:k ~~:~iJv~R~+:~`:J::S & ~-PT-'EA'~+ .P.DJ ~ u!~~X,?':~.,.~ZTi~tiFk^ C ~NT:•?_T.T.`I.Tr ~.T~'r~T'-!^.~„-„ A speca.~ 1 m,:Eting of tie Ac'vis~~ry P1.^z1~•Fir.L C~~rrmzti::e was held at E,~i~ p.~, pc:rs°,zan*_ to rotica. lhor?c pr2.sent xzc._:~ vr;y~~le, Der,u:.~u'•~i, Ni±~rphy a.)d B~.ct;zqui>:t~. Tie carre~iscte~ revisTS*e~`I tha appliceti<.~n :~;` h:::xa:~tl~ A,~pe"I.ba:x7 fox a 10 fioic var.~.:arca from tha front- ywrd set-•baclt fc: T.r_-t~~ _; ~ 5, vloc?r ly t~7ilder.. esa P..t!n 5~ii t~d3is~ion. After review, uF+on m:uior.. t~ ~?~.t.~~.qu:_s~:, sec.o~zd~~a rlsrp:zy, all tG.~;mbers voting yes, it teas ~SOLtrD to recodn..:: a•~. r°o t?iU Couziy't that the variance ba apgz:o*~ed. ?? ~''"~~~ GT+` .~ dFJ3'! i9ENTS AND .9PPFAp.S. At 6:35 p, m, i:he Mayo' c.~ -r<:ratY :~ u~.!'sy . a - - __..._._..~...._~..._ vx.lc:c? ,-,~~:r;szg of t!~i? Board of Ad~~:~tmo~l4.s and Appeals, T`toaa r,;:::~'rti: L~7.=:z"e all C~•+~~nc:~?. ;zt~;~I!ers az~1 Sohn NIa.Lble; Fall was absent. ~~.AIL :::TAE i=ST.AI'ES ADnTTIt~rT, rR:-. To°* ~Iaii:e appeared on behalf oi' cis .,I,I,1J>~:a<- t:ton £or var~.nce fox division of lot3 increasing them to 22 lots and o~: ~;~:ti~t.v::.d:~~ c:c 3ssuiz±g building perL:its tiiQreon. Tl^=s t`,PC recos~mended appa o~~el.., U;~on zr.•.L•f:1.!.~Ll I:•y 'vlar,.Z-Er, s~:yo~±ded Zahn, all zven.L~ers /otin y°ca, it was RL~°,Ot~~r~ {:o recc»e~,`~. that the arplication he a~cpaoceci with ~:he uaderstanclir~g that notice to all ~•ac;+~~•ty ,o.~~ri:Ys co,:,cexning the care of septic tanks be given by the de~,eloi.~;-, G7?`,rr,R:r~SS Ri7id St:Ii AT)DT?'ZOV. Mr. I`enneth Appelbaum appeared c~iYh an a; vlic~.-- 'r.:?.c~n fora 1~J foot s=s-riares froax thL front yarl seC-back to 3J fen: for Lo~:s 5 ~•i.3 ~, Blo~t~ 1, Wi].3arnes Ru!~ 5th A3dition. Upon mcLion by Ma_bie, seco~ulEd `ir:'.~I_, 3,t ~~ss rcc::zreezl<'.ea that the spplication uo apprcr~ed. All moyt~ers soi:eci ~''Ls. !~'!_'_C~L~"~i^=~, ~;"c:'P.:~TTC, At 7:00 n. m, the NaSor cohvez:eu the reg;t7.ar moat, n;; r~_= ?~L'\'1'P~'_S~ After file Pledge of Ailsgiance, upon motion. by 'v?achE:cr, s.~~~o~~^t~:s I:~~ :~ ,^Y., all taer~?;ers •ro::irg is. favor, it was RL50Lt'ED that tce tu.~.nut~~:: ~:F LI.:± A~l:•^•~<°.;+i9 rF.~~ik~g a3 cor~:~d:•~ei; be approved. •'~i f~1.4.'~ r.~`?''t ;.S U•, ~' it.: ~i.~i a.'~l•`~i'. i. S^,r.-, ` ~'.?;: ti^..-1 f^~ 13 ~::yi~_..... .. .~ !~c~~ $~~, 2'f,:~i'=.'%::i Y:aiut ~~'iC: :^e:y ,: e°:°;C_1. s ~::~.~;.~J}`, ,:t'ee' ~1?:U~;a C7J:S:''~J FSC3'Cl f:o iD.S':.aal a %.l:3~1s: ~1fii-~:Y13 $:'. ~j.'l.l:~ c;^.3~ an:; tvr.:jlirvi:;~ ~I~~i ~itn the 4°l.'.~z"Lt.^..IyGi:.Lv 'F':1Fit tC`iE C,i ~1~'i`i.r Fu's??'.7.:i pay frfil' 1F'~:4G ...:.2e1Y.31.y.F~.'~.OYI ,.(i'it: t3L.d i;he City ~n'OlliG ~.$J the cl°O~f^ti.4".i in.2:@.~xy.~dr.:ar.,ce, ~.i ao.3it.ion, 1 A reec~,~mc~:;.sd a feasibility si:ud.y hJ the cou:t`y £or° fi?ctr W$~ si.;.x.~s ut Ci ~.ff and. Cedar, Y~ank.~:e DoaJ le Road aria liigheasy 4,~3i cZii.'1 Yak"";: Doa;;?y tioad a:~a.l ~a ~~.rgton A~rerue, tTpon. z~zotion b;~ Polz%n, seconlG~~ R~yds:ycl~, s?.~. P.af?$.lCt.°..~'S "v"O a:i1~ ir.3 '::i~~'^L, it F38,3 xl'.:~~li~.i~J~ t~:at the COL1i1C~1 r~'COPIIP.'.:.CI Lr.C ?'F'1°_ ~'~.:«"..',`_"'' ., i~~:~.:d 'T!£La~..~.U~:~_J5.1 Ot S~1C11 traffic siUral.s. U:?l"~,YTY i;~PyR_['1~E:!~T_. Bil.i BrLr.~h appeared an3 riscussed drr~.z.~~~,n %n :~:.~ a:~^_.a ~~:r ~~~-s:. ~ .., ~ The c:a*S:e-r. c-. =,r ,~~rt~rr~a ho T. tra.. D:r:.ve n..ear a.ile Metro SETiv'~.r $oa~-d plant, ~-~~.-~ ;::~.~~'?:~.:~ f~~r 3tudv and recos~:~~~-;datfoz. ;:~a:, ~y°~z~^I± r;;rs~stcd authorizer ion t~o piircha,e a sensi.rp, device "^ ':'::~= ul:i'_..t?T d::par;:^4rt. Lipon motion Uy ~:aT~n, so:.o.~ded Smith, it ~M7as tct,SC'i~Clliti :.:I:.~~. •t?.e Fcluipme.:t ce authorize:l fo:. purc(lase for the Utility Depart~rcenR:. '?.~12I: C~~I~S~T.TT~;P... mho Council t3-:en disrussPd the opening left icy :'an Ca'.1.~~+: _, ~:)~. S,;;E' EBSari~.~~`:'iC ~O~lf'tee, ThOS£ p~?f"30^3 rar~'estin~~ COE?.9if~ ~rr7i:'iC":1t :~:~% t6;'.'. ~,osit.:io~.i krEre David Era, ~rdell CaylEr abd Gardnex T~lillar. i)Y~c,;-t ~vc3-~~t 1saLior ;: a~,:~_3 R7'b way zler°:ed tv #:}.o Paz~k Com~z~.ttea to fill the openi~ag until 3 ~r.u.~;.; ? , '.a~5, ?,273~1T1 ;'"i~.y.v?y~ld~J £x DESIG:V,_INCy ~ request from Crban Plarir..~.n a:~.d. Lec.r.Y;~~ j^:i :~:~.+`~~:~'"i2~:_'1'?7. 'J'y. ie:i f(3?' preparat'~.O.r O~ the Lana Use Pls~n end ?GL1.`kri~ 0_d:J_i*_r~r...cr teas n~-~:W d:~se~~a~F~4~. ih~ Council also discussed the types of F:efc~rxa'.a any: .~ ~--' ~,sa:.e.~r~:~ e:o :...a n:~c~e to the plat~ncr acxl ixAdicaf.Fd they shou?d co=per $.l P'_~~ ~:. :~ ~':~.cs:;.:u.c+:::~y ~~."~~;i. ~ ~-az,cr~iugs and x~tters of imcortance referred icy ttza AI=C ico i~ :~ ~:.<.;~ i~1F;~?:?E:'e Jp,~z a~:^~ci.an b; Smith, saconcled Tilar_hter, all. members *to*in~; ''n :~.s.•~--~~~.- :I.~~. ~~~ , ;2~ti•c~iVLI1 that the Council suthorize f:h~ p? as~.ner !:o Is;°u;:ead Y~~:+_f:'z c.n:.~:l.t~- `.::~~~ ST~il: an tt-ae ?~a:v3 i7se P12n an3 Qrdirar_ca p;~rsu2nt to tirba;i Flanrirg's l~.t~c.: l.`w.~C,;~i7;:C i~~F#:1'.. ~~i~ try? G?SC'ti ~?DOtl an i'20llL'Zy %Ee i`a:?is aTij tt~.~3i: StiC;1 u:a:ierst ::Hari.::.":i; -2w i. c+ &^~.~i7f.;:~ i:'~. Cie-T.~." t.:t'?c' ~';dY"!G~~ ;:i2?"Si°~_~,~ lit~•'.°~iTbC ~e.St, ~.f"jJ.. %'.t~: ~.i'L;E.? :1,~. ,a.~..:~t 2'~5~.~.2C':f.i.7@L :t'2~'. CZe.':R: t~l f,',:~<^.?"k',C: !;~b''~:SCe~'E a 2ili.rilP.i~112i f@~ 'J~ y:r~:,.'Ji~ i:l tl'l.°. eV~Cf: c>= YeA..r_~r~~.b. o£ Pl:~s+~.i:.~g ra:~:';~e:rc `o :.'h~~ City P7.anner. 1?L'iII>;.t?~ L~;;<i:i,`.T.~i~ TTr~~ri rII~i::?i~ ~~y v!:'~i:h, seconded Rgdr;~'^IA, oil r1F~.bsrs vc?t•~~; ~~e.s, iE: :ti as Rx?50?~Vcpr LP2.~¢ an cu*.s:k.dr_ ,•rall sign fcr Mz. D's Pi~:za oo. ~:i~e cc2n~ase.i~.~. L~2ild.;.2g at Ra.~°.n Read and Beau d'Rve D•r3.ve p+.2rs21ant to the application s~lba2i~-'~~.ci i-:, app?°~~ved acid z"uA.ttier ;t was r. Lcommc~:dcd ~:iiaL- a17 sigr~a oc2 ~:.2a ents.ro 1-,ui.lsa;:g .,e of a s'milsr. ~:yne and design., I1`:~'. t R4 _R'CT ~~'I.34 ~ I;LRE1~'E R%t1~B , the 1'iayor then reconvened t~.~: Asse3srs~.:F~i; C.:c"'`" ~ i?P C.71C?:~3'h'!i~ Ti'~p. PrO~ect ~~134 re.lati.ng t0 Street ir~provese.^.F.S OI? L~.rn~o "czar".. MM. Ian !~ustafso~2 app.::ared ar.2d suLmitted a proposed pla~.y. 'nor the d.~;v~Z~i:.,r ;^~;~„'r:: os~ tii, lard on the East siG~~ c:.. Elrcrre Road adjacent to Wesco°_±~ R:,~~2~~ i~~"~~:~ii~2~ anpro:~ti.ma~:elq 500 feet cf ~:c~~anhouses on the Sou*_h end aa2~d ~C;J ~'.~-~#. ~.~~.~ sir2gte family dtvej liixgs which h'ous.d ':;s pla+~ted ws South Hi11s tad hd.;?. ± ~, ,;;~.~ :4r. Gustafs .~a r~^quested spacial con,iZeration concerning the asses^~~~:~ a~:~`a era- r ~.:s-ana Road and several altarnateg were discussed. After discussi.o; , upon no~:~ o~~ `•_.~- P.d'lryr_hy s~~c~~rrded L•lac'r2ter, all memE7ers vo~.i.:g :~.n favo-r, it era;, P.LSn~.,,ri~.I' tii~ti t~zA land o~ne3 5~, Gold Medallion Corp. Fast of Elrene Road be a:.~~ess,=:d at t_~a i•.,:•~: tr:.al rs~'.e based on cuYrer..t zcn:'ng, however, in the even, i:r;.at t~~i.t"r~:~r2 0 yr:a~: ~:;i;~ c:~s.ar reuo2aes Lo single family residential of all or part of t~h^ stree." ti,zf:, the roll be 2.ead jc2srad to reiyect that zoning. Upon motion by 1_ai.,*°., seco°~~;=~.~. 4s~~.r.t:n~, a~.? riambe~rg vbti.ng fires, it was RESGLVED ti--at the assessmen~: rol'! Sr77lr'~l '4?.c: f~.4'~~;~,:inn st:tpu].:±P.:%ofi re approved as submitted for Imp. Project ~`2~4. ~v3~ti.~~~,;; ;~1'~d:~'~a ;ADTI~:TI!;N ~ rr1IIrE]~x~aS RiJN 5th. AnlTlOid. Upen z~rti.~.i 'J'z1 ~i~di~::`:...... , re~:.u::~,lc:c. F;~rci~:;;ch it was ESOLVED the` the applieati:,n i'::?' '?'o^a W,'r3~~'e ...~;: :Y~:`i°.=.':~"";c :i~rX d:~,3~8ici'~3 Or lOC-S inCree~l~g tt1E:G t0 l2 Iota end iS£(IZ.C.^.e ~~2 l1i11.1.~'1"1t I;4:~~~~.'~y.~ izo~eoa. i.n I~alceside i;states Ad:lition art i;1.: appl.i^2.f.i.on jf J':ex~~..~f:h Ap>~:;..i.~?2:m .fox a ~0 :Ea~L variance fxor,2 the 7COi1f, yaid se~:~'aacit fos lots .~ ~ ~;-, -~- rice: 1~ ~,: i.~..a~:;•_,:,;.ss ::~:n _'?::b Aiuir~.~,r.. t<c: ^nc ~:~,~~r ~. raby 'r~'' ....~:;-c~~<~_3, ~4 ; ~i ~ f.y~~.211; D~ ~.'t/fir-'__ ~:us~}l~r 1~,?_i' ('.;~;T.;U ~ ~' L:C,. ~'r.-'rE:xS 7+i.~ ~!~.~r ®n:?'9"r"~ f:0`~ O~ f:tljQ EY`='7~' r~;': Ci~.n.is. 4L~re.ar~; conce:L•rx.ng Bw~a t'~',~u.`v T3;.~.ere street i~pro~~e:~rn>`s ard =eques~:F ~:':at :iii ~:~ai':r~g lot be rai;:xst~,l7.ed ~:o t`.ie sau:a condition or equal ccn~aitior. i.:o *r~a`_ t~h?ch e~:~.s>x~cip;:ior to r.~conat°.~ttction of Beal d'F.'ae Dkive axzd f~s~:t«~r that' ~~~.-: ~ ity c~nstru~~w at i:A cities ex.persa a 4 foat rE~j ainj;:;,g taall.a;-,,d 4 foot steps t~ ,,_..., «z..,, cl~..~ic bu).ldy_ngn Upon x¢otioa byr Palzi:x, seconded [~7acixter, a?1 mem3ers ~Yr~:isy~ yca, :~~. *d,ss t2ES~iLCI%.~ tix2.t the. E~~.g~.naFr ba authorized to provide the in.i.al?ar~:ic.rn c+:~:' cacx a ara~9 an3 sta, s at Eagati° s ces~: to be added to the contract; st:bjPt ?. J'aia?'J`_`.3: iC %:l:t.? a^Q?Il.S7.tiOx'i ~~ t•l'ie 31oiC easc:~ent from Dr. 'er~ilSQ°_':. 's'~.~=~ti~C~ViC CENTER. Dale Everson appeared on behalf of rY.e ?'arTe Co~urart;:Fe ~.~.~:i su'.:~rG~.':Le:~ a moo?:. cep and prelW~:~ina*_•;;~ plan for a propossd Gi•rie Cos_':er :~~~.?__'.:-.~.~,~; axe, t',.a ~ ;;c~iZ.is Urr property r; 8 st o.f 1'i t o?~ Knob Road ax?d the City Ta:~ ~ , '~~"-: p~bc}:~~c:Fd Ct),Oi~O set, feet tuild~.u~ t~=a~sa.d bL ~i.rxancc-.d with G, O, b:~hrls„ ~~~: ...::ci.1.~>::.^,. tzst stt~ex:~~.s at the Bi~kotia County Gc~tech School had done the des:Lg*_i vr•,-~r~. ~ ~.: .~ . f..,-.trier that he wo+ald like conse:x~` f~Flo.~ i;rP Co°sncil to proceed w:?.~:Iz t.ha pla,°,:a ~'As u.>,;:.i n;:ep3z•uti_c~n cf a final report, Th.. Council thanl;.ed Mr. Fve~:~o6Y ic:r ~:h.. wr~~:"~ tiiav ti~ad bae,x dLone and suggest,d thatrhe Lark Comxnitt8e piocead ~?'d~'.i ~:ixe ~.c.~r',.e- a:.°..,:~i cf t"rY~: pralinginary pia s and prep.:ravion of a rcpart i-o ba xevorrr•~c? iro ~:':~.~~ Co~~:~:.t::.l, F~GAIv AOZICE ~?~SSOC?:~210AT - 1g~S GCiNTR~,CT. RepresEr~tativea of `he Eag-~~~ Yr,:":'.+ -. ~:~sc~::i.at:.an ~.nc~ud:~.sa.g M;Re Cerrety appeared regsa:ding the pxopo cd I~lS Po~.3.c~; ~.v.~of-~.vticszx Cr..r~tsa. ~:, There txere questions by the Council membe;-s coroe:~rYi~~ ~~ ~+.°:.r.., ~~o1~.c.o e~~:°~~::.;:r_~e.*.?t otipZoyeF- are co;~ered by t::e contract ar.~ ~uest~.ors ~~~}~sc .rig Zc.,.~;,~h uz ~*acation by police employees. Upon xaotion try R~-&t-yc1?., snr.~Y},_~n~. L^•_ . ' ~ ~° s vc*•::. ~~ in favor it was RESOLVED that L•he contr.a^:. as p~tz~a~•tid ~, i~"~R SM~'Z'•T7NG ~~^.._ 'J."r~ p~.ant suporir_texdant for Gop~iax~ 5molk3.ns Co. a;s~zs.ar::~~j. .,~... ~'? .txl $ 7'f'.f''.i::E ~ s: 't'i ~f3~~'iF.t JL174?1'~:.nb r.?. .%'i"~r i::' ?n7i: ~~. J~ a ~1.a ~.~ ~.'s '? ~~t:'!'33.t ~1:1Y1o"a(1 ~a7 No~~~it,;.,,:, ~.~a2. by t;~~ ~J.'.~yra~e C-~;.9,i~L~.1 fr~M an a3d~.tio~1 a<Zr~ re~~;~iU:: ~:o the plax:'o Cil~ !rY?~II°1'~j i~T~o alt CilaS Xlv?:~'~~ i.:l~^.» E:~lf~ pi~!F2~ f:~iLSiQt:S ~=1: c2 ijOZipCuitfr.07::~.~ C2a'~ :~.i7 an I-i dx:;t~•~..:t a,::d cllere :~,~s cor!cPsn by the Council th~s,; t-he deaalopers in 'Ca:~ s~r~a inclu..:Ly.~ the Gopher SmAltinE plant ':acs indi.catcd that: tl?:~ Gopher Siiiclt:~.la p-~-ari~ would eve~LE~;ua11.y be c' oSP_d d0'~r. in 1igh~~: fSf the pro~,osed PUD i:: tre are^ ~_ z?.Sal ~lot-l.on. by G:achi:e:., seconded Rydrychr all m2:~bers voting yer, ;.t was P.I;S'~~~'TJ:• tY::~t ti,a roq-~pst b~ contirau:.d utl~.il tgae developer of the proposed i'UD un~! o~~n~~ of Goc~zler Sn.a't i n~ Go, satisfy r..t;a Counc:~ 1 cnncernialg the ulti~isr a :]Se of t'~e SF1f3it'_L~b pl~iit. !~w~~~IT.v!'.NCE ~~?0 l1~.~~NDL ANT. Upon riotian by P,ahn, second Pd Polu~.n, a:I7. r~~;~'«:~'s x9.:{r~.~:i~ in favor, it was P.ESGLVED t~~.a,~: t:h~: amendment to Ordinance ~Fii1 re~axF3ia~b un~e.r~y-sand wiring for streei. 1i.8hi:i:;~ i.n n~~w subdivisions +:hat was pr+~p~~rF~.<< ~>~ the Gi* y At6~.orney, be appL~~v?u anc? cr:~ered ~ ublishe3. i~~?iJSI~ NiThilsrRT~]'G ORDIN.9TICT; ~~=8. The Council revie~~ed proposed Ordi.rl:a-.ce ~'`;" c~1.cFrni^.g hur:se ncriberirig avid tii? C~.*.~y Attorray was requested to redraft ce:r+.raa.z~ z3C.~'+:? GEi3 :::~ t~:~: JY_'d ib:taYicP., FOf~ER 5CNI~_,~T_ - CITY _T?.t,I.L NAIN7.`F.T'79NC;^ ~ ilpon motion, by '~Iac.lt~yi ~: ~: covlded Fc~1:-:'.;: aZ~, ms utJei:v ;;o~::in~ y%a, it was RESOT~Vc;D that the contra~:i: arith Ro cr. 5a::ti:.~~.dt r^:r. _larli::crial se;°vs.cc in tine sum of $175.00 per month be approved foTM• razz ~.~dd~t:y+~~l~.: year for the City x;417 d T'~.~T~:OT~s_Cf`'sJ~VT~% CGAiTIGLTOIJS PLAT ORsOiNANCI~ The Council bx•~.efl~r re~viewe~ i:1~.e 'Ja~'tst~ Cc~:r~ty Cni7t~inuous Plat O.dinaZCe ~;:hich has nc~F beers adop`rea bJ the L`a1tr,~~~; Cc~tx^:T: r Boar:' . G~~:S~L~R ^-R.Cz.~ ;j:ll m S'.COP,M SEWER SYSTEM, Upc~=.i r~ot:ioe by S~i4h, s~~cond.E3 Ra%:.r.., 3 ~,' ~. rr. ~~'~c~°c ~~n*.:I--~ i.n favor, i~[ wad 'ItESGLVI;D upoal the rFCOnmiant~.aiciorl u t;I:o Ci';::; L~:L;i~~.,ecr thai: the s'a_orm seeti-er sy~st.e!~ in Cedar Grove T'o. ll I~t~ aco~nE.ad :nor a!cz:~rbi:ex?:,aAc~ by t::~.e Cifi:.y', -5- T~~vq 1/ P 1 'i R • . C~.DI"i9.,::~,~,, ~rs7 -r;~S,'..~5_M~'j>I'T' PREP.AYi~:~~`r= . ::}~s~-t rsot:~ o~. ~+~~ F -.~ ~ ~~ ~.;~~.,~,~- it waQ RF.~~ ~~-ED t~r9 UL°t.~.l?.1:.cC: r6 r.`garc? g t a 1 p?'Ep~gment a_- L'he wsses5m~:~3 as ~surjm3.tts;~i by f:ha Ci.i:_; ~,4t:orney be s~;prov£d and ord~rec~ p~al.is?~~.d~ A~ s ;nem`-yex~, vo~:e3 yeao FP.D.3FCT „~J_~? a 2a0 SAN:fT.ARY S~.WRR 7.'?~i)~'=ti, 'rho Gity ErginaeA submitted p1^ as c~:ti sa~aitary sewer trunk coszcera:i,ng Pxo~~:cE: ~~':t37 F'agarGing the trur_Ic to fGire P::=~zu~.csrta boo siq:e a.n Apple Valley. Urc:•~ r,:otion by Ral'i?Rq seconder Polziti, y.l m-:c,bers ~~oti_:cg i*_> f~:~or, it w:; RFSG~~vED thaf: the plans be accepted a~zc *zat t:e Cl.e:p:c :,e au*.~7r~.zed to adverti:,e for bir.~s to be accepted and ogisT~e3 oar Dece;:u~ea: °:~ 1.97} a?' 3;OC p.m. at the City Ha 11. IL• cvas t~x~~~c:~:/tood that the crr5af:ac~Y cao~st.:A r:~a•:~ ~,~ at~a;~riec u~iti.l there is assurance of the acctuisition of necPSSary e t^am.~r~rs;, t:9.iat atl c^.f;C~cF!tfib;,e ag~`2i111erit; haS 43g:~s?, rt?~Ciled w~trl th2I.,00 $C.3r!a iat•.~ c`i18~3 8 de~:~:zm3..tati:,n as t:o assessment or the: Daicos~a Cou.~ty Park L~z:..d arscT 0'1'.53?' ",~S.~e- ~ . _~?i,i':'": is^ues are pxoperly determined, Ct~D.A?'. ~,L'1•~itTr BRID(;E FT7TsZ?C DARING & DECIa;MBFR 3rd COUNCII~A~ETi;~F~T:9.. :~Y~ e.~s ~.:ixd.ars;.•oad that the Minnesota Hig~~~9;~~ Dapa•rtment has now scheduled a public ..i~~a:~i~~g ccnceriiaag tie Trurlc H3.gl~say ~E3~ bri.dge aver the rlLnr.Ysota Ri~~e ~ fear DE'.+=F,~±a^C?r 3r'd c^.t Ma~v'y Z'~^r,~'iF'.:y' Of t:lO ~.'i243fi~=h. Ut1Gi1 Its.©~:lon b~~ Ra^rik`.y ^c"..CG!°+.L~.2~ STr11.~;~ v r~I1. :Lri i,8~tlor, i±; t•1ss RES:;:LVi;D t:lat t:ha regu~.ar meeting of December. 3rci b e .ci1:.~iulc:d till T,ecember 1tTth at C~a3'D p.m. for the foregoing reasoaj.. CrDAR AJEITiTE, ~E3ss E'iV~~%RCNP~n"TAy. IAR'.ACT S9'CDY. CopiPS of the Mr~nesa::a .~.:ghv~~.y L~n~r:tl~nt EYZVironr:~ental Impact Study for Trunk H:tghCaay ~~36 have now beers :~°~~oN•i~~~ ~~~ by ~:~~~ C• ty far review. ...'~'')D~.iiF-Ti:~x.%? ,~~ L~Z.'L"Z"~T S'T'RTaF;TS. ThQ City Engineer h~,s recomaierded ~:he ?c ~•F:p~r.•.~;~,.~ o* ~'~r~a,ct„ ik;. ~~,~11:~-orn Addition. Upon motion by Smith, seconc!=;;d ??ah>~., ui1 r~~~'aP;~~~ 4,~~~;irg '-=' fa~b:~:~, it was RESG~L"Jr~i that the strsets be ac;,~p;;Ed f.~~~ ~nai~~:F-• ~~nr;~: gs~~poJe:~ bj~ t:~s City. -&- ~4~~P I',.1~4'?'L•'S, A ~.F zter. From Nor. char-~ Staf.ns Po~,re.t Cc~.,.~!arL,~ c1~r_t:s.~~.i`t!g proposed in~~re~;r~e~; cif ga:, are.: el~,r~rz.cal ~.ca~tea in tha City was r~:ad '~y the Clerk to tiLe ar:nc-•L1. 1)~AI{GiA. CCUlv'lX SHAR~'D ROAD FUi~S. T~:i~: I7a?or rot~iewed a recoi~mer.3ati.o~L of t?~,~ cities m3yctiE sr Dakota County objecting to tha proposed rmcvul cf shared road ar3 bridge f~ar~ds bei-~aeen the county and cities within Dakota Caun'_y. TJpo.i mot3.!SL! b;~ Fo1z.~.L:, seronue3 Fydrych, all LneLO:uers vo~;ing in favor, it was RESOLVi:D thaw thF uit.y of Eagan ~i:~ on record ouact:Ing to the reLCOVal of such sF.ated rose! axs:: I~rsdga uLtds a d fi::Aar; tha Dakota Cou11t}* 33oard be notified of five •r.~~s:.ltition. Ri:JER H€I:LS 9th ADD'IT'1'OAT COPT~RACT. Upon Lnota.on by Rahn, seco.~.ed IJacht•c.~ ~' Laem:nebs voi.i•g in favor, it was RES07~J.:il that the contract w•xty~ Ficha~~^d KL~Eit;:u~r., zrLv. covering water, sani.*ary stcrx.±;L sewer ~.;nprovements in River Hi?.ls 9ih A~z~.~,~:.or.. cos.3is*~~.n of Fraject ~k1~6 be approved an3 ordered executed. RI~aERGAzE P1C~, Z CC:RECT.zC?'1 CH,~RC"rES„ A oqucst from Jerry ParLt;z cf %!..::9r°r Co•::pcration i:Yiat connect9.o., charges for sewer and water connections :cct R.~•~°ef~:~. ;~3~o P ~Th~.ch wore inadvertently charged at multiple rates rather thAzz i:a~~anhousE ...•~"~.,~s be acceptc~3 and paid over a 1(3 year assessLnc~nt rather than 3 to ~ ~reurs bas~.s. Th.Y total increa3e would be $1I,40~,00p Upon motion by Ra°~.x~,, :;econd~ed ?2•,5*,.yoaz, bl.l ~eL•abaxs voting yes,i_t c~a:, R.ESGI,VED that the Toques. of the<~ develo~~:~ ~== R'i~'~=xata i3o, ' be approved a:nd the City be authorized to assess ovax a 10 yo p~;:iad the connect~,on charges for sewer an3 waiver purpoces. £yiarFR??.g:l; CONkt~EI\TSoTIC-P? PZAPd COr'I^'!~T'TI;E, The Council then. discas::,eil sugget:Ic~Ls f:yx~ c~+~~-;mittee maLa.?~~rs for f:he Deferred Compensation flan ComLQitt:cc foi f:.'Z2 Cii.•sr cf r.aan. Un~sa m:;tian by G]achter, secoi:.ded Rahn, all members voCirig i.n fay~or; .i.,, ~~r;:s :k?~;vUL~EJ ~:Iist Is.aycr Polzin; LorenQ Lee, t'ze ~Zepu~iy clerk any.' Councixm~^n 3m;".y:'~~ L,o rps:oi~?~:ea '.;e tY.e T`efe?-red Compensation Plan CoLrtna9_r.;,ee for a period of c•A-;~ ;ll-~a~: c~ until gcmoved by £:he Counci:I. ~~~ b3~? ~S ~ Up3hi isoti~rs uy Rah~z, secL~rir~d W ;.nt :°, all mnm;??aMs °~~c~tFd yes, it tsas R SGT~4'I:I3 t.',,.,t the b:~lls as Px•e::eix*::d h2 ordered paid a.^ea:~d:~n, s:o the foa.~.awi~~ sc.~edu~.e ~ y;~~gEf U 2nC; ~f13:32~+ - 13335 a ,k~41 ~ ~~;' 3/re EtxGAIQ GT':~t.IL'11, EXFEPdSI~; Ri:I?~iFsi1:RSIi~~'~1':y. r1Ar C~.ty Cle~ek raq~._es+~ed ciarific.~t:~.c of ra~•es cr cc~~pensatiun fe.r Eagan e::vpl~.,yees and pes-sans au_h~zr :zed [~y the Ci~:;r to attend cor..fEse~xces and li-~eetin~;s at the City°s ez~per_se. Upon wotion dL.ly ma~~ by Ryd,rya:'~ and s ,cord; d. b;J Smith, it was F.E5~7T.VEl? that the ratES bA set st $i.,, GQ a c'ay fax foo3; a~il.c'age at a12~: peg- mile9 acid the City cos~pansate on LI_e nasis c'.'~' ~.~.xi;le YG1~~.? r?w9,., Cd"3~'~'TR r~~:'T.TITIG COP~n'ADIY, The Council. na~:t discussed *_1~.E rPCC~r~endatic?n cf t,.e .y>'C that appropriate state or e:lez•al agencies be con.tac~:ed for pe~rpos.s o.e :-~:~~::~rtion ~a~?~~ reviec~l cf t~-e propo~~oa Ptl1~ ~'n the ax•ea of Gopher Sx?~itin.~; and ~°...e opela.;:i.ors of i~he Gopher Sareltirg I~laa.t. Upon motion by Wach±•er, sec.o°~d.~~~i. R•~~~~r~:~u a:i.l ne~xbers vac:ir_g in favor, it was RLSGr,'JE~I tY:at ~:f_ie recom,-ue~idatioci :~f •~~~.P .~~7'C ba a captzd ar3 .hat the C3.e:r.S ;.:e au~tlzori~ed to contact the riinneso~~a ;'u~i 1+~~ iuw. Crr,.tcal Agency to in.apect the t~per_;it~.•~ra ar.Ad efl~rcts of Gopher Smeli•ing plant :C~?. ?.~,ght ,f. the £dIL3 End report to the C~.ty as sooz?. ~±s possi?~lp. I~)tI31,S~s'A_uGG S>;WE~ TPUi`TK~ The Ca?~sy ATM'toxr-.ey regtaested that a z~n~:~~t;nJ be sc.~,.ed.ilec~ uri~;.Li ~:lx~. offic~.als of the Min~aeaot~a Zoo?os;ic.:s? Locivty to d~.s~:3iUs ~.t:a_ p~'c~p~sed ag~-eoaent far payx-~;-~a~: of oisarges of e~ttension of t:ze sar.+.~`~.~y°y sewor ~bxtini~ to •riiY faci% ~.~;~~. Teie Cour,.ci.7, set a meeting for No~rextibe*c f ch, 191"~ a" 5zf30 ;av;n. ai. 2:he £a;an C~~.fi:y Hall, I~,.'~dN%SOi.P UyI`F?1',`.~N9'. Gr^ ?3EICF~"S F~ I~AS'~JRES, The City L'~ttorr~~y also ~-eVi4~~_~:i •irJi~i "he CJL131ci? a x~quPSt from a rek,resen&:ative of M:;.r..nesota Jepartme:.a~: of 'd~E':~~e !~3 4c d~'.5',~^.2.?~?r~ ~ ~'e,ryaxd~.rig two i2~'.C:i"t3 relr~~'ing t0 tests ~a.spli A~' ~~?a~.,;:~>:1'.1jA:i r~~c•u Sk.~+rc~ in: Cenarv;33.a Shopping Center. Upon mutior_ by Wachte~z sECOnded. l~c?~.z.n., a~.r z+Yc~~'ae~s voting in fa•~or, it was P.ESULVh'D thafi the C:tty s3~.torn~y be anthsc:I,;=;~d?, .:~ t;~x.tc 4:o App'ebeur~s eeflactinb the results of the E~~part~nt of tro'Aights an.l _E~. i~?~!~s4s?[es a.~;iic.:atin~: alleged viola~:iba~s ~~f •~eig'.ts fcr p.r~~a^~~ r.~:au'3 ~xr~ xs~q,e, 4:nrY~~~1:3.+7~s: S~E~^3SS3:~:~35 C" Ss 3.y.~}?o PTLO'L zTi~~~F3 F.,~:~~~iP1'S ~+a:h A13DITZ~JT:d~ '"cue Cr;~ccii :~c~~~: _~~:~,~~.~~wed the request fx~~: t?:e c~Qv:,l.::~'~x r;f ~:i~.a~t K:~ob Heights E+t.h .3r';c~.tion rpqu~~tirz L•rat the final pZa` ~~~ si g~~rd tai•th the t;, ders ~andif~g tt3at a develop~~:rAi. agreement ~.a~d PUt~ agreer~e~~t t;,c~a'.L~ he prcrarad and er.~:erec? isato k=i~;k~~.n t:he nex~: feca waeks, The C•i~y ~t'torai~~r an.~ I'~.ar^~~iF~ ?2av~a rret faith trig d.e;reloperc aad raae reached s ger.;~.ral uncier.t~a~:~?~::.~ag a5 t~ t.ae cUrt.er..ts !~I i:liose ~?gre~.rrifcs and reca~erded t~i3t the Counc9.l arfs-:~r~~Q ~~:ze firm? 11ax~~ trpc;n matior_ by ~ol~ii~~ seconded Smith, all naa~t~~~r~ vnt,irg iri. f.~~ror, 1.~. kas Rr..SU?,~~LD th~~f: t1~e pl~3t he fiz:agly approved and sx.g?.aed }~y t;hm s~r.p~~:s~ ~.x y a~:e c1=f?cia~.s v~'i~;h the forego:~ng undersicax~diu;~ Upon irnt.eo~ dull made a.~ $~CQl'xC~.G•1y ~.:I2e TIIer~ting a3jou~n.Cc~ ai: a~,kbsx.~~ates.~T IG;'~fi p.~c, ~cfin}:er ?S, 197~~ ® o,~ ~1'~`,CT OF MINUTES OF MEEi'Il`JG OF THE CITY COUNCIL CI'IrY OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA HELD ON OCTOBER 29, 1974 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Couneil, of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was duly held at the City Hall in said municipality on the 29thday.of October 19 74 at 7 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Mayor Polzin, Councilmen Wachter, Rydrych, Smith, Rahn afid the following were absent: none The Clerk presented an affidavit showing publication of Notice of Nearing on the proposed a88eeemente for Imp. Project #134 - street improvements on Elrene Road in tha official newspaper in accordance with a resolution heretofore adopted by the City Council, which affidavit was examined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file. T~^.e Mayor announced that the meeting was open for th® eonsideratio?~ of objections, if any, to said proposed assessments. All persons were -cYlen en~an_~opportunity to present oral objections, and all written objecticns theretofore filed with the Clerk were presented and considered, and all such objections were tabulated a.s follows: ~JA.n7E PROPERTY NATURE OF 0&TECTION -1- (.;:?'.}7_,.a'F?`-..,:~ Rahn tal'C:i :L :.. _.."~':~.~;C~~ ta:~' i2~,~.:~;•. ~?:~t{ .._...~>~ti4.L^i: . ~ _ _;, ,.,... ~;:i- *rT to ~ c°c;f-x.~ ~ ,; F `°J~_~~:i"~~;1~~ _::'~ :I`:s;~;~3 /_:.~=+ i.t:,..o~ +_;,,.:.~I~v A~SLtit.~_,:.::.u ut IMP. PROJECT X134 street improvements on Elrene Road „1,. TT ~'~,,, -<<; ~ L-y .roc Ci±y Co:al:c.)., of th.e City ,- ,, ~~~=0tn i~:it`_t:a2:`fI i°~y.~..:cv^..S".7L%., ~.i ~J.~..t':~i`'„ (! ii:`~ C~i.CY.~tp .::~.~:. *i'tt' ?:: ;;2.'s'ta^:lre Of 3 goal' fied :t ~Y!iOL1 1'?:-_`y'c:~•^•':•^.:O y A.e City Cc.~r:ci.~. i s ~: 11~:t;ed the am lint pr ~._ and rc-~ce~.~a~. t4 he s_ e.c:tanly cs;ps~';:~i {or Imp. Project ~~134 - street improvements on. Elrene Road ::•rainst C~'.".''jl ~S.'~SSz!U~.C lO~p ~:.£.~:~ !~r ~?rCCI Gf lan~ af~@Ct^c:~ t}1Grr?~il~ tt~C'n i:i'le ~'1~8iv G~ ~":=~k_~;f?'~S, L3.r~ZGi1~ rf:?:3:ivL7 r£~~'ll 'Jaluat~.0i1, in aC~~f>?"C~~:`CC' CM".i:~i 4<-~e ptovic:ic:xs of T'1irnti:sot'a Sta::u~.as tinnctat€:d, Section 4?y, 3~:bd nc~i.ice hri~ ~`.l:c c?.i~1;Y 1`ik~)1=:i'~t£.d &LiCi T;ta11ti^-.CS, %3 i2C1'.1.:i.rC'~c h;~7 1aw, teat tti. "' ~ ^'C .~ :~:,+~ t.o Ilea.r a1~3 pass upu;l all objcc~:iona, if. any, and to ar,.an,3 as~.d praacrud ~:;i`'i@SS;:4?n?:S a3 ~l~;ht 'Je Y1CC'OSSai:~', 4iid said proposed SuSF,St>C::).`. 1^0~ 1. hc'i ut 2x1- ~:~-~WS 5i~:1f~C i.tS filing 'or+~i1 C?~`p'ri. :~^.r pCib17.:' lI1SpV°Cl:?C~11, c.._< <,ii (~~~~.•UrtilLi;?i.j; iii'..^-, ~i:~>>"L ~:.'V^11 tU a~.l Yri:ennrCS~._:_Ij~,-2iC~S.7i:S ~.:/0~{p{i~CS~Sent thc~~r f!~j•'f~":i.+:'•;'u. 3.i .^:!"iyy t' :;uc~, ~YC)+a.'.S;.u CJJeJJYI,C.i'.~~5 (~1~R~!~~~~~~~~yy~~~~~~.,,~~ :'fix ~~~~~~~~~~~~CAVfcriX1)i ~' .; . l4~ T!.liu COU .Cll., lu."v~.;t? .: >.ai:Cl and considered ail rJj^, jC~.:::.:; SO t±~-eser~r~~t, a.Zd b is g fu? ly zc~~ R.<. ~ .~2 t:i~ premises, finds that each of ?,^ ~.c?:S, n=Q~~B rd ~urcels of laci:l er;1.1~2L:~'ated in the proposed ass~..srr~;:_~.~~ ;~r.,":_ (a,:> so ~~ was and is s,.,~c ~a.l.:l;; 1: ~r,.efiL•ted by the c_7nstr....._,~~.o:t .:f ~~a:;1 iA1prCJGIIent .;.n not iAS°. thcln t9::r ~'i:f~)'%?~:t` O]: t~'1° aSSeSSL^211t 0t: G~~~'S?.t=1'- i.:~1~'- dPSCri;~~:i:~Yl ~~f e`c12 su..?t lot, .::~.~W~ .~:d parcel of land, r•^:=A:~:r::~;r~ i,, a9_•a i:ll<,t St.'.Ct3 ~i~latlnG SA .et c°.Lt 7.S ~`.~:~C~:~/ ~.2vl.ti':'~. 2~airst G'3C:1 01 '~':~' ~~aS~.?Lct:-]tiC lass, p'•.C?C03, c'i.'.~i i.`r'irCE ~ u^ C_T .61"::1 ~.I'='.i:'C'S.i1 d:Si'Yil3Cdo as stipulated (.?~ ~~~.2C rY':."YS~CS°.'~. 2u3E:::ix`.2:".°1':. 1011 ( I~~ ~„~ :~1.+?.r.:~l•~;~ i.(.tOai.t?u. al':d CUri~L~.`H°a'..';u S i:ll:' ,::(;~F':. SSE.^.2.i~1. ,13:'s~?sulllent fOr E:c+Ci2 Oi 3i1.~:: '_'~l:Ca 1?i~vi:t?S RT1C1 P~:'!"~~'^:~i.8 U~ lcan3 i:C~~S~~Ct'.L:TC.l~1', Ea.L'i;l t~;e aSS2SS1.T.t°.I°it a~'c7i:lii: f_~~r12 ~R1'C.s.'..~., 0 1[:ChBi:~'c3:' :a~.t^, 3..z~.~a.c:.>t.. a~: thy, 1 t:e of 8 /o per arnL1P:1 ~cc::'uiztg r rl ii?.^ :`tyll nz'I~~~.i.;r_ t:?z~rFryf f~„~.;u ~:ir.e to time tar~pa ~_d s:lall. tie a szer.l cons ~rr:-erL: with g~anE>rc:~. rams liNUl: :;uwh L.~rwei and alx 'i~'iereof, The tOe.31 .^;i.2`JU"_ii: C~ CcCLI S'3Ch ~ ~.'_;..^_ 35~ariih uk2.:~1. 11 :;~ payable 3.n e~l:a'_ an..lU^!_ 117.:.°::alll~nt C'.:s.%°i1Cy ].n C)~%^." a peria.i of 10 years, ~.'~~ first of sa:~c~~ i~l:~ra:f.:tme'zts, tc;;e;~-'s.:r~~ c;zth ir.ter::.s%. o:Z ..lz~ E:n;....~:a ~..asessTMSen'~ from the d~~:c h.el:s~f i~o L'ca•~LUb~r 3Z., 1~ 74, to b r~a-r,~~la ~;s.~:12 ~:.~~ f;^12era1 taxes collectable dur.~:g tine year 19 75, and r,.~ GT i.'.:~`_'1 Gt A;'iiQ i"`c.`i'.3i~.:tilly i12Sta11?lieR~.S y f:0~£.':1:ti.Y' T.'v"1a:1'1 GTi.~ ~~a^- a}: t S ?.rst:F°rCSt 4:1 Y,'~ai: a^u <.~~. ^`_.:;~° llaaai3 irLs~:allrtene~a, to be ra..yable wi*_CL genaral t~ax.s 'f.':+ E' ?~~:1 :.'Si5°,'~,CL°"%:L~.'@ ~~: ar t~2F'lE'i1ftE'.r'' :lntil lily FntirC aS.^ieSSe'`..4' r iu 1?~i':.3a (~'a) Z?z-:^< to oertificatioz of tl:e aases5rient roll t+~ .lie Cat1~:t':y [;tiC'd.~.;G", 4.'fi:7 f•~;}'~:i?:' Cis :tl"i;~ lot, piece Or pErCe1 Oi laLYd aSSGS'..::~1 i7Cr::`~;! lic?;? ;-;~ arAy ~:i~,c g»} ~:°r.v ~c'rlole of such assossmQr.4 ti•Tich inc~~::Gs` ac.: ~:c+.t~d ::-~ -1_~ da~4e a:c pay`•:erlt- Le ~.:u Treasurer. of tht City> * ~5~:1:i.~{~..'. tiC'~~". :~9~:L:t3i :~n ~~1rCnt~nS."7S ~.f aS.''>'~?Sui~28=:i: r0?.t yy'r:S n0':. ~^,3:%i.ii?(in a Z a+ ~C ~~::E t~1nY~• :..tom;. ~. ~, c.~ sC=?:~ cs:'v 1~Say ~"'", k11 ~.t)~!:C~ a~..,`~ _.'~'yr_'S,$5-t1!.' t~7 the Ce.i<,Z?°.~',~ ALr~1.Z:C. 3 f:''....._~~'S.t:,~ t~; :'~t:....c?'~-<.? t:-f ~.~k8 dSe_=B:S:e~~.'.' ~ a.~_L, 47~`t'; Fach lEn .Y:ii1:•.~ :i~..^'^'t.^lAv ~'~<. ~.Q,~ .? .d ., .._ fJ`..t:l SP_pare~'e~.~>~ to {,'iE e`itPL?.Ct2d FS~.~TI i.~=:: =.°Oj~.r~_ ri:i::~ li~.`_S o:L i..k?!: v:>i~.??,':~ , 5.nd i:he C4~elltjt' tY'-.+~:? i..G3' S~1?l~. 'f:t1C,i.'E«' €;"ter c+ ?.~.~ct sai.d assessnl_r..ts ~:~ s:;,~~ :-r,~~,:'~ provided t.a :S_d=~;a <<:,} T;::;: ~:rol~seu inpro;~er,.~-~i:+.r_ ;?..all be and ar, G~~. tho c.~e:~k is uuthori_~~ed tha face o~_ ::uid assetisn~ent ass:ss~~~:'~,s ~ e or..re made in r~:spect of ttiP hereby s~f~~e~o as to xead 2s sown below, st' i and cti:r'c.ct:e:~? to indicate th.e suia on calla ?~~f=~N~ FRGPFRTi' S TI PUL TED ASSESS~;d?' AS Mr. Dan Gustafson for East of Elrene Road be assessed at the industrial rate Gold Medallion Corp. based on current zoning; however, in the event that within one year the owner rezones to single family residential of all or part of the street that the roll be readjusted to reflect that zoning. The motion ror the adoption ,~f the foregoing resol.ut_oa. c7as ds3.y tieconded by Councilman Smith ~~~ld ctpon vote being taken tileroon the following voted irc favor; Mayor Polzin, Councilmen Wachter, Rydrych, Smith and Rahn anal ~:}1P. fc~llc~ir~g voted agaiil.st s;a71~~: none "~srGUpon said resol.utihr~ v7:~s declared duly p~eszJ ara = aap~:ea. ~ 5So cc~.;rrTY o~~ ~t~~t~TA > ;., ~}°n rrlc'e~-signed, being tho dz~iy qualifiEd and acting Cier.: of t?~e ' Ci-c~- c:: u';~nan, ;~<tcota Coar.Cy, Minnesota, do hereby CFRl'IEY t:Yia*_ I have CJi'lt7:tr-a t:f..~ 'i'_L.;.i:hPd and forP.COiiig F.:.traCt of mllli'_tES wiCi7 th^v o?'•iginal ~.h~reox oti i~.f` •:~i my office, and that the saTW*e is a true and c;3m'~lete tr aL~sT c.?':ii'?G or L~-~~ m:i.riut:~~s of a lreetin of tre City Cour!.cil Gf SQid raLnicipaiity r3t~Z v ca? lc=.a an:i I:,.oi.d on t?-~e date therei~z inctica'~:,:.d, so far as the sago ~:~.?l.'a'~esre'x :t~: !:o C}1° levy of assessments fLr sn impravement of said mvTt.ic:i.'~ A: ,tip:,,,, t;? 'r.~.~~,s li1Tj' :-nand and the seal of said City this day of ~. ~ ~. ~SEGT~ ...... ~'-e-~ ~~ City - 3 -