11/12/1974 - City Council Special1'J..S 1a.~is x.31' .ti ~1 yl^i Ji.d'~~ .f~~t L ~+.:.Y~7 l~i'.~in ~!'.U Li.t~~il.TM~l ~+.Y..~~i ~~^i~':7i n ..`.,,s.. ~.,. ~ ~ 1 y74 Nnl ~;~.... _.~, A spc,cir]. mE::af.rg of tl~.e ragan Ci~•~~ Co~lncil •nas Y:eLd with «otice on November 1~9 '9a4 ay res3fl P~Lno All membExs gore gx•essnt, 1'?~W ria;ro~: :;^r~~;cne,-T Lhe meeting with the Pledge of Al~.egiarace~ '~ PO':.~ Id~i'F 1~7 r .,~7'YOC1.,~0__ 'she Mayor t «:n asenoc:x;. e ~ ece::.i bias f•~;. the ;870sCOC,CC Genaxai C~b~.gatiott TragrevemFrt ~ar3s of ~.~74 and t,:..• Cle::~'1.. L ~r^d `gin.<. T~9.dRa ~... r~ P A rep.res~:szisi:i~•e of J~.ran & Mocdy waa gr~,a~....7: and rea.., 4 ~ :~a~ folloerinn bids wire subsn~tted wiL. t e u~.~a~ T_' ~ a ~• ~ °~h *_he e.f€ecL'i~rt: •I.:•~.~'es€sf: ra~:r:.~: Ra;~,t;. No-t;i~tiz~est, Manager - :,ati in~:~:z~e:st -ate of 5, 9f3i~'/,; i~a::.~y;, ,'.:a~.r~an & Q-.~ai1, NIanagpr -net i.jiterest Fate rf 5,fi,~`3.~°~,; l:i~ 7`iatiof'r3~L $SI?k ®f $te Paul, P~y~2rgeP' - net iriterevt i"c.?;~. ~.:~ ~iol::,'~i% ,~.~: ~~:~' aat3u' aiioYi, the 3urar.. ~ Moody :: ~en,.eae:ltatiae reco~,r~,:<d~:d LI'c•° ~.~~<?c "r~ort~a:7ar, is lcw t:i.d be awardoc. Upon Mot~cn 1'J Waelite:., seconclad Rahn, a'! 1 L.~.ia~~e.:^s voting ~.*: favor, tti lc~w bad of Punl. ~JOrth=a~ost as Manager be and hexeby ~.N ;~~{os cr'„ OT:~INAtdCE ~/~~2 - Z~N7NC, i'ze t.aur,: il. c:tnen. beconvensd the heaa•a-„ ?-egard;~: ,, P.-^~;~o~cd Oxd•.~:•:.sg~,e ~f~2 dEali::g with ;~%r,~.cga A large nt~.mbcr of ~,s::3 oY•ar~4.rs a~~d re.«l e~t.ai:o ate:gk.~ t•.ere Ps:~sent togei:her w:~Zh ocher ial~:erssted c3.ttcF~$A1o .~C'+.t'aL'? ~~c1~9, t:?-:o Ci.~~y P1=~rnor, revie~;e3 suQg~~s4:ioa~s and ct:anges in the O?;dina_rar~~ zcco~•di;~g Co ~:h~ memorandum submitE:sd by Urban Planning and Assign, datvl T`a~rsnbe x ' 1, 1:~i4~ o S~:s:.re ~seze :^acn*~:end«ions from the flocs 3.nckudi~<<, Page 52 c.f t.ha o~:c.;.nas:,e ~aE:'a~aTS;y wis:n ~1~3E`%i?:Cal ~.n3 B~Ve'lopI~eTlf' District tllat ts~x:ufactu:c'•.%!.~ 1D803 b? n;.:~r,:~.t•ed b4it thaS; d.o s•ctoke or a email amouna: of smoke ~nlissioa be perm~.~:;~~;~t3 f.::;~n !:~::~ 8l''e 9 F'3i~`".erg t'•.1t3t there WO'l~.d 27e no rout+..Tl~°; Of t.*_•affic Y:,'~E'GIS~~'S ..*,'eS~.dE'.F2t:.'%sli a~~:ns -:,;~ avezx•r to ~ •~ Da At Pago 35 Chore was a rsn;:est to strilca the r•eq~:ir~,~?,.c~::.€: of la~li;r r~c~,.s7 oot mir,.~.m~;.n ralatirg to Zei.ghbc•~h4or; "~usit~ss~? c~.isc:iccs a:~~ ~~~er.~. •,;:~.^, d-~~.:.e,~.:::~:a an P3s;e [, s3 relati,ae f:o ti~~E gxa:~t of T.iquor li.aan~e3 in a,:~~9:i'.•ed ~~*~{a7?38? ~1Ei=~_C.~>:c., /+1C'3.i:~Ok: xero~?':_~:f '~:s,°?`.1; vt'~~'L S:'t.d..^ tl`ti'2J. t3~; g:'r ]ilEC-~:1?a SY'.C~ :Sg:k.er ~~~CS~F.;:;':y(':EI~£~,:I.:j~leiiL3 v:''~.~r.t.~~ 'L7~?i:~E: St1~'~23~Eu f1R ~,~"S~ ~VGF?:~ f,~:Flt OtreS: i1L'e7'QS~..r?. ~~.::t~0}1.~ C>~~ .°_?^~ ~G C~.U SJ {O1ZOW].1Ci4„~' ~i1f". 'Ct~BriU?vo U1'P_1}~ li:t3~;~.C~l ~'y 't'J:.7.i1?, Q~cCOLid~d 'v'ia^:itcr, ;-':1.. rn~u;~,~a:a v:~tir_g ea, it w~a R.~SC~Gk~D t.°:ad the hoax•f;-i' i~a clcaed ar.~1 ~:~,;~t ~":an p;:~, ~:~~;d Obdinan~e ~r52 tobQt.~,~:c wit~7 reccs~~aendEd ra~risi.o~a be x~eferM~:,a _ +s~a~:: APC rs~x 3:~::~~~'s~:enda*.ium to tYaa Co~~~^ii, ~.~~'F.'.~F<:p 20~y~NG ~~LMP,, The Mayor ~:h~n y~:c~pos*ed the ca:gf:~.ra~ed h~dx~.:ag re:lat `':fir i;'L? r°1'O r3`iva:Z~aC'd 5:~"J'~.:?Od ~'OY.'iYL1~ i.`Ra;~~ ~:?~:i1 VOSS reviea;~'d' t'i9'O it12pS, OL1E: ~2,~E~if:i ' ~1S .~'Y~::~,~,5l.tC~iu" i7h:f.C::S :za~l beam pt:bsi8tae~i in several local tEC6~7S~ Y)r?F!'S %'.'Lti.( a S~G~.~i';i~y map a.~,~~z~~~.cd "S~:aff Recomauez?-'atfo~^.s" ~~hiCi1 'resulted .Exam s~edt ir.:~:s ~,wtla aac•czM lc~ d, ~.'. _ 3~^i."~, sild r~pre~>entatives diLi:~.R1~ ~:t?£ ~£:St SII"JPIt}lo 1:~.''. vs;~~scS ,. ~.F::^r .~? 1'~.~^.G~~'.-:CI'. E a~:~f:.C': a:~~L"~~ Gf TJr~"9c~i1 r13:~;ain~;, dai:GC? T!r~'/ET31i:eL" l~tt3 r8c011L~Tlel.]~ ~Y".;~ Cyi~'t'.;";~~~ ?.`:l t~'13 ~~~ rr ~;pg~;:i~rtc Fa~cels ;;,n Lhe city. A~i:ei: ccaasiderable dscu.:~io~, ap:n r~1a;t.:.ax. ::°y P:~l,<:Lri~ secenc~.::d. Rydrych, all rzorzb~:::y vof•:ir_~, ire favar, it was F:LSGL"v"`r~J that the hc:,:~irZg b~ clvSpd acid tFa~ L:i~::p be refe~:red to the APC os sceccmmcn~sa~.30;~ to d~~ u ~!2:i: i~o . X00 A~cFA n.,€i.;V~; UDC PI,.?N, Mr, Voss '~.':.an submitted a praE,osed x,~so':.:~o=:i~~~ ~:,: ~.r;i°ant ~rh~r~L~y tie Eatar~ C{ty Courcil w•r~u?ci coopsxate iu forms1at:~t~~ ~ _:c~~ a::ff::._~ ~.a:.i3 uz•e pZar:, S:e stated .that he had mc~z with t,Ze Minnesota ~rzvsro*u~en~a c, ~2:ael:~,ty ~:ouricil and tha~~ the EQC was requesting infarmaeion from :~uz~.~.ci~~~~"s.I.9,:ies nt-:n~"i?~ori.rg the too relat~.ng to land use plans, highway plats az~li planning is ~::'.~e i,`a~,ediate area •~li.Lh r_f:e possibility of a reeo'xrrtne!ncaatiou schat a speeiie area as•:JSh'~.~i the ~co he du:.ignated a "CZ'it{:.al a::ea". Tk~e Ci~:y Council cpeci.E ca"sly ~.xae~s,c~~ta2 t,Pr.a` ii: ~;o'~:~.d :ic?L• relir~Lgiiish any zo~zing po;aer in the Eagan area acs. ;.~::E~x:ti ;.°n #;~.~~ zoo si'tF' a~n rsq~sested that: +thc propasPC3 x:er~alutlot~. be redra~~;ed and •~ a*?~*~xa~~? 'ro ~:he ,~~::ct Ci*y Council meetirag. ~r~"ti...u~:a~~~*;;Z_~~'ZT:~~, T3-~e Ccuncil then reviewed wi~,:h the City Atdorney progti~~sa -2- rSyc?i'.iS:~ L'7 :'.r:.,u 7^.t~;sl5~~:1.01 Of °8~ ~'^a'?`u`,',i;Gu :ii'i' ,:!° ?(3+3 ~" ~' ,~~~..... ... .,.u :°sG±l::r.~::SL'' .~w.t~s e,l':1~_iS aTi'7 f°1='4'C.,~?S ~:.'.S' a~80E:ir;E'F:iw~ i?~~j.nb~r 1~iL'E ~~f:~Z?.rty ail t~:e a::ea fSG~:il:iSi~ D~'ka~a CO^.~itY..~U' -~a:~~t: i..-ask, s+:~~l t.r~nd Nropo3ed to b:: actlU~i~•e3 l~;y~ Lalcota Cau~t.ty. 1'Y~< Ci.ry .~ttoa~rey Tr~aJ ?:eatse~t~:d rn ~~-uke fcxrther contacts caith Dakota County officials and poasshi;y sr.; :s~z a ra+3e~:is~ c•~iE ~i the Dalcota Courgty Board to di a:,uss the Fronc~;~ea a3sess;~es,::s :i.h; Y~~e f.e~m. d:~.at2 Brea, :~'r~Ytl{ tiS:~.T3r,~1C^e The Co~incil further discussed the ~.~;proyea~cix#:s i.~ the €~~:rz~e:~ ,i~~._:.-'; I:•~':nc residenceLn the Patrick Eagan Park a.ea, The tenaazt Irad Leclues~:Nu z:a:~~n'~ursc.~s~S: for t:ze i,~astallation of the carpeC in the residence and ~ he Co~a?;::~..~. d.e~,e;wr~...i~~c~i ~:°rai: it would rot pay for i.mprove*.nents unless sgecifsc~~.ly ac:~:~a~~r:±._~:1 b; t~~e Councllo Upon mot on duly zzade ar.d seconde3y ~ha meeting a3;jouroeti ~:~ >}~. ~°o<<.~.mat'e:l.y :~.~ °?.a p.aa~ IaLjJa~nn'Ser 12, 197' -3-