11/19/1974 - City Council Regular.. ~1 ~'~~i.6f 'e.:~'.C T}'1L 11~V V~.'~;~ 1,1'.2, ~..~Z ..x,l _. ~. i.::' i.LRtS i.a.~~s.!y~~ ~>r .. 1, ts~,i~..7 ~i~a: !~ N~a~~Q~~i~+~r: ~.3, 3.74 A rasral:r met r::~.~hg of t$Q F.agar. C:iy Cfret:cil ~rss hatid a~• :-:e Ragan City Hs 11 ,~: C ,~ p,;~^. (~2 a~~mi~ars •,~*ere present z:tccrY~; C~?t:?:ci2}1~t313 RS~~dryca who arr:3.ved at fo-C Porn:, T'.":~nitl':T~~~o ~i~~:.2i rt2C Pledge C+ A~.~,~,'T~~..3Eie~ 71~70T1 11'o"c;3.6if.7 r+V' Wa4-`er'a.:;'', ueGOI?!;.f?i :1' F~=A.~.t~., i:: ~,,-s;~ Rr~J~'V~'I~ +.,-hat t:h~ mi.n~,~ss of tho October 2'?f:r:.~eetn~ be a_,~L,rav;:d s F°r~ & ~>`;'P.[jY.sT Ent;IPMENT WaR~.A~?TSe Tii~ Clark ~:~:~~n revie~,aPd ~:h<~ pro~,csa~. by ~~~.ran & t-~oo~~a f~,scnZ COnS111t2T1~8 coe,corr.±ing t~-.e sate of war.-rant'a ~r~r fire a°r,~ s~:teet equ.nment whiit~ IiUd r~commande3 F:he award to Barak Picrtht~a:s~ at a maa~i~a~z~ :~SA~:F,;~f.L~~ XS'`.~ Of ~.6~%~ Upon n10ti.Ok1 by Sm; th, Seconded TnTac.''rlter, 3~ ? rn~;%,~'.?,'~ r:; ~:y'~:~>:+~,- aye, :~t was R~'Sc7T.,~I,~ to awac;•i the s;ra. to Sank Northwest as spec.i •,`_a;I ahoz~e, B^RCi~;r.'~~~;d.P1C:~FSCI~I~ IA~I"ilJaTRIAL RCsVENUE BO1~IDS, Mr. Bernard i~riE~l of B:~•.g~ ~ u:~y. i~'o?:f;an at1:I M::. J~~hn Bcrchart of Corchc:rta2rger_sv12 appeared rega.•,-d:Ls.~. the pr~avvsQd ~.c..r,z~~.n oi' a r:~~olutian regsrding the emote of 1974 Bcres~ert-Ir~~;~~.:fie~.l ITZdc:~ iri31 :da•.~ente TiU~lcia of tie City or Eagar_. Z?::, FrsP2 xeJiawQd a Ieasa, m:,rt~~e irlli~ert7i':;~ r,:~°a,ro~.d r~sc~2L~-ir.::, a~~c: o~:~~er docu~r~t, relating to tY:e sate raith chi. Cec.ncil. :~x?, some de Qi'_o A7Crb.er iewiew, upon tisoi:ion by Rahn, seccnde~~ Wact-atc;-5 ~:'.1 x~m'~:::~. vct•irg in. f.~sor, ; t •,aaa nE3vI,VF.t7 4hai~ the documents as s~;bmitteu ya appraved a~~,r3 :::~:~t ~:he rr'3:!?uti.''?al 2;?.'.:,~'itsri?ing the sale be approved azd all .*.S~C:G'a^a~ary doc`r•,~n±'s ae:~.ati-d•e to s,~?a saiF; be autY.orized for eae..utian by the 2pprC~pri.:.tc catty err:~.ra.r,~.., F1_"i1~;?;5 RED>~MF Ac~CCIAT.'i.Ond, The Clerk teen requested a ieso:ienf.ion ai tfi~ ~"i.~:~;; ^;;uz;^.i.i r~.e•.~*~din3 investment of FirEnens Retie: Association f~: nc~s i..~ i'ede";~=~ r~~apWr ~:~ Drell as bank c'eposits, Upon motio~i by Smith, seconded 4J.ach~:Er, as.l •..L'':'.~a~~:t~ '4'~)~i:7E3v ~.?l fa:TOr., Mich autChcrity was pj:~.VClo ~';~~'~~r,r~~,~},^:~N.~4'~~?~'o j.-"SC;iI ~lOtiln b~~ ~'L~~..`3i13s S:'.^.OL~lded .SIII7.a"".::y aj.Z L'".~?~;iE'r:S ~iOt~i~Eej q~'dao .fi' ;>;~:: i~i~3.r.s'~C'~J 4'ha'r 3:Cti'O rEi.~ii?C$;~ x_i~SL^~...~Cii as": LCa7t? ~ia-^~l: ~;X.WC1.? ~^.~:~ ,LC't~ ~ep~~rt~c~a~• ~''~ {:~s safety puxpo~E3. nA?2% CO%~?~ z'~Ekse Bagbara ScI'ittf.~it a ~~ :~.'.:E'.E~ Fti C ~.a.•:~~ CaI, Roa3 ~~ear a~~peared on b• r :, J",v.AS% r`.Shl`~. s~1'~~~f:'c.~ i~.;~~.'il~..~a Ve °11;?. .rS~:;,:;1 1lJltl~i.rE'.PLr ~irA shalf o;: tEia Pax'_e Cs~r::~ittEe acx.~~ :i(:' ~:G:Zia~nd.ed pirr,lF.~lk. OL' t~'Le aL*T~t of $~, y8~, 75 ~=5;.°Il 8C2'e8~..a~C'.S f.5}'1 tiL3 A16~.i] Bt%"LS::~ks j'+u z;~`. ,~F:C"~~'iry,"W:j t~(r~.it23ioLnS of R3hri Par:'~e Lpon 1LOtlOn by WdcY:*~.ry ucr~~?nt~.Cd .'7IIl'a~:e~., ^.~~. ~~a:~i~,-~ s •JOf:~.slg Yev, i:; ~vav Rt;SO'Li1Ed3 .hat su::h srrm be authca°~I.yeci €'or° na;~~~a:t ... riw':t %.l3i? ps.1C~kC 8C~9.;.;~.~:Zl~;i~>'sl itlt~.d. `.;~;t? E;~.~r'i:L ay„© re~,9iewed Certain 8s5essnaents that are O'cl*~G~A.E'~2S.g C!1 ?X..iS~:'.`". r.~~°~c ~~;.~~p~::~.y ~vif_h t:ie 197+ i~orrl~.~nent cF Y5,~+32.58 and the tct.vl b,~~.ara.:e af~:Err ~~'`~~. c~€ ~'~7,79r.~t37, No action was ~:akena ~~~R~1?J'!' ?.'~'l'I~ irCP~le The Council r_~'viec~ed the proposal from ~~_~ Paxi: Cc:~cm:~..~e~.c ~;t~a~ ircpr~i~~em~t:s I:E: i.ns~:aZleu it~1 ch~e :~eridot t~a~:h Pond area ~;.1c~ f~:~t.ri:~~:~ .. =:~~~r:;~:_, :'t~r_~:a arQa 4('i4~~SF+J~~.3.d "TIo ss:.or~*L:obsl~.:.~" :.i8rs lie installed, ij~ola ~9~~~.or~ Y~y Wr9Cr~e.::r, :ei:os~de3 Rahsz, it was RLS0~4~D thsx f:lae storm secaer `~e e~~te°~~;eci 1:~ ~:'r'.:' ~O'~i~iYl~, ar,.3 at a co:~t os abvcxt Yy,000eC'0 and that i:he stream beE? ~,~~ rlcs~d;:~_ eq~. F4 an ap~~;'cai:~a~.e cost of ;?~,000e00 irl fi~.e po;~3 area of Cedar C':c~;:: ~E;v ~`, k ~ ?.'~.:.~sr i~e~.x?e rppea?:ed on Laha' f of his application fo*- a per:ai.a oar a ~:c.'3Ernz.e on tre Louis Fischer p:~ope~ty on County Road ~~30, ThA C~?:.f Gov.>~.::_*3 I~.~~.F' a~.?pf:caed ~:I3;r ;.es~?~3ox~:i.a~. b~x"ildir~g permit at an earlier moa~:i~:U a~.~3a~oo~. to gban~: :~~: ac?:lita.o5~:a' r:i~x?.~~~-of~~aay fo:. fuf.ure imlur:ovemeix`.: of Cs~unty Road ~~3J~ Tiie Co~~nt-~ k~:~d b~:.-~ua~oa i.`;0 f:~o~: total righL~of°k'ay taav'wnU in mind tie aoss~.~~i~.it;• oi~ r:a .ss..~.~ C~rt~oty R;~fd ~~3Jr;~~:: the approach i:o t'r,~ interscLttor. of ik30 a:~d °ir~ "s., "~T^a~ . ~s:-°;: ~.cn izy SFn3 ~:~, :.eLoul~ed Rahn, it was 1:I~50L~7~ tha~L ohn perr~•a.i: be gra:>..ed s~;'?,jc=-,rv}; ~:ri~E'e'~c~': ~a'~a L~i~l Q°7i°s•~s's ~ran4:°,atg t.I?e one-half ri.ghi:~of~~a.;~ of 50 foci ss.tt~_:~.4r ~.~~o Daher ~°'._~?~r,~n_£•~eoay alc;rag County Road 1r~30, A12. nic~:.~bers ;~occ~3 yese v2c I:ri~1~1 uYl;i I.!CVS::i ~s:?"C+v~: I•li?1.L~7~.s aLld i:h3 sf~~~..Y1~F:7Y'"_'ecol~^.:~:~.CI.E:!~ F]~.~J.*;'~v~.i.~~ TJk?Ji: '.513{ :7.55'L!, b,~ I'caht~y ~.~ond_~d G,':~chter, all r.~;s?.iors vod~.rig in favor, i't ~,aao F.RSULVED ::hat t?:i~ '!"C~~LZSt Tc>Y. t:.".~':~'L?.:i~L:4 bP. approvtc? pU.rS~:~~V 1G'? S~i~~ p1rU~:7~-°1;~Ly.S OY Z:i.~~ agr~3L:ento FS:Md~.'~r ~~ RI:VE2 I?I.i~~.S 9TIi AP.D~~C~r FiNr.9~ P"LAT & DLVLI,Ga'T~~NT AGREEI~IQm, ..a..,~_.z., ._..___..__ ~.. i~ax~,• ?.~,~9a~:~%, 1;3r'.Io appeared on behalf of Prmtom, I~.c o for approval of tY:e prel:i.mi*aar ~~:`.~.'_: of I'.iver Ab~.ls :'th Addition and anFrnval of t.'.ie development contract L'Sxa~i ~i.^~: s.f,'"~ '`y Miwn171M.2r, secon$ed Polzi.n, all x.::~bers voting yes, i* was RbJSOLVED wI?~.t te..^ ~ ~.-~1 p~.at env c~e~~elopment agr_E:nant be approved and orderE3 wigred by t~:e ~~.4~p~.•~-~p4:~at~ 7of-fai.cials subject to s1I appropY;ate cor.3itio~ZS of the 2greamPr,t ~~. ~.itV :iial ~~.~.?,edo ':~g:~'~h: REI:,TSI:1' AS3UCIATIUN SPECIAL ~,EG?IS~~,ATT4DI, Mre Al I?o?-~ov~•s of 6~:e F~.r~ Re"!.3.ef As~ooiatior, a~,T:?ared and rea~ta<~stcd that the Couaicil 3uthor3.r~e cpe~:.ia:~ le,,slatior.~ i~~ the 1975 L.~gislata~~a for Fire Relief As3aciaS:i~ca r.^t-ira~!::~•.:: k°^r;~.a:3.t;~_~ cf up to $€s0e~0 per month si~:ilar :'o ghat submitted in 1974, Upoaa riotior. ?:y £miLhy se.:^nd~d ~~a~:I-.3:er, a.ll members vo;:ed yea, it was RESnLVED that such leg:La"! a9:;n~t '~~ authorized and. ~-ha*_ L-he resol9is.ictz be submitted to the 1975 ~aeg•b 9?.~tsre fc~r t1' fj ~,y. 'l. ~~~e TINA?.~ I'?~^~T ~. I~ANUSCAi PLAte' API'RJVA:~, - Tn1{10DGATE ZTZ~ A:I?IT.7UT~, TI~e :~prl~.ca*.i~c~a. or ap~:ro•:*ai of s:ce Lina3. plat and for ?.ar_lscape plan approval fo;r Tds;a Horizox ':AV~,es ~• Woodgat.e 2nd Addition was t:pon notion by Rahn, seconded Polzi~.y al?. memb~,:::y voting 3.r. favor, apprevod s~.~biect to subm~.ssion and completion of the c:ev~lc~;~~:ar~~: contract ancr dedic~:~:ion ,~~ trailwa;~s as agree3 upon, J'.t~iINA~~vCE ~k:,E s H~eLi~SE NUNiBERiNG REViSICN, ii revision to Crd:Lnance ~~`iS - 'tiot,._^ D?s~;nb~:ai.ng ~~'ad newt aut;~ni~;r~d by Lre City Attorney a~cl upon motion by U7ac?-.yyc~r, r~ co.-.,-Ird P.a.~?, ~'!.~, tu~;~.bers voting ' n favor, it Baas, RI~54'ttJ'EB that ~J::tIi2`iu~' r~:~8 rs Zrev~.;~erl ~~F a~~-~a~'+~d and ordered published. _ ~.rT~i~"~' ~~43 ~ BEER ~,:~CENSE RRJI5It~1vS. T-~e Coacic~il rayzeu~;e.d L'ra p~o~cs~,l ~4 v ~io .._r.~..._a~.i~cLl•~_Li~•_~j'~ (~ ' ~ c~ ^°' ~.r ( c %a t. ,.~ y.;. ~~. - 0 1i .. .v !;-'r..7' ._._. .___~_...._: )o ~» ~ax:..Ci.~~.i~-, :~i%'CS L,, ':7k•A'!..3.' ~:Li: ~ .''.j.~ ~ J. :~%f,..uY~.C. o.i.. ~'s:tit?,,n:~;:a c ~:lYi~.~:~'.?~ ~ZeI:Z~:h.~~ ~'3I: aEx u~19 .,, e;~~ P..:.:CICSU.`lE? CC)s1QiSk:3.;i3~' O'l'°.i~..1~tGV'tng d':1 ~v;t. ~C!lA .'i.`t'G?^L'iL`~'. afl~ !'A"vns~:xsC'.;~t,g ~~»9.~. dt:~ iC'C`-~Jf'o i.~?G'S'e? ~v".^.S r±~'~uC1J13S'tv271 CCz:.I•° ~~~r~5i~!u ~~:'.~ ~ ~?S$~.~.~.P ("~:?~L'.n31~iQ11 Of 1:!:La? ~'-:~k.1:°r ~'T.IIc;1.1~7.E7.b v0,L`~~^-.II~.:' .~.UTA~ tiTQe l.n ^;d.e~; :=:~r~:~t•~t~ d~ee to the propcssed devalopant ir_ the• arwa, The r~coias'".uction did ~:':: x° aa,:e~r to LF~ an addition bud: si~*ply re~const~°:a~•tion anc3 imuxoL?man` of the ~_'~;:~'~,.~'~: a-:~ ~sn3 uroii ra~.~t~f.on by Smi.ti~, secc~~~.z3e;d Tc.artl, it was RESOLVE Y,kaa* t~.+s pay ~y *_: ~`:'- •~?:~3:i:~7G;%,> Al~r zr?ar.ed yes e~:cept W3cd1~:Er, who absta3red.o ~:, ,,~.~;',c~ Swrs:)~r,, A reeuest eras rlade b1% P:he owner of Sa*.ple .~.iYI!ol for & frW-: s'k~~~c. ~.:~Zg s:8.g,°:r. air the Gxesser proper:°tiy aazd also ore stbn on tho s'.da cif th. ~t1"..i .t^~o fcE.:~ CG.~siderable di&CtISSiot1 CaitCP~.*:tfjil~, SP.~tiElg 8 ~L'%'t:•^E~0`:.'.': G'~ '=',S~j,^v :.rl all :i4'rtil2..trial ar,a for C~E~anexc.~al G~?~~OS88, L2pOC! 1II0~~.711 by 4J:~::4'.~.~;., ,c,'`CJi..~l'>:! r'._ae.l, ;.~ ~~Gs rESGL1)ED to grarc~t the €~:cn. s%s.nding sign anii the Sik;.i or. `~:: 't}~ ~,T~~ `:, ~?~.tn i~he free standi±lg sigxi ex~ant~.3 o~.ly ~s~iL°iI July I, 1.975. AI.y 't~^i:e:~ ~Li favor a ~evpt Ry3dych who voted no, D~k.GTA CG~TidTY f~QJS"1:NG ~.Ql:HGR:~xyQ Nau McKay of the Dakota Cou~.t~~ 's`~oe:s?.~z:; ~;~.~~ioxii:y apl,eax~d r2r~~e~sting twat t~~4 "r':agan City Council adept a L~snl.~~::.i.e~n w p:>°o~~ ~.na cP~.xa ~oic~~.a of a ;^~o.t scbs ~,y pragL are unde~~ tb.e Hncis t ng A,~t.:~~_~?~: i.d~7 ~~bth:~.zY i.Le Ca,~.y ci' Eaaa?~~., Ji1C'. :Ifldi~:ated ICO u=ai.Cs o:£ rent. subs~.dy had been approvcd {~~z 7;aF;.:~r'a Ce~un':;;J r,~.*h 5~ fcr t?le e~.de--1y and 50 fo;~; ia~n.ilies. Upon ~nr~t,:i~?n. ?s;7 Srl?.:It9~,, s..cox,~;~ed Ry'dxyoh, a3~. ,r~ttbe~c"s vati.~lg yes, it teas R~SCII~VE11 teat tk~a Co~:i.c :~. ~:pY;.~~+~'.: t°'-~o r~s~~'lu±~:~f;~i ad.o,t:i*±g m•>le rent s~~xl-sic~g* nxegr.a~~ :In Pagano s'.•Ci~ yet:^~~ TR~?t'~~ ~, la;:ge n~zn~ber of Eagan spy Scouts aPPea=:^-.3 t1X1;~{ at~s :°~.rec3 ~~T~i1t; ~.1 ae ti:~:le ~'Iv,.'RR %;>i;JE %~^~t~GI~.TS WATER ~: ;E`CJE12 E~':'Y'ENTCrTS_, A s=ec~~i~::~L- f'r~~63 '~'i~c Ci4,,, o:c .~tl`~Tei' •~'a:'u::47f'; jif ~~ir~S r7' G~t:GI1SI.C31 GF S?Ll.'~..t3xy S6`.:JF'Y.' a?:IC~ F?SF'C'x £C~'I:ZTCit ,I2 ti.~i.~r e'Fi': ~~~."2~ b:l've;r[ tij tha Ci'1.'°,,T of Eagan C6VaS 1"1.@Xt x~2ii]_c."b+l2do ~~: ai)L)~&~'E!'.7. !'',K~,r'".at ~ii2 --:os.:'_".iS$Z~'i5 i•33~"c 'W'~.'i:h?.L'i ~:f:~ cOnta~plati©n :)f i:~:sC a~r"ee+nent L~P.L'~7ee~1 '~:h? ~`1.F=~.GS ~f?7' c.~~ ~~a.~t' C~ i:,t?E'. 'y`E`.'~i..:L!?zq:y 3°b` ~.c."!,'~ eig, t0 l-''T,Z.+~ ~°5y`:E.„`.'.': Oi' riE/'~~a'7x1S Y3"-'f f?S ~.7,~ :f? Owl aY2(1 O' :'r',~ Sa~.~ .iof E.'%i;i1~Jr~:6FlL"~":£:'~1~S 3'.~s r~.QLicS"•f:Cl t~.a~ a1Ci~3:~.~1.0':!31 r€?`•7~.r^,1Qi~S Gy fietCir t4 ~:Cle a'~~?'1Eif1l~'s! ~: n ZGO ^';'3i~'YC EASEtif'PiT ACeI~ISiTICN c: 6~5 BSS~iCrPISo The Coi;~lci~. r?vieF:e~i the ;+r.^a~;?~ess evii:t-. tre City Attorney & City Engineer coacexn:.ng ao~~*.a.si~:y.c~i of ease~lar±*'s f,,„-° ~_•zac Zoo sanitary sewer *~rt;r.?k I*np. Po~~ct ~~'l3">, In adliti.on, tY:e Ca~~nci.l ?":':'Si"~EftiJ~i~. ~'Ii~ pcgr_ev3 concerning the ncg~a~:.iatiors with aakota Coclnty relztivE to ii,f', '~c.xlii.~1f~ ari5f°..^°.;ii~lcSil:S aQ,~33.i1~t ~2sC.^.~u Counwy Park 1a*_73 in the area_ 7.n?:ended t~) ~,e ~s ~s= edo "z~ Ci.cy ~','~~:orT.ey i*~~iicated that assessmen~:s zgains county lark? app^:~z^~u to I;~ s~rop~ti and upon motion by Polz,i.n, saconde~i Rgdxya`~, a3.1 me.mb~rs v:~~:~ °r; in fa'+ror, if: i,9as RES~J~VEU that tine Clerk be authorized to send a lEt'r~r ~:~. r.,:e IlaYcota Co;x::,~y Boa.r_d :Lnd9 oath; tF~at. *he City intends to asses Y"ieil°~if',C-.ci px•opar.%y oozed 'uy Dakota Co~i~iry ~;Y•? :h:i.n file zoo trunk sartit^xy s2w~E ,~sl:lr assecs*~ent urea as provided ?.z: Imp~'ovemea?t Project ~~13s. D'JBLTC IiEAitl'NG - Ii1'IP~ PP.OJ~ C'I' ~l-'131. Upon motion by Polzin, s•~cond.?d: 'Sa~s~1,*.~i~, a~.l menb~:rs voting in fat*orp it oTa.s F.:~SO1,~IED t:~at. a public hearing CoS:I~arning 'LY?y~ i~tstzli,atio~F of the zoo tru~x?t be resche~?u.le3 for Dece~lber lT, 1974 ay: `~°CO p~~u,,s isa itho ^vQnt r~i~! t the City Attorney is iraaole to acq*~ire a ~9aivFx %r~ai the i;ako~°a c:zs~ity 11oaa•3 r~g~a:'sflg notice of the p?-evious hearing hold in .74ne o~ 1a74. ~YI~"}i~~_x'W t~;d'EP1:~ - STREET Ct~~?ITIONS. A letter from Mx'. Uouilc.xiy cyf ^r_$E!) 13igi~rid,~_ 'rerrace~, k~as ~-ev3.e~~'ed ob~ectiL+_o to the lack of installat'~.or.! of :~rn»scaua., LI°11tC Cl'1 ii:~<<,;Y?`~iv''3,CH1 ~;~7°•nUQ $Ll~ r°Qupstsd ttlai: SilCii iwproVements be OS'CY%:C'(:d. ba* t.:E'' C °.+~.y Count e .[.e Tkl~: Cou±zcil also discussed trading on gravel roa~.s titsi)ugY3QZ3'~ ri. C:~,E:,~ and it~v":~uctQd tics U*;il:~.ty lleps.: tmei~t to do -tece~sa:y n~Eintenarce oros'~ 051 ~:~ ~r~vi4w A~;•eal+se cl~sri.rg the Winter of 1y74 - 7S with possible i.mpxevsmon'€:~ i.n ~.''3'"~~ , .~ ?~?.lt'•,^aT~~'~i~iS pCh~L~T?0:~ LIC;~NSES. iho Council l2Px~: reviewed. fihA aY:pli ca'i:'c:l.~ :~,:~~: re.i~.~sr 'l£cer~ses both, on and off-sale according to film: li.at att~a~:.he3 to ~:i1r.:3Ci -5- r~axu3~:c~. R~eo~^vtClaW~,on i'er appxoi~al ~:~.;1d t~~::-c s'~r,~~.3„I;.d b;' ~~ae P'~1''.i,ce Cciie,'~ co'r~u~.:^g ~:'..4. ~lO~ati~xAS aaad i±~dicscL3 that in 4:i~~~ case o~c C~clarv.~?e Liquor off- ~;~'.C t;s1,G cs":~:r715'~1?,LS 1,3rre b~eri 1C?C.C~:Jed CUEiC3r:i{ng ~,:I:C' 5d.if', L;O L~li: L~iS Cn ti1C gx•e:tiis^s. Up~:.a1 zict~.on by Wachter, 32C:~fl1.Cd Racy., it was RLSOLVRO that ti:e entir= lis~° c•f app+.i^atior;~ submitted fcr liquor ?icet3ses for on azd oif-sale be spprove~i for :x.975 wi+~h tl;a ttrlderstan3ing shat a let~tcr be fc~x~warded to Cedarvale Ly.quor :~~.,~i,~,ai-::~.~ng that Ln N:I~Q event of any future violai.ion of sale to srj.nors or otn~r ,~ ~ola~:to4ss c}:~. the I~:.~:~ses that s:h~i: license wi11 automatically be revoked by ~;Ae-. ~,oL°.1C.i~ . S11 *::::mbers voted in favor except Smith who votied no o~~ the issuarr-a of t>nc I~^st SY zs.x Club li.c~nse. SOI:•Lt'~'IOTI ti Z00 AF.EA I~AI~? IJSE PT,AN. A revised resol~stion regardi.~+.g fr•o:+~nc~l-.-~ r_~.c•~l of the zco Pbea 1~•~n3 use play: w-~.th AIiF1e Valley and with staec ag~n~~;,es K+as s~sbrlitted by tl~e City Attorne;~o TJP.on oration by C•Iachter, sECOnde~l R,dxych~ a'.1 meFnhQrs voted yea, it was RESGL`~L t1~aL the rESOlution be approv~3 an.i t"r.~ planning ca~::r~ce on proposed land uye planning in the area, C&D~bTAt1C~ ~f59 - CO~;SOLIL~ATIZ SlA1,t?Ns FUND FOR IMPROVEMENT BONS, A clraf~' oi: ~.ri o•rsir~auce rr_ardit~ a consolidated si~.~,:ing fu?id far past and fuC:u:~e irnl~rs•~er~e±~;e ?~o±;cl futi3s wzs stzc~mittecl l~t:tt continue3 tt*~ti x the next m~:etJ.:lg {or furt~hpr revie:.e TcFSC,i:C31'Zyiv" - 191~. il:rP, BONDS, Tll_ City Attorney submitted a res~~~•ution ti•agar4ilg tra :i_9"14 ?'mp, Bo;ui issue in the sum of $870,000.OOo Upon uc.ion by i:a'_.~t, sec.~ud~:d Wachter, all merstb rs voting in favor, it ryas RESG.LVED that the •~esoltS~~on 'se apProv::d ar!3 exeyuted4 P_'T.'0?.' KN~?» 1i8T1E+.~a FI11tKTI~D UrIYT P4VELOTME:NT AGREET~1~:1') 'size r,I.anned tx_,•E~: c:e~%eio»mezt ag~ee;ren~~ fox Pilct k.rob Iieigllics YW was continued for_ aparo~sal zsuYposes i o T:I~~y nE~;~~: regular meeting. 1~'~TvO 5~:~NF.I2 ROAit) SEi~TECA. PL.4IIT ODOR CCMP?~ATN.~S. The City C].e;:lt nG'i:~:d {.:inata ~vQ-.:aI, ccm~*lal.*lt3 had beep: re,istered with the City rogardsz ail al'oegc•3 ocor _'.'~!)*e; ~:Ize liS3 San~:ca p?arty in Z;agano Upon motion by Wachter, Seconded S*1?±th, aI.?. ~U- r~Qmbe;rs vc?:i.s~g in t'as;o~=, iz was RESO~VI:~ t:t.lc:~: i:k~c Gf.4:y C1~~~1~ ';e a~xtdtor~.zed to w~:~a.•~_.e a,~a 'i.zie ~9etz°o Se~,~e,r Bca~:n :~x~di.cati.~.E Y:7:a..it c:cra~plair.t, had baa~, raceived af~ci rscl~aests,: a t~sp,~rase :.o tha la*ter„ S.IGn1 I'tR:~;~~T m y~3?l`~iZIfL~RI~, Upon mot: cn by ?'oiziti, sc~co^ded i~'achrer, all memb2xs •.~ni?.~i~ ;:ea, i~: ti~as RES(:LVIaD that the sign permit apgx ? ca~;ioti or iTendmarlc it2 r'a~;~r6lale Prr'~ N~o„ ~. ',e approved as s~;bmi.tt2d. ?::1Z', Fr.O~iCCT ~~~.51s s PILOT tcldOB HEIGII'~S 47.'H ADDTsIGI6~ Tile City FcAgi:~eer preae~f~`ed Ixs.s •repvLt regarding Imp, rr:,~ect ~~154 involving tctil~!try i:apravem~:zts in "t':Ylat Y.ne~b IIe?.g1:'ts /-;~th Addition, Upon notion by Rahnp scone~e~l Sr~.th, it was i:Ef~().uV.i;~ than: *:he report be accepted and tlio p:Ybli.c nearing co~xce~ring the repu.k.t ~e acr<a;:uZe3 fs~r Dec.er~ber loth at 7:40 p,m. at the Ci'"_y Ha1Z, A?~1 me~~~e*_-s voted ~uJp CAa3'TI:P.F;?J'~~ IIT.,L,IrS ADD*TIO:', A i.e~:ter from .An;umn Dwrrlcpjuent,: Co., the ~:eveic•~~cr of C~a.ltarlyiary Halls Ac~clit on, re~Ic:-~stj.ng a'~1 a~tPnsion of ci:re sr,,: Fub- mi~s'ic~n and «ppio~~al of t'he final plat far an addition~~l six months c~a:~ r.E~via;~1~, tai:c-~t Motion by Po?_zir., seconded Sra)~~::a, all meYehers voting yea, i+~ was P.ES(~LVED t`~~t t.h~, apt~~li~.P.~tc~n for extensicn be a;~p~'oved cr Q.r, addiL-ional ~, *,~onths d:~a to k:.h~: fira:..ci~.sl sitGSatior„ F~i: CA'. DR;iP',A'F. ~ T:iT.E~ RI~~I., The C~!.iy A~:tornpy i~ad3catEd that he attsL~ded a ~;~~~Y.i~?g called by tkia Bur~,zsville Ad~inis*~rator. on Ionclay, i~ove~nber 18t?~. ::~ c+iscu::a rL~;pos~d ac~cion, reg~zrdt.~a,u t~:~ ±i~o~l Disparities Bille I'.e i~?dical:ed tha.: a rF~ue~c Baas i~eJ:~g ma{3e by Turnsvillc to otk~er neighboring coacau~zities aff:ec•~cd by tr:?6 s»CL; LO 3'U~?`n:~'~t`. ~3']1.~T3 wit:nin t~lL nC?!Xt .F.~?5ti' 'v~°$~:u ~T2 £i1~JpUr~ O€ ~12e .JY1Z':LS:~'~ ~'Lii~:~'!d.~. Stat~~*~c~.aY oa.t. g s.±batted by Burnsv~I.l' ~ oaz i~:s appezl to the Ur~itn~? StacE`. St.~pr~xw ro~:ate In add ti or, it ~7as indicated that a me~.:~ting of ~:he city st.Lorn:~~~ .ro w~xcse conuiw~ri:?ti?Q wil?. be h~11 on IJednesday, Plovember 2Cth to diJC:~sJ fa~;lYri. ~.xcre~ser a;:t,.~cn r, gaxding ti~a lava, Upon motion by Pc~.~:~~~;, saoJne?ed a,~ R~:hn, alb. _]~ meL~ers ~;~+2°ed in f3t~or, it toas RESC:~JE~ t~?.a~: ttce City r'lt~.ort~~:y b~ ctrFCted to sa~hr.L.§: saa L~~.•ict;s C:stiae l,~biei in supUOx~• of £urnsvillF°s ~~*-:.adicfiionsl State::,eZt ofa appca3. ~~~~ ta,e t?,S. St:preme Court and •,:o attend the m:et?.ng ark to report bac;.c to fi;~<<~ Coezncil a°adarding future ac;:ion. C'-_~3~A?t .~l~i.c.~:1ElF, REEGIAY - Pt)T;LIC FtER:4II+G, Upoaz motiea hr~ P y].zi;~, seconded Ic;.~b.,n, :Lt. ~,qas R.:~SCL`J~:U that the City Engineer and City Planner be a+athori~ed do n7-~.pars a staiemcn_ regardi~~g the GECar Avanae b-rid~;~ ):;iS t-a bP sub~iitte3 t:o ta.~ p~~bli.c I~pa;~~.*cg vcheduled i'or December 3, 197!x. GCS. ~~:P. 51~:~E1•Z'TNG CfJ%3PANY. Tine city Attorney also xevieuaed i:'-ia r2cluests that ~aefe l:~e~.ng made by the City Clark f_cr sfcudies by the PZinnesota Pollu~:ion Cont~-oi Agency and t:he Minnesota Board of Hw~lth regardir~b the ir~~+act c°f poterati.ai. futuro devclcpme .t in the vicinit;~ of the Gopher Srx~eltir_g plant .~s requested 1, t,.e Citty oi: Eagan APC. Upon motion by Smith, seconded 4Jachter, all mem~~~°s voti~~g yea, i•c was RESOLV>J that t~is City Clerk be authorised to rEquest assistance ~?n the form of investiga*ion and studies regarding the ope:ratic:~ ct Gops~er 5melt:ing plant and its opexation both in the past and fiit:ure iSi relad it>n ::~? •t~-e prcpas~:a Gopher-Eagan PUD appl?•^_at:i^n covering land in C'rie v~_rin~.tyi of t-~x4 piab~*_o Upon :°3c~tion duly made and se^.onded, the b~.lls as follows Caere er2a~•Ad gaid; ~~arrant nar~a..rs: X91-298; 13385-13500; 1001-1047, 1027 voided; 735-786. Upon rs~tioi c~.uxy made axui seconded, the meetir!g adjourad rat 11;20 p.m, Da~'i::ci; no~~4mber 1~, 1~;~~• -u- 1975 OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSES APPROVED BY COUNCIL Sidney Applebaum dba Cedarvale Liquor Jean Parranto 1975 CLUB LICENSE APPROVED BY COUNCIL Robert G. Olson dba Lost Spur Country Club 1975 ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSES APPROVED BY COUNCIL Raymond Murphy dba Murphy House, Inc. William H. Smith dba Carriage Hills Country Club Gary Walter Starks dba Halfway House Margaret L. Revolinski dba The Valley Lounge D. C. Corrigan dba Indoor Tennis/Eagandale Club Julius Matlinsky 1975 ON SALE SUNDAY LIQUOR Raymond Murphy dba Murphy House, Inc. William H. Smith dba Carriage Hills Country Club Gary Walter Starks dba Halfway House Margaret L. Revolinski dba The Valley Lounge D. C. Corrigan dba Indoor Tennis/Eagandale Club Robert G. Olson dba Lost Spur Country Club Julius Matlinsky