12/12/1974 - City Council Regular~2I.AI~J'l.~3 CF A JOIr]T EL~GA'id P~F,?:~ C~'T*1~ffTTFE Fc Ci]`'~.' CnUIiC?'I. FETING Decembe,: 1?_, 13~~i A joi,a~~: c~etir~, of ::~~ ~agaa City Council and Park Cs~nmittee was held at 7:00 p„ta. ova. Dccerr,'~er 12, 19T4 at the City Hall w~itT~. all City Council members pracen4:. T`:eu Park Committee members were ThursLOn, Everson, Cc~tAs, Ma:.-t:tn ^+~^pQ~:, i~~ei :~~oF:en sad Schmidt. <<'IT?~::'T2Nk'NE PA'iK The Mayor convened the special mectiag and indicated that Chi pi±~pa~:~ ck f:,;1~ ~e~'i?:g was in response to the request of the Timberline Asscc. ~:o d~.oc;zns i:ne proposed acquisition of 10 acres of property for park purposes ot~c? by N.3r+•:~~-~ Shields, South of Pilot Knob School and Haar the int3rseci;ion of Higkaay ~~31 and Y,one Oarz Road. A number of Timberline residents and a3acciabion ~~'a~ers appeared and requested thst the Council take action concerning the acquisition of the pa::cal at the earliest possible time. T'ae Council members azid consultAni:s ir~icPted that con+stsnt negotiations have heen g^•~azg on f~:y sa-~eral years with Mr. Shields and at t'r,:s preapnt tiaEe Mr. Sb.iei~as is ccnsira~:ring submitting an application to rezone the balance of approxi- ,~,tQl 13 sores owned by him West of Pilot Knob Road for townhouse purposes. After considerable discussion, the Council directed the City Attorney to pre- pare a proposed purchase agreement for the acquisition of the 10 acre parcel to include dedication for future park contribution with the understanding Chat the application to xezone thA property for belunce cf the 17 acres for townhcuse u.:e wall bo sti'um3.4tQd for review by the AFC and Cour_ci1. P•ARP. CL;P~~iTTE'u~ T~tiLETTNG. The regular Parr: Comc~.i.ttee maei:ing c.m~;nced a~• about 8:00 pam, wi,:h Chairperson Sc~~.dt presiding. ?l,~o pre~en~ Fora Robert Rosene, City En;:tneQr; Greg Franzen and Pasl H,sug, City Attcr~ae;;a Md:IdL'xES. Upon motion duly made and seccnded, the mi*.+rites of the previous -1- '~t3$:it1~ wex~ R:Pj1Y.~°~ti Titi;~~ll t~e c:~»~,9ti^z~ ~l:??t 011 I:~.^~e 3 i 11~ GioC(1 ai~7~S~~3~' 812~iT~, be °:ltatun o ~ . W s3?I,J%u'~ CC%N.STR'JCTION CO. T!i Ci4y E~incar discussed the progress concernir~ thQ cnup9.yti~,. cf tl~e contract with Westland Construction Co. including a request by Weztlu~l £or compensation for extra work as ou:;li:~ed by the Engineer, tatalir.! $,,~~~9~p0. tse co.ntnit*ce discussed tre rett~inage and requestEd Nr. Roses ~:o r'a.T',..%.::'_ aSi~jFa~i..t:! w,7 Lt~~y ia.:k CA.'CtTlit~ee• r:,r":_~~^,"~:T; ~'N.:~~tf;M. Greg Fran,ea revi~~~ed maintenan~:e problem in various M 5+~;~.~iK~~;C 1Ae,T;~E ATTEI~A»TS. I~stir..gs are schQduled dur3.ng the week of December ..._._.....~__._.v.~~~__.__ l~u%n to irstr*aot pack ati:e~anto of tl~:e ice rink arsi also first aid instruction fi:~ be corcc?utit~d by Donn Ssnitha Gr~;e irrciicatecl tl~t ha Trill nacd 1~~ at:ten3ants plus ayte*:naxes and has 10 strong poFS~.<<:~ ii.cies to dote. P,art~ra S•.l~r~?lt agreed Lo revie~~ ttie aethod of submitting and preparii+.g t;~rn shoe*s fct~ tno ice rank efts :dsuta. S"~r~;l'.VISOR CF ~,~END.~1^xS, T'ne co~cmi.t~:c~ al, o ctiscuss~~.3 t!?.e 'riri~!g of a sins •r~riscr fo.° tae ice rink attez~dsnt3 Rid i;pan mo9:ion c?uly mxds a*,,,d seconded., G '~:g Fx zr~~a c~ ~a Eu¢norized i:o negotiate for the hiring of the supervisor and to report to the Park Co~ntttee members inforsally to confirm the hiring. OL'E~~T N'~~ xLNC ]SAW. The City Attorney discussed with the Park Committee the it~+s~^t of t;he o;~en :,.2eting law on the Fark Com~sittee and sub-comm.~.tuee meeti.ags. Zt c•,as suggEStcid that notices of trs meeLir_gs be given whex~evEr possiule. I~IJD ~C~UIaITI~aN COi~3TR.AC?', Fanl Ha~zge reported that progress •Ls being made on ars5::'er:;.~::~ ¢?x lntc.st letter from fiCID requesting inforrsatic±~ axul mgteriwl tc complete the final install zit on t?~c~ lIL'D acquisition funds. TJpen neotio~! duly made and seconded, the mee!:ing ad~ourne:c~, Decea~u::r 12, 19~~,- Janusi~~ Council M:~etings: Gerber Hatteberg _20