12/17/1974 - City Council Regulari~TPIUTES OF A RLGT_TLAR E~SuAN C?'TY C0~?NCIL t~ETI:IG EAGAPJ, t~.:C:':`IE3GI+,.A Dec,:srbar 17, 1974 A regales meeting of the Eagan City Council was held ca December 17, 1974 a~: &;30 p..,a. at the City Hall with all members present. Robert Roseae, City EIIgiszeer; Paul He*stze, City Attorne;~s and Alyce Bolke, City Clark were a13o present. PnA?iT.Cr,S. The Mayor convened the meeti-zg with the Pledge of A.legiance. is an z~~tin~a by Smith, seconded Wachter, all teembe~s voting yes, it was RESOI:VF.D that. the minu~~:es of the prAvious meting be approved as distributed. Mr. Robert Soeck, representative of Merrill-Lynch Goveranment Securities, Inc. spFeaxed and dis~usaed possible inveetr~eats by the City of Eagan through Merrill- Lynch. FIRE DQPAR'1'MEPIIT. James Olsen app~~sed t~sd presented two proposed option3 for fi:anciug L-he future fire fighting equip eat certificates whereby 25% would to sold at thv present tisae and the balance would be finaacP~l at the ti.~ of delivery of the aeri$]~ fire truck. Upon action by Wachter, seco:uied Rydrych, sll mamhQra vot:I.ng yes, it uses RESOLVED that opti~oII Nn~ 1 pcovidi.~zg f~i sale o:i certificaicea of ~~% of the proposed cost of the seri~sl fire Muck totaling approx3r~ately~ ;'~ 1, 000. G0. AFRXA~ FI14R TRtJCK. Fire ChiFi Bill Schultz and district fire chiefs appeared and discussed with the Council the 3 bids on the aerial fire truck which bids were cpe~^ed December 3, 1474 at 4;00 p.m, a: the City Hall. The apparent low bid of bmer:.can Fire Apparatus Co. contained substantial irregularities in the bidding process, numerous deviations in specifications and upon submission o:~ all bid information, it appeared that the bid was sot low, The Fire Bepartment recomsaencied acceptance of the bid of Howe Fire Apparatus Co., Inc. of Anderson, Indiana for $1%4,000.00 pursuant to the bid and after review by the Council acd LYpon oration dui.y made aa,d secancled it was RESOLVED that the bid of Howe Fire Apparatus Co., Inc. in the sum of $184,000.00 be approve3 and awarded. POL?C'? DEP'ARi~.'~T, Chief Martin Des:Lauriers ap eared azrl su~~.iti:ed a revi€ed 1975 Po?ice Dcpart~nt Budget. Upon oration by Pc+~.z~t, ascended Rydxych, aRl ffi.sebers voting in favor, it was RESOLVID that the budget be Popraved according to the p±~oposnl being submitted. After xeading the coamendatioas far Patrol.a+sn Roger Slater in the apprehensive of s~~3pe~ta in as aimed robbery of the 7-Eleven Store on Yaz~.hee Daodle Road, upa~s motion by Polzin, seconded Wachtar, all members voting ,*a3, it wr~s IiESOLVID that• the Cii~q Council commend Officer Slater for his diligent work in tine apprehensiatz cf Cre suape^ts. IMP. PRO.l1ECT #137 - Z00 FACILITY. At approzcimately 7:15 p.m. the Mayor convened the hearing concerning Imp. Pacoject ~~137 relating to ~:he sanitary sewer trunk to the zoo facility in Apple Valley. T:4e City E~ineer explained that the hearing was a repeat hearing to correct an alleged defect in the notice. He discussed ti1CG proposed assessments includi±+g $195.QO for plated lots and $~:13.t)0 per sure according to the 1974 policq. lr. George May, Mr. Charles Lowery and N',r. 4..C. Anderson of the Dakota County staff appeared and sub~ir~ted a letter aRd copy of a DeceQ~er 10th resolution from i'ha Dakota County Board indicating than tl~e Board did ~C object to the pipeline going through its property unless there :is an ad~rerse enti-i.ronmental impact, that the County Board opposes a pipeline larger t'nau nsces:~ary to serve the appropriate area and further that the County Foard indicated it was not in auy way benefited by the pipeline and opp~rsed any as~essiaeats agaifist Dakota County park land fn the proposed assessment area. Ths representatives indicated that Cale Dakota County park land will not need san:LCary sewer services at any time in the f~iture. They further stated that the Coun~:y is interestEd in acquiring land consisting of at least 160 acres North of the ait~ but that the land has not been acquired nor have offers been made for the acquisi- tion at .he pre3ent time. It is expected that L-he Dakota Coeanty parlc land will be use for tr~~ils, open space, buffer €ad for camping facilities. ThAy stated that they raid not expect that sewer fac±.lities would be reccsssry but that it F~ou~.fl be accessary to have septic tasks for the camuing facilities, They fLrtlier stia".a3 t:tat there appeared to be some benefit to the Lakota County park land but they were uncertain as to haw much benefit. Mr. Rosene itrlicated that Eagan has over- si~:cd its sewer lines leading toward the Southerly portion of the City to acconsno- daf•e tiie area including the county land. There were also a number of property o~-n?rs consisting of home oraners in the proposed assessm~~t area who appeared and objected to 4he installation of the sewer line at this time. At approximately 8x30 p. m. the Mayor closed the hearing. Rydrych moved and Rahn seconded a acotioa that the Project X137 be ordered in and the City Engineer be authorized to com- plete the plans and specifications covering the projecf:. Thove in favor were Rydrych, Rahn and Polzin; those against were Wachter, Smith. The motion was not adopted because it lacked a 4/5ths majorit-j according to statute. II+~P. F~tOJECT_ X154 - PIIAT R.IiJB HExGHTS 4TH ADDITION & FISH I•AKE AREA. she Mayor then con~Tensd the public hearing relating to Imp. Project 4154 regarding sewer and water improvements to Pilot Knob Heights 4th Ac?d{tion in the Fish Lake area. There wexe no objections to the project. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all c~m~+ers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED tY~.at the project be ordered in axed t~:~s€: the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications. STG?J PERMITS. 1. Cedarvalp Highland Apartments The sign permit application for Ceda,:vale Highland Apartments at the entrance to the apartment complex on Rahn Road ccnsisrisag of a 5' x 8' sign was reviec;ed. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the application bA approved subject to the sign being no closer than 60' to the centerline of Rahn Road. 2. ML:u~ iota Federal submitted an application for sign permit for all four sides of the Minnesota Federal building on Rahn and Highway ~~13. The Council discussed the policy of requiring that such applications conform strictly with the ordinance. Tdo action was taken. -2- ORDII~T4NCE NO. 43 - 3.2 SEER I~sCENSE. The City Attoxney discussed kith t'ns Council the policy of permitting minors to work and to cuter 3.2 es*ablishacents. It was reccmmEnded that no change in the ordinance be made ivaofar as minors in 3.2 establishments are concerned. SEWER ~: WAT'r',R MASTER PLANS - 1975 TF,UNK AREA SEWER ~ WATCR CHARGES. The Ci*.y Engiru:er reviewed with the Council proposed revisions to the se~,aer and water raAsber pluj: for the City in that the last reviecs was made 5 years ago. I3s further sabsl~:t":~- ted recommendations for 1975 trunk area sewer and water lateral benefit charges indicating iu~reasea to each of the categories. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the interim rates for 1975 on the proposed schedule for trunk area setaer and water lateral benefit charges be approved on an interim basis until the newer and wager master plan is reviewed arnd further that the City Engineer be aut'~c-rized to prepare a revision to the se~:~er and water master plan but that cost is not to exceed $2,000.00 for each study. 3,2 NON-INTOXICATING I,ICED?SE 1975, The City Clerk submitted a list of 3.2 on and off-sale license applications pursuant to the applications for 19?5. Upon motion by Wachter, seccnded Polzin, all s~mbera voting yes, it was RESOLVED that all 3,2 applicaticns be approved according to the list attached to these minutes. PAGAN RuP.LTY - GOPHER SI~L'.L'iNG CO. The Council next discussed the need to appoint a person to co ordinate the testing and reporting to the Council concern+- in;; the Gopher Smelting plant area. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, it was RE50LVED that Bea Blomquist be appointed to coordinate the tests and reports by the state agencies aril other groups and to report to the Council periodiceily concerning such tests. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVE that the U of M Plant Pathology Department under Dr. Krupa pursuant to his letter of December 6, 1974 to the City Counc#]. be authorized to proceed with testing avid reports in the area of Gopher-Smal,t:tng plant and to report back to the City Council. -4- CHAN77, ORDERS. A. ect #147-A - Woodgate 2nd Addition Change Order No, 1 IIIin the cum of $74,627.60 to include sewer and water services in Woodgate 3rd III III Addition. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voted yes, such change order was approved. B. Project #128-A - Silver Bell Road improvements, change order consisting of two parts, $1,910.00 & $636.00. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, the change order was approved. C. Central Trunk storm sewer Project #110-A change order, watermain to the R, L, Sohnson warehouse in the sum of $3,597.29. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, the change order was approved. AERIAL FIRE TRUCK. The proposed contract with Howe Fire Apparatus, Inc. for the aerial fire truck in the sum of $134,000.00 was upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, approved subject to review and comment by the City Attorney. RUBBISH HAULING LICENSE. The request of John Cox, 949 Fuller, St. Paul for permit to haul rubbish in the City of Eagan was upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, approved. PEOPLE'S NATURAL GAS. A letter from People's Natural Gas indicating a rate increase of 67. in the City of Eagan for natural gas service was reviewed by the City Clerk. SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY. A letter from the Suburban Rate Authority requesting Eagan to participate in the study concerning Northern States Power Co. rates of electricity in the suburban areas was reviewed but no action was taken. COMPUTER ACQUISITION. The City Clerk indicated that a meeting was held bet- ween representatives of Inver Grove Heights, Mendota Heights, Apple Valley and Eagan and discussions are being held concerning a proposed purchase jointly of a computer by several municipalities to read election results for general and special elections. No action was taken. -5-. PARR LAI~ID ASSESSMENTS. The Council discussed assessments on park land with the total balance of approximately $53,224.45 for special assessments and $2,21q.15 for real estste ta.~ces. Discussion concerning the propel funds to be used for the pay~auent of the assessments for taxes was discussed and no action was taken. TIMBERLINE PARK - MARTIN SHIELDS. The City Attorney submitted a proposed agreemes:: for the acquisition of a 10 acre park location Southwest of the inter- sect~.on o Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road to include the purchase of 6 acres rind dP.dicQc-~on of 4 acres covering 27 acres owned by Martin Shields. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the purchase agreement be approved with the understanding that zoning of the balance of the 17 acres at the Southwest intersection be commenced to proceed during the acquisition process. HUD RESOLUTION. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Resolution submitted by tb~ City Attorney retarding notice to HUD that Eagan will not convey, lease or encumber property acquired with HUD funds with consent of HUD be approved. Z00 TRUNK PROJiCT 4137 - JOHN BROWN. A letter prepared by the City Attorney addressed to Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, property owners South of Cliff Road along the proposed zoo trunk interceptor regarding consideration for the acquisition of an easement was reviewed. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was approved. ASSESSM?NTS - ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. The City Clerk together with accountant and finance officer recommended that all assessment projects in the future be assessed on the basis of actual contract plus administrative and other expenditures for the Specific project rather than by contract casts plus 17% Edmiristrative and miscellaneous expenses. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea, it was RE50LVID that the policy recommended above be adopted for future assessment projects in the city; it was further RESOLVED that the sum of 2% be -6- traa:-:fErs:e~~. from assessment receipt to the general fsrnd x:n rs~!nbnrse Ghe ~Enr:za7. fund for necc,sa:~r; office salaiies includis..g assessment clert~, etc. office a:ry~nses and other r~:~scellaneoua cdniuis4rative costs. UgQn m.:tion by Wachter, secoax?1ed Rydlych, all members voting ~.n favor, it ~=cs F.ESQsVFD zhst the follo~~ix~g bills bs paid and t:~e nee~:ir_g ba adjourned t ~'k32..> t,:rE~uah x'319; ~kl? 31 through ~~12C~; and ~~844 through ~~894. ~n mueti~g :~cz.~d~~.rn2d at 10:45 p~tn, ?'ece~ber 1?, 197+ ~,~~ a-L~~~-ems' - ~~~ 1975 On & Off Sale Malt Liquor License On & Off Sale Beer License Ray Rahn Parkview Golf Club 1310 Cliff Rd. Ralph LaMoria Airliner Motel 2788 Hwy 55 Off Sale Beer License Brooks Superette 4225 Cedar Av. S. Applebaums Food Market Inc Cedarvale Shopping Center Country Club Mar]tet Inc #28 3820 Sibley Memorial Hwy 7-Eleven Store Yankee Doodle Road Superamerica Co. Rd. 30 & Hwy 13 On Sale Beer License Nancy Hanson Terrace Motel 2745 Hwy 55 Gary Strus Spruce Motel 2794 Hwy 55 Robert Kohout West End Fishing & Hunting Club Robert F. Lee Robert Lee Restaurant 4030 Cedarvale Dr. William Duncanson Mr D's Pizza 3904 Beau d' Rue Gary Johansen Pizza HUt of Northwest Inc 3992 Sibley Mem Hwy