05/07/1974 - City Council Regular2~;Cci(JTt~<:i OF THE REGULtiR MEFTIIvG OF TI ^ CIT'~ CvJNCIL L''~CAN, DITN:VESOtA Mai 7, 1914 The rtgulac Council meeting was held or. clay 7, 1974 at the City Ha11 at &s3G porn. A?.l m~~lnbers were present. A:~'ter ",:ha '!~1.edge of Allegiance, the meeting c~as convened. Upon .motion by tdanhtery secor„de1 Rahn, all members vot3.n„ yes, it was RE30LVED that t_he zrr.?xa:~s of t~ile regrt? ax a±~etsng of lt~p •i1 IC, 1374 be approved. Upon :JO~:tors Ly Palzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting in fa•<~o:r, it. ~~sas F(Bti0:f~1ED t,T.zat the r+linutes o$ the As~ess~~nt Comlu~rtee meeting Q~ ^tii 17, he .3~~+1y1?V3Ciy ~.pon ~ureher motion by Rahn, seconded Glachter, all mesn::ex•s vo'~ing yc.r•, i;: :gas R:'s^3:a~CED i;ilat one mirutFS of file special meeting of the Cottizcil of Apri.1 ?,C, ly7`~a ba ac~~rc.e$ with the sld3tiosl cf the names of the Ii~,gt•1~•~ay Dppaxtnenr rsx,r~~> senUaL-.~svas gl'e;:e~it: Chuc'~ Sigerude and Gier. 9ard-~ar>xer. xir, Robert E~:aL'land, the administrator of School D:ist.rict 4191, appeawed .,-~ bcq~uested a st~~eQt '!'! i~~,;~ be installed on County Road 4i=30 at file ria'<~a3.{ Suh9rl. 'J~u~ l:iotior_ by Y~~izin, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, itr war FLS'+JLL'Ev ti:<~t the r-quest for ~z street ligat be approved a:ui tnai: ±.t be i..atalled a.C i.he A racrese~i,,;ati•v~e of the Dai.ot? County Assossor appearod with a sr`i~ci~,:ta *~i` t :~ abs€;exants. ITpozl Tiotion 'ay Rahn, secox:aed Polziu iic way :?.E~.;C:L~~D •t~l-:t; ~;he t'L•.; c^.:~3t@~tl~nt: 3Ca.;or3;n~; i.0 ":'.,1:: SC~ledCtle at4aCiXict~ t0 '~;~ic^se minui:e^.• L•~ ax~3 tllcj il:.'i:.C;! ago aauLcve3 pczrst:;,--.i: ~;0 6~e. reco~lne~:~dations of the Dakota Coln°.~~ F~ss.:ss~ar-°s of::+.~::c. Ali ~ea;.b~:.rs votes in iavar, Sa'aer:~'. rep~cue:X:La+t•~:aea of thQ Eagan unit of the Lea;ue of ttio;~rsa v t:~::~'s agt~ea::k:t and ::cq:xestc:i that. the Council extend an invstation to i:i°.e Dakota t.~a;yt-v Lo=~rd to hoZa a uiee~;~ at the City Ball. Upon mot.f.ozi '~y ti~~chtFr, secon.*;ed F.~~~.~., ol~ a11. ~;e.aaers voti7;c; }*es, it was RESOLVID tha*_• svch invitat:s_cn. be extended to the County Boaid, UF~on ~~.u::~;:ndation of the Fire Dcpartw.ent, upon motion oy Pal.z3.n, s~aoozui~_d ~~~,~.th, sIl meauhers ~~oti,:A.g yes, it was RE~OLJED that the City cf Esgan bill rai1M road companic opt the basis of $300000 per t~.our for fire fig4.it~~i~g along raiito3 r_.ghf:a•°^f-way ~k:,ere fires are lit from railroad enoi*_:es. It waa t•~oted t'~at a nuc•ab~ r of se~riocxs fires aloe, the railroad rights-of-way hava occnrre~? ir, r~ec~.nf~ wA~.?:.;. IL agpea~ed Y:hat the railro~cdG are: in violation of the rPs~:rictions i-'~~: set°eening of. the engine exhausts. Chief I;~~sLauriers appeared and requested a letter from t~:e Co=~*~cil grant~.ng parm-? ss;.un t~~ ~:Y.e T:agan Police Department members to use ttie i3r~:~.~ie?°si.t•~ Gi: P..r•aesat~ ~L;o:t ra~:z~:, in Rosemount and waiving any claim for liab~slity f!~.r in,3ur•; to ragan ioafi.ee personnel against the U of NI, and that Officer M~.rna~l GF~'~:e•` ire named Y.~.e ci:Cscer_ ~.n cha::ge for. Ea.~n. Upon motion by with, seconded Wac:c~.:er all rne~nbzzs vo4~ing yea, it was RESOLVED that the forego;rsg ba aut'szorized a~zd ~::.,:~ C~.erk be aut'•~oxx.zz3 to prEpare a letter in that respect. Upon more.©ri by Wachter, seccndei R;~drych, all mem:;ers votii~, in favor, x.t •u>>s R:dS~JuViU 9.hat crpon recommendation cf ':ote Police Chief that a let:I.er. bA sor~v;~ide~~ to +~he I~irsneaota H~,gtr,~ay Department to request a step F3.~;n a*_' the 1-0~~~ _3 ~,~ac~ location exf.t to Highway ~~13 on *he South side, tie Felice ~h3ef fur:;;-~.r regu:~stc ~::~c.t ~:he Cizief and City Attorney bs aurl~orized to p~~•e,•are an o~~c~%r.ar,,~:e ccvei:~.~?g ;~a~'isiitt; Ji1 rrivate prope;.t~p, sp.E*2ding 3.n the parking lctite;. festx•I.cti~~; '€~pon n1ot%os ~~; iZs'zt, ::a~cornlod Smith, all members voting in raver, 1 fi C+%:tr ;.:1;SCi~Jt~:D ~t~,at t~_, Poi.3.css repartmerit be astioki.zed to roquest bias f~~r a pac.~:',oy ya•~• f,-~a~ trAa Police= Dcp~:~~tmert subject to compliance with approps.ate atafia lz~~, 02- 1~:~'s~ ~arba~~a 5t~idt, Cbte7~'>.4an of the Paa1t Committc:'~ ntapEaxvd and ix+~3iaa'~ec3 thaw G~e:g ~?.atnx2:- 1.a3 taper. hired fr~r psrlc. crain;;anar~ce and sxipc:a~vision and will ~e~.3.n work r.~y ~:~~:~~ The p-rk Cdau~:iF;te~: recommend•,ct exten~in~ the time to de~~e?ol,ars within Xhe c~iw~ ~'on co:YtF°~Yi:ution of cash park dona~ioxY until a.n oGCVpan^p permit ~,s grax°z~3 tin. ureaa ot;'~er thsn &~l an:I R~2 on a tem*,aorur? basis to be reviec~Pd try I~1'ovemb~.• L4 "~'~~. c~pan m~~:i.o~.z ~y Wach'ts~, seconded Ss~.,3.th, all members voting i~w faZ•o~, ~~rit reo•~r.~er~atyt:n -eras auouted b;r the Ci~:,y Council. n le:~.'ce'~' faom Rc~r. Maw in thanking the Council for appoimtmar.!t oL hi.s #;o tihp Pa*°t~ C~~::l'~:ti_ee waa read. iJ~'~v^ is~1~k.Ci1 ;ySs :Wachter, secorr3ed Raiin, all mC:mt3er3 VO'i:ibl~~,' ~'6Ela :ifr Tnvar: ,~'~~iCli6'ai tfc^~ 'r':axZ ace b~::: ~.p~~=.~Led as tt=e Ea~a.a Civil Defense Direcinr ,:yff~,~:z;itTe ~r~;ii,-~ c14:+c'a 4 , i~i.~e D:~s T;~4~tox~*, 5.C!~:` .;a~.~e T.a~±a appeared a~r1 reques~:er1 ~a bu•.~~.Zc~i~ag }a~r*~ai; ~:o xo:~ndtil ~:i:e haseantint of t-aer t•:ome for a beauty parlob, it *~as ux~!e~.ctrs:o~ tiZ~+.~ «:i'+.F,ra Mould ha ro ac3vertis~.ng and o~r~.y un~: bea~~i:y operator in hpr iYC~sae. Jpcn ~::t.~~.cn by 1rJa.•h~er, Feco~ided Smith, alZ srambcrs vo~cin~; yes, it was :r~~.:•ar.~a~~r:e,w:.:a 5:~-3F; ;'i+.~^ ap~-~ ioation ia~ approved witt3 tsze foregoing s4:inu.':.atio~;~ t~1 va ~~~^~ p~;xe~t~ ~~.m'" _fi:~3_ ~!L~;s,. .,~~ rJ~ Jo'hnsora appeared and requested per~is;.sor. of t:~.~ Coctn+~9..? F,~^ Ia~:~~it a t~ansie~c of the:~r varir-:noe do bui13 a ha'mA on a ~: acre ;~s~t~t:.~,:;:~. •.~.:~~• ~~,?vc'W t;2:t.:i Road oxf o:~ C~cat~~ex~.no :,-.~.;nto K~:ad to a pof;esat~?~.l b~°_;;-e;~ cf Fn~~ ':.~*:, L~g:o!z :avt~.an. tay War;.ta~:er, ~a.^.rulad Rahn, all r~ecnber:~ wating ya.~, i~ ~~'«~:~ RES>~,:'~.u1 :.~?;~.~t taxE~ varia~c~:r'~r singlz family be33dence be permi~:ted ~:~ t;: ~raYxsfex~x~~.i t~~ .~ b~~l~r2•r '~~ ~LZZ Y~'~1 ~•..P ~"SJ - L ~<~ n_;Ia~:n -,;-;~~»,°,•~~LL; c:asly? Y,ade s~ sc~eoncte3, it a~as RESO~~V~:D tkia4: tn:: 3Pz.~ ~:. .~...,.°r.;~.;; G(J".~Lncr:.;i;~,}~ ~:~ R,aJjS:~,~,r:sPian C~ Pem.°Tora, LnC. foT' pra~.':.'~iiaar,• plAw &~~Y'+^fS'2'~. li;' ?~.:'.~t~x' t~e.~~~.5 ~~~=Ff.: nt1~Ci~.'$,S3'!~. 7i.:1 $EG~l.©Rl :~o *A8S CO5.1'~.lltlyd 1T°'Sril '~$~ 2':~,~: i'rc~L~,:Y'.~.t3~ V:si.;~.,it;y 9 ~'A ±~ae r;a~%or Lnexx reconvened tre Ysu~,J.i.c hea~:isig relati::g to Lrn~ Pro;e:ct ~~1~~ ;A cons3sf:ing o'~f S~.israr Be 7.1 P.oac; an4 BAerwovl Br'i~-e street su:°fac~xzg. CI13r1Es '~~u~a~¢r Epnca~e3 er.~l subtr.itted a le2:ter ro the Council rbi~:ct:Lng to certa3.r. a:~ze~~t_~ oL the acsuas:neYi.t pxoject, Other affected property owners arp~ss~d and the Lr?~..a~~:ea wart ~..x~cugh in detail the method of arrivixig at ttse coats for the tyo;ect. t;}~o.:~ r:oyt.~zf by Rall:~, secoxded Smith, all m~;mbcrs voting i;~ avo~ it ~t~.s R~~wJi:~7SU •~h~t file roll be adopted as presented and that it be certifier f:0 t'ie Couti`.:y tiulif.or with tl~e cY~anges recommended by the Assessment C~~mm~~~C~..~a. T,~e ?Aayor Scher reconvened the tp b13.c hearinp~ concerning Imp. ?ro~e.ct ~~~~7.~iy relatXaag to se~aax, water and storm sewer im ro•verccnts in the Dcnn;~sood ~;~di#:ios~ a:re:a ..ea-. i,ei~ay La~z~ Mr, Ed Reid Eppeared and questioned the ruet,~:xl o~ as4ess- s~r~.t on ris p:~oYazty s.•i~aicli was expl~,ine~i iu detail. The Council ind3.cai:ed that in ~.-ze z•:*~:n•t t~rat rte. Re.d vacated a 30 foot right-of-~~ay fr~r s~tA~e ~ pua•n: ~.~~:, alorb t'iae Pdocth line of the Reid property t:~at a 30 foot credit: wo•::ld be gi;~.nF~d. ~petx ~n~: tiayZ by &y~drych, seconded Rahn, all members voting ~ es, it ~sas ~.ESJL;'?~;~ tsar in the e~~en:. tY.at Mr. P.eid grantE an easera~nt for the North ''C fzeL of ~':ile p~oaert;y for s:.re::t• purposes the roll be am¢nded to credit 30 f~~c~: to Per, R~~.d. r:r. Rplc'+. ir_uicated tk~at hP would grant 3 3c~ foot ease~uexzt. It s~za f'~::ftl~er strip:>A :La::ed. t.1:it: ~y.xP h~~n...e to the North of the Reid property would be set bac?;: i~0 feet fr•,~ fait ce..~tzrlir~e when a building permit is 4pplied for for ta`cat los«i:io.ta u~~7GiT3 il`~f:i^il 'JZ~ ~Sactlter, seconded itycry*c:h, all. members VO~:in~; ~•-;3, ~f; W' ?'•~~~'"?T ~~G'J t~.a:: i•hc portio.~. of tY:z k;o:gers property South of i:he South rigai:-ot~-way i• ~-:~ of ,~,'I~~1J' ~,::~ by ^r(':6ZS..i.(~ aga5.n3t f:i1C ia::eral axi3 street as^ue:i51T.G"':':~ F-`.312'. a:~3 -~i.':".-~.":: o~' ;.:~ ~ol~~rs proper'..;~a Jpon mc;;io:, by Ryirych, seconded Rahn, a7.1 me;~:~.;~ekt, voti.:ii. ~.r.. Y:a..:~r, •,~~ w~u_, :.r~SC~i;i'~~J that t::c assessxue:slt ro1.1 for Imp, Pro,tc f17.3 bo a~+~;a±°c~cf axi3 i~z cr~ri:i:%l.E.~l to the County Auditor with the fr~x:egoj.na changes. -~- try. w'v',•?.an I:ak=;~~~x aPPeared or. behalf o:~ h•`:~ reQQJeSt to c~ezEr i~he sasess~a;.:` f-o~: sty°ect~. ;~lati,g one s•~cle of Y.is Y.ct consisting o£ Lot 1"!, ~~.,ck 1, j.,P.ie!'ld:~'3 vd:~ir;io:l. i~~:on :~o~ion by Rahn, seconded Rycibyc'rl, ,sli me~z;~e::s voting yes, it i'~a~~a RF.SUI.t~r::7 LIl?I ~' l~."i° 2'C Q[IeSt fOI dEf?rrLG.s~It be Q'~n~eCZ ~.II tLla hi~S CC11 fa.8C 1Ct Tti v. n^ ncr;: ~'.:asA~.ar to r;h~ double frontage lot in the area whare file assessmen;:s were dF.feirec, J~r+)?'i ~;,u~::t.o~z by Wach3:er, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it Pais i~;;:'a~~Lti'iJr; t~~a~~ r~;e ~~z~y~.i~e r2at~:~.11 concerning tIle application of Unisource Coraoraf:ir,;:a :r:~z t~',~ t>,sxc>~°~a~. c:c i~1:i.srion Hills in Sections 20, 29 and 32 be and it Yiareb;~ s.s schF~a~.:~PC~ :con May 21, ] 974 at 7:00 p.ra, 1f?~. a~an~.l,ca~:a.o:IS of II~~.isaurce Corporatiau for prelimlxlary pY.:=~.~ ag:~c:Yal ~~~: F`za~e i an<~ T"~. cf Ni:?.s:~.~.on Hills were: de:Cerrad uzztil the n,xic regulti=Ir meer~ing. ifir~. J~a t~::.~aus appeared on bchali' of hPr application for a k:~.z~t~ ~. ~i_ _ .=..c: _a-~~_~ anc?. ~sY,ecia?. +~:~~. Y,ez~ti?' foa the opea. ~t~i~~ri of a dog keno, l at 306 Lexi:?gt.or~ t~ :•c.?ue Sosst. ~ for:a~:xly the Silver Eaablem Kennels. The APC recan>~Ierced as*pr.ov~a., 't;p~~~. :n-,ti.on by Pol~in, s~~cr~ivc:ed Smith, it was Ri;SOL4LD that the perPn~.t;.? ~e ;xLnie a'~~;^~uas.~t t~ Lia.e APC recornmeandations and pur3uax:t to all app' ica'?:~is o.c~~.nar~c~.~. IJi~uLZ Y"~Otson L-y Rahn, seconded Wachter, all memb~Ys voL•.ing yc.s, '~.'~~ ,,~aR :~'w0:~,':~3 +I:z~.~: t~h: p~.±sl~.o Y::,axixa.b ocncerning tha application of RBI., J~b.:~+c;~n i'o,: .. :~~1,~.-n'i',:~~~~,~ ~~.w~: a.ppro-,~~al -~s r~y~an 13 - Inc:ustt:ial Park in Seci~ion:: 8 &. ~: ba sit j':%t- ?~~.;i ~ls~, S~~°1' .3 i. enir~ ~7e:21o T'po. r~:co•~~:e~.~.:~°;icn of the City R'~a i;.eer and cYpon reviP.w b•~i *t~o Go~ai.~~a.~, s~: !'~"~$ 11~~±i1 '~?Uo;i.^;: O"I: 1~U.~.N's_ll, $eCOIIS~e~ f~2D1Z1 it ~iia5 Rj."~IQL~~~ i:!:3t '"tee?'"; ~.'7e.~~ 0i~:i.`;t ~?CYiL"°l:'_-~ `.,~ C:.Y.':~~.at;s.?i~; U:. ~ ?iy uii"ES be awarded: P?'O~ect ~~'.~.~u iQr ~?~it,?_OSIB~, L~.i:i'.i ±.?:~i i,~:S2w~?i'S, ~'L~'=l~~y.~r~:~C.at~i~~ '~.~~ Ri?9~IC?li1~J5:St Cnr,Ora':ic;r!; P?:O~P.Ct ~~7~!r ff,l' i:'•.."n~?,£.' R:'!E-a. .;:,~:~.?; ~.~a;:~sovc:ce~x~s, $;;x,093.00 to MciVanlera-Vivant, a+.l pursuant; to th.~ 1 isx of bids ^c.'~-.~:c.1~<~ Leo these LG.iiL'~es. m•Sv ?1r. lei: ~:.~:•~d CaY: ± son appeared o~ behalf c;: ?-pis^,pl:t.ic.at.iL~,i~, rr final pX.at atsprcva? n~ '~R:?cic~xr.~^s3 ;:,+~r.. Sth ~dai.t :one I3pon motion by kar2~, secexv3.ed t~?a^~~"~::, alb. ~:d~iiea:~ •:-.~t"~.;~g ~c:s, it was RE~C~I~Jr~D rlla*_ the aL~plicatAou ba apps=red .x~i3 ::"=~~f: '~:it', 7~.fit "~:~0 U1:tF;::(~t~ .^.~eC3ted. ;ilza~:y nc.t;~:,.s ry 8~~ith, seconded RydxS~cla, all meral~ers -1ot:I.ng yea, it ¢~as s':J;it;Z; TF'i~ th,°:"~ the req;.~~~st of 1!rnold Cax~.son for reduction o£ ~erf~~::ra2:rlb:e ??, rld n ~~J~?Y~iE~.ax. ='::r~:• :c"~om $4P5c10,00 t;o $9Gl).00 was approves subject to ache L'ti_t;y w .r.'.r`-.~ii~'.`.r" S ":-~4t3,i ciL?~ v'oJ'a~.o !'a~; !~~,rlsgc-il then reviewed the apnlicat:ivn of Pobert Burger fcr final p.u~. .rn~,_~v~l of "wo~~d 1st Addition. TI'.e FarIC Committee recot~,.~lefzdF::i *I, access<<~n•::~ r3% ~.'~~ .,.::~9.1 ea,~er~el.t ove7: Outlot: D. Upon m~~tion by Polzi*~, snc~?s::~ed P.;*cy~ycat :I,t ~~~a ~C~~O:%~~~;i~ ~:::~as: t:'t:~r ~.?p13.cation bz approved sub~aot to crr;~pli~a~~.c.~ ~it:l ~?11 o:rd:tna:7.ces •'~;vi's3:~4~g the execution. of the dat'e7.apmgllt CJAfii1Ct ar..d ~'3r: ~•7•:~,;. `<:-,:i. ;r cif sn ap,.rr. axa~;a ia~,u3cape plan. x:11 malnbers voted yes9 e~:cept taachtier wild •a~ti~QC: r..n ba~.ause no ? a:ldscape plan was submitted. The CouT.cil them revit~wEd the pospoe3 Daitota Count Plat OrR~°°.~~~.-.r.,~e_ ~. c<.~,~y ~~.f r-ra.ir,.i t~s~i l~oek~ {3 i tri.b±ited to the CoTan~:ii mrnba:cs. Z'ne Co~.rcil voy.::~sl sc:?-aA,r, E3X+'~~?,^.~~'1(?t'. f:o '~Ele a~°tempt Of the Dakota Cos~rity Board t:0 ilr..po3r .'1 :::1*7'tP.A7 tt`.1~~. .=i'~14)~';e':1'~~i >?r T;~.~,~r~ ~ F'~F. a,~p",'o°.r~;l by the loCAi m'.±~i:Loipalit;~ except: ::FI C.~.:i":5 "v?slk:~'4" C:~i.lk~`:;,~' .'~°c*a.Ti, &~.c.~y8 j i ~.YkJ~I/F-~d. TJpoXl 2n~~~~.an ~.•y Ryd]Cyc:l, secol?A~ vJ£+~:~A'~P..:c, A.~+S. i[lerli~)a'",~ 'V't5~ i°~ i.Zl ::w~:3~' it was RsSi»`J~~~ ghat t1~e Cou~c 1 *_'eCOZtII.'iEllcl f,:~3 '~"iae t;:)132'~.tG_r h:''a~'.''1 tsl:ir' ~,~t ~o~ adnp~ °r';ie o~cti~la~lce as prcnare3 bcause it appears 4:0 ~~e z±~llet:es's~.ry :[`..i f:?':'?^.. t,r3~A~ 'in'97tCi:'~ ri?? YC".1'.?:~w.ipA~.7i.'~~:+:~5 ~"a.3VC.' effeci:ive p1.f13'!!?~.°;.~ ..:~:"~'*ii~£:l.d:.l ':i:1 C:?Ll'r_',`'.i 7': ~":P{+.:vl ~:':..,.C`:p fyi13 '.'..~ ~.UL'Zi.r~T Eh0w11d arpropriatelj• CG~iP1:fG a~%~ T'!'.'~J:i-:"v" p~.a~':a` i~.st- +.-;-; ti:;.rvct: a ::.css I:o px~aposel o~• ex•=.s:ing co~.~n.t:y ro~::ds, ;, 1~vt:~F,•:.c~r, t;-oi;t I~~:, Pich~,rd Dahln requ~*sCing a sewar, water a~l~l sLc:r:!t sc:•s•a~r a.tnvr.~~~v:~~;:u~:. '~:r:;~Q~.hi.l~.cy aYu3y for C<"~i?.f:B~_'C.i118'`~ I~i.11a Q!`~y t~3 t3.!~; T~iR3 .'.,°11T)mi"d'e:~:i a~i4 '~I7'i:~?. ~J~ Zrik`.I.~:t 'by ~,,:;3a.I:, 5a~:.=~FS:Ie!~ LJachter, a1rt r1Ctilbe'zs "v'Ol:ilag j~es, i?: ~7aR Z?,:SGI;JI;T) that yl:e Gl.t,7 Fn;:~.i:.;>~:r r:~' .^.z.'zra~-i?ed tiG F:eF3re a fiF.;auibility Stt,~.y and report to tZ;a Cc~r.,ri? q ~1 lei'i:,-~x ~~L vaz i~~, I:opert Burger of l~ew Horizon Hoffes requesti.:~g a feasa.b~.a.ii:;' s~u~~s a.t,:t 'c~-^ ;r_:~+~;~ax.^rion of plans for u;:ilii:?es ar~i ~~re.-~t it~nr,~;c~;enL•e to t~l~.~rd~~,.^e 6„~d~:~t:_itats iFl. ~-.:is uaon moticn by Polzin, secon~sed Rahn, i~r ~~as ree:crF,i t.;~ k_ive C wy 8~~:,g,.n:~c:~y :Cox° preparation for a fes~si'oility stuc;~ and to gre~as::~. •,?.:''"c:: ~+~~:I -r''',(.::~ ~; a.ti. ~r~.Fiilio .c~l.~.~. m~~~~C1:S V'OtPU y2 b'• i'~s.~~.: ~;n€:-:_4an Iry 5.~~3.th, seconded Wachter, all members vot~.nt; ~c'.t3~ it w.~~ R~L=t7",r%~:T~ F:~.at Char~2 Order ~~~ to 1973 Park Det~elo~1%enr Ps~n~lecr :z~r _,~r..trc~cclo~., of :~dd'L~~:+~.~~r.Z. lac?.~.i...r.s iu I?ighvietir Paxk of $9, ISO,Ofl be a,p~a~::.KZP ~. :t.^.~,ec ~~~~~~ ir~.•, ~::cu~s S3mec rege.iesting that the c:it:.~~ c;Iz7.c,r•.~Y~ P~rr- I,ar.A ~.-~ ~'>a~~tat:ry iiaae tie'.g~,.ts Add; tio;a becacige o€ a'~' n ;ed hsa•;ry t:ra.~f:.c°°, ?'I~:: i'~::.:.c.:i P~p~-_.;:Gccl :'.~~s t~._ ~..cy that dust coaf:3..:.g of i:~terior staeets in asic?enS:ial a:~e:;s wo°'Z.c s~~.t be ac;.cmpiished without formal hearing and notice c:F ::hc- c~::eray,i.~,1 3ssascments u~::3vr z•.;.nYiesa~:a Statutes <<29, the special assessmn_,nt ?,a~,~ A i.,-:~`',:'c?r cxom ITS, Fide-litY & ~'eaarsi~tee CK;;n~a.~.v c~:,ncExn:i...~ a c~.~??:n xe:a.~~.i.~a !'^1 `,':3n ~!'a.:^•: L`.i2s?"K'.:~r:.SiX°Llction Compaq water main break Crz P,].sc&~I1:TU•c: '+1n(+. ~`I~.' :'e~ cr~:ed _-o :Yie; G:~~e' ~t!t?9%lfL3' ?.Il,i Attorney for ~31'13~Jex, 4QGi2 iilo~:~?i~1Y i:~ I~~'I'ii1., SP..C4_Ide:'~ Gill].~~1 ~~.~. PIwST2~iz2'S t3'Gf.::~r~; }r''2; i S"E:~i9S.?1'e;~~'.'4. 'i~'^:, •-~d ao +rdi1~^ t'i'p ~`a oL l':n4'J1':li. ?:F~ik321'._!.~ S~lc:'~ii:g :F'1T.,.:is :~^~ $:Fe:.jr':3.C £~c.!A:~'l: a.1cp:.u r....r.;.... ~, ~~r. s,.;~.. aiz~1 tk.~:~t asLl ~res~sa~: ~:u~,as oe -~sr•~ for tize pci~:chQsd of c~.vic. ~-_'~°.:~ °:ea:i ~~st~?:?., 1.':,a C:?.t';i A~~o~;~:~:~;~ 3~ib:n~.ttad a P:°c;p,:se3 pu:~cl:asc agre~~;m;.z~~ rt`~~~F:y:.!1~ :?0 :~~_:~5 o~,: ti:e Ii~,3.:? :t C:r~~ ~x<:~l~es~ a~.~~:ig F~.iet Z:non Road east of t'~e CiM;y IZ~.11 Lox r:+.ti~ Z.c c~?~a:"s~. Z?u~•.pes~s~ t:~t~:~~i mvL~osz b,~ Rgdrych, se~:.cz~3ed Rahn, all ziez~se*;; •~o!:t.-+c ~r. f.`~~7', ~.~ tti~ ~ :~~~`3{)3,~i~!~ a~Sl~V tI'ie p;r?:ciaase agreeme:it U3 B~~rUVEt~ utl:]"~ C4: r=? ~a}'tTi~.r'tf: O ~ A of i~.?Ko:+~: pez ~n*h:~ rent fnr the first veer „ra3 tkz,:t the ap~-ropriate of£•ici.a's0 be a~iL•:zor±~ e3 to of do the o~archaae aarae;xent. Trs ra~,~~agt: o;~ 3. R. Parranto that a1Z io:s is !:edar~~~'.s O:r£i~ce par?~ be a:~s~s.s^cS "or 4r.:e~t 'uzc~:~~r.vet~enta for Rahn Road, vas upon r~ot?.az~ ry rox~fn, se^oz~3ec~ f.TF4I.*.~~., ~pg~t;4R~~:.Cs .••b-,~~~:~ct ~loiTever to the tanderstatulir..B that it u1.1? have no ef:Fi:i:*_ ~z,, ~ zr_~rs;~~?a?. ~;;~s~;~.:sz,2.~nr.3 far 3esu d' h~:a Drive arrest ia~pra+'o~n^nta. T3:~Ce G~=~rzc~~x1. thFr. diacusaed the proposed street irnpro~rz~~ntE fur B~:au d'r;z~ `~r1.~.~. c:~~z~st.et~.~:,U cf ~:~T pro ect ~z~. Discs:ssion centaxcd axoczczc$ FLos~~c~~::d ~4Yc;_.r~c~u~a=_zz.t~ c.=f Line ~;.~itnd property 3.n the vicinity of Beau d'Rz:s I~~r:~~a~o. Ti:~ k;r~ii~.o hcar.A.z:; ~£Y; be i~Q].d on clay ~1, 1~7~+. i~`:.' Goc~z::.il 8ir+~ursed tre rs~otZstiona w~~.th tha Tc.a~stt~r~, ~.r:c~.5. xeYarin~ to t`e I1C:~..f~.~.?3 D~,:a~~t~-~nt empio;ees, D7.scussion cent~rad axc:ii~d ts`:C po~?.~..7..a re,~::eRt by the Cteur~'i's tar mediation and tre Cfty Attoxne~ i.zt;iis;:t:~ a.~: s~.~~~ hack diE~cczsr;f.un3 cy°°~?t"ce C.i~e Tearostar's r~:p~cc~eertat£ve. It was decid~:d that ~:~~a~urs t.r~e t3~:~.c~n t~,•:~;d,;! xe~~us:t a mediation tbst no formal request w.~u1.~1 b+: r~~zw:• 1~q the :;.i:~;r. TF,aE Gig-~' r".ti~ornejr revie;aed a Iettex €cam Mr. Dsn Guww~r.:-n n:ti Tiny 7, ].Se''; r_•1,ratiizg Vv EtCkr~r,^t :~.tS;~.^,!3Vem~nts for J':.7'v na Ro~-:. 8n,'~ 6~Ir.~c;4t;: 1\'C~~;. Fit's `jF1Gl°CI~ to ,~ i•?,_.~~~ ~~;;i 7,r.JC.~azt, Tha Council rpco::r.~arded no ch.~tn~e ~ :ra tl~e fns: psi: cf the r":"S.i?C;~::~~ Q^'Jt'~,S~~f.~:E;I11'4, COT„trf~L't Ca°`.hP.~ i;~L:?.F7. 8L^C's.'~E:IICICF? C~ 3 ~.~*..~t`Zr C9'~ C'r'.~.'~.~ra L~;~czz r.~tY.razz bt* Ruin, z~eccz.:1~~ Si~::~•::h, a1i : i'.~.a ~':~a:n ~,~,r, I"s 1.~~::k sr~:A May iL:h t+~::4:@ j?IIY.C~ .99 ~:0.~~.~Y:e'3; {~S~Y~~~`e'"°~.~ i~rY:°.l tilg"'li ~~"Y~fi~ ~~YS 1Gi?.7~"L9 ;~~~.~~ll~~ i~r`~~e.~~3'+ til''~°'3 t n~ ~~ L" ~/ 1l t, `{C1/ ?• JL (~ S~. ni+ , 1 ~~ ~`~'eA •Y.~~4., ~~y^~`°~~r ,r.~~Y ~I:z;~ ,r~.-~~, a; Y.a.~ ta,.c~;. ~';:1 u4, ~/~I23J.CD L,..:tt ~1'3.e:r~3. ~.~':2t?r. 31;t3`1::".w tip i:3'aE? b~~•e^.~:~22n' &(~~e~4:X')r11 lit .~ ~. $~t? p.Xdo -T-=~=- •.g_