06/18/1974 - City Council RegularIZIhT'~TES OP ~;L RE^?*~.AP. EAGt~N Cl'`TY CGUtiC'IL t'~;ETIN3 EAGAN, MI,?1NE30TA 3une 18, 1974 r'tie :sgu?ar mating of the Eagan City Council was held at the Eagan 'c;211 a;, x;:30 p.~i. ~~:~2 members were present exce~-t Councilman Wachter. after the Pled€e of Allegiance, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, ai.1 riembers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes be approved. I~Ir, E1.1 Branch appeared on ieehalf of the Utilities Degartment and discussed the post of calcium c}iloride for the cities ,gavel streets. No action was taken. Reprasentatives of the Park Comr~iittee appeared and discussed the request cf Arnold Car.tscn to install dz~air. file from a pond in Evergreen YF,rk South toward Ti~amas T..a}ce. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded N'.ayor Polzin, all members t•otit?.g y~.as it was P,E50LViJD tiat~t the request be granted subject to approval and revisor ~•y the City Er_g:inaer. PIr. kalph LaMoria appeared on behalf of the request of the Council L-o rev.~_w the il2Gbi~.2 hone dart hermit on his p?toperty at L•Yie Airliner Motol on .ii .~~ay ~~5„ Mr. ]~allor~3.a inciicaLed that the mobile home is currently being rented. LTpan m:,t~.on v Rahn, szco_~ded R3drych, all members voting yes, it was RF.SOI.VLD that the percri;~ Ue issues for one additional year but if the occupant does not have a direct connection with the motal that the permit not be renewed. Councilman Smith did not vote oa the issue. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, it was P.ESOL4~D that tha b;.lance of the ,ioaile home permits as presented by the Clexk `~e grarstQd for an additional year excEpt the mobile home owned by George Joh~lsoi~. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Ka:in, all members voting yes, it ws.s Sk~SOLVE.'J that tine following sign permits be granted: 1. Cedar Grove P~a ~L's.rt Church, rc~oval of tha present sign and a n~a sign to be installed farther East on County Road r30„ ?.. 3~ M Ws.rehouse, a sign on the West si;ie an<i the South s{,dE of t1~e 'GUiicaing because of the size of the building. 3. Cedarvale .iii.?.sic' J'2_:!rt~~ resents - Hugh Thorson Cor.structio:~ Co., temporary sign ou the si:.e during construc- tion. Mr. John Borchert and PZr. Thomas Strand of Dain, Kalman and Quail appeared on behalf of the request of Borchert-Ingersol, Inc. concerning proposed financing by the City of Ea;aZ throubh industrial revenue bonds for the proposed Borchert- Ingersol Industrial building near Highway X655 and ~~49. The parcel would consist of 20425 acres under the proposed financing. The Council discussed the fut:ice access to Milte Collins Drive and it ~~as understood that the access would be pt~~-- chased a~ the present time. Convertability to another use was discussed and a request was made for $1,3f30.00 for financing according to the proposal which would consist of complete financing by revenue bonds. The leases term would cover I5 years. Aster considerab7.e discussion upon motion by Smith, seconded R,-Y~drych, ali members voting yea, it was RESOLVED to 4pprove the preliminary appl~ca'.._a~c subject to the recommendation of *_he EaCan Fiscal Consultant. The appearance of Arnold Carlson and Mr. Larry Stoller regarding street lifihti~ in so~~eral subdivisions was continued at the request of the applicants. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, it was R~:SOLVED that tha pablj.c hearing cctxcer:iing ChQ a~glication of Allied Properties for preliminary plat approval of Rustic H:i~.ls Addition in Section ~E4 be scheduled for July Z, 1'74 at 7°00 p.m. Ali merzbers voted yes. The Council reviewed the request of Thomas R. Idaite to extend his deveJ.oPr+.er` bond to include all remair_ing streets iri Lakeside Estates. Upon motion by P•.a:~n, seconded Rydrych, all members voti*~g yes, it ~r~as RESOLVED that- the matter l,e referred to the City Engineer for revieca and reco:mnendation. The Council then discussed the plans for the 5th Entitlement fior Federal. F.evpnue Sharing funds which issue had been continued from an eariZer meati.L~. Upon mot3_on by Rydrych, seconded 1Dolzin, all members mooting in favor, it was -2- RESOLVED that the funds he used for the following parpossso The balance of th? ~,, puxchase price of the Orr property intended for Civic Center gurpeses; the construction of a utility garage on t?~e Eagan well site property on Yankee Doodle Road and the balance for the proposed addition to the City Hall all accor- ding to the calculations submitted by the City Clerk. The Clerk submitted a letter from Wilkerson, Gutl;msrn and .?ohnson concerning a proposed resolution regarding transfer of funds to be effective 12-31-73. Upon motior_ by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Co~xncil adopt the recommended resolutions according to the City Accountant pursuant to the letter mentioned above. Upon motion .by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, .i_t was RESOLVED that at the request of Metram Properties an assessment Bearing for sewer, water and street improvements to To~anview 1st Addition consisting os' Fro~- acts 404L].8, 25, 38 and 44, be and it hereby is scheduled for July 16, 1974 at 7:OJ p.m. at the City Ha11. The Counc;l then reviewed the proposed City Election Ord3.nance ~~51 and de-- teruiined that the matter will be reset to July 16, so that notice of the purpose of the ordinance can be published in she Dakota County Tribune. At 9x00 p.m. the N~ayor announced the convening of the public hearing con- cernin; Improvement Project 4137 relative to sanitary sewor trunri extension to the soutBe~n portion of the city and to the proposed Metropolitan Zoo in Apple Valley. The City Engineer explained the project and there were numerous owners that appeared and objected to the project. Representatives of the Metro Zoo inclining Donald Eridgewater appeared and requested that the project be approved. `~,: The Council discussed the need to serve the zoo site and the inevitability of extension of sewer lines to the area in future years. Topography was the con- sideration for its location and afr_er apprex3mately 1 hour of discussion the -3- Aiayor closed the hearing. A letter from the Apple Valley City Council was also read and the Co±in;,il acl~nowledged receipt of the letter from the City of Apple Valley. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it waa RESOLVED that the project be ordered in subject to a written agreement from the Minnesota Zoo Board regarding payment of their proposed share of the cost of the installation of the trunk•~and future service. Further resolved that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications. The public hearing relating to I~rovement Project 4~i47 consisting of. sewer, waCet and storm sewer improvements for Woad~;ate Addition 4~2 was neat convened. There was no opposition to the project. Upon notion by Smith, seconded Rahn, after explar_ation of the project it was RESOLVED that the project be ordered in and approved and that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and speci- fications. AlI members voted in favor. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Sraith, all members voting in favor, i.t was RSOT~VED that a 3.2 beer license for the J~inior Chamber of Commerce be authorized for the 4th of July celebration. The Council also indicated that the fireworks permit should be reviewed at the request of the Police Department prior to its approval. A petition from Mr. & Airs. Lemke in Meadowview Addition requesting that tt;e street referred to as Meadow 'Jie~•~ Lane be named officially Lemlce bane. It was noted that the street has been unofficially called Meadow View Lane and only two property owners of a possible 6 signed the request for change. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the petition for change of name be acknowledged but that MeadowView Lane be officially designated as the male of the street for reasons mentioned above. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, it was R>vSOLVEll that the sughested proposal for building, planning; and en~;ineerin¢ fees to developers as submitted by the Clerk be approved. -4= No action was taken on the request of the developer of Hil.landale Addition III for an extension of time of 6 months for submission of the balance of the park donation fees. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, it was RESOLVED that all Eagan employ- ees be granted one extra floating holiday similar to that approved for the Utility department employees. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the development contract with New Horizon Homes concerning Woodgate Additions #1 and #2 be and they hereby are approved and accepted. The Council then discussed the request of Mr. Fred matter of Creative Hous- ing to permit 6 basements to be dug and footings to be installed in Donnywood. The Council had informally granted the request but the City Attorney indicated that the development contract and bond had not as yet been submitted by Creative Housing. The Building Inspector was instructed not to issue the final building permits until the development contract is submitted in proper form, The City Engineer submitted the plans for a feasibility study for Improvement Project #150 consisting of street improvements in Blackhawk Hills Addition. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the report he accepted and that a public hearing be set for July 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall and further that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the Council approve a resolution for a proposed detached frontage road and further that the Council agree to acquire the proposed right of way west of Highway #36 to give access to the Seeg property North of Burnsville Crosstown which would be done concurrent with the proposed Highway #36 improvements pursu- ant to the diagrams submitted by the-City Engineer. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that specifications -5- be drawn and ad for bids be prepared for seal coating and award of contract for the City in a sum not to exceed $20,000.00. The City Engineer submitted plans and specifications for Project #140 con- sisting of street improvements for floodgate 1st Addition, McCarthy Road, and Lone Oak Fire Station. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be approved and accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened July 15th, 1974 at 3:00 p.m. at the City Hall. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Change Order to The South Hills sewer and water project in the sum of $1,687.50 according to the Engineers recommendation be and it hereby is approved. Further, upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the project be accepted and final payment be made. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting pea, it was R SOLVED that the bills as presented as follows be ordered paid: #217 - 225; #242 - 292; #12541 - #12627. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. June 18, 1974. Q e•