07/02/1974 - City Council RegularM.~r''J~:ES GF A REGULbR r~LfiING OF TIiF E6 ;A~t COb~',CI.L Wt~°,rA.~IV, N~IVidESOT~A ,;uly 2, 1974 At 6:30 p.m, the Mayor Polzin convened the meeting of the Board of Ad~ust~ ments and Appeals. All members were present, except Yall and Marble. The committee reviewed the Epplication of Allied Properties for a variance from the minimum lot size covering eight lots in P~ustic tip lIs Addition located East of Highway X13 and North of Lona Oak Road. It was noted that the APC had made certain recommendations for approval regarding the request for variance. Mr, Robert Gottsacker appeared and indicated that the plat had been redone to request variances from the lot depths on four lots and the length of the cul-de- sac. It was noted tP:at the road would be a 10% grade. Certain lots would appear to need retaining walls because of the steepness of the develcpmFnr_ a~~ea. The committee indicated that it felt it was impractical to develop the 20 lots on the parcel, Upvn motion by Rydrych, seconded [Wachter, all members votiikg in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Tioar3 recommend the variances for the lot depth and the cul-de-sac be denied for the above reasons. After the Ple~:ge of Allegiance, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members vot3.ng in favor, it was RESOL'J~ that the minutes of the previous ffieetin~ be approved. I~tr~ames Olsen, Fiscal Consultant asked that his appearance be contir_ued ur_til the next rFgalar meeting. Mr. Martin DesLauriers, Chief of Police, appeared and requested a meeting as goon as possi~le concerning proposals for the 1975 Budget. Mr. Bili French appeared and requested teat the Council appoint-a Tree In~spe~tor according to the 197'4 legislation. After discussion, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that Greg l'ranzen of the kaxk Department be appointed Tree Inspector, and authorized him to become cual'fied pursuant to law. Mx. B~canch s~x~n~~.ttpd bids for a 1 t;on 4:x~::lc f±-o:m I?aro'd Chevrolet in the ~.,~. -- _._... _..,~._ _ .~.~...,~..,...o suul of $4,24•.00 and fso~::C*en Chsv;:olei in the si~u of $4,195.00 and front Ridgedale ~Forcd in the sum of $4,1~ 70 X00. He recomme:,ded tAat the law bid of Ridgedale Ford be accepted. Upon motion ay Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting in za~JOr, it was RESOLVED that the bid of Ric~padale Fora be accepted. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the Utili~. :~epaLtmeni: be a~:thorized to ~rchase a box for the 1 teen trucl: mentioned in the above paragraglz, Mr. Da~:tcl Wallace appeared and requested that the Cour.~cil consider the in:~tallation of a bicycle and walirin, ,~atli from Cedar Avenue to Metcalf Jul High School on County Road ~k30. After discussion, upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting is favor, it was RESOLVED that the EngiaeQr be requested to prepare a study covering installation of a sidewalk in t'~~.3t location with alternate blactctop or ecncrete surfacing. A representative of Blue Cross appeared with a request to acquire a rexsr~.~.t to proceed with tha foundation of the Blue Cross building. Upon xQCtion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED i:hat the requpsfi be approved. The Cou.~.cil then opened the hearftag regarding the application o£ tallied :~ogerties for rp Eliminar ~t ap~raral of Rustic Hi11 s ~3diti.o~ xul for vain uce pursuant to the amen~3ment of the application before the Board of Ad justznerta axui Appalls on July 2, 1974. Mr. Robert Got':sacker appeared again. and propose3 exclusion of one lot Lo provide for 19 lots is the subdivision wl-,ich would no+t require aszy variances for lot depths and only a variance for the oul-de-loco LTpon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED tl~at the preliminary plat oi• Rustic Hills Addition be approved and further that the variance for the cul-de-sac be granted;, .All members voted yes. -2- /~ ' The CGUncil the;z convened the heari~ regardi;~g Tm;~, Pr~'~145 consisting of suer, ~•ater., storm scw~er. and str.•ent improvements of Canto-:rbury B.i11s Addition. There kTC'.,rP. Yta objections to the project. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all membexs voting yes, it was RESOI.`JFD tn.at the project be approved and that the improvcmerst;s be ordered in and the Engineer be authorized to prepare plans an3 specifications. Rep;.esentatives of Peo les Gas and Northc-rn States Power Company regarding distributio~i of natT~r.~l as in new developments was continued. Representatives of DCR Companx and Perkins Cake and Steak Restaurant apFeared for a building eg rmit approval in Section 19, the Cedarvale area uouth o£ Highway ~k13 and Last of Rahn Road. Tl:e APC recommended apprAVal, ?'hQ Council discussed the possibility of a Narih-South street East of the Perlti.ns location from the service drive to the Beau d' Rue Drive and further indicatQd L•ha.. t~:~~. service road should be built before tine Perkins Restaurant opens. Also the Council was concerned about the intersection of the service drive to Rahn Road as to whether or not it should be opposite Cedarvale Drive. Upoa s,~otion by Wachter, seconded Smith, it was RESQZVF:D that the permit be granted subject to final approval of the street layouts; s~suject to agreement as to the plat of the ovorall parcel in the Berea of Rahn and Resu d'Rue and further subject to the recommendations of the Planning Committee. Upon nation by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOT.~'JEIr that ~ub'!ic neaiirf'4 concerning the application of PiloC Knob Properties for Zreli~ninax~ glut approval of a revised PUD for Pilot I_ b 3ie~tE and :Con prel9~mi.- ns flat app~ro•~r~l of Pilot i~aiob Heights 4th Addi ionibe schsduled far July lb, 1974 a;.• 7:C0 p4rx. li=on motion 'ay Ra~.n, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the final plat of Eaten 13 Indt~st-ria~. PazZc on behalf of the ai~p~.•i.- -3- cation of R, L. John3An TnvestmenC Co. be aru: it hereb;~ is approved. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, it was P.E30LVED that a public hearing concerning the application of Ed Duna for the Eagan 500 PUD be scheduled for 6ugust 6, 1974 at 7:00 p.m. r. ark Mrs. JErrv Thomas appeared on behalf of their application for s„~e~cial use hermit for a rid in stable in Section 19 on County Road ~k30. The APC recommended approval. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved for a one year period only. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, it was further RESOLVED that two sign ep rmits be granted, one on the riding stable building and a double faced sign on the property. All members voted yes. Mr. Arnold Carlson and I.4r. Larry Stoller appeared requesting the Council to permit the two developers to install street lighting in Canterbury HiZ1s ,.~:3 in the sub~div_isian platted by Mr. Carlson in the area of Pilot Knob Road and that the City bill the cost of operation and maintenance to the home owners. The Council discussed whether to require or permit the installation of streeC lighting in new developments and whether this should also cover existing develop- ments. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Council approve the concept of lighting in developments and thaC the developer of Canterbury Hills and Mr. Carlson's developments be approve3 for installation of street lighting to be billed directly by the City to the home owner. The City Attorney was also instructed to prepare a draft ordinance covering the installa- tion of street lighting where the developers request such improvements. A request from Peratom for ~as_ service by Minnesota Natural Gas from the Burnvville area to serve River Hills 9th Addition was reviewed. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter-, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Pemtom request be granted and that the attorney be requested to prepare a -4- fr4ucixise a~;:~cen~re~: Ta~.th i%innaso*,a idaE:ura1 i:~Gs foi 9uc~: ~:Er•+~ic~. Upoxa ~.^:otiou by Smit'r~, se.crLda~t Rahn, 311 members vot~.ng yea, it wns P.ESOL4'~~ that th= c4; .xact ~~~ith Tea~mst_er's Local ~~320 covering the u~~ility employees ba approved and ordered signed by the appropYiate officials. The Cc;unsi~. then cons~.dered the Advisory Planning Comaaittoe's recommenda*ion than it review tY~e compliance by the Country Club Market concerning screening aid ot~t~door storage at its location on Highway ~~13. The Council reviewed th~a AFC minutes of Cx:tob~x 26, 1971 anr.~ rPqu2sted that the Clerk contact t~:e Count~~y Club manager an3 ;request that he Eppear to discuss stoxage and landscaping aro:xnd the building. A 1aL-icer from the developers of Cari~terbury Hills Addtt%uu was reviewed requesting that the City install s~rce~-s in the first. ph:..se of Casaterbury IiiLis Addition to be paid for through special assessments. Upor_ motion by Rahx:., secon+lEd Wachter, all members voting in fa*aor, it was RESOLVED th.:t the C~?ey Engineer be authorized to p,:epare a preliminary study concerning streets i^ tits subdivision and further that a publ:.c hearing concerning the request be scheciu~.ed foe: August 6, 1374 at 7:00 p.m, A request from the developer of H~,Zlaadale Addition to P~ten3 the ti.rae far payiuQnt of g~aric dsc:ication fees was ~3is~:ussed. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded S~aith it was RE50LVP,D to deny the request to extend the time. All vo~:ed ire favor e~ccept Rahn,who abstained. Ths Council noted requests for bids on behalf of the Inver Grove Heim and rlendnta Heights for dispatching services by the Eagan Police Department. No action was taken. The requeav of Rauenhorst Corporation for water main and sec~9er lire ~.~.~atart.la~ tion on the road rf.gt~t-of-way off riike Collins Drive for Borchert-Ingersoll, Tn~. building teas convened to the Engineer fox preparation o€ a reco~Andation a:,id a feasibility report. -5- A le%tst' L7a3 }.t?.:a ~l~ L~he PilC:;Yesota ZOJ~~,~:d2^a~ ~'•t?.`~~~j% i.t,'iitlE~?t:illg that John C~%~, R~d~ Road be~gr.ac~ed rat tte City's costo T'h~ Council discussed ~:':~~ request ar~d took no action but requested that the Clerk write the Board indica:ix~; that the ?.;aga±~ Co;~ncil does not inten~3 wo %mprove Johnny Cake Ridge Road in the wear future at t:~e City's expense, A request from the Chicago Milwaukee Railroad for approval of a perffiit for a Grassing for a storm €nd water main on the Red Owl property North of Yanl~ee Doodle Road for tli~ DTational Building Centers improvements was upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, approved. A letter from the Department of Natur:.I Resources of June 19, 1974 requesti.yi, that the Eagan Coc:ncil review the special Flood H, azard ~Asea. Mai ark rFp3.y a;, to whether there would be a neQd fcr development in the flood plain area reriuiring Eagan to m,:~ke application far flood insurance through DP7R, The Clerk t~~.:. instructed to respond to DNP. that ro development is anticipated and thai: t;1:e developu~nt would be controlled in the flood plain area, Plans for traffic signals at the intersection of Cedar Aven~~e and Hi,_„_~a~ ~~13 ~rere referred vy the Council to the City Engineer for review. The Ci~t Engineer presented a proposed Ck~ar...~ee Order ~f~l to f~cr.~ ~k17.4 ;,or~ei.sti.<e of a ~cood rocaining wall near tr4 sidewalk at Rahn and Beau d'Rue ]give in the sua~ of $3,239.65. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting qaa, it was RESOLVED that the change ender be agpruved. 'ihe Cidy Engi.f~eer presented a letter concerning Lakeside Estates Addi~-,ic~r~ z•elatirg to a ep :cformance bond at the request of the developer of Lslcesi~le Estates to e~ttenc? the bond for additional street improvements in order to aoqui::e build3.ng permits. Ths recommendation or the City Engineer was that it cover a?1 lots ~;+ith the e~;.ception. of one lot but that the Council not issue buildinb permits other than to every other let. Upon motion bar Polz:~n, secor3ed Ryc~r~~ t~, eg_ iila 1'1~m~P.2';; VOi~.Yiv ~?2 favor, ].~ ~:au RESULC;u :'fiat tie WCC7ja~i°}1ds3L]i.67n Of an a~lditiox-.4i bond of $9,000,00 for a total of $20,500.00 covering the new area be a2FrovH~3 a~~d thst the City Ezigineer review the original street fm~srovemen!:s to determine whEthFr the bona in the suss of $11,500.00 should be released. The City I~ti:orney and City Planr..er submitted an application for a bran i.n rt„~d to the t'epartment of 1'latuxal Resources for Bicycle Trail S sy ter;:s ~a,und in the su~u of $47,000,00. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all u,c;mbers aotinb yea, it was RESaLVLO that the app:ication be approved and forwarded to the BN}:. A letter from the Metro Sewer Bor and of June 18, 1974 was reviewed requesting whe4%~.~:r the City of Eagan desires to acquire the North sezrage stabil;nation end froze the MSB or: a credit basis at the sum originally pai3 by Eagan for the site. Upon motion by* [~lachte,., seconded Rahn, it was P.ESOI,VED that the City Council request that Parcel 13079 be reconvened to the City of Eagan at the p.:ic? originally purchased by the City of Eagan. All members voted yes. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting yes, it was P.ESOLVED that Pmt ~~147-A consisting of Wcodgate 2nd Addition a~13 Beau d.'Rue Drive iar~rovements plans and specifications be approved and accep~:e3 aid that tle Clerk be authorized to advertise for bias to be opened on 1~lLgust 5, 1974 Est 3:00 p.~n. at the City Mall. Uno~ notion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members v.~ting yea, it was RESC~J~ twat the heari~ be sch~aduled for August 6, 1.974 at 7s0:r p.m. cover.ir~; street i~aro.;e±~en.~ to Canterbury Hills Addition ~ro~'ect X152 axi;1 Wildern~_s Run Road improvements, Project ~f~14~+. Upon aaoti.vn b;~ Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was P.ESOZV'r^D that the following bills as presented were ordQxed paid: ~k226 tb+rGUgn ~~3z ; x`293 though ~~338; ~r`12628 through ~~12700. -- TY~a mFetir_g ad~ouxned at approximately ].1:20 p.m. July 2, 197~r -7-