01/08/1974 - City Council Regularr:I~-'~JTL7S OF P.I•,GUT~AI' I~EiING CF T?~E CITY CCUTICIL Ja;xusry 8, 1974 The regealar meeting of the City Co~:ncil waw held oz January 8, 1974 at txe City I:all, Eagan, Nir_nesota. All mem::ers were present. A. 6:30 p~m. the Load of Appeals convened an3 reviewed the application of Iir.,*ba~;c.I uyilo for a variance for a lot subdLvision on Lot 1, Blackha*.a2c Ii3lls .~d3itr.on. All m.zu'oers were present except Marble and Iia?1. The APC recaa~m~r~,?;d apga-oval, I~Sr. Iiasrard ILy11o and sir. David Johnson mere present. t)pox2 motion by ~coer Wachror, seconded Member Rain, it was RESOLVED to recoz~acl to the Coin*.ci.l L'hat the vas. ia*xoe be gxanted provided that the utilities be included and approve:. by the C~,ty. All xaexnbers voted yES. The City 1•aa;ineer briefly reported on the meeting with Bl.^•.cl; & Veptrh, co~rsulLing engineers of Kansas City, o.hich firm was hired by the 2~YsLropclit:sn Sexaer Board to study the proposed takeo•~er of certain interceptors for Mettoprtf..~ Lan purposes within co~nuni*ies of the metropolitan area. It was noted that those warn porertially two Eagan intercepto>-s thst cou13 be dete~-ined to be met:ro~. poiitan interceptors incleding the i.ntcrceptor line serving a portion of Inver G~:ozae Ileigla*_s and a futuxe intsrceptor to serve the zoo in Apple Valley. At 7:00 p.xn. the tiayor convened the organizational meeting of the City Ct~~~nci1 at the City Ball, Eagan, MS*w~.esota, All membexs ware present. Tt ws~s noted that puMsusnt to resolution of the Fagan Village Council of 1973 ax:.d by act of tH.e x973 1<f~~:Zesota Legislature, Eagan officially becsame a statutory city effective J~~nxsary 1, 197~~. upon motion b~• Councilman Rahn, sFCOnded Msyor Polzin, it ~,~as P.ESOLVEL that- the Lak3ta CouZt-~r Tribune of Farmington be designated as the official legal - newspaper for the city, -i- U~ai motir;n by Cou cilatan Wachter, seco~~ced T2ayor Polai.o., al ti members voti.~; yeg, it Baas F.35G:~.V'D that N.wd-Ames°;.ca Nai~:i~nsl Funk of L~agan, FzrsL- National 8a:i'c of St. °aal f~~:d Signal Hills State Ban< of West Sty ga'ul bg designated as off9.c a dago:,io7~i.ys f~~r ~:ne c:'sty. it':c M,~ycr tne:Y IISSig1?ed official d:~ti~s to the Coaricilaen aia~ilar to thy: apzoin.t~a~P:ZF_:~ i•n efeci: for 1973. IJ.~a::u:~tio:~ by Councilman Smith, s<:oonde3 Counci:~.naan Rahn, a?.l members -roti ag yea, it titi,ss I:SiJi,~1RD v?~at the TrQa:~u:-er's bend of $0,000 snd Justice of ti,e i~e~~^e ?iaxea :e~:nad-r's So:~d of $500,00 as submitted be approved. 1',ipa~1 mo:ion by Councilman Waci.tex, seconded Councilman Rahn, it was RE50LV'~.I) t'zaL t:ua x~pgular meeting of the Ragan City Council be scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesci:~yc oi' eG:^h konth with dej:ar.°tmert reports submitted at E:3J p,m. Gn3 t-~o reg=ilar meetings to commence at 7:00 p.m, A11 members vote•,~ iii fa>>,r. I:pon motion by Councilman Wa.:1r..te:_, seconded Councilu-:an Smith, sil Lu:?1~."~~rs voicing }'ea, it was RE50ZVED that the three posting places including App'•eba:rn' c Fond Store, Zone Oak Tree and the City Hall be designated as offici;~? posting Fls :es for 1974. tJpcn motion by Ccuncilman Rahn, s::corLde~~ CounciZ~an P.ydrych, it was REiGI~Vf:D teat Dr, Ro~E.rt Erickson of Rosemount be appointed the Health Officer for the c:+.i:,° for. 1514. A11 members voted y.^-^s. LJpoz *~otion by Cr_.unr.il~e~an WaohtP;:, seconded by Councilman Rahn, it was RLSOi:GSD tI-.at tlxe :~:: nutes of tho pre~~ious re.gulax• meeting be and they heroby are ar pro~red as dl.striC~:lted. All mem'oera wore in fa•=~oY. ~~ol~ice Chief x4artin DesLauriers appeared and requested a meeting with the rovnctl to fir.?':ize ~:he pol3ce i;udget. The Gour..ci1 then discussed tae comrlaiz~ts secei~+~~d rea st:rl, to snowmobile operation in the city and Chief DcsLauriers recon:~- mended that comsldir..ts be channeled through the police department. -2- t•1.rs. Ztea Blo::sgt:ist su'imitted a petition Pram r.esider_ts on Oak Chase Road rF<2aaG:: ir_fi t:~»at the ;:oad bs rest23 o;r th= City Couz*_cil fo~bjdding b~,aoca~;obilirg. iJgryri moi:.:.c~n by 2~a;~cr Polzin, seca~lded Councilman Rydrycz, it was RF3CrT~VED that Oak Chase Road be posted with no-sno-~e~'~i11.ng sigf~s, Talose ~of:ing yes ~~sre Mayor ??olz~.xa, Ccuz.cx~:,:~~n Ry3rych, FJachter; Counci.lrsan Rahn absta3.ned a:.c? Ccuncilsuar: S3it:~z t'O~N(I na. rl:~.it.>;.3i-1i8 from residents in the G;lateau Riviera development relating to paYlsing r±-c~'~'eu.s an.,~ traffic congeaCic~n in the Cedarvale Shopping Canter area c:~ii:s c~r~~u~ rac e~:Y:ed to t'.:e police department for review. Park Coz?t~izttee repzesentat~?ves presente,3 a request on behalf of the Padk Cnm~nf.~.tes the.: r..i sris~lrobiling signs be posted on Sandstone Drive from Shale Lana 4o Lhs CCG'a1d er.3 for safety purposes. Up~in notion by Cour~ctlman'nTac~-iter, seon.~icd Ci3.ln~•.tman Ryclrych, it was RESOLVpD that Sandstone Drive de3cribsd ab:~ve bP pos;.1d., !,ll m^slbars voiced in favor except Go~anc:.'x~.la*. Smith who voted no, There c~*.:be no huiiding par~IIit applications. M .3chweikoff and Mr. Holde-~ness of Dreyf~uss Interstate Corporation ag~?cared .relating to Imp. Project ~'~133 consisting of sewer, storm sewer aLZd sheet i-n~srove- merts ial Ra_nlblin; Roads Audition in Sscrton 14~. The Dreyf:iss represe.:itatic:.s qu~stic~ncd the storm sewer assessments and also requested limited imJ:rovealents ba ir~stal.lcd on Wenoott Road. After considerable discussion, upon motion by C~ilncilxaan ~dac'nter, seconded Councilman c~:1:~*_h, all members voting Ses, it *,~as RLSOI,",iE'D t:~at Lho C~.ty Engineex tenet wit: the deae3.opers cf Sourch Hills Addit:s.on and R:a^!'t31 T!^ ~O$C~ $ e^z:i4 Iil$~:.q reccmffiendations t0 the COll::l:.7.1 fit a lai:er t.~..II?F ^.O.^.CE'.~:lt ing improvta:•art of s~creet.s and aril eies in the aria, NLs. ~il~th ri~~dell and Nirs. Ftiec?a Gilder. appeared an behalf of tY~e regcast to Crans:~ar the ~~pecial use permit for day~cara center now located in Easy StY~F~e+.: apartments to Btsrlker Hi11 apartments. Upon motion by Councilman Aahn, seconded -3- • Councilman Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the request be granted. PLrs. Bea Blomquist submitted suggestions for revisions to Ordinance #6 and #10 relating to notice to property owners in case of request of variances, sub- divisions and conditional use permits. Changes will be incorporated in revisions to be made to the ordinances during 1974. M . Norman Vogelpohl appeared relating to cash contribution for park purposes concerning his avertment project on Silver Bell Road near Highway #13. He indi- - cated that it was his understanding that the then Board of Supervisors at the ti_ a of submission of his concept plan agreed that he pay $15.00 per unit on the basis of the total number of units ultimately to be constructed. The Council discussed the possibility of accuiring payment for park donations at the time of the acquisi- tion of the building permit. The Clerk was instructed to review the former mina"es relating to the issue. Upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded Councilman Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the following change orders be approved: 1. Project #105 Change Order #1, $2,315.50, 2. Project #120, Wescott Hills Addition sewer and water C,0.#1 - $841.38 C.0.#2 $190.00 3. Project #69, Hillandele Add. C.O. #1, Part 1 - $865.00 Part 2 - $150.00 4. Project #113, Eagandale Tennis Club sewer service C.O. #1, $425.45, 5. Project #79, park improvements, C.O. #4 to Woodhaven Park, $193.60. 6. Project #94 Change Order #2, $1955.00. Upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded Councilman Rydrych, all menders voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the request of the City Civil Defense Director for 1974 salary in the sum of $500.00 be approved. Upon notion by Councilman Rahn, seconded Councilman Rydrych, all members -4- voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the fallowing contracts bo ahpro~,•ed and ordered sigueds l.. Project ~~1I2-A, Part 2B deep-wall. No. 3 poop, 2. Project ~~129 South Hills 1st Addition utility improvements, Tho City Attorney then submitted a proposed resolution to be forwarded to the Department of Iv'atural P.esources relating to the req~~est by DNR that the C3.r..y o'_' Ea~;:x~ o~=facially acknowledge that the City Council will review applications for development on t?--n Lower Minnesota k'ater::hed District flood plain area. It was notec that flood i^sura^_ce did not appear. to be necessary as no current de~~elopment exists in the area ncr is it contemplated. L'pon motion by Mayor Folzin, seconded Councilman Smith sll members votir_g yes, it was RESOLVED that the resolution attached hereto be approved and a c~.y Le fos~tarded to the Department of Natural ~~esources together with a letter rrom the Cleric explaining the cities' position. The City Engineer then submitted a proposed resolution modifyirb ti:~ mf~nici- pal state aid road recoxhmendation to comply with the Minnesota Highway Department read layout, Upon motion by Mayor Pnlzin, seconded Councilman Rydrych, aII me~rbers voZ3.ng yea, i_t ~; as RESOLVED that the resolution as submitted be ac;apted and for- warded to the Minnesota Highway Department. Upon tiot.ion by Councilman Smith, seconded Councilman Wachter, a~.l members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the following final payments be approved and ga3.~i; 1, P~:oject ~k110B, Fischer CoustruoL-ion Co. - $30,Eh6.12 2. Project ~k44, Fischer. Construction Co. - $12,910.87 3. Pso ject ~~83-2, TIodland Associates - $35,65G-. ;2 The City Clerk submitted a request on behalf of William Smith to pay the first half of the en--sale liquor license fee for Carriage Hills Country Club at the present time and the bat once at the time of opening the club in 1974. L'po:c motion by Councilman Smith, seconded Councilman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the -5- request of Mr. Smith be granted in ligt:t of the fact that the club does not open until about I~ay 1, 1174. The ap~~lication of Jean Parranto.-for off~sale liquor license for his location on Silver Bell Road was upon motion by Councilmanllachter, seconded Councilman Rahn, approved as submitted.. All members. voting in favor except Councilman Rydrych who voted no. The City Clerk indicated that neither Applebaum's Food Store nor Lrook's Superette ever acquired a 3,2 off-sale beer license from Dakota County or the VitLage of Eagan. Upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded Councilman Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the application of Applebaur~s for 3.2 aff-sale beer license for the food store in Cedarvale Shopping Center be approved provided that the regular license fees for 1973 and 1974 are g;. id. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded Councilman Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that Brooks Superette c:~ Cedar Avenue be granted 3.2 ofr-sate beer license provided that applications and fees .for licenses for 1973 and 1974 be submitted at the normal fee. Mr. David IKirscht, planner and Mr. Charls~ Slocum of Unisource Development Corporation appeared with an informal presentation concerning overall land use fox approximately 38S acres relating to the North parcel of Che proposed Mission Hiils Development in the area of Cliff, Rah,p and Bla'?ckhawk Roads and approximately 907 acres in the South portion of the project. The development would include 703 dwelling units in the South portion and 3273 dwelling units in the North parcel, TI:e Cruncil informally reviewed the proposal and indicated that they had ro objections to the p12n as submitted.. No foraaa2 action was taken Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded Councilman Wachter, all metcbe*s voting yes, it k~as RESOLVED that I:oger Schmidt be hired as the janitor for the City Hall on a month to month basis at $150.00 a month. -6- Upon motion by Councilman WschtEr, seconded Councilman S~eith, all members eating yea, it was R?SCi,VL'D that sn sddii:ional sum of $494.03 Le paid to the Firemen's Re~ief AsROCiation for 1973 from general funk. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, aeeanded Councilman Wachter, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the e-,plslication of Howard I~yllo for variance of ict subdivision of Lat 1, Blackha+cai~ Hills Addition be and it hereby is approved. Ai?. r»ambers voted yes. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded Councilman Trlachter, all members vot~.ng in favor it was RESOLV>D that the following bills be approved : ~~152 - X1.63; X1898 m ~~19~+0; ~~11725 #118U4. Upon motion and seconded the meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Dated; January 8, 1774 ..' w